Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Bloodline: Descendents of the Digidestined ❯ Memories ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Bloodline: Descendants of the Digidestined

Chapter 5: Memories

Prologue: Sakiko recounts, "Lewis's return home started on an odd note. All of his bathrooms were filled, keeping him from getting his first non sponge related bath in a month, not to mention finding Lilymon drunk, persuaded to do so by Daisuke and Oswald after already getting by accident, their stupid way of trying to help her get over the pain in her arm dealt to her by Attorneymon. The next day, we were graced by Mai's presence, telling us of a map Gennai made trying to chart the location of Lily's digimon. She gave us a location in Dominion territory, and then myself, along with Bonnie, Romeo, Keiko, Masato, Jun, Yuuji, and our digimon, went with her. After we left, the girls beat up Daisuke and Oswald for their idiotic sexist male remarks over a little skirmish between Yolei and Sirenamon. Lewis took Tetsuo under his and was going to show him his ways, but decided to put it off and then used his EDI to steal part of the Mach Nova, nearly making the digiport he opened unstable. After a brief talk with Araiya, he took Araiya's Andromon, Tetsuo, and Zenmon to some secret place and no one saw for the rest of the day. We were about to follow a path that would have taken a whole day to follow when Sirenamon fell down a hill and found the main highway to the city, shaving hours off our trip. After we got there, Bonnie and Romeo started to get mad at those they thought were slackers, especially Lily, Yuuji, and Sirenamon. They threatened to usurp control of the group if we didn't shape up. They went on, and in a sick sense of poetic justice, Devimon sprung a trap on them, using Black gears to turn Skull Meramon and Krakenmon into our foes. Lily rallied us, and we marched on. We met a few traps, but beat them. We even tricked Devimon and Mugendramon when our digimon hijacked some Mekinorimon suits and pretended to turn us over. We then sprang them, and then an amazing event.... Lotusmon Warp Digivolved to Sea Lilymon!! When it didn't seem weird enough, Andromon Warp Digivolved to Xaviomon!! Yuuji then did a bold move. He had Sirenamon and Sea Lilymon, who had been fighting Devimon, to flee with him through the city, luring him away from the weapons foundry we were at. Neo Spheremon, newest member of the Dominion Council, tried to use turrets to shoot him up, but he outwitted Devimon and the primitive infrared sensors and made Devimon destroy the guns. Devimon, angry, digivolved into Vamdemon and attacked them, once even striking Yuuji. As he worked over Sea Lilymon, Sirenamon Mega Digivolved to Undinemon!! She beat him up good, then the rest of us came, chasing Mugendramon. Xaviomon's claw grenades finished him off, and then we freed Skull Meramon and Krakenmon. Skull Meramon set the town ablaze, and Undinemon had to put his pyromaniacal insanity to a stop. Metzger, Ramon, and Neo Spheremon showed up with armies, and they attacked. We thought all was lost, so we called for help. The only ones available were Araiya, Ken, and Hikari. Before they left, Ken announced a discovery, that Malachimon and Hikari were exactly the same, and Wormmon gave the idea to make Hikari look like Malachimon. Ken figured since Tailmon and Wormmon wouldn't be enough, he asked Lilymon for help. She got up and came, but was still hung over and sluggish. She even fell asleep in Ken's arms. They went to the Digital World, where Araiya, Andromon-less, had to ride Grandkuwagumon into battle. Apparently, we didn't need help for the army, but the army did exhaust our digimon, and then Ramon and Neo Spheremon attacked. During the melee, to no one's knowledge, Scarletmon and myself abducted by Vamdemon and held hostage. Sea Lilymon started to have old memories of her last fight with him, then, in an act of courage, she took a hit for Yuuji and Undinemon. It was a bad one too. Undinemon avenged this, jabbing herself into Neo Spheremon. Stuck in him, she did something no one digimon has ever done to him, make him bleed. He flung her away, de-digivolving her back to Sirenamon. She was covered in this metallic substance, which I think is Neo Spheremon's blood. Xaviomon and Skull Meramon were beaten and dedigivolved to Rookie, when in the nick of time Grandkuwagumon showed up to save them. He then Warp Digivolved to Giga, Grand Okuwamon. He beat Ramon by sending him into Neo Spheremon, but healing Neo Spheremon. Lilymon, awake, now only slightly hung over, and Tailmon digging into her head with her claws, found Vamdemon, Scarletmon, Phantomon, a Mekinorimon, and myself at a corner. A brief exchange of words, and then Tailmon jumped Phantomon, took his scythe away, and killed Mekinorimon. Lilymon took her grudge against Vamdemon and his Nightmare Claw to the skies and skyscrapers, where she vented a lot of pent up anger on him. He still beat her, and again she was the victim of his Nightmare Claw. Seeing my foster mom falling, a miracle happened and Scarletmon Warp Digivolved to Phoenixgryphonmon!! She caught her, torched Vamdemon, but it wasn't done. Even more power fed her, and she Warp Digivolved again to Manticoramon!! She healed Lilymon, and then, with Paladin Lilymon, they give Vamdemon the worst punishing of his life. Meanwhile, as Grand Okuwamon held the Dominion off, Masato and Bonnie brainstormed, and for the first time since I met her, Bonnie was a nice person. She removed one of Sirenamon's shoulder plates off and used as a bowl to hold the super cold 'blood' of Neo Spheremon in an attempt to slow Sea Lilymon's bleeding, and it works. In another brainstorm, she gets the idea of boiling Neo Spheremon, a great idea, and Meramon Warp Digivolves to Boltmon. He wails away at him, exhausting the ball bearing from heat. Next thing you know, Attorneymon arrives, with Wicked Lilymon and Jormungamon with him. Grand Okuwamon defeated Wicked Lilymon, and Paladin Lilymon was able to weaken up Attorneymon. As Araiya evacuated us, Manticoramon turned and stopped any chance of pursuit by Attorneymon with her super destructive Y Force. After returning, we had the luck of our own resident doc Jou being home to save Sea Lilymon, who we couldn't safely transport to a hospital. We came out empty-handed, but we each grew just a little.....

Ten hours later: Jou comes out of Lewis's kitchen. Masato asks to him, "Grandfather, will she be alright?" Jou says, "Well, the wound was deep and there were signs of irradiation, but the only way to tell now is when she wakes up. In the kitchen, lying there on the table covered in sheets is Sea Lilymon, the 'stolen' EKG recording her pulse. In her mind the thought, "Why can't I remember?" runs through her mind. Then she thinks, "I have to remember, remember the beginning...." Flashes of memories of her fight with Neo Spheremon and Neo Apocalymon go through her mind. She asks, "Why do I hate Neo Spheremon so much? The mere mention of his name is enough to make my blood boil, but I can't remember why.


"I remember the day my digiegg unlocked for the first time. The moon was a happier place then. I mean, the Darkside Wars were over, and we were in a golden age. I was a wild one; so playful I even made my own friends tired. As we got older and more evolved, we were taught about the Darkside Wars and the arts. One of the horror stories told was of a weapons made that could obliterate digimon, not format, obliterate. It was during these years I met Master Raijinmon, and one of his students, a young Urchinmon at the time. He was a part of the Citadel.... Strange, that seemed so familiar. Am I actually remembering? If I am, I must continue." She watches herself as Lotusmon talk to Urchinmon. Lotusmon says, "Oh, hey!! I never saw you around. Who are you?" Urchinmon goes, "I'm Urchinmon. I live at the Citadel. Master Raijinmon is training me so that one day I could serve in the Royal Lunar Guard. I must go. He does not like those who are late." He floats off. Sea Lilymon returns to her narration, "I was intrigued by this Citadel and Urchinmon, that I had to follow. When I got there, I was in awe of all the neat stuff they got to do, but then...." Raijinmon bellows, "What are you doing here? You aren't a student here. Go on, get!!" Lotusmon asks back, "But I would like to learn here..." Raijinmon looked mad, but then looked her over. "Hmmmm........ We never had a female cadet before. None of them ever wanted to join.... You have good upper arm muscle structure, but the legs need work. Who are you, girl?" Lotusmon answers with her name. Raijinmon answers, "Well then, Lotusmon, it has never been my policy to turn away those who wanted to learn and train, but you must live under my rules. Now, are you willing to do that?" Lotusmon nods. Sea Lilymon narrates, "Those rules are one of the few things I still remember as clear as day...

1. Never use your knowledge to harm the innocent.

2. Never provoke fights with normal bystanders.

3. Defense first, then offense.

4. Know the land, the water, and the sky. These will help you in real combat.

5. The needs of the many outweight the needs of the few, or one.

6. Never torture or butcher. Even your worst foe is entitled to an honorable defeat.

7. Do not let yourself be driven on emotions alone. Hold them in your heart, and fight with both mind and heart.

Those rules still linger with me. For the next year, I lived by those rules as though they were law. Things seem fuzzy around this point, but something major happened to me...."

~*Flashback Ends*~

On the Dominion station, Lance laid in his bed, eyes wide open. Virusmon comes in with food. "Sirr..... Virusmon here with food.... Boss??" He puts the food down and looks at him and says again, "Boss.... You hear Virusmon?" No response. Virusmon starts to shake him, and nothing. "Virusmon need medic!!" In minutes, Evamon and two Mamemon rush in. Evamon says, "I feared this. I guess that glitch reading of him having been in 11 years of REM sleep was no glitch. He must be in some sort of catatonic shock. Let's get him to the infirmary!!" The Mamemon pick him up and carry him away.

In her chambers, Malachimon still can't sleep. "I need answers, and I only know one place to get them." She gets up, gets dressed, and takes a PDP with her. "Digiport open!!" She goes through the port.

A light glows outside Lewis's house. Sakiko says shooting out of her bed, "Time to steal the paper already?" She looks at her clock, which says 4:18 AM. "Lewis never said anything about a 4:18 sunrise..." She looks out her window. "No, wait, that's a digiport...." Outside, Malachimon says, "Well, this is the GPS location General Stefan gave us. Sakiko sneaks by Miyako and Bonnie's dad, who were talking computer talk, by Izzy, who was analyzing the metal substance, and then by Jou, who was checking Sea Lilymon's vitals. Sakiko slowly opened and came out of the door. "Where did it come from though?" Sakiko wonders. Sitting atop Miyako's corvette gazing at the stars is Malachimon. Malachimon says, "Aren't they pretty, I mean once you get away from city lights." Sakiko goes, "Hikari, is that you?" Then she gets a good look at her. "Stay away from me Malachimon." Malachimon looks surprised. Sakiko runs at her, but Malachimon grabs her wrists and stops her. Sakiko says, "You're so.... warm." Malachimon laughs childishly and says, "What did you expect, silly?" Sakiko has a confused look as Malachimon let go. Sakiko answers her, "Well, I mean, all the evil digimon I met so far have felt the same or cooler, but you are so warm, I mean, not fever warm, nice warm." She looks at her. "Ken is right. You look just like her." Malachimon says, "Who?" Sakiko answers, "Hikari, Hikari Yagami, one of the Digidestined." Malachimon says, "I remember her. She is so much like me, but how? I could feel the same energies flow between herself and me. It's like, we're linked somehow." A flashback to when she healed Lewis's mind and she saw Hikari played in her mind. Sakiko sees her latticed metal glove on her left hand. "That looks just like the Crest of Light, but the Crest of Light is pink." Malachimon into her hand at the glove and says, "So this is what this rune is, the Crest of Light." She looks up at the moon. "Just to be sure... I never asked what your name was. What is it?" Sakiko answers her. "Okay, Sakiko. I have to know something. What do you know about Lance Fallon?" Sakiko says, "Well, this is mostly what Lewis and Lilymon have told me, but they say that now they think of it, you met him before." Malachimon answers, "I did save his life twice, once from a group of hoodlums who would have beat him to death, and a year later from hired hitmen sent by a rival company. I was hoping to know what his life was like before that, and before he permanently joined my forces in 2039." Sakiko recalls all Lilymon told Lily about Holly. "Well, according to what they say, he didn't start acting weird until September of 2034, and shortly after Holly said he had gotten this tattoo, and it was an angel holding a red gem. He started to buff out, and he locked himself in his offices and diverted resources to a secret project. Holly broke in trying to find him and found a nearly complete suit of armor like the one he wears now. Two weeks later, on December 24th, after leaving a Christmas party, he, and what said were three digimon, mercilessly attacked. They said it was almost a miracle they delivered Lily alive, because almost all the blows dealt to her were done to her mid-section, where she was carrying Lily." Malachimon says, "It seems as though they wanted Holly to have a miscarriage, not kill Holly." Sakiko says, "That's what Lilymon said!!!" Malachimon said, "You said the tattoo he had had a red gem design held by an angel, the angel on his upper back, and the gem on his neck. Strange thing, I saw it, and the gem design wasn't there. There were four holes in his neck. When he woke up, he claimed not to remember the last 11 years, and said it was a dream, but when told the truth, he went literally hysterical and insane screaming that it wasn't a dream and he killed Holly." Sakiko responds, "I remember seeing something get blasted off his neck during our last fight, then he passed out. Izzy also said he found a circular device with a gem design on the outside filled with red tape and had four clamps." Malachimon is stunned. "You said 'Red Tape,' didn't you?" Sakiko says, "Uh, yes I did." Malachimon looks depressed and sighs, "Why didn't I trust my instincts? I have good reason to believe that he has a hand in this." Sakiko says, "Try a whole body, and then some. He also attempted to have us all eradicated in the Android city." Malachimon says, "I'm confused. Attorneymon is wicked as can be, but yet, I have a part of me that respects and adores him for sparking life into my inert DNA and creating me." Sakiko enquires, "Malachimon, why do you attack the two worlds?" Malachimon looks into the brightening sky and answers her, "I don't know. I honestly don't know. It's like, a buried instinct, this unyielding need that haunts me like how addictions haunt drug abusers. It's like I have to conquer everything, but at the same time, I don't want to hurt anyone, and I want peace. That's why I order that a 'No-Kill' policy be used. No one is allowed to kill anyone, but I find Attorneymon continuously defies that order and has tried to kill all of you." She looks up. "The sun is rising. We've been talking all morning. I have to leave. The guard will begin to panic and ravage the countryside for me." Sakiko asks, "One last thing. Why do you want revenge?" Malachimon says, "Well, as Attorneymon and Skull Satamon have told me, my father was a noble type, and the Digidestined, acting like vigilantes, obliterated him. I want them to atone for that crime, but I have no wish to hurt you or any of the others." She opens the digiport. Sakiko calls to her just before she enters, "If Attorneymon was lying about Lance and lying about how he handles us, then is it possible he's been lying about that too." Malachimon says, "That's... something I'll have to check." She starts to cry. Sakiko says one more thing. "By the way, if you had the father's set of DNA, then wouldn't you be a boy digimon?" Malachimon walks back. "What are you saying?" Sakiko says, "Well, learning about heredity in school, if there is only one set of DNA, the only ways to produce a living form is through asexual reproduction and cloning, and that would mean you'd have a Y chromosome, making you a boy, but you are a girl. Girls have two X chromosomes." A message comes to Malachimon's PDP. It's Safiirumon. "Queen Malachimon, there is something we must discuss." Malachimon acknowledges and says to Malachimon, "Then where did my X chromosome come from?" And leaves through the port. Sakiko goes blank thinking, then stops and says, "The paper!!" She runs next door and swipes it.

Back inside, Masato is awake and asks Jou, "How is Sea Lilymon doing?" Jou says, "No change." Lewis walks in, dark rings under his eyes, goes, gets a thing coffee, throws a whole 5 pound container into a blender, and throws in a cup of water. He blends it up, then just takes the whole blender and holds it over his head, the tar-like goo slowly sliding to his mouth. It lands in, and he starts... chewing, yes, chewing the coffee. He leaves just as calmly as he entered, but then a sudden "Yahhhhhhhhhh-Hooooooo!!!!!" comes from Lewis outside. Jou says, "I haven't seen him go upstairs since two days ago. Wonder what he's doing?"

Everything goes back to Sea Lilymon.


"What is this fuzzy part? Is it something important, for it seems to last up until I joined the Resistance when Lucimon took the moon. Wait, I think it's beginning to clear... It has to do with the events one year into my training...." She sees a digimon come and take her with them. "They said something, and I know it's important...." She is in a hovering car with a guard and another digimon in a white smock. They said to me, "We finally found the princess, intact and safe!!" "Princess?! This makes no sense.... unless...." A flashback shows her looking at a giant picture with two digimon, one of which fit the bizarre nature of Lunar digimon, with crystal skin and a head that looked like the moon and sun fused together, but the other didn't fit. It didn't seem like it was a Lunar digimon at all. "Could I have been 'conceived?'" She looks at it. "The one on the left is a digimon I remember being called Tsukitaiyomon. I believe he was my father, but this one.... Oh my...." She looks at it and sees Sirenamon with him, wearing royal attire in place of her armor, marked with the same double crescent design that is on her spear. "It's so hard to believe, but it would account for me being a half plant/half water digimon, why I didn't have Lunar elemental powers like other Lunar digimon, and why there is only one of me. Still, it's so hard to digest." She watches memories of them trying to make her more 'noble.' "I remember now that Urchinmon, who by then had became Leviathamon, his Ultimate form, would fly up and help me sneak away to the Citadel to continue training under Master Raijinmon. By the third year, he said I had mastered hand-to-hand combat and was ready for weapons. I excelled with hefty battle axes and agile spears..." She thinks about her spear. "Must be in the blood. On the day of my graduation, the palace guards caught me and Tsukitaiyomon, my, well, I guess I should use the term, 'father,' ordered me to stay away from there. Then it happened...."

~*Flashback Ends*~

Jou yells, "Her heart rate is jumping, and I don't have any way of slowing it!!" Masato yells, "Do something!!" Ken goes, "Pressure is 210 over 150!! It's as though something is terrifying her!!" She starts to convulse.


"Oh god no!!" Sea Lilymon's thoughts scream as she watches Neo Spheremon fly from the Dark Side of the Moon. "This is why. This is why I hate him...." Neo Spheremon single-handed levels the city with his Perfect Sphere attack. She watches Leviathamon slammed into a guard tower. The automatic turrets fire on Neo Spheremon, but to no avail. "Father... Yelled to Raijinmon and Leviathamon to flee with me and tell others of what happened here. They took me and flew as fast as they could, to cover. Neo Spheremon left everything in ruins, and moved on like nothing happened. Raijinmon came out of the forest to see the devastation, and I rode on his back. In the wreckage was... Sirenamon. She talked to us with her last bit of strength..." Sirenamon says to Raijinmon, "Raijin... He used the fabled weapon of legend.... He obliterated the king. I soon will decompile back to data, but I will be reborn on my native Digital World, not here, and I will have no way to return here. I may not even remember any of this, so raise Lotusmon so she can stop Neo Spheremon." She points to the Digital World in the sky, then dissolves. "Such a traumatic event, I could see why I would block it out, but I still have holes and fuzzy places. What are they?"

~*Flashback Ends*~

Ken says, "This is odd. Her vitals just went back to normal." Sea Lilymon slowly regains consciousness. Masato jumps on her and hugs her and begins to cry. "Don't worry us like that anymore, Sea Lilymon!!" Sea Lilymon holds her, but then realizes a problem. "Anyone got a shirt or something. I'd kinda like to remove this sheet. It's hot." Masato runs over and hands her the tank top she normally wears, cleaned and sewn up. "I washed out the stains, and Keiko sewed up the hole." She puts on the shirt. She turns and attempts to stand on her fin, but falls in pain. Jou says, "Where are you going? No flying or.... uh, hopping for 72 hours." Sea Lilymon asks, "What am I supposed to do then?" Iori comes in, and then says, "I couldn't help overhearing your problem. I have a solution." He goes to his room, given to him by Lewis of course, and brings out painting equipment and enough water to clean her stuff for the duration. "I always find painting a way to pass the time and soothe my tensions, not to mention be creative." Everyone leaves, and Jou hauls the EKG out. "Okay... I've never painted before, but I guess since I'm here and it's here I might as well." She starts painting away.

12 hours later: In the living room, everyone has gathered except the Andromons and Lewis. Tetsuo says, "We've all been called here to report new information, and to introduce Bonnie's father, Benjamin Franklin Pierce-Winchester." Oswald goes, "I know that name from somewhere..." He hums the M*A*S*H theme as he thinks. "Must be by mistake. Nevermind." Tetsuo sees a giant truck loaded in Chromadigizoid metal and titanium alloy back into the yard. "Maybe we should talk over here, where everyone can see me and the other speakers." He moves away from the window, where there is a clear view of the truck backing into the backyard. They start moving the metal and it makes tons of clanking. Tetsuo says, "I have to get my slides..." He runs outside and says to Zenmon, "Turn it up to 11!!" Zenmon cranks up giant speakers to the max and blaring heavy metal music plays. Tetsuo runs back in wearing an earpiece and carrying notecards. Araiya asks, "What happened to slides, Tetsuo?" Lewis says on a mike in the hangar, "Tell her you forgot them and someone else should go ahead." Tetsuo recites Lewis's words. Izzy goes up. "Well, I'd like to announce that first off, with the help of Bonnie, Miyako, Yolei, Takeru, Ken, and after some explanation, Bonnie's dad, helped to develop a new analyzer program on this new state of the art laptop, with link-up modules for the D-3, EDI, and WCEDI, a pre-existing database of all other digimon scanned, and all their levels, as well as a counter that records all previous scans of that exact digimon. For instance, take the Yokomon. It can distinguish Sora's Yokomon from other Yokomon by their unique features. The best thing is, this program, and the laptop, are upgradeable. Where is all that heavy metal coming from?" Lewis says, "Say that the new neighbors are annoying jackasses." Tetsuo repeats his words and gets smacked by Araiya. Izzy looks at him oddly, then continues. "Another thing I found out is what this substance is. It's Gallium, yet somehow a million times stronger and somehow supercooled to temperatures of -30 degrees Fahrenheit, but if you look at it on the microscopic level, it contains biological elements, like red... well, um, silver blood cells and T-cells, antibodies, proteins, and water. If I didn't know better, I'd say this is a sample of Neo Spheremon's blood." Miyako gets up. "Is it just me, or is the house vibrating?" A crane comes up and lowers the metal into the hangar. Lewis says, "Say to them, 'You know them tremors. They always come out of nowhere to bite us in the ass.'" Tetsuo repeats Lewis just to get slapped again by Araiya. Miyako looks at them and then says, "Well, after yesterday, we can rule out this area. Now Mai gave us the map, and I feel the next best place to go is this area right here." She points to a desert area. Lily says, "Okay, why the desert?" Miyako says, "I know the Digital World, and for some odd reason, everything we need is always in some obscure desert of no return, or wasteland of death, or graveyard of doom. I figure what's the most dangerous, vile, decrepit, festering, toxic, horrid, decaying, nauseating, foul, enemy-infested, rotting cesspool of a hellhole in the Digital World, and my algorithm pinpointed this spot to a square inch. Your digimon HAS to be here!!" Masato answers sarcastically, "Goody." Mimi says, "I still can't get over the fact she made a program to search out the lowliest dives and cesspools." Miyako says, "Well, after the Dominion blew my company's HQ, I've had a lot more free time on my hands until I can get the chain running again. Is that music getting on your nerves?" Veemon says, "It sounds like they're playing 'Panama' by Van Halen over and over again." Hikari says, "That song was always annoying!!!" Armajimon yells, "I'm about ready to go over and open up a can of whoop ass on those punks' candy asses!!" Iori's eyes get big. Iori says, "Apparently Armajimon doesn't like Van Halen." Zenmon is outside, trying to figure out the controls to the sound system. Gabumon says, "Now it seems like they are playing with the sound and bass." The last load of metal is lowered. Lewis turns off the mike and yells, "Pack it up!!" The trucks fly from there, and Zenmon turns off the music. Armajimon is smiling and goes, "Better. Now, let's all have prune juice and carry on!!" Iori thinks, "When the fighting stops in the real world, sign Armajimon up for anger management seminars." Sakiko stands up. "I have an announcement." Miyako goes, "Okay then, Sakiko, more power to ya." Early this morning, I talked with someone." Romeo goes, "Don't we all!!" "Well, this person is of far importance in the Dominion." Lilymon goes, "Who is this? An informant, a double-agent?" Sakiko, "Nothing of the sort. I talked to Malachimon herself, right outside, on Miyako's corvette." Scarletmon asked, "Why didn't you call us to melt that witch?" Sakiko said, "I was, but then I saw how kind and gentle she was. In fact, at first, I mistook her for Hikari." Ken says, "That's because they look alike." Sakiko says, "No, even more than that. Even their personalities are the same. It was like talking to Hikari. In fact, you know that glove thing she wears on her left hand, well it has the Crest of Light emblazoned in it, except this one was black." Taichi says, "Are you crazy? No one is supposed to sit around with the leader of the organization that you fight. She could have set a trap or killed you personally!!" Sakiko answers, "I sat with her through the early morning hours talking with her, and thanks to her, I know what the Red Gem device is now. It's a means to control humans by placing their real conscious in REM sleep and substituting it with a programmed persona and commands." Ken says, "She told you how she made it?" Sakiko retorts, "She didn't know of the device until I told her, and then she told me about Lance's tattoo. The red gem on the neck the angel was supposedly holding in it was gone. When he 'woke up,' he went insane went guilt." Bonnie goes, "And how did you two figure it out?" Sakiko goes, "When I mentioned red tape in the device, she told me about what he claimed to see before he entered his dream. She said that he saw Attorneymon with a red gem. Also, the Red Gem has four clamps. He has four holes in his back, exactly the same sizes and places of where the gem was." Lewis, hearing this from Tetsuo's earpiece, stops what he is doing and says, "This puts a new light on things." Sakiko continues with their talk, and then says, "And so I believe Attorneymon is playing Malachimon for a fool, toying with her kindness, virtue, and her uncontrollable latent evil instinct." Daisuke goes, "Could you stop using big words like latent and virtue? I don't get it." Lilymon goes, "Now that I can believe." Mimi says, "Well, I can too, and I can believe everything Sakiko just told us." Takeru goes, "How!! She's a being of evil!!" Mimi says, "Takeru, you have to listen and give the benefit of the doubt. I have reason to believe her earnestly." Daisuke goes, "Stop it with the big words!!" Mimi continues, "Well, remember she was thrown into me in our first encounter? Everyone else has forgotten, but something I gained was that depending on my form, if I touch you and can hold on, I can read the mind of the person or digimon I touch. I saw into her mind, and the digimon Sakiko described is the same. She honestly did not know that it was Lance who attacked Holly. She even though her supposed father was this hero who made one little foul up, and we gang banged him like vigilantes. Attorneymon told this story to her, of course. In reality, I can sense half of her origin is extremely pure evil, and the other half the total opposite, pure good." Lily is lying on the couch crying. Lilymon holds her and asks, "What's wrong?" Lily sobs, "I used to know who did what, and how the world works, then I enter this, the world of the Digidestined. Again, after some time, I learned friend from foe, but now, I'm so mad, but I have nothing to be mad about. It's also so sad at the same time, Malachimon being Attorneymon's little gullible puppet." Bonnie has a sad look. "It's clever, but so, so mean, and wrong.... There would have been a time, a week or so ago I guess, that I would have toasted Attorneymon's ingenuity..." Daisuke goes, "What's with you guys and big words?!" Bonnie yells, "Shut the hell up!! I'm trying to make a point!!" She continues. "But I mean, we have to stop this. We have to save her from herself." Taichi says, "Yes, but we have to get some rest, and we still have to find Lily's digimon. Without it, I don't think we have a way of stopping Attorneymon without pulling the Omega Triad from retirement." Sora says, "Let's rest for the rest of the week and then they can go to those coordinates Saturday." Everyone goes up, and Lilymon continues to hold Lily in her lap. Lewis, in the hangar, goes, "You guys can carry on. I have a granddaughter who needs me." Araiya's Andromon says, "Sure. He thinks we have inexhaustible power systems. At least if I worked in a Chinese factory making tennis shoes I would be payed for my services." Jun's Andromon goes, "This is an important project. If we get this up and running, we will a new means of travel!!" He goes back to welding.

Upstairs, Lewis walks by a room with Bonnie and her father. Benjamin says to Bonnie, "Excellent sob story. Federal inspections are tightening again and I need you to keep some of this data I found lying around in some file cabinets and secured hard drives." Bonnie says, "I thought you said your days of corporate espionage and sabotage, hacking, con jobs and embezzlement were over. Besides, that wasn't a sob story. That's how I really feel. It's a little thing called 'truth.' Using my knowledge for general good instead of helping you crash the competitions' Ethernet systems and siphoning accounts felt good and I felt like I was doing something for once other than break the law." Benjamin says, "What the hell have they done to you?! You've gone soft on me." Bonnie says, "Well, if you consider using my knowledge to save that digimon's life on that kitchen table and helping to potentially save an estimated 28 billion lives on two worlds and a moon going soft, well more power to me." She storms out, but as she does, he plants a disc on her. Benjamin mutters, "You'll do my dirty work whether you like it or not."

On the station, Malachimon rushes to the infirmary. "What's wrong?" Evamon answers, "Some sort of shock.... It's like a cross of shellshock and catatonic schizophrenia, but there are no chemical imbalances, but he's still dead to the waking world." Malachimon goes, "His guilt did this to him. Evamon, I want you to construct a means for me to reach him. If I can't reach him in the waking world, I'll reach him in his mind."

72 hours later: Daisuke is watching COPS, which has now gone international and interdimensional. Jou goes into the kitchen. Bonnie is at the computer. "What's this?" She puts the CD in records for Miyako's business show up. Miyako walks in on her and says, "Why you little!! You were going to siphon money from me!! Don't lie!! I know you!!" Out the back, Benjamin uses a sled to go down the house and runs away. Lewis comes in for a drink. Jou goes to Sea Lilymon, who is strangely yet to de-digivolve. Jou goes, "You're free to go now... Oh my..." He looks at the portrait. Sea Lilymon says, "I have no idea who it is, just her face just kept flashing in my mind." Jou goes, "Sea Lilymon, you have no idea who that is?" She goes, "I have no idea, but I feel like I knew her." Jou says, "That's my mom."

"Are Attorneymon's plans unraveling? Is Malachimon finding the truth she so seeks? What damage has been done by Benjamin's disc? How did Sea Lilymon know what Jou's mom looked like and why hasn't she de-digivolved? What is Lewis's secret project? Find out the answers to these questions in Bloodline: Chapter 6 - War of the Sun Gods!!"