Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Aqua Village ❯ Love At Last ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Aqua Village

Chapter 7: Love At Last

Note: Welcome all, to X's world. If you are reading this, that means I have succeeded as a writer-lol. Well here it is, the one you have all been clamoring for, Daisuke's mystery woman. Oh before I forget, if you are under the age of 18, get lost, go watch Survivor or something.

The grin on Daisuke's face was so bright that the sun was the only thing that could outshine it. He had put on his best blue jeans, stuck what money he had into his pockets and rushed across town to Hikari's apartment. He affixed his goggles on his head as he rang the doorbell. She opened the door, smiling greatly as she opened the door. "Yes!!!" he thought as he saw the smile, "she does like me". The smile faltered as soon as she saw him.

"Hi Hikari, What's up?"

Hikari shifted from one side to the other.

"Hi Daisuke, what are you doing over here?"

Daisuke smile never faltered, she would fall in love with him as soon as she heard his plans for the date. His smile was stick great as he noticed that she was in a dress, a very beautiful dress that showed off her legs. The dress ended just above the knee. He was amazed at her beauty. The way the light hit her at just the right angle, she looked like an angel-go figure.

"What are you looking at Daisuke?"

Daisuke looked up, his face a bright red color

"Oh uhhh, what are you going to do tonight. I thought maybe you would want to go to the arcade with me tonight"

Hikari took a step back; she was stunned by the way he had asked her on a date. She tried to smile...

Daisuke smiled. Yes, he thought, she was going to say yes

"Hey guys what's going on?" A voice asked from behind them.

Daisuke knew who it was before he had turned around. Takeru, he sighed softly to himself. His heart was deflated. He watched Takeru walk around and gently peck Hikari's cheek. They were in love
"Ohh I see" Daisuke said "Well if you guys want to stop by later, I'll be at the arcade"

Hikari nodded quickly

"We might just stop by later on"

Daisuke nodded gently as he turned and walked to the elevators. He pushed the button to call the car. The silver doors opened revealing Miyako.

"Hey Daisuke what's up?"

"Nothing much, what about you?"

"Oh I was going to see Hikari wanted to go to the movie or something," Miyako said as she stepped out of the car. She smiled at him, her lavender hair flowing in the light breeze. Daisuke saw that she was looking a bi sad, her eyes were a bit red, as if she had been crying.

"What's wrong Miyako" Daisuke asked, noticing her face turning red

"Ken just broke up with me," she said softly


She sniffled

"Because he said that...I was too demanding...with his time, I wanted to be with him every waking moment and...that I didn't want to put out for him"

Tears flowed down her cheeks, Daisuke's face grew red hot, he was mad now, very mad. He remembered reading an American comic titled the Hulk, when this guy got mad he would turn into this green rampaging beast fighting everyone in site. Daisuke often thought of this person and wondered what it was like to cut loose; he now knew what he was feeling. Daisuke wrapped his arm around Miyako's shoulders.

"I am sorry, he shouldn't have done this"

Ken had been the digimon Kaiser; he was out to control the digimon world. He later repented his ways and turned good, helping the destines to save both worlds. And for him to act like this was no surprise to Daisuke. He knew that there had to be something under that shell of Ken, something dark and this must be what it is.

Miyako cried quietly in his arms, her tears were soaking his shirt.

"Hey, I'll tell you what Miyako, I have got some money, How about we go to the arcade and play some video games. Will that make you happy?"
Miyako looked up and smiled at Daisuke

She wiped her eyes

"Sure that sounds fun"

Daisuke smiled at her, he would take care of Miyako tonight... They got back in the car, Daisuke pushed the down button, he walked to the back of the car and leaned against the wall, Miyako watched his every move. As the doors were closing they caught a glimpse of Takeru and Hikari walking toward the elevator. Daisuke caught their eyes then looked down.

"I see now Daisuke why you were over here. You came to ask Hikari out didn't you?"

Daisuke nodded glumly

Miyako's eyes widened

Daisuke sighted and looked up at her and smiled

"You know what they say, unlucky at love, lucky at cards"

Miyako laughed, Daisuke smiled at her

"See you are feeling better already"

She nodded

"You know you are right"

The elevator came to a stop, they both stepped out and looked out to the setting sun, its reflection on the ocean was a beautiful sight. Miyako sighted as she grabbed his arm

"Come on lets go have some fun"

Daisuke nodded and they set off for the arcade.

They walked along talking back and forth. What good TV shows were on, what new band was really great (Neither of them mentioned Yamato's band), what video games were really good. They stood outside of the arcade, they could here the machines buzz and ding. Daisuke smiled, that was the sound of winning. He grabbed Miyako's hand and dragged her in. Inside it was a bustle of kids running around, the sound of tokens being given to eager hands.

"What do you want to play?"

Miyako looked around and pointed to a machine that was empty

"How about that game"

Daisuke looked at the machine, it was House of the Dead 2. He smiled at her, a woman after his own heart.

"Sure lets go"

They played video games, for what seemed like forever; when they were tired they went to the snack bar to have a drink and maybe a slice of pizza. Every now and then Daisuke would look at the watch and the door. The hour was growing late, and Hikari still wasn't there. He sighed and looked over to see Miyako watching them.

"You know they are not coming Dai'"

"I know but..."

"She loves him and not you"

"I see that, thanks Miyako for shooting down a guy's dream"

She smiled at his comment. She took his hand, making him drop his soda on the table

"Come on, we have more tokens to get rid of"

He smiled as he was dragged through the maze of kids. What was this feeling he was getting from her? Should he believe that she?

They played for a little bit more, finally there was a guy walking around telling people that it was closing time, to get ready to leave. Daisuke was losing to Miyako on a Tekken game. Finally his man went down, and didn't get back up.

"Aww man, I lost to you again"

She looked over grinning, the lights shining off of her glasses

"You are just letting me win aren't you?"

Daisuke smiled back and shook his head

"No you are kicking my ass for real"

She smiled as the lights were shut off, Daisuke sighed as the two of them walked out onto the porch that overlooked the beach

"I had a really nice time today Dai'"

"Hey no problem, I'm glad I made you feel better"

He looked over to her the moonlight was now shimmering off the water and her hair, making them both appear to glow. She leaned over and kissed him lightly, and then with a certain force she grabbed the back of his head, kissing him passionately. His hands went around her waist, he closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment, he felt his hands move slowly down her ass. She moaned softly and pulled away

"No, no, no." she pecked his mouth again "That will have to wait for a while, I'm not ready yet"

Daisuke gulped and nodded, she leaned back and kissed him again, this time a lot slower, working his tongue into her mouth, playing wars with her tongue. She pulled away and smiled at him, he was still holding her around the waist

"You are a much better kisser than Ken"

Daisuke gulped again

"Thanks I think"

She smiled and pecked him again. She pulled away from him and looked down at her watch

"It's getting late, I gotta go. Why don't you call me later?"

Daisuke gulped and nodded

"Ok. Hey Miyako"

She turned back to him


"You sure that I'm the one you want?"

Miyako laughed, her laughter lighting up the empty streets

"I think so"

She turned and walked away humming happily. Daisuke leaned on the rail of the porch, watching the water sparkle. Then something caught his eyes, there were two people on the beach, and they were...making love. He smiled and blushed as he cut his eyes away, but something made him turn back, the couple as standing and walking toward him, he ducked down low so it wouldn't look like he was a peeping tom. The couple walked by him, holding hands and whispering softly. It was Hikari and Takeru, Daisuke's heart and jaw fell to the ground as he gaped at the two of them. His heart hurt so much because he knew now that she would now never be his. He sighed as they walked on and into the distance; he stood and leaned on the rail again, and smiled. He was thinking of Miyako and not of Hikari for the first time in a long time...Life was getting better.

There, I have always wanted for Dai' to fins someone that loved him, and had secretly hoped that Miyako and Dai' would get together. Next up...Families Together, spend Christmas with the destines.

Till then