Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Aqua Village ❯ Evil Comes In Many Ways ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Aqua Village

Chapter 16: Evil Comes In Many Ways

Note: I started this as an ongoing fic. So if you are reading these for the sex, don't despair. It will return, but I have to do this one to clear up some things about Ken's actions in the last fic. So if you are under 18, I wouldn't read these, they might give you nightmares or something. Welcome back everyone, and Merry Christmas, the fic with Jyou and Mimi will be up after Christmas. I have already started to write it, so it will be up right after Christmas and before the New Year. So be safe and love one another-hell it's Christmas...

I awake in a cold, dark room. I stare at the ceiling, watching the shadows creep across it; an icy hand grips my heart again. I roll over and glance at the clock, it is only 2:30, and it was Christmas day. Peace and happiness will awake those insects, they will rip open their presents and toss them away, some will be destroyed, others will be hung up on hangers and tucked in the back of closets everywhere. The insects remind themselves about what the season is really about. For the children it is about getting free gifts. I smile as I stare, I remember Christmas, I remember the feelings that I got, opening presents with my brother, Sam, and how we played and played. But Sam is gone, and the feeling returned once again last year, when I was finally rid of the dark seed, but now I feel that same feeling creep upon me once again.

Ken sits up in his bed and glances at the picture of Sam on his desk.

"If you knew Sam, would you have kept that digi-vice? Do you know how much trouble it is causing me?"

(A question that deserves no answer) a voice from the darkness said

"Who said that?"

(You know who I am)

"Who's there?"

Ken was now alert; he could feel his eyesight and hearing sharpen once again

(I helped you once)

"Who the hell are you"

(I am known only as Demon)

"Demon? We defeated you"

(True evil never does)

A strange feeling came over Ken, he reached up and felt his cheek, it was still swollen from Daisuke's punch

"Yes, you are right master. What do you ask over me"?

Ken smiled darkly

(It is time that you offer a boon to me, for helping you long ago)

Ken nodded to the voice, his eyes straining outwards

(I have need for those children. I can mold them to become something greater)

Ken was struck back, kidnapping the destines children, that will be...difficult

(I sense the uncertainty in you. Be not afraid, I shall send minions to do your bidding, though they can only appear at night. If you accomplish this work, you will not be forgotten Ken. This I promise you)

"I understand master. But I have a small boon to ask for"

(An eye for an eye? I know of what you wish, the girl Miyako. Do this deed for me and the girl shall be yours)

"The destines will not take this lying down. What should I do with them?"

The voice roared, a hazy mist surrounded the room, large red eyes shown through as the darkness took shape. It was a monstrous form of Demon, thick black ooze fell from Demon's face, which was forming and reforming, as if Demon was having trouble staying together.(Do not act stupid towards me. You know of what I ask, the children of the destines. If I didn’t need you, you would already be dead)

Fear leapt into Ken’s throat. Demon was not one to toy with

"I understand, but I want Miyako"

(Do as I say and all that you have ever wanted shall be yours)

“Yes master” Ken replied and evil smile fixated on his face

(Kill them Ken, and bring me the children)

Ken nodded his head

"It will be my pleasure master"

(Fail me and it will be a pain worse than death)

The shape disappeared into the mist; the mist crept along the wall and under his door. It faded in the living room and disappeared entirely when it hit the door. Ken laid back down on his bed and looked at the shadows crawl up and down the wall and ceiling. He imagined killing them all, allowing Daisuke to be the last, the one to suffer the longest. He would make Daisuke watch as he raped Miyako, and turned her into his evil princess.

This year, Ken thought with a smile, Evil gets an upgrade

He closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep

On his desk his digi-vice glowed, showing a face of a young Gennai, the young man's face appeared in shock, but it soon melted as Ken's digi-vice transformed into a black, hilt like weapon. The dark sword had chosen a master; with it Ken could control Demon's army.

Outside a cloud covered the moon, allowing the shadows to die

There, a short intro to the next part of the series, which has no name, so if you think of one, let me know.

Next up: Mimi and Jyou's dinner at home

Till them read and review, as long as that happens. I'll continue to write

I remain