Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Aqua Village ❯ The First Time ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
The First Time-Taichi and Sora

Much Props to Lord Archive for helping a first time Lemon Writer. Without him I could have never gotten this thing together and it would have been just a regular lemon. And I will give him a plug, if you haven't read the Red Digivice Series-you really should.

Basically if you are reading this you must be over 18, but if your not I advise you not to read this, because a lot of Coke will make you hyper and want to write-lol. Also this will now have the original Japanese names, I've noticed that all anime is better when its in Japan.

I do not own Digimon, nor do I get paid, but when Digimon Season 2 gets on DVD I'll stop-Promise

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Taichi ran down the stairs to from his parent's apartment.

"Taichi, you forgot your liver sticks"

"Not now Mom, I'm late!!"

That's okay, his mom thought he can have them for dinner.

Taichi rounded a corner and saw Hikari standing with Takeru, what was he doing over her this morning. The angel of light and the angel of hope must be dating. Not if he had anything to say about it. "You two have a good day, and be good."

Takeru blushed slightly.

Taichi stopped.

"And don't be late," Taichi added.

He would have to ask Hikari later about Takeru.

Taichi ran around a corner to find him next to Sora's family flower shop. Her father had left years working at a university in Kyoto, while her mother was left to raise their daughter. He waved to Mrs. Takenouchi inside the store, but she was busy and didn't see him. He stood outside Sora's apartment above the store. "Hey Sora come on we are going to be late!!"

The window rose and Sora's head popped through it.

"You know you could have come up, Taichi, and not stand out in the street and yell!"

Taichi grinned up at her.

"But I did anyway huh?"

Sora's head disappeared and the window shut.

Taichi breathed heavily from the run he had just finished. He pulled at his tie that hung from his neck. He unbuttoned the top button of his collar so he could breathe. The door for the flower shop opened and Sora came out wearing her green and white school dress.

"Taichi you're a mess"

She walked over to him and buttoned his collar. He began to fidget.

"Oh Sora, you treat me like a kid."

"Well, don't act like one and I won't treat you like one."

His hands went back to the collar. She slapped them away.

"Stop it and let me fix it."

She straightens his tie and took a step back.

"Now if we could do something with that hair."

Taichi's hand flew to his hair. "Hey leave my hair out of this." He glanced at his watch. "We are going to be late if we don't leave now."

Sora smiled at him and came closer to him.

"You know I would be happy is we just stood here all day."

Taichi blushed. "Not now your mom will see."

She kissed his cheek and whispered in his ear. "So let her, she knows that I'm in love with you"

Taichi blushed even deeper; he felt his cheeks go red hot.

She grabbed his hand and pulled him down the street.

Soon they stood out in front of the high school, Sora spins Taichi around and gives him one more quick look at his clothes, she wipes the lip-gloss off his cheek where she had kissed him earlier, she fixes his tie one more time and straightened his jacket.

"There, you look handsome."

"Thanks mom," he replies dryly

She smiles and turns to walk to her friends, Taichi's hand goes for the tie. Sora walks up the stairs and stops.

"Don't you dare mess with that tie."

"Damn, you know me too well."

"Yes, I do, Taichi Yagami"

Sora walks up to her friends and they begin to gossip about boys and other girlie stuff. A voice sounds from behind Taichi, "She has you whipped."

Taichi spun around his fists ready to punch someone, but he only saw Yamato.

"Yamato, you're just jealous."

"No, Taichi, I'm not. I think it's rather funny"

"Fuck you, buddy."

"No thanks I don't swing that way."

"I hope not."

Yamato smirked.

"I'm also pretty glad that I broke up with her."

Taichi smiled and clasped Yamato's shoulder. "Yeah, me too."

Sora glanced back quickly to see if Taichi was still wearing his tie. Her heart felt five times bigger than normal every time she saw him. Sora's friend Janet slipped an arm around Sora's waist.

"You love him don't you?"

Sora turned red as she looks at Janet.

"What do you Americans not have love lives?"

Janet smiled slightly. "We do but it lasts about five seconds, after a quick thrust and then its over."

Sora blushed when she figured out what she was talking about.

"Is that all it takes, five seconds?"

Janet grinned at her. "For you, I think your first time will be very special"

Sora looks back over to Taichi. "It already was."

Taichi could feel Sora's eyes on him he turned to face her and waved to her.

"I swear Yamato, I will never understand them."

Yamato put Taichi in a headlock. "Neither will I, but until that day. Let's go to class"

He dragged Taichi by Sora and her friends.

Taichi waved numbly.

The girls giggled at them.

Janet smiled at Sora.

"You are really lucky."

Sora blushed more.

"Thank you, I know"

Later that day, during lunch, Taichi sat with Jyou, Koushiro, and Yamato.

Jyou was moping around. He had to attend the public school because the private school he wanted to get in was full for the year and he barely missed getting in. He hoped he would be able to get in the school soon, if someone dropped. That wasn't why he was upset, though. Basically he was complaining about Mimi.

Koushiro had wanted to graduate with his friends, so he had taken a test that would allow him to skip a year and be in the same class as Yamato and Taichi.

"I miss Mimi," Jyou whined.

Yamato scowled at him. "Don't be such a wuss, you know she will be back soon."

Tears were welled in Jyou's eyes. "You don't understand."

Yamato slammed his hands on his tray. "I can't believe this I have one friend who is crying like a baby and another who is lost in his own mind, at least Koushiro is still the same."

"Actually Yamato, I too have a girl that I am admiring," Koushiro said without looking up from his laptop.

Yamato did a classic anime fall, kicking his legs up.

"Why me?" he groaned.

Taichi patted Jyou's arm. "Yamato is right, Mimi will come back to visit and you can go to America to see her too."

Jyou sat up. "I know you two are right"

Jyou started to talk to Koushiro ignoring Taichi who was watching Sora from across the room.

Yamato stood back up and sat back down. "Penny for your thoughts?"

Taichi smiled weakly. "Its about Sora..."

Yamato clamped his hands around his ears. "I swear to god, if I have to hear this one more time..."

Taichi had to smile at his friend. One day he will be like this, and then it will be my turn to rag him about it.

"I think today I will tell her."

"Tell her what?" Yamato asked while taking down his hands.

"That I'm in love with her."

"You should. I'm tired of hearing about it from you and Janet."

Taichi looked puzzled. "Who's Janet?"

Yamato smirked. "For a guy that is soo in love with his girlfriend you must never listen to her, Janet is that new girl from America"

Taichi glanced over to the girl talking to Sora.

"Oh, that's right, I know who she is now."

Yamato smiled at Taichi. "Yeah she is a groupie for my band, and we talk after the show, she gives great head."

"That was too much information Yamato."

"Well, it's true. Wait, you and Sora haven't...you know...fooled around??"

Taichi blushed; he pulled at his collar attempting to breathe.

"Well...uhmm...If you mean make love, then yes we have, once, that is what she wanted for her birthday, but we haven't since then."

Yamato looked shocked.

"That has been months ago."

Taichi slumped in his chair, he knew it had been months ago, but the memories were still fresh in his mind

It was a warm spring day; his mother had gone shopping at the health food store. Hikari was over at Takeru's house and his father was at work. The house was completely silent except for the TV. Taichi was lying on the couch with his feet propped on the wall.

A knock broke the silence of the still apartment. Taichi jumped up off the couch to answer it. His father was expecting some office equipment, hence the reason he stayed home that day instead of playing soccer with Daisuke and the others. He threw the lock on the door and opened it, expecting to see some movers. To his surprise it was Sora, but what was a bigger shock to Taichi was that she was wearing her hat and her old clothes and that took Taichi by surprise.

"Hey Sora, come on in."

She hung her head down low as she walked in, he didn't remember. Taichi and Sora had been friends for years and every year he remembered her birthday. "I bet you forgot what today is don't you?"

Taichi acted like he didn't know. "What the first day of the rest of our lives, the end of the world..."

She didn't look amused at all, Taichi could tell by the look on her face, so he said the one thing that shocked her the most.

"Or is it your birthday, 16 years ago today you were born."

Sora's face brightened when she heard the news. Taichi turned to go into his room.

"Don't go anywhere, Ill be right back."

Sora stood in the living room, she heard banging in his room. "Are you all right Taichi??"

His voice called out from behind the closed door, "Yeah I'm fine, here I come"

He swung open the door holding a small, brightly colored box. He put it in her hands and took a step back. She smiled even more as she tore off the wrapping.

"What is it??"

"You will have to open it and find out."

She finally got the paper off the small gray box. She lifted the lid of the box to reveal a small silver chain with a silver heart attached to it. She looked up at Taichi, her eyes brimming with tears.

"Oh, don't cry. I have been saving up about all year for me to give you that for you birthday"

She took a step towards him and hugged him tightly, and pulled back slightly to look up into his eyes. She closed her eyes, leaned up and kissed him passionately one the mouth. Taichi's eyes bulged out of their sockets, but he soon closed them and began to kiss back. Her tongue was trying to enter his mouth; almost like his mouth was a locked door and she tongue was the key. He opened his mouth and allowed her tongue to explore his mouth. She stopped and pulled back from him, her cheeks flushed with color. She hugged him again.

"Sora, are you okay?"

She smiled up at him. "I am as long as you are with me." She rested her head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat, the steady pounding soothed her.

"You know during the whole time we were in the digiworld, you protected me. You were the one person who I could count on. Taichi, I have been in love with you since that day you brought us all together in Vamdemon's castle, that day you became our leader. I saw you become a man in front of my eyes, strong but gentle. I just knew that everything would be okay. That was the day I realized my love for you was true, not just a stupid butterfly in my stomach, it was love, I just haven't been able to tell you until today."

Taichi blushed slightly at her words. "What about when you were with Yamato?"

Sora kissed him again. "I was confused then. I didn't think you'd return my feelings. "

Taichi fidgeted. "Sora, you were the only one that I could trust. Even if I came up with a hair-brained idea, I always knew that you would follow me into hell, if I was going in alone, I lov..."

She shut him up again by kissing him; this time it wasn't a long one, but a very brief taste. She kissed him on his hot cheek and whispered in his ear.

"Do you know what else I want for my birthday?"

Taichi shook his head slightly.

"I want you, to make love to me, right now."

Taichi's face exploded with color. He didn't know what to say. Sora could feel his heart kick into overdrive. She smiled at the feeling.

"Don't say no, don't take this away from me. I want you to be my first."

Taichi felt like he was going to throw up, he was so nervous, but it soon went away because he could feel her hand start to run down his pants. His head began to furiously shake yes.

"What's wrong? Tailmon got your tongue?" she asked playfully

He felt the zipper on his pants start to move down, and soon enough he felt her hand slide in and begin to play with his penis. Taichi leaned his head back and moaned loudly.

"Yes Sora, I will."

Sora smiled as some of his pre-cum spurted onto her hand. She moved it between her fingers, liking the sticky feeling of it on her fingers. She stuck her fingers in her mouth and savored the taste.

"You taste sweet."

She started to kiss him again, leading him into his room. Taichi closed the door behind him, as she kissed him. His hand felt around for the lock, he finally found it and locked the door tight. "Fuck the movers," he thought. He was too busy at the moment. Sora broke their kiss and got to her knees, pulling down his pants and boxers slowly. His penis became more erect, making it look like a missile under a roof of pubic hair. Sora wrapped one of her hands around it and began to jack him off. Taichi moaned as he ran his hands through her hair. She smiled up at him as she slowly slid it into her mouth. Sucking it like it was one of the biggest lollipop she had ever seen. She fondled his ball-sack as she went down. Taichi moaned louder, he could feel his orgasm coming but he didn't want it to happen too soon, he was enjoying this. Sora could feel his orgasm coming also, so she picked up speed she let her tongue move around the head of his cock. That was all Taichi could stand. He shot off a load down her throat. Sora took her mouth off his penis and smiled up at him.

"You are sweet."

Taichi blushed even more. "I bet its mom's health food. I knew one day that stuff would help me."

She smiled and stood up and kissed him again. Taichi welcomed the kiss as he slowly made her lay down on the bed. He pulled back as she moved his hands down to her pants, helping him unbutton them. He finally got them unbuttoned and pulled them down to her ankles. He stared at her white panties. His face red, he couldn't believe that this was happening.

"What's wrong Taichi?"

"Nothing, I just am shocked that this is happening."

Sora started to play with his hair as he pulled down her panties, revealing her pussy to the world. He got those off of her faster than her pants. He looked at her tight pussy; it had to be the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. He took his index finger and slowly pushed it in. Sora gasped slightly as he pulled it in and out. She lifted her back as her first orgasm racked her young body. She lifted her shirt up and began to play with her nipples making them rock hard, enhancing her pleasure. Taichi put his finger in his mouth, licking her orgasmic juices off of it. He loved the taste, it was sweet yet sour, an almost tangy flavor. He licked his lips and slowly slid his tongue into her cunt. Sora moaned loud as his tongue brushed her clit.

Wow, she must have liked that, he spread her lips apart to get a look at what had given her so much pleasure. He saw a round bulb of flesh, that must be her clit. He slowly licked it, suckling it, rolled it around in his mouth. Sora was enjoying every second of it; the man she loved was eating her out. What would be better?? Her second orgasm maybe, it splattered Taichi in the face, he licked it off his face as he stood up.

He kicked his pants off his legs. Sora sat up and took her shirt off, Taichi laid down on top of her. She moaned softly as she kissed him. He slowly put his penis in between her legs. Sora's face tensed up as he slid his manhood into her. Taichi stopped and looked at her.

"Are you okay?"

She smiled at him weakly. "Just be easy."

Taichi nodded and resumed. He finally got it in her, tearing her hymen away, making her a woman. Sora moaned loudly and bit his shoulder to keep from calling out.

"This pain will never go away," Sora thought, but she didn't want Taichi to stop. Slowly the pain subsided, and turned into pleasure. Sora lifted her hips and began to rock with Taichi's movements. Her velvet glove holding tightly to Taichi's penis.

Taichi groaned, his second orgasm was coming soon. His slowly picked up speed, slamming his cock in her as far as it would go. Sora leaned her head back and let out a moan that shook the room. That's all Taichi needed, his orgasm occurred, sending his life seed into her body. He continued to use his waning manhood to try to make her reach her climax. His manhood was shrinking; in fact it was almost completely gone when she finally came. She breathed heavily as he collapsed on top of her, his heart still beating heavily

Sora smiled up at him. "That was wonder..."

"Earth to Taichi!!!"

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Yamato snapped his fingers in front of Taichi's face. "Taichi come in!!"

Koushiro leaned over to Taichi. "He appears to be daydreaming."

Yamato scowled again. "Well, thank you, Mr. Science."

Koushiro smirked. "Well, my knowledge of the human body knows this, and Jyou will agree."

He leaned over and bit Taichi's earlobe, drawing a thin trickle of blood.

"Owww! Damn you, Koushiro!" Taichi screamed launching a fist out hitting Koushiro lightly in the jaw

Koushiro smiled and went back to work. Jyou looked at the blood and pulled out his medical kit, and took a step towards Taichi.

"I don't think so bud, I'm not going to be your guinea pig."

Jyou put his kit back.

Koushiro leaned over and got a blood sample from Taichi's ear. He wrapped it in a towel and stuck it in his jacket pocket.

Yamato looked grossed out. "Ewww Koushiro, what the hell you need that for?"

"Well, Yamato, if you must know, I want to take blood samples from all the destines to see if they are some comparisons between us all, if its in our DNA or what."

Yamato looked confused. "Don't bite me, Koushiro."

Koushiro smiled at Yamato. "Only if you asked me too."

Yamato slugged Koushiro and started to yell at him, Taichi stood and walked to the bathroom to wash the blood off. He felt a breeze pass over his ear and down his neck, drying the trickle of water that fell back behind his ear.

"Hi, cutie," Sora's voice sounded from behind him.

Taichi turned around to see Sora's eyes studying his ear.

"What happened to your ear, Taichi?"

Taichi blushed, he didn't want to tell her that he was flashing back to the day she had asked him to make love to her and Koushiro had to bite him to bring him back to reality. That would be embarrassing to tell her. He smiled at her. "Another one of Koushiro's experiments"

Sora gingerly touched the earlobe. "It looks like it hurt a lot"

Taichi nodded slowly. "It did, a lot"

She smiled and kissed his ear and whispered. "Aww, my poor Taichi got hurt, I know something that will make it all better."

Taichi moaned as she kissed him. "You do?"

Sora smiled mischievously. She stood up next to him and leaned into his arms. Taichi wrapped his arms around her waist and played with the front of her skirt. Sora moaned softly as she kissed his neck, but she pulled away.

"You will have to wait for later."

Taichi smiled. "I can wait, I'll be good, I promise"

Sora smiled coyly at Taichi. "You do that, and I'll take care of you this afternoon."

She turned and started to walk back to her table. Taichi was shocked at her words. She really loved him, she was the only he had been with, she could have Yamato but she chose him instead. He just stood there, stunned, not able to move a step.

"Hey Sora??"

Sora stopped and turned around and looked at him. "Yeah?"

"I love you, I never got to tell you that, that day we were...."

Sora's eyes welled up with tears as she walked back to him; she flung her arms around him and kissed him softly. He closed his eyes and kissed back.

The entire lunchroom became silent; except for Janet who was standing up cheering loudly through the room. But did it stop the young lovers? No they imagined that they were home together, holding each other close.

Yamato was allowing Koushiro to draw some blood from his arm, when he saw Taichi and Sora. His heart went out, she was the one who got away, he loved Taichi like a brother but he couldn't help but fell a pang of jealousy for them. He had to smile as he saw two teachers run to break them up. See Taichi, you get in trouble for having a little too much fun at school.

Janet was too watching, she jumped up and yelled her approval of Taichi making his love known to the world. But soon she noticed that no one seemed to be joining in so she slowly sat back down in her seat, her face red from embarrassment. She glanced back to see Yamato glaring at them. "What is his problem?" she thought. The way Yamato sang made her heart sing, and make him wanting him more. He would be hers and she would go through anyone who attempted to stop her.

Jyou cried even harder as her gathered his things. He waved goodbye to Yamato and Koushiro as he went to his next class, it would give him enough time to think. He was going to call Mimi tonight and tell her the good news, and maybe ask her a question.

Authors Note.

Wow after countless rewrites with the help of Archive, I have finally finished the first chapter, in Heighten View Terrace 556671. Future entries...

Choices-What does Janet have in store for Yamato? What will Yamato do about the relationship between Taichi and Sora?