Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Avalanche - White Danger ❯ Digivolve! ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Note: Thanks for the reviews people!*sniffles* You don't know how you encouraged me...I have gotten bad some bad results, so I was pretty down...*sobs* It's nice to know that at least some people appreciate my work! Please continue reviewing! It helps me a lot to type faster! THANKS!
Oh, and if you are wondering about the chemical/biological stuff Taichi has to make in his homework...we just have this in school, and it's really way too boring...I mean, I spend my time in sleeping there. But then again, I do that in every class...in German I either make my homework, draw in my sketchbook or eat my lunch.*sighs*

Avalanche - White Danger

by Kaeera

Chapter 7: Digivolve!

Taichi stared at his book and played with his pen. Biology. He was supposed to hold an oral presentation tomorrow - his only problem was that he had somehow forgotten about this fact during the last two weeks. Of course, now it was too late to gather enough information, and he was desperately trying to find a good excuse for his non-existing-homework.
How he envied his little sister! Her holidays were three days longer, and she had already finished all her homework, unlike him. The bearer of the Crest of Courage had preferred it to go out instead; playing soccer in the park(although it was rather cold) or just....relaxing. Doing nothing.

Maybe he could sneak outside?

No, he couldn't, Tai thought and cursed. He needed this oral presentation, otherwise he would fail, and that was definitely not good.

Shortly he wondered how skiing might be - he had never tried it - but then he realized that he was again dreaming. 'Why is this so difficult?', he thought bitterly, staring down on the endless boring facts of the Photosynthesis. 'I never had problems to concentrate when I was in the digital world'.

But then again, maybe it's easier to concentrate when you know that it depends on you whether the world is rescued or not.

Taichi Kamiya, great hero, leader of the digidestined and courageous friend did the only thing he had never thought he would do:

He gave up.

'This is just too high for me', he wailed and put the sheets with the chemical structure of the PS away. NADPH + H+, Adenosindiphosphat becomes Adenosintriphosphat, who did understand this stuff? Better: who was interested in this, anyway? It was this kind of fact you learned and forgot immediately. It was enough to look at it - and you fell asleep.

Taichi closed the books and peeked out of his room. Maybe he could sneak away from his mother - she had eagle eyes when it depended on seeing things she shouldn't see. Like the homework(better: the non-existing homework) of her son. Although Tai was 17 years old, it didn't prevent his dear mother from giving him embarassing detentions.

He had just reached the door when the phone rang. The boy froze. Not now! She wouldn't...she would go for herself, wouldn't she...?

Don't say it, don't say it, don't say it....

"Taichi, can you please answer the phone?", the voice of his mother interrupted his prayer and Taichi flinched, seeing his great plans of a mother- and homework-free afternoon destroyed from one second to the other. Muttering dead curses he took the phone.


"Ehm...hello, here is Daisuke's grandfather. Do I speak with Mr.Kamiya?"

"No, with Taichi Kamiya.", Tai answered and frowned. "Is something with Kari?"

The speaker hesitated for a short moment, and when he continued, his voice was filled with sadness and worry. "Yes, I fear so. Is your father or your mother in the near?"

"Yes, my mother - one moment, I will call her.", the boy walked to the kitchen. "Mom, there's Daisuke's grandfather on the phone - something happened to Kari!"
His mother looked worried. "I hope it isn't something bad..." and took the phone.

Taichi could watch the expression of his mother change from worried to absolute frightened.

And he knew that it was something bad.

* * *

"DAVIS!!!", Veemon shouted and jerked up. Hastily he looked around, realizing that he wasn't with his friend and partner anymore, but back in the little room. He rubbed his eyes. The dream....had it been just a dream? Or was it true?
It depended on him...

He had to rescue them, he had to digivolve! Veemon shuddered and crawled out of his bed made of some pillows. The other digimon stared at him. "I wonder how you can sleep in such a situation.", Gatomon spat out, fury in her eyes. "Aren't you worried at all?"

"I am worried.", Veemon answered warily. "I didn't want to fall asleep...but I have met Davis!"
He waved with his hands. "I have spoken with him! He's hurt! We have to help them!"

"Veemon, it was just a dream.", Hawkmon tried to calm down the worried digimon. "It wasn't a dream!", Veemon shouted. "I don't know how, but I met him. He was dreaming, and I was dreaming, so we somehow met in the same dream. I talked with him, Hawkmon, and he told me that I should digivolve and find them. He told me about his experiences in the avalanche, and that he believes he's hurt...my god, it was just too realistic for a dream!!!"

Hawkmon rubbed his chin. "You mean your bond is so strong that you two could meet mentally, although your bodies have no physical contact? Could that be possible?", he glanced at Wormmon, who shifted uncomfortably. "I know that there's a strong bond between digidestined and digimon.", the green digimon explained. "That's the reason why we can digivolve. But as far as I know, it's impossible to digivolve without partner!"

The blue digimon looked at his friend. "That's what I thought. But Davis said I could do it; if we could meet in a dream, then I could as well digivolve without his help." A pained expression crossed his face. "I promised him. I promised him to digivolve. And that's what I will do!!", he stated and walked towards the door.

"He relies on me. It depends on me, and I will keep my promise. I will rescue them!" With these (famous) last words the blue digimon left the room.

* * *

On the first view you would have thought that the small flat was empty. The kitchen was not cleaned; used glasses and dishes standing around.
In front of the TV was sitting a spiky haired girl. She ate ice-cream while watching a daily soap. It didn't seem to interest her much, though, because she preferred to look at the book on her knees instead.
The name of this girl was Jun Motomiya.
She was alone, because her parents were working. They were always working; she nearly couldn't remember the last day the spent some time together - all four. It was more than a month ago...
If a stranger would live with this family for more than a day, he would become crazy. Or he would think that all the Motomiya's hated each other. Didn't care.
There were no hugs for the children, no quick kisses, no supporting words. A Motomiya didn't need that!
Jun didn't care. She lived her own life, and was pretty happy with it.
And right now she enjoyed the free time. No little brother, no parents, just peace! Finally she could read her book.

And then the phone rang.

Jun groaned and thought about the possibility of not-answering. If she would answer, it would be someone who had dialed the wrong number. If she didn't answer, it was definitely something very important and her parents would kill her for not replying.
The girl sighed, put the ice-cream away and walked to the phone.

"Yeah?", she mumbled, mouth full of vanilla-chocolate ice.

"Jun, it's me, grandpa!", a well-known voice shouted through the phone.

"Grandpa!", she cheered, "How are things going there? I hope Davis isn't a nuisance - he can be pretty annoying at times. I would have liked to visit you, too, but I don't have that much free time left..."

"Jun, please, stop it.", the wary voice of her grandpa sounded trough the phone. "It's serious."

Jun's face fell. If a Motomiya got serious, it was serious. She had seen her grandfather with a serious expression for only two times in her life. The first time he had told her not to ski down of the tracks, the second time he had brought her to the hospital because she had been seriously ill.

"Has something happened?", she asked cautiously.

The voice hesitated for a short moment. "I - I have already contacted the other families. Jun, something happened...there was an avalanche, a huge one - nobody did see it coming - and your brother got caught by it."

"WHAAAAT???", she yelled. "But he knows that he can't leave the track. How stupid is he??"

"He didn't leave the track. He did everything right. It just...happened. Call it fate, call it destiny or bad luck. It was certainly not Daisuke's fault."

Jun nodded, not realizing that her grandfather couldn't see the movement.

"Would you please tell it your parents? They are still searching...there's still hope."

"I will call them", the girl said weakly. She couldn't believe it. It was a joke, it was all a joke, played and invented by her annoying little brother, this idiot...
"Bye, Jun. I hope the next time I call, I will have some better news!"

There's still hope...

The words were circling around in her brain. She put the phone down and walked around in the flat. Davis...in an avalanche? As an experienced skier she knew of the danger, and she also knew of the horror of such an experience. People, especially children, were affected badly by such events - when they survived. When...her brother couldn't die, could he? He was...he had always been there. He was strong. Like her. Strong people didn't just die...

Slowly she took the phone again and dialed the number off her mother's office.

* * *

"Veemon digivolves toooo...", he shouted, but nothing happened.

"VEEMON DIGIVOLVES TOOOO...", he tried again, this time with more force in his voice, but again nothing happened.

It was useless. He could try it as often as he wanted, he would always fail...

He couldn't digivolve...

He was useless...

And Davis?

* * *

Tai stared at his mother. Forgotten was his homework, forgotten every problem which had fogged his mind until now.

"In...an avalanche?", he croaked out, not believing his own words. "B-But...", he stuttered, his twisted mind not wanting to accept the fact. Avalanche...no, that was just not possible. It didn't happen to people you don't not, especially not to Kari...

"Can't we do aynthing?", he shouted out, but he knew the answer when he looked into his mother's eyes. "We have to wait.", she said. Taichi frowned. He didn't want to wait. Patience had never been a strong side of him, he preferred to do something then to sit around.

He felt so...helpless...his little sister(who wasn't so little anymore) was stuck in masses of snow, hurt, alone, frightened.
And he couldn't do anything.

Just waiting.

And hoping.

* * *

It has to work, it has to work, it depends on me, Davis is relying on me...

"Digimon can't digivolve without partner!", he cried, balling his fists. "I have to digivolve. I HAVE to, I must rescue them. I promised...I...promised...", he started sobbing. It was hopeless. He had knew it. There was no chance. He couldn't help his partner. And Davis...Davis was there, all alone, hurt...

We have always been together. We have managed everything. Davis is strong. You are strong. Be strong, Veemon. Be strong for Davis. Rescue him. Rescue yourself.

In a sudden fury he opened his eyes and wiped the tears away. He hadn't noticed that the other three digimon were standing behind him, watching carefully every action of his.
"VEEMON DIGIVOLVES TOOOO......", he shouted again.

And from far away a voice could be heard, a voice which resembled Daisuke's. Veemon, digivolve!
Gatomon, Hawkmon and Wormmon looked around, surprised and a little bit unsure - had they really heard this?
Right then a bright light glowed around Veemon. He became bigger...he digivolved....

"X-VEEMON!", he shouted with a triumphant voice.

The others gaped. "He did it!", Hawkmon shouted astonished. X-Veemon was grinning and showing the Victory-sign with his claws. "Didn't I told ya?", he growled with his deep voice, "Davis was right - he can be pretty smart at times!"

"And now I will find him!", he prepared to fly away.

"WAIT!", shouted Wormmon, "You should contact the search groups. They might help you, and they have the medical knowledge to help immediately!"

X-Veemon thought for a moment and nodded. "That's a good point. I didn't think of that."

"That was predictable.", Gatomon muttered under her breath and said aloud: "How dou you think you will find them? The are is huge!"

The huge digimon smiled. "If our bond was strong enough to let us meet in the same dream", he pointed out, "It will surely lead me towards Davis."

He grinned one last time and flew in the sky. The others stared after him, hearts heavy because they couldn't follow, but with a little bit more hope than before. X-Veemon wouldn't let Daisuke down. He would find them.
And maybe this nightmare would be over soon.

Ice around me

Ice in my thoughts

Ice in my heart

I am ice

I am dead

I am lost

Far away the memories of warmth

Far away the memories of love


No friends, no family, just me and the cold


Destroying my will


Leaving this world, Closing the eyes

Nothing Else....

To be continued....

GLAY - You asked me about the romance. It's right, there's not much romance yet, but it's really a hard thing to write a romance while the people are stuck in an avalanche. And I told you in the beginning that I am more a drama/angst writer then romance. But there will be some Daikari and Kenyako - in the end. You just have to wait for this!

Mandi - I was looking at your account, and discovered that you have put my fics on your favourites! Wow, thank you! I'm stunned, didn't expect that*blushes* You are great!!!

-Kaeera (kaeera@yahoo.de)

Don't forget to review!^.^