Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Avalanche - White Danger ❯ Dark Thoughts, Strange Dreams ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Hey, if you ever want to read a Harry Potter story I have written...here's the link:http://www.fanfiction.net/read.php?storyid=518982 I am writing it together with a friend, and I realyl would love it if you could read - and review - it^^ ~Kaeera

Chapter 4: Dark Thoughts, Strange Dreams

I am...I am...where?

I don't know! It is dark, no, it is white...

Am I dreaming?

I don't feel anything, and yet it is as if everything would hurt...isn't that illogical?

Should I be frightened???

Then the situation became clearer, and Daisuke opened his eyes. He was standing on the top of a mountain; a very high mountain, because he could see the clouds under him. It was snowing, and Davis shuddered. He didn't wear his ski clothes anymore, but the outfit he used to wear in the digiworld.

And he was alone.

The boy didn't like the situation at all. He couldn't remember anything. He had been skiing - and then?? How had he managed it to go on the top of this mountain? There were no footsteps around him; either it had been a long time ago for he had gotten here, or...well, or he had flied.
Since he still had no wings, he doubted that this was the truth.

An intense wave of homesickness overcame him, and he didn't know why. It was just...that something deep inside of him told him that he should be homesick, should be frightened.
Although he didn't know why.

Slowly he started to walk. Maybe things would become clearer then.
The snow was cold, and the icy wind drove tears in his eyes. It was bitter cold, and Daisuke tried to move his fingers; but they were already slow and hurting.

Maybe that was a reason to be frightened....

'No, don't be silly', Davis commanded in his thoughts. 'Fear only makes things worse, and you know that. After all, you have survived much more dangerous situations than this one.'
And then he slipped.

Suddenly there was nothing under his left foot, and the boy could feel how he lost balance. He fell backwards, and although his eyes were staring into the opposite direction, he remembered painfully clear the steep slope behind him. 'Oh-Oh'

It was like slow-motion. The world turned upside down, and for a moment he could see the blue sky - such a deep and nice blue. Like in holidays. And it was weird. clearly he could recognize the white clouds, far away, could see some mountains...
And then time changed back to normal. He hit the ground with a soft noise and started rolling down.

He wanted to cry, desperately cry for help, but snow was in his mouth, in his clothes, everywhere.
Fast, Faster, he couldn't stop the movement, couldn't do anything!!



Kari screamed.

Screamed with all the power she had left inside.

But no noise could be heard, and her only result was a mouth full of snow. The girl was totally in panic; she tried to move, tried to hit something, although she knew that she was stuck between masses of snow; although she knew that she only made it worse.

It was pure, blind panic, and she was helpless against it. it was dark, it was cold and everything hurt.
And she couldn't move!

Kari had never experienced the effects of claustrophobia, but now she could understand how these people felt. She couldn't breath, and it was as if the snow would crush her body.

Again she trashed around in her fear, finally managing to make some free space before her face. It was not her moving, but more her warm breath which had melted the snow. Only a few cm, of course, but it was enough to calm her down - at least a little bit.
Enough to think about this, and to search for a solution.

It would have been great to have Gatomon by her side. But - no; she didn't have the right to think that. It was good that her dear friend wasn't by her side, she hated the cold. Yes, it was good.


And Kari started sobbing, first soft, but soon her shoulders began to shake. Warm tears were floating down her cheeks, freezing to little ice crystals.

I want to be at home. I want to be in my room, where it is warm, with Gatomon near me and a cup of hot chocolate in my hands...

Why? Why do such thing always happen to me - to us?

It is just not fair.

I knew that I shouldn't have come here...Davis, why did you convince me?

And why did I listen to you?

But deep inside she knew that it wasn't the fault of her begoggled friend. He had just wanted that she had some fun, nothing more. And, after all, he was buried in this avalanche, too. Like her. Like the others...

Miyako, Ken, are you okay?

With sadness she thought of her two friends. Remembered what Miyako had told her only some weeks ago. It seemed like years...

The two girls had been in the city, on a shopping trip. During their time in the digiworld, they had become very good friends, who shared everything.
"Look, this is sweet!", Miyako had shouted, showing a necklace made of silver, with three little hearts as pendants. Kari had laughed, and asked the question she had wanted to ask for so many weeks.
"Miyako, tell me, are you in love with somebody?"
As response, the lavender haired girl had just blushed and stuttered: "I...ehm...you...ak...yes."
"I knew it!", Kari had squealed, "Who is it? Please, tell me!"
"Well, it is...Ken."

Poor Miyako. She had been to shy to tell her feelings; and now, she maybe wouldn't be able to do it anymore. Stupid, Stupid Avalanche!!!
And her own feelings? People always believed that she had a crush on TK, but that wasn't true. He was a very dear friend, a friend she would never want to loose, but as a boyfriend? No.

Daisuke? He could be so...annoying, but there were times she just wanted to hug him. Like when he was disappointed, or sad. It didn't happen very often, but when it happened, he had this look in his chocolate brown eyes...a look she had grown to like.
But did she want him as a boyfriend? No...or? This was a thought she didn't want to pursue.

Desperately she searched for another topic to think about; because she knew, that if she wouldn't brood, she would fall asleep.

And that meant death.


Davis opened his eyes and stared into the sky. The same blue as before. But somehow it seemed to be wrong....for a second. the scenery flashed and all he could see was white snow, around him, everywhere, and could feel an intense pain in his leg.
The image vanished, and he found himself still lying in the snow.

Slowly he tried to stand up, but he felt dizzy and cold. What was happening to him?
And where were the others?

He remembered....remembered the snow, the cold, his ski tore away by the immense power of the snow-masses, and the scream of Kari cutting through the air.

What happened?

And again, it flashed, this time for a little time longer, and Davis could feel the sudden pressure on his body, and darkness, cold darkness. His leg was hurting, and it was cold.

'No.', he send out a silent cry.

"NOO", he screamed, tears spilling down his cheeks, terror evident in his eyes. What...what was happening? Something was pulling him....

The boy struggled in panic, but his body didn't respond. Cold. Cold.

If this is a dream, then why is it hurting?, he wondered briefly. The sky was still blue, he noticed sarcastically. A blue you always see in brochures of beaches. Of holidays. Peace and happiness, huh?
It just didn't...fit!

Why do such things always happen to me?

Next Chapter: Why me? Why?

Poor Daisuke, I always torture him...he's just so cute! ;-)