Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Better look out or he'll get you ❯ Capter 5 & 6 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 5

"Sup my bitches." She said walking out of the darkness with her two whores Davis and Tk.

"Kari what are you doing here I thought you were still in the mental institution." Mimi said.

"Yo dem mothers couldn't keep me locked up in dere if thems lives depended on its." Kari said in her pimp style ascent.

"Davis I thought you would still be in jail because you got caught exposing yourself to little girls." Sora said

"Well I was but I escaped with a little help from Kari."

"Excuse me." Angela said

"My pimp. My pimp." Davis said carefully.

"And you TK weren't you were stalking Aerosmith?" Izzy asked

"Yup, but when I dressed up as a woman and tried to get in with the groupies. Then they somehow knew I was a guy, and they told me never to come back, so I went to this Arabs guys house and started to have sex with his goat. Before I knew it he was on the porch with his shotgun and yelled, "Get off my goat you damn hippie.""

"O…k… Kari why are you here anyway?"

"We needs da money. If yous know whats I mean."

"Yes we all know what you mean and no one wants your dirty sluts."

"Ya I knows but wes will stay anyway."

Mimi nudged Yolie with her elbow "Hey give me your cell phone so I can call the mental hospital to come to get her I forgot mine at home." Mimi whispered to Yolie. Yolie handed her cell phone to Mimi. Kari saw this and picked up her pimp cane and hit Mimi's hand and knocked the phone out to the ground. Then Kari picked up her foot and smashed the cell phone.

"I don't think so."

"Hey that's my cell phone."

"Here." Kari said handing Yolie a hundred.


"No prob."

"Alright if you really want to stay, you know we are going to look for the hobo murder." Mimi told her.

"Hell ya wes beens lookin' for somthins to do isn't that right boyz."

"Yup." Davis and TK agreed. Just then heard someone screaming for help.

Chapter 6

Everyone went running towards the screaming to see if the person was being attacked by the hobo murder, when they got closes enough to see who was being attacked they saw that Tai was being attacked. Then Tai got pushed to the ground and before anyone could do anything the hobo pulled out his axe and cut off Tai's leg below the knee and he screamed like whore on a pogo stick. (Just to set the record straight that simile is not in any way sexual.)

"Hey what the hell do you think your doing." Mimi yelled. The hobo turned around to see who was yelling at him, but no one could see his face.

"Come on lets get that homeless bitch." Izzy yelled.

"Hey I'll stay here and take care of Tai." Sora yell as everyone ran after the hobo.