Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Angels Reborn ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Angels Reborn
By Time Lady


Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon.


Digidestined and Digimon old and new gathered in a sorrowful circle.
The battle against Mega Apocolymon had taken its toll. This one was
more than any of their other battles had demanded.
"Kari! Speak to me!" pleaded Tai as he cradled his sister in his arms.
"Come on little bro. . . Open your eyes. . . . " begged Matt as he
rested TK's head in his lap.
"If only we had come a little sooner," said Michael as he watched the
scene before him. Both he and Willis had arrived at the end of the
battle, giving the Digidestined the added power they needed to turn
the tide of battle. Joe frantically tried to stop the bleeding of
various wounds.
"They've lost a lot of blood as is," said Joe as he checked Kari's
pulse. "Her pulse is weak. . . . I'm afraid there may be internal
"This can't be happening. . . . " cried Yolei as she buried her face
in Ken's shoulder. Ken felt numb inside and appeared unsure of what to
do. He glanced over where Mimi was crying torrents of tears against
Michael's chest. Sora had her arms wrapped tightly around herself, her
own tears flowing freely. Izzy furiously typed at his computer, hoping
to find some sort of way to save TK and Kari.
"What. . . what happened?" asked Willis.

Cody Voice Over: "It was just before you and Michael arrived."

The newer digidestined waited. This was the lull before the storm.
They were about to face the ultimate evil power in the Digiverse, Mega
Apocolymon. Davis was self-assured. Yolei and Cody were nervous. Ken
was unsure. TK and Kari. . . That was another story. Of this group,
only they had faced this powerful an evil before. Both were extremely
worried. TK sat under a tree while they waited for the older kids to
arrive. Patamon sat next to him dejectedly. Kari and Gatomon walked
over to them. TK patted the grass beside him. Nodding, Kari sat down.
She didn't trust herself to speak. Instead she buried her face in TK's
shoulder. Likewise TK buried his face in Kari's hair. Gatomon sat down
next to Patamon and lay her head on his back.

"What does he think he's doing with Kari?" asked Davis, his eyes

"Davis, stop that. This is not the time," said Ken.

"But he's making a move on my girl," protested Davis.

"TK and Kari have faced this before," said Cody. "I'm sure there are a
lot of bad memories that they need to sort out together. Just leave
them alone."

"But. . . ."

"You can take this up with him after the battle," said Ken. "There are
more important things to be concerned with."

Only Patamon and Gatomon could hear what transpired between Kari and

"TK. . . . do you remember when we battled Piedmon?" asked Kari in a
small voice.

"I remember all the battles," he returned in a somber tone.

"You promised. . . ."

"I know. I won't let anything happen to you," he said, tightening his
grip on her.

"Thanks TK." She paused for a few long moments. "TK. . . I. . . ."

"Shhhh. . . . don't say anything you may regret later."

"I may regret it if I don't say it."

Before TK could reply, the older digidestined appeared. They had been
trying to find their own Digimon, who were spread across the island.
"Everyone present and accounted for?" asked Tai.

"Everyone except Michael and Willis," said Davis with a sideways
glance at TK and Kari.

"I don't think we'll be able to wait," said Izzy as the sky grew black
as night.

Cody's VO: "We weren't ready. We had planned to catch Mega Apocolymon
unawares, but he knew we were coming and attacked before we were at
full strength. The DNA Digivolutions weren't working. . . . Our
Digimon split and were battling at their highest Digivolutions they
could manage."

"Our DigiEggs!" exclaimed Yolei. "They're not working!"

"Those DigiEggs are as pathetic as the crests and tags," sneered Mega
Apocolymon. "With or without them, you'll never destroy me."

"Wait, the golden digimental still works!" said Davis. Veemon
digivolved to Magnamon to prove his point.

"Nooooo. . . ." protested Gatomon. Since the digidestined had sealed
the firewall the last time, they had given up the power of the tags
and crests. She was unable to digivolve further.

"GATOMON!" shrieked Kari as the Digimon narrowly avoided one of Mega
Apocolymon's blasts. Kari began to feel very strange. . . she could
only remember feeling this way twice before. Once when freeing the
Numamon, and once when freeing the Scubamon. Energy flowed through
her, suffusing her with a pink glow. "This has gone far enough."

"Kari, I feel it. . . Gatomon, Digivolve to Angewomon!"

Cody's VO: "Mega Apocolymon saw that Kari was responsible for
Angewomon's Digivolution. She was his first victim. . . . " Cody
paused in his narration. It was difficult to continue.
Davis' VO : "TK saw the blast hit her. I guess
something in him snapped, 'cause suddenly he shouts her name. . . ."

"AAAAIIIIIEEEEE!!!!!!" screamed Kari. Pain shot through her body.
Incredible, searing pain. She crumpled to the ground.

"KARI" shouted TK. He ran to her side. "Kari, speak to me. . . ." he
begged as he knelt beside her.

"TK. . . ." she managed with a weak smile. "I. . . lo. . ." before she
could continue farther, she passed out.

"KARI NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" Tears streamed down TK's face. Anger and
sadness brought forth energy from deep within him.

Davis' VO: "There was some kind of glow around TK, then Angemon
digivolved again to MagnaAngemon."

"How did you. . . ." began Mega Apocolymon. "Never mind. You'll join

Davis' VO: "Mega Apocolymon blasted him too. . . . " Davis choked back
a sob.

Cody's VO: "TK could have run. Instead he tried to shield Kari from
any further injury. . . ."

Davis forced back another sob as he looked at the battered bodies of
Kari and TK being held by their brothers. It wasn't fair. . . . It
should have been him lying there instead of Kari. If he hadn't been so
absorbed with watching Magnamon. . . .
"When we arrived, we saw Matt and Tai's Digimon warp digivolving,"
said Michael. "I guess that was when they saw. . . . "
"Yeah. . . . if you hadn't arrived when you did, Matt and Tai might be
joining them. . . . ," said Sora through her tears.
The Digimon stood around the humans, not daring to venture closer.
Most had reverted to rookie or in training forms and sustained some
form of injury. Only Magnamon, MangaAngemon, and Angewomon remained
digivolved. Magnamon looked at the two angels. He could see there was
a pain that went deeper than was obvious. Wormmon limped over to them,
one of his legs injured in the battle.
"They're slipping away," whispered Angewomon. "Their bodies. . . the
damage is too severe to be healed. I can feel Kari's life energy
weakening with each moment." She crumpled to the ground, tears flowing
from under her helmet.

"TK is dying as well," added MagnaAngemon in a low, controlled voice.
"I was supposed to protect him, and I let him down."
Wormmon thought for a moment. "There may be one way. . . . " he said.
Magnamon, MagnaAngemon, and Angewomon looked at him.

"How?" asked the angels in unison.

"It's not safe. It's not a guaranteed method. And none of you will
ever be the same after it," said Wormmon.

"You mean. . . . " began Magnamon. Wormmon just nodded. "LIFE DNA
DIGIVOLVE?!? It has never been done before!"

MagnaAngmeon closed his eyes. He would give his life to save TK. He
remembered his loneliness as Patamon when TK had left. This way they
would never be apart. But neither of them would ever be the same. And
what about Angewomon?
"I was separated from Kari for too long," said Angewomon resolutely as
she stood, echoing MagnaAngemon's thoughts. She and MagnaAngemon
strode forward.

"We have to talk them out of this," protested Magnamon.

"If it were Davis, wouldn't you do the same?" said Wormmon. "I would
for Ken." Magnamon's shoulders slumped as he slowly nodded. "They'll
need your help."

Izzy typed furiously. Matt and Tai looked like they were on the verge
of emotional breakdown. Joe tried to make Kari and TK as comfortable
as possible. His hopes of their survival were dying with TK.
The two angels looked at each other and nodded. This was the only way.
Without a word, Angewomon walked over, lifted Kari and held her close.
MagnaAngemon did likewise. Startled, Matt and Tai fell backwards.
"Wait a minute," protested Joe. "You could cause further injuries!"
"NO!" shouted Matt.
"WHAT ARE THEY DOING!" yelled Tai.
Magnamon stepped forward and put his hands on their shoulders. "This
is the only way to save TK and Kari. "
Golden glows suffused both angels, but the glows faltered. "Magnamon.
. . . please. . . . " said MagnaAngemon, pain evident in his voice.
With a reluctant nod, Magnamon relinquished the energy of the Golden
Digimental. The glows brightened. The other Digidestined shielded
their eyes. Those still watching could barely make out the forms of
Kari and Angewoman. . . . and TK and MagnaAngemon. . . . merging. . .
"KARI!" shouted Tai.
"TK!" shouted Matt.
The two jumped forward to find themselves held back by Izzy and Davis.
"They know what they're doing," said Izzy.
Slowly the glow subsided. The two angels rose to their feet. The only
signs of TK and Kari were TK's hat and Kari's camera, both discarded
on the ground. All of the Digidestined stared in surprise.
"Where. . . . where are they. . . ?" stammered Matt.
"WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEM!?!" shouted Tai. Davis tightened his grip on
the older boy.
"Tai, please do not be angry. This was the only way," said Angewomon.
Tai's eyes widened. The angel Digimon's voice had changed. . . .
sounding more like a mature version of Kari. On second glance, he
realized that Angewomon's hair was now the same chestnut shade as his
"K-K-Kari. . . ????"
"Kari and Angewomon are one being now," interjected MagnaAngemon. "As
are TK and I. "
Matt went limp. Izzy released his grip on him. Weakly Matt dropped to
his knees. "No. . . no. . . . "
Izzy studied the two Digimon more closely. MagnaAngemon's hair was now
a similar shade to TK's. Both angels smiled the smiles of the two
youths. Though the smiles were forced, to try and put the others at
ease. "Is this. . . . was this. . . . a DNA Digivolution?"
"In a way," confirmed Angewomon. "But we are permanently one being.
Kari and I will never exist as individual beings again. " Tai slumped
in Davis' grasp. The other Digidestined were in varying states of
"Kari and TK were too weak," explained MagnaAngemon. His voice also
resembled that of TK's. "They would not have survived long enough to
receive medical attention."
"But they're gone. . . " said Matt weakly.
"We're still alive bro. . . . " it sounded strange coming from
MagnaAngemon. "We're just part of someone else. I have the memories of
both TK and MagnaAngemon. . . . "
"We're not gone. We're just not," Angewomon grasped for the right
words. "Not an individual entity. I have the memories of Angewomon
_and _ Kari," added Angewomon.
"There has to be another way. . . . " protested Tai.

"It was the only way," said Wormmon as he limped forward. "Both
Angewomon and MagnaAngemon have technically sacrificed part of
themselves so that TK and Kari would live."

"This is a nightmare," said Matt.

"Perhaps this is meant to be," said Sora as she fought further tears.
"Had they died, they would have become angels. This way they're still
alive. . . . to a degree. "

"TK and Kari always seemed to have an unusual connection to the
Digital world," said Cody thoughtfully. "Very different from any of

"Don't be angry Tai," said Angewoman in a gentle tone. "I will still
be here. "
"I will too, Matt" said MagnaAngemon. "We've. . . just grown up a lot
faster, and in an unusual way."
Ken watched silently. The crying. . . . the shock. . . . he, Michael,
and Wills, while surprised, appeared the most in control of their
senses. Wormmon limped over to him. "The digiport is opening," said
the Digimon in a low voice.

Ken knew he had to say something. "I. . . . think it's time. . . . we
returned to the real world," he said. The other Digidestined looked at
him in surprise. "Look at yourselves. Everyone is cut, bruised, and
exhausted. Angewomon and MagnaAngemon. . . . TK and Kari will oversee
things here."

"Perhaps. . . ," began Willis, "We should now call them KarAngewomon
and TakAngemon. Since they are now neither one or the other."
"Ken's right," said Davis, forcing back his own feelings and ignoring
Willis' attempt at humor. Now that Kari and Angewomon were one, he
knew he would never have her.
"I am not leaving," stated Tai as the tears rolled down his face.
"Me neither," added Matt.
The other male Digidestined exchanged glances. Tai and Matt didn't
know what hit them. Davis looked up at MagnaAngemon. "T -take care of
Kari. . . . "
"You know I will Davis," returned MagnaAngemon.
"We should go before they wake up," said Izzy. He and Davis lifted Tai
while Joe and Willis carried Matt. Michael kept his arm around Mimi.
Yolei refused to let go of Ken.
"The digiport won't stay open long," said Angewomon. Sora and Cody
lingered behind as the others returned to the real world. "Please,
take care of them. "
"We'll come back soon," said Cody. He looked around at the rookie and
in-training Digimon, most of whom sustained various injuries. Upamon
was cut and bruised, but was in good hands.
"Don't worry, we'll take care of them," said MagnaAngemon.
"Sora, please. . . try to explain everything to our parents," added
Angewoman. Demiveemon picked up TK's hat and Kari's camera and handed
them to Cody.
"I will," said Sora as she embraced Angewomon, then MagnaAngemon.
"Come on. . . . ," said Cody. With a final wave, the two humans
disappeared through the digiport. The two angels remained.
MagnaAngemon and Angewomon turned and looked at each other. There was
much to talk about, but much to do first. Angewomon fought back her
own tears. There would be time for that later. Hand in hand, they went
to see to their fellow Digimon.

- The End