Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ BANG! ❯ Chpt 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The day was cool with a slight breeze at hand. The doors to the West Shinjuku's gym flung open as a tall, non-human biker stepped out. He stood there with the sun's warm, bright rays shinning down on him. Inside the gym, deep male voices laughed and one shouted, "Yo, see ya later Beelzemon!"

"Yeah, later!" The laid-back digimon walked calmly over to his black, steel covered companion, Behemoth. Silently, he slid onto the seat, which had been warmed by the sun's heat. Then without saying a thing, he started up the motorcycle, waited till he was safe from on coming cars, and pushed off on one foot that allowed him the little movement he needed to drive off.

Beelzemon grinned as the air whipped past him. He loved the feeling when it came to riding because he felt free and unstoppable. That was when he had to slip back into reality and remember that ya can either obey the law or ya can go to jail. Hero or not, Beelzemon he was no different from anybody else in the world besides his features and that he wasn't really human.

Sighing irritably, the demon slowed to a stop just a few inches past the wide, white line. He tilted Behemoth to the left so that it was supported by his left leg, which he had planted firmly on the pavement road.

He had just had a long, satisfying workout at the gym and was heading back to his tamer's house to take a refreshing shower. After that he was supposed drive to West Shinjuku's Elementary School to pick of Ai and Mako.

When his tamers went to school, he would usually retreat to the gym to exercise and socialize with the other men who were there. If he wasn't in his mega form then he would just stay home and sleep all day until they came home on the bus or with their parents. Today he was going to pick them up. He knew deep down that he loved the brats, but on the surface he knew he going to go insane.

As he sat there, drumming his claws lightly on his leg, he could have sworn he heard something, like a high squeak. Then again, it could have been anything so he went right back to drumming his fingers. After a few seconds, he heard a cry for help. THAT he hadn't imagined.

Beelzemon whipped his head to the left and caught a man dragging a rather pretty woman into the alleyway. He narrowed his eyes and growled. If there was one he hated more than the dent in his motorcycle, it was men who abused/kidnapped/raped innocent girls.

When the light turned green, Beelzemon took a sharp turn and drove into the alleyway. He slid to a halt and jumped off. The guy had the woman pressed against the wall and with his hand over the her mouth to keep her from screaming as he touched her in places that made both her and Beelzemon angry.

"Quiet bitch. If ya go along with this, I might not hurt you…" the man said in a husky, taunting voice. He started sliding a hand up her shirt when he felt something press against the side of his head. The man looked at the woman. She was staring wide-eyed at something.

Slowly the turned his head to see who was beside him. At first all he saw was a gun, which he was, unfortunately, at the wrong end of. Then he looked up to see a very tall and very angry looking person.

"Hey-urgh!" The man couldn't say a thing for the other man had gripped his throat rather tightly and shoved him hard against the brick wall.

"Mind tellin' me what you was jus' doin' jus' now? Huh?! I dun' take too it too lightly when it comes to people like you! It's people like you who corrupt the world's peace and start hurting other innocent people!" Beelzemon dragged the man up the wall so he was dangling a few feet from the ground.

As he pressed the gun to the guy's forehead, Beelzemon turned to see if the woman was all right. All he saw was the wall, the spot where a few items had dropped out of her purse, and nothing more. She was gone.

"Eh? Hmm…" He turned and glared at the terrified man in his grip.

"If I see or hear you doin' this again, I'm gunna hunt you down and blow your head clean off your shoulders! Ya got me?" The man nodded and Beelzemon let him drop to the ground. He gave one last glare before walking over to Behemoth. Beelzemon mounted it and drove out of the alley and onto the road, heading to his original destination.


Well, that's if for now. How do ya like it so far? Hope that was long enough for yous satisfaction! ^^ Laterz!