Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Bloodline: Descendents of the Digidestined ❯ End of a Legend ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Bloodline: Descendants of the Digidestined

Chapter 8: End of a Legend

Prologue: *Warning - Kinda sad and dramatic* Keiko recounts, "School had just let out for the holidays, and we got home when Masato and myself both forgot stuff at school. We had to go back and break in. Did you know Masato had a British accent? The others decided to get away on a vacation in the Digital World and left us a note, or so they said. While we were doing Mission Impossible in school, they were living it up. Taichi and Daisuke must have found the note and idiotically threw it away, because we never saw it. While they were there, the Dominion sprung a trap and even got Taichi and Daisuke. Sirenamon, Yuuji, and Armajimon though were underwater at the time and missed by the goons Attorneymon sent. They caught wind of what happened and came and got us... eventually." Armajimon interrupts, "Well, I had to have that fruit." Sirenamon goes, "Will you shut up about the damn fruit already!! We really don't care!! Keiko, you can skip this part. No one needs to know about this." Keiko goes, "But it happened...." Sirenamon goes, "Here's $20. It never happened." Lewis goes, "Now there's a master, Sakiko. Sakiko? Oh well, see, that fruit was not duty-free and Armajimon tried to smug..." A punch and a thud are heard. Tailmon says, "Who'd think a silly little fruit could cause so much trouble?" Armajimon goes, "Well, ya got to try it and understand my plight..." Sirenamon screams, "SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP!! THE NEXT PERSON OR DIGIMON WHO SAYS 'FRUIT' AGAIN WILL BE EATING MY KNUCKLES!!" Keiko goes, "Right.... Moving on. Evamon detained the others and showed them how he made all those new digimon they fought, and then took samples from them to add to his library of DNA. He even found a way to recompile the digieggs of Sincerity and Courage and used them. They watched as he made many new digimon, mostly from Lilymon, and then he made the discovery of a century. He found out that Malachimon was comprised of the DNA of Obliviomon and Hikari, and he used the last remaining fragment of the old Golden Digiegg of Miracles to spark life into her. At the same time we made a discovery, Lewis' secret project, a ship in the backyard. We took it and flew into the Digital World to save them. Also as this happened, Attorneymon ordered Wicked Lilymon to kill Mai. She went, and she found her. Mai spoke to her, and then let her kill her with no resistance from her. A rush of feelings swept over Wicked Lilymon, but then blamed them on Evamon, and went berserk. Later, Evamon learned how Veemon and Wormmon could go Mega by themselves, and then told us of Attorneymon's secret base. Wicked Lilymon attacked Evamon, but we got there in time to fight her. Evamon injected something I thought was a sedative straight into her heart and she blacked out. Evamon freed them and we went after Attorneymon, as did Malachimon, but he went after Evamon, and deleted him. Oh, and Lance is still a vegetable." A punch is heard. Keiko, "Ow... My lip. Sirenamon?! What was that for? I didn't say fruit once!!" And there's another punch. "Remind me never to do this again. I need gauze and an icepack."

Lewis yells, "Let's kick this pig!!" They fly into the firestorm of weapons. Lewis goes, "Deploy interceptors." Those mini-helicopter devices fly out and scramble the weapons, shooting missiles, throwing off guidance, and intercepting missiles. "Arm starboard salvos 3 and 4 with Mavericks and lock on." 10 missiles fly out blast apart a hole in the base defenses, which they fly through. Fling digimon attack the ship. Inside, it rocks from their attack. "Electrify the hull." The shock blasts them away. "Bring her in!!" They land on an aircraft pad. Everyone pours out, and Lewis totes something on his back. Mimi looks around and goes, "It can't be.... This is the exact same place the old Overlord HQ was." A pan out shows the base encompasses 95% of the old flying island, with the surface thousands of feet below, the sea and sun behind them, about 90 minutes from sunset, and a giant node device on the bottom of the island. Sora goes, "This place gives me chilling memories..." A flashback to her cybernetic enslavement pops in her mind, then her 'Alpha & Omega' nightmare. Lilymon has tears in her eyes, "And where Lucimon artificially conceived Holly while holding me prisoner." Mimi goes, "And where Cecimon died protecting the Nexuses..." She sees memories of him dying, her unable to help him. Koushiro goes, "And where we nearly lost Sora..." He remembers Abyssmon draining the life force from Sora. Taichi goes, "We can't let the bad things that happened here bum us out. There were good things, and weird things too, like those Knights of the Round Table, who helped us save Bill Gates, and Mimi, remember, you destroyed the most of Lucimon's last few troops, saving billions of lives..." Lewis goes, "And Lucimon's experiment was in a way a blessing. Without it, we would have never had Holly, and Lily wouldn't be standing here today. Let's make a promise. Everybody comes home." Everyone goes, "Agreed." Hikari has another vision. In it the same tombstone shows up, followed by a red ring, Lily falling down and seeing sickening acts of horror, then an evil looking Malachimon with a phantom image of Obliviomon lingering over her, both holding Malachimon, dressed in white, down in chains, and then finally the red ring goes by her sight and Takeru snaps her out of it. Takeru, "We got to go, Hikari." Hikari goes, "Guys, I haven't told you this, but I have been having these... visions. So far, they are almost... dreamlike. I wouldn't mention them if it wasn't for the fact I just had them again, and when I had them on the beach, so far 2 things I saw have happened, and a third is happening now." Masato goes, "Okay, you're weirding me out, Hikari." Hikari answers, "First was this base, followed by us at a tombstone, then Malachimon imprisoned in Attorneymon's clutches, then Wicked Lilymon going mad with blood all over her hands and running from it, and then a new figure came from her and stood with Gennai and Mai, and finally I saw myself and Obliviomon in Malachimon's heart." Taichi goes, "You worry too much. Calm down. We'll take out Attorneymon and everything will okay again." Bonnie goes, "Taichi's right. No one can see the future." They move on out and into the building. Taichi goes, "Okay, Mimi, Yamato, Hikari, Miyako, Ken, Iori, Yuuji, Sakiko, Masato, and Ryo will sweep the upper floors. Lewis, Araiya, Jun, Koushiro, Yolei, Keiko, Daisuke, Bonnie, Jou, and Romi will take the basement levels, and Lilymon, Lily, Sora, Tetsuo, Takeru, and me will stay put and guard the ship and the entrance. Let's go!!" They split up and go as planned. As Taichi's group comes out, they see Vindicator 2 on another pad. Sora goes, "I'm not liking this one bit." Takeru goes, "I can't get the others on my EDI. I can't even detect the inside of this place." Lilymon goes, "Uh, Takeru, I think it's because this whole place is lead plated. This seems like it was designed to be a radio 'dead zone' of some sort." A voice goes, "Dead is correct for zero money!!!" Another goes, "Attorneymon said you found this place, so we're going to shut you down." Another goes, "Permanently." From nowhere Dimentiamon, Neo Spheremon, and Warvamdemon pop up. Dimentiamon's profile comes up. Taichi goes, "This is Dimentiamon, a member of the Dominion council and Terra digimon, a master of time not unlike Milleniummon or Dao Garurumon. His Brahma Freeze will ice you down, then his Vishnu Preserver warps time to his favor, and his Shiva Halt as though it were the end of time. He also has a devastating ultimate attack called Countdown Doom, where if he hits you, unless it resolves, he's defeated, or you're healed, you got 30 seconds to live." Warvamdemon's profile shows up. Lilymon narrates, "And this is Warvamdemon. We saw his creation in Evamon's lab. He is also a council member of the Dominion, a Giga digimon. His Crimson Claw strikes you down with red lightning as he slashes you. His sword, Vladimir's Bane, can slash through Chromadigizoid metal like wet tissue paper and poison the target, and then disable them like his old Nightmare Claw. Like Wargreymon, he can channel power to his palm and hurl it. He calls it Crimson Force. What's with him and the color crimson?" All the digimon start digivolving....

"Shiva Halt!!"

A shockwave goes out and freezes everyone but Lilymon, Tetsuo, Zenmon, and Lily. Everyone else is stuck in mid-digivolution or standing there yelling.

"Lilymon Celestial Crystal Digivolve to Paladin Lilymon!!"

"Zenmon Warp Digivolve to Nirvanamon!!"

Dimentiamon goes, "How did you resist my time freeze?" Lily goes, "Because I said so." The three look amongst themselves confused, then start laughing. Dimentiamon, "Girl, feel my full fury!!"

"Brahma Freeze!!"

He blasts his shot of ice at her, but it stops, turns about face, and hits Neo Spheremon. A part of freezes, then he absorbs the ice. Dimentiamon, "Get them!!"

In the rubble, the fist slowly feels about and grasps to grab onto something to pull it up. Suddenly, General Stefan and Virusmon arrive and pull the arm up, removing Lance from the rubble. Stefan goes, "B... b... b.... boss, you're awake." Virusmon goes, "Oooohh... Master is awake." Lance goes, "Oh, my head, I'm so dizzy and sore." Stefan asks, "How did you wake up?" Lance goes, "Malachimon was right. I know it was horrible thing and the blood is on my hands, but it was Attorneymon who dirtied my hands with her blood, him and his Red Gem!!" He smashes some debris with his bare fist. Virusmon goes, "Queen Digimon order attack on bad lawyer digimon We come to find you since lab go boom when Digidestined saved their friends." Stefan goes, "Bonnie..." Lance goes, "Let's go. It's time I started doing some right. It's time I avenged the mother Lily never got to have!!" Storm clouds build at the lab's location.

Back on the island, Dimentiamon throws Nirvanamon into Paladin Lilymon and they both crash into the wall. Paladin Lilymon's sword goes flying and slams into the catwalk.

"Lepton Driver!!"

He flies at them but they manage to roll under him. He hits the door and is stuck. Dimentiamon though is pummeling Nirvanamon. He then freezes Nirvanamon's right arm to the wall. Dimentiamon moves in again and starts striking him so fast his arms are invisible. Nirvanamon looks like he is convulsing, but it's all the blows striking him. Tetsuo walks through all the chaos, takes Paladin Lilymon's sword, walks over to Dimentiamon, watches him hit Nirvanamon, waits for a moment, and thrusts the sword out. Dimentiamon's right hand goes flying off and falls into the sea thousands of feet below. Dimentiamon stops and grabs his wrist screaming, "My hand!! He takes a swing at Tetsuo, but Tetsuo takes a step back and leans, averting the fist. Tetsuo goes, "There is more to hand to hand than using the same move over and over. You, Dimentiamon, are too predictable, and it will be your downfall." Dimentiamon, "Predict this!!" He raises his left foot and flaps it around trying to confuse Tetsuo, but Tetsuo grabs his foot and flips him down. "Again, your next move is obvious." Tetsuo's digivice is going off wildly. "No one makes a joke of Dimentiamon!! Brahma Freeze!!" Tetsuo still stands there, not flinching a bit. "You fight with too much anger and hate. It limits your potential." His digivice glows so bright it blinds, and lets out a mighty blast.

"Nirvanamon Warp Digivolve to... "

He stands outside the pagoda when a horde of invaders ride in and the sky goes dark. He runs forward, leaps, and in mid-air, a samurai style breastplate appeared on him. He landed on a horse and rode forward. More samurai armor formed over him. A red cape with the Crest of Tranquility ran down his back. On his breastplate in gold is the two kanji 'Tsuriai' meaning 'Balance.' In his hand a pike forms with red feathers around the head, and on the spearhead in written in kanji 'Junban' meaning 'Order.' He rides through the enemy on the flaming battlefield slicing them up with his pike, then leaps off the steed, and a sword scabbard behind his back Leomon style materializes. The pike is thrown up, and he raises his and the pike clamps to his right arm, blade pointing behind him. He draws the swords, one from the left end, and one from the right. On the left, it says 'Anteisei' meaning 'Stability,' and on the right, it says 'Chowa' or in English 'Harmony.' He hacks some more up quickly, then they flee. The view pans around the burning land and pagoda as he stands on a hill, his cape and extremely long hair flapping in the wind. Rain starts to fall, as does his name along with the rain.


A shuriken comes from nowhere, is hit by the ice blast, and shatters on a distant pole. Bushidomon goes, "He's right. You're just too predictable." Tetsuo narrates, "This is Zenmon's Giga form, Bushidomon. His command of the elements Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, and Heart, uh, I mean Light are supreme. Let's see Dimentiamon keep up with him now. I have no idea why I said 'Heart.'" Bushidomon and Dimentiamon have a huge sparring sequence, then...

"Yang's Death!!"

He sweeps his right sword across the ground, throwing up dust from out of nowhere. A beam of light rips across the ground with fire behind it and rocks flying everywhere. It hits Dimentiamon and he falls back, but the beam keeps going, and hits him again, and it keeps going, and by the time he is knocked off the edge of the island, he had been hit 288 times. Paladin Lilymon throws Warvamdemon at Neo Spheremon, when Neo Spheremon stops. "Yes, I understand. Neo Spheremon out." Warvamdemon goes, "What is it?" Neo Spheremon goes, "Malachimon is inside. We are to capture her. Leave these Digidestined for Master Attorneymon." They leave. Suddenly, those frozen in time are free.

"Agumon Terravolve to Paladingreymon, Guardian of Honor!!"

"Biyomon Terravolve to Patriotaviamon, Patriot & Revolutionary!!"

"Patamon Warp Digivolve to Seraphimon!!"

"Seraphimon Warp Digivolve to Archangemon!!"

Paladingreymon goes, "Come get.... some?" Takeru goes, "Er, what just happened?"

Back at the lab, Wicked Lilymon lies on the ground, muttering in her comatose-like state. Inside her mind, she sees her old self in the third person in a strange lab. "Attorneymon? Is that you? What are you doing with her?" Attorneymon goes, "Silence!!" He is speaking to the Lilymon, oblivious to her. She backs off, and he snags her with his red tape. "You are mine!!" He rams a needle filled with this pure black tarry substance into her as she grows weak from the red tape. The Lilymon turns her head, crying, and says to Wicked Lilymon, "Save me..." She slumps over and turns black. "No... No... NO!! Who's doing this? That couldn't be me. I came willing.... no I didn't." Everything changes to a forest. She's carrying some stuff down a well-traveled footpath. In the shadows, eyes peer at her. She stops and looks around, then continues. Suddenly Skullsatamon, another digimon, and Attorneymon pounce on her. She drops her stuff and fires a few Flower Cannon shots off, but they don't faze Attorneymon. Wicked Lilymon screams, "Run away!!" but her words fall on deaf ears. He grabs her and he says, "You are mine, my sweet maiden. You escaped from me once, but not this time." and chloroforms her. She has a look of terror the whole time. Then it goes back to the lab showing her as she is now in chains mounted to the wall. Attorneymon goes, "Malachimon is defective. Evamon corrupted the marrow somehow. I would destroy that tin can, but that wench makes sure that'll never happen. No problem." He holds her face and goes, "When the time is right, you shall be my Queen, as I shall have both these worlds, and not Malachimon, nor those damned Digidestined can stop us!!" Suddenly she starts to return to a normal pink color. "I knew you were strong, but this is getting annoying!!" She watches him flog her with red tape, draining more of her strength and her identity. Then it flashes forward to when he was looking through an ancient book. "Oh crap." He exclaims. She says, "What is it, Attorneymon?" Attorneymon looks pale. "It speaks of a new group of Digidestined in the future. It also speaks of something else. If this is right, all us evil digimon are doomed. It says a child, one that is the grandchild of a Digidestined, the granddaughter of Tranquility to be precise, will have a mighty power inside, and unleashed will release something called the 'Megami.' If it gets loose, evil itself can be destroyed." Finally, she watches herself from the third person doing the things she had done, including leveling the place she called 'home.'" She comes out of it, flies up to her knees, and starts crying. She starts trying to wipe her hands clean. "Why won't you wash away? Out damn spot!!" She sees blood on her hands, but there is none in reality. She even removes her gloves from her forearms and tries to wipe them off with it. In a fit of anger, she throws down her gloves so hard she destroys them in the rubble. Suddenly, the blood vanishes as the skies crackle. She stops crying and looks up at the storm. From the cloud she hears, "It seems what was lost is now found." Wicked Lilymon goes, "What do you mean? Wh... Wh... Who are you?" The voice goes, "I refer to your identity, or in short, you. You have come a long way from that lab tube in NeoApocalymon's fortress. Your race was never meant for the use of evil, and Attorneymon failed to realize that." Wicked Lilymon goes, "How do you know so much about me? What do you mean, my race?" "I know all about you, Wicked Lilymon. If I didn't, I wouldn't be doing a very good job as Holy Beast, now would I?" Out from the cloud comes Qinglongmon, and he hovers before her. "When I say 'your race' I refer to Lilymon in general. See, over the ages, your digital ancestors were guardians of the natural forces. In fact, it was ancestors of the Lilymon who raised the Digieggs that became us Holy Beasts. It was also the ancestors of the Lilymon who kept us secret from Neo Apocalymon. In that day and time, they were totally naive and accepted all, even the bad digimon, and their only means of defense was to hide, except for one. She was known as the First Terra. It was her job to span the ends of time to combat evil. Even after the near end of the Digital World and X Apocalymon's first ever defeat, your race lived on. It was the First Terra who saved this world from permanent chaos, and even today, despite the title being held by a human, it was originally her Lilymon that was meant to fight Neo Apocalymon. He had a loathing of the First Terra, and Lilymon in general, but Lucimon, his longtime comrade-in-arms, had a twisted obsession with you. He convinced Neo Apocalymon to make you in the first place. After your demise and split, he became involved in these prophecies of a 'Dark Lilymon,' and thought he could make a child of Lilymon into that. He misread it though. It was not referring to Holly, mother of the Gatekeeper to the Megami, but to you. It showed her lineage because of your part...." Wicked Lilymon thinks, shudders in shock, and then even vomits. "You mean..." Qinglongmon goes, "After your corruption, Attorneymon used you, Lance, and two heartless goons to try to kill the unborn child Holly had. Because of him red taping you, that memory and everything about that day was lost forever from your mind." Wicked Lilymon holds herself and goes, "I'm going to be sick..." Qinglongmon adds, "But now you remember...." Wicked Lilymon, "I know what happened, and I have to live with it. I have to make good for what I did, especially for Lily." Qinglongmon goes, "It's good to hear that." Wicked Lilymon goes, "I must atone!! I have to set this right, but how?" She looks up and goes, "I want to know. What did Evamon do to me?" Qinglongmon goes, "You asked to be fixed, and he fixed you. He used a sample he derived earlier. It was the very same equation used to make Malachimon, but without the evil aura of Obliviomon in it. He thawed your cold black heart, Wicked Lilymon." Wicked Lilymon goes, "I must go now, Qinglongmon. Our destinies and lives are our own, and now that I know mine, I must set it in motion." Qinglongmon goes, "Oh, before I go, I noticed your gloves were thrashed to pieces. Let me give you some new ones. Sorry they don't match your outfit, but it's the best I can do on short notice." Two feathers fall down and strike her arms, and white gloves with gold petals appear on her arms. Qinglongmon vanishes into the clouds as Wicked Lilymon flies onward to the island. Wicked Lilymon says aloud, "Thank you Evamon. You did fix me."

In the lower areas, Araiya goes, "Lewis, I know you've done some weird stuff, but now I'm confused. What the hell is that on your back?" Lewis goes, "Oh, didn't I tell you? No? Oh? Okay then. In my last year in that Oval Office, I figured, well, hey, the Cold War was over, and...." Jou goes, "Oh, don't tell you stole a nuclear device from the US Military. I can't go to prison!!" Lewis goes, "Don't worry.... It's Russian. The other three I got are the American ones." Koushiro goes, "Other three? Won't they notice?" Lewis goes, "First off, Jou, you had no knowledge, so stop worrying. Second, I replaced them with dummy nukes. Third, why did you think I made so many stops to military bases?" Jun, "Humor us." Lewis, "Araiya knows." Araiya, "Huh?" Lewis, "Where the hell did you think I got all those illegal assault rifles, submachine guns, rockets, rocket launchers, and that minigun?" Yolei goes, "I see his point of view here. If he steals the guns, the army has less to shoot people with, and the less people get shot, the closer to world peace we'll come." Lewis, "Uh.... Yyyyeah, Yolei, uh... world peace.... yay world peace." Araiya, "You do know you're a kleptomaniac, Lewis. Hey, give me my wallet back!!" He turns to return it when he clotheslines her, saving her from a nasty blast of ice from the shadows. Lewis pockets her money then yells, "Come out, now!!" The sounds of running fill the halls. Koushiro, "Spread out and find them!!" Bonnie goes, "Let's split up. Lewis, Araiya, that way. Keiko, Jou, that way. Jun, Yolei, take that way, and Koushiro and me go that way. Daisuke and Romi, you guys hold your ground here and make they don't get past you." Daisuke, "Hey..." Everyone was gone. Veemon, "When do I get to fight?" Lewis and Araiya dash down the right hall and suddenly see Tomoemon sitting there, staring them down. Lewis goes, "It looks like she's waiting for us to make the first move." Araiya yells, "Take her down, Andromon!!!" Lewis goes, "No. That's what she wants. Also, may I point out the low clearance? This hall is only 20 feet tall by 13 feet wide. If he digivolves, we get faced by him and his huge chassis, while she has plenty of space to operate. This place was designed especially so big digimon couldn't invade it." Araiya goes, "We can't just sit here and wait. I hate being idle." Lewis goes, "Well, then, stare her down. I don't know, doing anything else and that's checkmate." Koushiro and Bonnie chase down the corridors to find Raijin Lilymon standing there at a dead end. Bonnie, "Strange, she isn't attacking us." She turns.

"Maelstrom Cannon!!"

She blows them out of the way and flees. Koushiro goes, "I'm totally bewildered by her actions." Tentomon asks, "Is it just me, or do you think she's here trying to do what we're trying to do?" Keiko and Jou pursue two shadows, one similar to Neko Lilymon and the other like Sigmamon. They turn the corner to meet a psychic forcefield, with Neko Lilymon and Sigmamon on the other side in a sort of reactor room. Sigmamon's psychic voice tells them, "Come no further." They stand there, with the two standing there on the other side. Jou goes, "Keiko, what do you think of the others, especially Lily and Yuuji." Keiko goes, "Lily may be a little whiny, but since our first battle, she has become a capable leader, but that power she has, it kinda scares me. I mean, it did us a great good against Sethmon, but I've seen how unstable it can be. She has to get past her anger." Jou, "Yuuji?" Keiko goes, "Yuuji is a very happy boy. He has pulled us out many difficult situations, including from Jormungamon's trap and he was the one who alerted us to your capture. You could be proud of him." Jun and Yolei run down a spiral staircase to the lowest level. Torches and low power blacklight bulbs lit this area. Jun mentions, "Man, it's dark." Suddenly, they bump into someone. Yolei, "Sorry there... holy crap.... Safiirumon!!" Safiirumon stood there with Metal Lilymon, Warlilymon, Vulcan Lilymon, and Siva Lilymon. Safiirumon goes, "Begone from this place Digidestined. This does not concern you." Yolei goes, "It concerns us a great deal. Attorneymon is he goon who ruined the lives of one of our friends and her father, killed Gennai, destroyed others, and forced Wicked Lilymon to kill her old partner, who was our advisor and counsel, so it concerns us a great deal!!" Safiirumon goes, "Back off!!" They almost get into it when a gold katana separates the two. Safiirumon goes, "Queen Malachimon...." Malachimon says to them, "I know I cannot do this alone. We must work together Safiirumon if we're to defeat Attorneymon and his officers. Call off your Valkyries." Safiirumon bows and goes, "Yes, my liege." He takes out a radio and says, "Break off and return to hidden hatch." Tomoemon walks past Lewis. "Wonder what all that was about?" Sigmamon pulls Keiko and Jou and levitates them as they leave. All the Valkyries return. Jun takes her digivice and says to others in the basements, "Meet us down here. We may have some helping hands." Minutes later, they all gather. Araiya, "So?" Malachimon and Safiirumon come out. "Ack!! Those two!! Backstabbers!!" Lewis goes, "Shut your hole. Think about it. Who else would have a reason to attack Attorneymon? She would because he made her believe a life story that was a pure lie to make her create the Dominion, and he does since he cost the life of Wicked Lilymon, and Attorneymon has betrayed his monarch." Malachimon goes, "A lie?" Koushiro goes, "Evamon told us the truth about how you were created. You were made in a lab as an attempt to revive Neo Apocalymon." Malachimon goes, "I've heard of him... Go on." "Using the marrow of Obliviomon, and a fragment of the Golden Digiegg of Miracles as a catalyst to restore power, Attorneymon was hoping to clone him." Malachimon goes, "What happened though?" Koushiro continues, "Well, you happened. What he didn't know was that the egg was encased in the Powers of Light, and that the hair of one of us, Hikari Yagami, was on the digiegg as well. Hikari's hair and the light of the egg altered the marrow, and made you. In a sense, you are the engineered daughter of Obliviomon and Hikari." Malachimon goes, "Oblivimon.... You mean all this time, part of me has been from Obliviomon, the most evil being to ever exist?!" Lewis, "Yes, but the other half of you came from Hikari, one of the nicest women ever to exist. You have both the Powers of Light and Darkness at your fingertips." Malachimon tears up. "I... idolized a monster. Evil begets evil, so all that can come from me is hate and suffering." She takes her own sword to her neck. Jou grabs it and says, "No, Malachimon. We all have our own destinies. Like Lewis said, you have the potential for both. So you may be innocent and naive. A lot of people are. It means you care. It means the good is winning in your heart. At some point, it comes our time to shine. Your time may not have come yet. Be patient." Malachimon goes, "You're right. First, we have to stop Attorneymon." Lewis goes, "I got this nuke, but I have to find a place to put it." Jou goes, "I know a place. Just give me the command codes and the word, and I'll flip this thing on and run like hell." Lewis goes, "I don't know..." Bonnie goes, "Let him go, Lewis. I trust him to do it." Daisuke goes, "I know Jou can do it." Lewis says, "The arming code is '114836.' These are the keys to arm it. They must be turned to the left simultaneously. This is the remote device. It'll let you set it on the fly. It can also be set from the console on it. The three big buttons are 'Off, Clear/Stop, and Enter,' in that order. Be sure to give yourself 10 minutes to get out. I'll signal you to 'blow the popsickle stand.' That's your cue to arm it." Jou says, "I'm not going to let you guys down." He carries it up the stairs. Koushiro goes, "The best thing to do now is meet up with the others." Everyone goes, "Right!!"

At main HQ in space, Lance is suiting up. Stefan, "Sir, you sure you want to fight this soon? You're still hurt from the attack." Lance goes, "I have to. Too much is at stake." Virusmon goes, "At least let Virusmon help you." Lance smiles and goes, "Well, if you're gonna harass me like this, okay then. Stefan, I want you to bring in my air divisions to strike the base." Stefan goes, "Attorneymon seized your ships, but I'll see if I can get some of the guys together and see if we can hotwire a few. Malachimon has already taken Vindicator 2, and 1 is still being built." Lance says, "Well, then we'll have to find a new ride." Chris comes down the hall with North and says, "I can supply that."

Mimi and her group upstairs wander about. Masato goes, "This place is eerily vacant." Lotusmon responds, "Well, I guess when you own a secret base, security isn't really a priority." Hikari walks by a door and stops, feeling this evil vibe. She turns and opens the door, and goes in. Hikari goes, "Why would Attorneymon's office raise my hair like this?" She looks about and is drawn to a door that looks like a broom closet. She goes in and finds the ceremonial room. "All this blood...." All of a sudden, everything goes dark and the phantom of Obliviomon shows up. "Attorneymon, done so soo... You, you Digidestined. Your interference in time cost me my victory. Your hair corrupted what should have been my new avatar. I curse your name, Hikari Yagami." Hikari looks at him and goes, "I fear you not, for you are dead, and can never return." "Ah, but you are wrong. Children are the ticket to immortality." "If you're talking about Malachimon, she's become everything you aren't, and a much better living being than you ever were." "She is still my child. When Attorneymon is done with her, she will do what I never got to do, then return me to this world. I will be proud to call her my own." "You will never have control of her. She despises evil, and you." "Like I said, when Attorneymon gets done with her, it'll be all different. Mark your calendars for the vernal equinox. It will be your last day alive." "Don't count on it, Obliviomon." His phantom vanishes. Takeru goes, "Where have you been?" Hikari goes, "Malachimon is in danger." Suddenly, they hear Koushiro on their EDI's saying, "Guys, meet us in the main lobby. We have a plan."

Attorneymon is in a ship landing on a platform. He radios to Dimentiamon and Neo Spheremon, "Meet me on the tarmac. Warvamdemon can handle whoever is down in the basement. Sensors show they all gathered in one spot, but is too far in to shoot with the ship. We'll go in the front." In a giant room inside the base, everyone meets and Koushiro explains what happened downstairs. Taichi goes, "Well, what of this plan?" Koushiro says, "I'm working on it. Other than Jou in the reactor room with the nuke Lewis brought, we don't got much." Lily goes, "Well, not much is gonna have to do, because Attorneymon is heading this way." Ken, "Everyone, ready!!"

"Dryadsapia Terravolve to Gaiasapia, Avenger of Martyrs!!"

"Gabumon Terravolve to Dao Garurumon, Entrusted Gatekeeper of Time!!"

"Tentomon Terravolve to Raijinkabuterimon, Sentinel of the Heavens!!"

"Andromon Terravolve to Thor Xaviomon!!"

"Archangemon Terravolve to Gabrielmon, Defender of the Innocent!!"

"Tailmon Terravolve to Archangewomon, The Face of Innocence!!"

"Lewis Wick, Ninth Digidestined, Terra Optimize to Neo HyperCenturiosapien!!"

"Hawkmon Warp Digivolve to Sentinelmon!!"

"Sentinelmon Warp Digivolve to Sharukmon!!"

"Hawkmon Terravolve to Noble Valkyrimon, Valhalla's Sentinel!!"

"Veemon Terravolve to Paladin Imperialdramon, The Noble Light in the Sky!!"

"Armajimon Terravolve to Alcedesmon!!

"Wormmon Terravolve to Fujita Okuwamon, The Winds of Change!!"

"Tulisapia Warp Digivolve to Hyancinthasapia!!"

"Ardillamon Warp Digivolve to Saintmon!!"

"Saintmon Warp Digivolve to Michaeamon!!"

"Lotusmon Terravolve to Valkyrie Lotusmon, Noble Beauty!!"

"Meramon Terravolve to Apollomon, The Real Sun God!!"

"Urchinmon digivolve to Krakenmon!!"

"Andromon Warp Digivolve to Xaviomon!!"

"Xaviomon Warp Digivolve to Alcyaid Xaviomon!!"

"Scarletmon Warp Digivolve to Phoenixgryphonmon!!"

"Phoenixgryphonmon Warp Digivolve to Manticoramon!!"

"Sirenamon Mega Digivolve to Undinemon!!"

"Undinemon Warp Digivolve to Tidal Sirenamon!!"

Raijinkabuterimon, his head hitting the roof and wings cramped up tightly, "Is it just me, or does this room feel a lot smaller?" Archangewomon goes, "If you don't like it, remodel." She fires missiles all around and levels the walls, quintupling the room dimensions. Raijinkabuterimon, "That's better." Attorneymon is twirling a roll of red tape on his finger. "This is so convenient, you coming to me and all. It makes things so much easier." Raijinkabuterimon goes, "Eat this then!!" He blasts fire from his mouth, which he throws red tape out and splits the fire in half. Jormungamon goes, "We have unfinished business, Manticoramon!!" Sakiko screams, "Duck and cover!!" Raijinkabuterimon grabs all the Digidestined and balls up. Paladingreymon moves forward.

"Light of Judgment!!"

"Y Force!!"

Manticoramon's tail ring jabs into the emerald at the end of Paladingreymon's sword. The power of both their attacks hits, and Paladingreymon's sword explodes. The whole section of tower they are in is vaporized, making the floor the roof on this tower. Everyone comes out of Raijinkabuterimon's grip to see Attorneymon's cronies blown away and smacking into the catwalks and forests below. Paladingreymon looks at Manticoramon. "Ya.. You.... Ya... You blew up my sword!!" Manticoramon shrugs her shoulders and goes, "Sorry." Attorneymon himself reappears. He says, "Mass destruction is so passé." Paladingreymon goes, "He's still here?" Attorneymon comments, "You're good for the Fourth of July, but not much else. Vindicator!!" Paladingreymon is duly returned to Koromon. He turns to Manticoramon.

"Insanity Plea!!"

Manticoramon starts convulsing, but nothing is happening to her. She spits up blood as she shakes. In her mind, it feels like every nerve in her is being ground up in a meat grinder. She falls over as Scarletmon.

"Class Action Lawsuit!!"

All the old Digidestined digimon except Paladin Imperialdramon, Alcedesmon, Archangewomon, and Dao Garurumon get snagged and drained. Mimi leaps up from the rear and attacks.

"Rain of Blossoms!!"

He steps back a few steps.

"Edge of Gaia!!"

She slices his arm open and it lets out a green glow. He grimaces in pain, but then it heals. "My turn, Mimi." He grabs his suitcase and raises it over his head.

"Vengeance of Valhalla!!"

Attorneymon laughs, and then goes, "Always liked the Fourth of July. It's so... pretty." The missiles blow up at point blank range all around Mimi. In slow motion, shrapnel digs into Mimi's right arm; lasers burn her, two of which blast clean through her femur and abdomen. Burns are on her left arm. A big bullet blasts through the center of her right hand, out the other end, and lodges right into her shoulder. She reverts to Lilysapia upon hitting the wall, and then the wall crumbles on top of her. Taichi runs over and starts trying to uncover her. He finds her limp and out cold. He tries to feel her pulse. "It's weak." Mimi becomes semi-conscious and spits out a few teeth. She whines, "My tooths...." Yamato yells, "Dao Garurumon, dedigivolve quick!!" DaoGarurumon goes, "Huh?" Yamato adds, "If he gets your time powers, we're sunk!!" Dao Garurumon reverts to Gabumon. Paladin Imperialdramon rushes him next with an assist from Safiirumon and Alcedesmon.

"Crusader Lancets!!"

"Industrial Revolution!!"

"Sapphire Storm!!"

Attorneymon's back is ripped up by sapphire shards, stabbed in the chest by small mini-lances, which then blow up, and shot to pieces, but he miraculously heals himself. Safiirumon, "Valkyries, attack!!" Neutrino Lilymon and Sea Lilymon lead the charge. They surround him. "Cannons on three!!" Metal Lilymon yells. "THREE!!"

"Flower Mortar!!"

"Maelstrom Cannon!!"

"Blizzard Cannon!!"

"Wildfire Cannon!!"

"Particle Accelerator Cannon!!"

"Shadow Cannon!!" Tomoemon calls out.

"Shogun Cannon!!" Warlilymon calls out.

All of them hit, but he walks out of the cloud, frostbite, falling hair, and burn marks healing. Metal Lilymon goes, "All out, girls!!" Warlilymon gets his attention. The petal design flips out and her claws retract.

"Double Shogun Cannon!!"

Balls of power gather at each of her hands and blast at him, her arms bouncing back from recoil. Unlike her one-armed 'Shogun Cannon,' she's firing very rapidly. Neutrino Lilymon and Sea Lilymon go to jump him when Attorneymon pulls a sword and skewers them both in mid-air, deleting them. Neko Lilymon draws back on her bow.

"Celestial Flower Arrow!!"

It pierces him and he turns blue from the poison, but he just stands back up. Metal Lilymon goes, "Everyone, full power!!"

"Autumn Fan!!"

"Sequoia Icicle!!"

"Eucalyptus Bombs!!"

"Temujin Seeds!!"


Attorneymon grabs Metal Lilymon's wings and uses them to smack Vulcan Lilymon's bombs away, blow Raijin Lilymon's attack back at her, then take the freezing icicle, but Sigmamon's seeds get through and he grabs his head. Metal Lilymon goes, "Hit him now, and make sure you get my wings back!! I need them." Neko Lilymon pounces like a cat at him, and then swipes with the claw.

"Sumac Claw!!"

It hits, and it doesn't heal as fast.

"Temujin Seeds!!"

She disables him again. Neko Lilymon charges up, Warlilymon starts spinning and is surrounded in green energy, Tomoemon draws her sword, a visor covers Metal Lilymon's eyes, and Paladin Lilymon joins them. Neko Lilymon channels a force into the earth, led by tree roots.

"Jungle Jihad!!"

It throws Attorneymon airborne. Warlilymon takes to the air.

"Gaia Force!!"

She shreds through him. Tomoemon flies by superfast and swings her sword 8 times.

"Green Destiny!!"

Her act slices him in half and throws his suitcase to the other end of the floor. A green beams charges over Metal Lilymon's visor and fires like one of Cyclops' lasers.

"Clover Laser!!"

It strikes him in the back, spinning him head over heels.

"Mana Burst!!"

Explosions tear all over his remaining body and he falls to the ground and just lies there. Taichi goes, "I think we did it." Attorneymon's body glows black, and hems itself back together. "Fools, I have so many powers you can never stop me!! Class Action Lawsuit!!" He zaps all the Valkyries, Paladin Lilymon, Alcedesmon, and Safiirumon. Paladin Lilymon reverts to Lilymon and Alcedesmon dedigivolves into Tsubumon. Paladin Imperialdramon yells, "I got you now!!"

"Sevenfold Light!!"

Paladin Imperialdramon strikes him six times with a glowing sword, then a pillar of light engulfs them, and he goes berserk. Attorneymon grabs him and choke slams him, then place kicks him into Krakenmon, who reverts to Urchinmon. Veemon rolls over and goes, "Let's come back later and look for my balls." Keiko, "Let's get him!!" Before they can even advance, he zaps them all in another Class Action Lawsuit. Bonnie goes, "How is he beating us? He's a Giga digimon. He just took down 18 Terras, 1 Demi-Terra, 11 Gigas, and 2 Megas as though we were nothing more than rice paper to him, as we're yet to make a permanent scratch on him." Attorneymon goes, "Doesn't that just suck." Malachimon goes, "It looks like it's just me and you, Hikari." Malachimon draws her golden sword, and in a storm of black feathers, two black angel wings grow out of Malachimon's back. Bonnie, "We learn something new every day." Archangewomon and Malachimon fly at him with swords drawn.

"Avatar Edge!!"

"Soul Searcher!!"

The two strike him down, and the wounds leave a glowing gash, but the good thing is that this time it isn't healing. Malachimon strikes again and again she hits, and again it isn't healing. Attorneymon goes, "Impossible." Sakiko goes, "What power she has that we don't? Is it her pure heart?" Lily goes, "She's not really evil, just misled, like I was." Attorneymon goes, "Your power does not matter, Malachimon!! I kill Lily, I still win, because then no one can find the digimon that can summon the Megami!!"

"Raijin Firestorm!!"

He blasts the fire from his briefcase at Lily. At first, she is scared, but a voice goes, "Have Faith and know your Purity, and it can't hurt you." Lily looks right the fire, and puts her hand up to guard herself, but then the flames bend, and in small coils of flame do a 180 and hits Attorneymon. Attorneymon, "WHAT THE!! BUREAUCRATIC RED TAPE!!" In the same gesture, the tape snaps in half, goes behind her, spins back, and coils around Attorneymon. Just then, missiles strike him down. Malachimon in shock, "Lance?!" Lance goes in his armor, "In the flesh." He stumbles over and grabs his ribs. Up from the floor comes Skull Satamon with four other digimon. "Master, reinforcements are here." Neo Spheremon flies back up. "I am ready for battle." Two are the Megalomamemon. Their profile comes up. "Megalomamemon are genetically engineered psychotic relatives of their more docile and mischievous selves. These madmen thrive on carnage. For starters, the miniguns they have for arms rip up the opposition with the 'Dillinger Massacre.' When they get bored with spray and pray, they move on to missiles, which means his 'Smart Tomahawk,' where he dislodges his fingers, and fires the missiles in the center of the miniguns and can guide with his mind, or the more indirect, but faster 'Sidewinder Gemin X' which shocks the foe as well as blow them up. If that isn't enough, he gets up close and personal with his 'Grinding Bayonettes' and 'Gemin X.' If you're still there take abuse, he can remove his right gun, attach it to his left one, and blow your ass away with the 'Raimei Cannon.'" By Skull Satamon is a giant grey haired wolf man with demon horns on his head, a broken shackle and gold ribbon on his neck, a set of demonic bat wings, and disintegrate feet. "One of Evamon's most unpredictable and ferocious projects, he never knew what he made when he made Fenrirmon. Mix two parts Weregarurumon with one part Demon to get him, this monstrous war machine and enemy of the light, and fellow general of Attorneymon. His 'Gleipner Whip' ensnares even the strongest beings and saps them dry of their power. The 'Bones of Tyr' come forth to scratch into your flesh, and into your soul, and to finish your misery, the 'Blood of Odin' will set you ablaze." The other digimon looked like a Mongol invader with cobalt skin, and markings made of blood on his demonic face. "Meet Genghismon. This Giga digimon, once you get past his annoying dubbed over voice, is a proud and loyal follower of Attorneymon and one of my fellow generals. He is known to ride a Black Unimon into battle, today is no exception. His Scimitar of Shame will rip you in half, and his Marauder Crossbow has 500,000 PSI's backing it, making the perfect weapons for those morons standing in a straight line." Attorneymon says, "I see no point in this fighting. Surrender, and your deaths will be quick." The Black Unimon whinnies and goes, "Borsch!! Peruski!!" Genghismon goes, "You all will fall to my metal, ha ha ha." His lips keep going though he's stopped talking. Malachimon goes, "If it means my own life, I will stop you!!" Attorneymon goes, "You think two Terras can take us down? 18 Terras couldn't beat me!!" Archangewomon goes, "Watch us." Malachimon leaps off Archangewomon's shoulders.

"Divine Vindication!!"

"Dillinger Massacre!!"

The two collide, and all of her missiles explode halfway between them. Metal Lilymon, "Come on, we got to help..." Metal Lilymon and Vulcan Lilymon struggle to their feet.

"Double Flower Mortar!!"

"Red Flower!!"

The shots hit one of the two Megalomamemon, and then a red rose with burning petals hits his chest. He rears back as fire sweeps over him and he his burned to ashes, the 'bio-steel' falling on the ashes. The other Megalomamemon goes berserk.

"Sidewinder Gemin X!!"

The missiles fired off his back and swept low to the floor; setting the area ablaze as it passes. They criss-cross and hit Metal Lilymon at the same time. Explosions continue down the flight path as if the missiles never hit, and one set strikes Archangewomon. Attorneymon laughs and goes, "I am your superior. Kneel to me and I'll let them fall to their death, a quick and painless end." Malachimon, "I will never let you win. What horrors you'd unleash are terrifying." Attorneymon, "I know." He signals forth and Neo Spheremon and Megalomamemon lunge forth.

"Gemin X!!"

Electrodes on the ends of his fingers charge as he zooms in on Archangewomon. His fingers start spinning around his palm as he draws his arms to his sides. Boom, he connects in a double sweeping motion, Archangewomon's armor conducting the electricity, sparks flying, and flies back with a giant X ripped open in her ab armor, in the center of the X she bleeds. Sora and Takeru stand behind her. Hikari yells, "Watch out!!" Suddenly the two get faced before they can move, crushed behind in a piece of rubble. Takeru actually spits up blood from the blow. Archangewomon's minigun on her left arm accidentally flies off, smashing Sora's jaw, teeth go flying, and hits her arm, shorting it out and electrical discharges flying everywhere. Neo Spheremon screams towards Malachimon and Lily. A targeting laser hones in on Lily's forehead. Malachimon, "Get down!!" She jumps and knocks Lily down, saving her from Neo Spheremon's drill. Bonnie takes her digivice and yells, "NOW!!" All the new digidestined digimon still active bust up from the floor. Attorneymon goes, "I thought I destroyed you all in that missile barrage?!" Yamato goes to Bonnie, "You were going to tell us they were still alive when?" Masato, "We had to make it look believable." Valkyrie Lotusmon and Michaeamon blast up in front of Genghismon and Fenrirmon just as they neared Lance. Genghismon's lips start moving; the 5 seconds later you hear real quickly, "Eat this, Digifools!! Ha ha ha ha!! Marauder Crossbow!!" His lips are still flapping. Valkyrie Lotusmon goes, "Time to ram something down that cheap poorly edited dubbed pie hole of yours!! Hydroponic Shower!!" A blue glow runs down her arms as a ring a water runs down to her hands and meeting between the palms. From her palms emerge seedlings and nitrogen, and into the water they go. A casing of vines holds it all in place. He fires his arrow. The orb of water flies out, and a shotgun sound is made, she slides back from recoil and her arms bounce backwards, and the casing hits the ground. The orb breaks up; water and nitrogen surrounding the seeds, and spreading like buckshot. Some of the seeds take down the arrow, and the rest of the seedling buckshot travels and lodges itself into Genghismon and his Unimon. He is forced to abandon his mount as vines wrap over and the thorns slice into it. The same starts to happen to Genghismon, but he rips all the vines out. She jumps him, but he holds her arms. She wraps her lower body around him just as he goes to throw her, flipping him over, making him hit his head, rolling, but back on his feet. The roll made her drop her axe, so she starts punching away at his face. "Take that, and this!!" She continues to flail into his face. "IEEHHHH..... I didn't know he could get uglier." She does not notice him draw his scimitar.

"Scimitar of Shame!!"

Dark forces draw to the blade, and he hacks open her tail, and then again, and again, and then impaling it. In all, she takes 5 deep slashes and two stabs into her upper right portion of her fishtail. The pain forces her to relax her muscles, freeing Genghismon. Michaeamon is leaping about avoiding the golden ribbon Fenrirmon is striking about with.

"Gleipner Whip!!"

That little gold silk ribbon snares Michaeamon's ankle, throwing him to the floor face first, busting his lip open. Fenrirmon begins spinning him around, smashing him into debris, but Michaeamon gets smart. He pushes off a pipe, flies forward, and the forward movement with Fenrirmon's opposite movement ties up Fenrirmon.

"Seven Deadly Strikes!!"

He dishes out his blows, but then, since the Gleipner was still around his ankle and it was hooked to the shackles on his wrists and neck, pulled him back like the proverbial yo-yo he had become and punched him many times before he pulled him fast real fast.

"Consecrating Jab!!"

He strikes him, the Gleipner breaks, which is almost impossible, and Fenrirmon crashes into Attorneymon. After sliding along the floor, he throws Fenrirmon off him, then saps Michaeamon clean, then beats him into the rubble after he reverts to Ardillamon, breaking his right leg and dislocating his right shoulder, then breaking three ribs. Just as two strips of tape stretch out to break his neck, Apollomon and Tidal Sirenamon double up on him.

"Hudson Trident!!"

"Doragon no Hikari!!"

Tidal Sirenamon hurls her trident with an ellipse of blue mist around it. As the blue mist hit Attorneymon's arm, it froze it solid. The trident goes right through, shattering the arm. From Apollomon's hands a flaming white highlighted orange Chinese dragon shot out and slagged the other arm, making Attorneymon drop Ardillamon. Moments later, the limbs regenerate. He leaps into the air, motioning the two to follow him if they dare. They take flight themselves, and engage in a vigorous hand-to-hand melee with Attorneymon, but as fast as they strike, he uses one hand to block each of them, all with his eyes closed. Suddenly, at 18,000 feet up, strands of red tape come out and form swords. He directs himself at Apollomon, swiping wildly at unbelievable speeds. Apollomon blocked furiously, when Tidal Sirenamon motioned him to move. Apollomon thinks, "I get it. She's in front of the setting sun. Get him to face her, and he's blinded!!" He spins fast, and Attorneymon has to cover his eyes. Apollomon flies behind Attorneymon as Tidal Sirenamon locks on.

"Seawolf Torpedoes!!"

She bombards him furiously with salvo after salvo. Tidal Sirenamon stops and screams, "NOW!!"

"Fusion Rings!!"

"Deuterium Depth Charges!!"

Koushiro goes, "I'd like to point out deuterium and a fusion reaction make a BIG boom." Araiya's Andromon goes, "The recommended course of action now is to duck and cover." Attorneymon regains his sight to see it to late to evade. The two collide. Everything goes white. From the moon, Raijinmon looks in shock at the Digital World as part of it is engulfed in a spire of fire. From one of Attorneymon's ships, the helmsman goes, "Sir, unknown shockwave approaching from Vector 21!! Impact in 3.... YAAHHHHH!!!!!" The ship is vaporized instantly. Tetsuo gets up to see everyone on the tower still alive, a few cuts, burns, and a few with broken bones, but everyone is alive. "How did we survive?" Tetsuo asks. Ken goes, "Most of the power from the blast was centralized in the higher elevations. We only experienced a fraction of that force." Apollomon and Tidal Sirenamon stare into the cloud to see if they succeeded. Tidal Sirenamon asks, "Did we.... win?" Apollomon goes, "I hope so." The smoke clears, and they gasp. Attorneymon still stands, and he is laughing. "My turn." He wraps himself up in a red tape sphere.

"Political Fallout!!"

The shell explodes violently, pieces and fragments of red tape going everywhere. Pieces hit Apollomon in the gut, arms, and even go through his armor, and he free falls to the tower, crashes through the floor, down the next floor, and finally stops embedded into the ground floor, laying there as Candmon. Tidal Sirenamon takes the same wicked ride after being showered with red tape in her arms, fins, and hips, and crashes right next to Candmon as Ningyomon. The rest of the digimon fighting go back to Rookie except Archangewomon, who manages to shield herself. Bonnie is in utter terror. "NO WAY!!" Taichi goes, "Koushiro, quick, find out how was able to just 'make up' an attack!!" Koushiro scans him. Koushiro exclaims, "This can't be!! This says he has the offense of a high-end Terra, and the defense of an Omega digimon!! Not to mention those healing powers he has makes him virtually immortal!! What I don't get is how his defensive powers got so powerful!!" Malachimon goes, "He absorbs the powers of others, and so it must be like fighting all the victims he attacked all at once!!" Koushiro goes, "Only heavily powerful Holy Light/Life attacks seem to do any lasting damage, like when Malachimon attacked him." Lance stands up. "Archangewomon, Malachimon, it's up to you. I'll keep him distracted while you get ready to mount your attack." Malachimon goes, "Don't Lance. With your injuries, he'll tear you up before you get to him." Lance answers, "I know, but we have no other option." He kicks his jets into overdrive as he flies at him. "Take this, damned monster!!" He fires the armor's onboard minigun at Attorneymon, who does take a few bullets. Lance tackles him, and they both go into a death spin. Attorneymon boots him away and kicks him 100 times in 2 seconds. Moments later, there were microexplosions all over his front, his armor cracking to pieces in many places, and a fire on his left side. Lance goes, "Computer, arm fire suppressant!!" It sprays a retardant on the burning area. "Arm rockets!!" The computer goes, "Malfunction: Missile door locks fused. Error: Internal Ammo Explosion Immanent." Lance goes, "Eject ammo then!!" The computer goes, "Malfunction: Ammo doors fused." Lance goes, "Ah, hell!! Here Attorneymon, catch!!" He removes his forearm armor and hurls it at Attorneymon. They explode as foretold, but do nada to the demon. Lance goes, "Do pneumatic systems still work?" The computer goes, "Pneumatic systems are at 88%." Lance goes, "Good, I can still take him in hand to hand combat." He draws back, and steam shoots out of the exposed wiring and piping around his arm, a whirring sound is heard, and he wallops Attorneymon hard, then again, and again. Finally, he punches him into the floor. Ships fly into place. Attorneymon goes, "It's over. My fleet is here. Fleet, destroy them!!" Lance goes, "I don't think so." His fleets and Chris' fleets arrive to combat Attorneymon's fleets. Attorneymon goes, "I still win." He snags Malachimon in red tape and holds her near him. "She is the only instrument at this time that can defeat me. I will not destroy her though, because I have greater orders, and those are to unlock her original potential." He goes to grab the red ring. Taichi, "What does he mean, higher orders?" Hikari looks furious and goes, "Obliviomon...." Everyone gasps in shock. "This is what you meant by 'Children are your ticket to immortality.' Well, I'm not going to allow it!!" Ken goes, "Has she flipped? He's been dead for 41 years!! The Omega Triad made sure of his destruction!!" Hikari goes, "His spirit lives on. It's where Attorneymon gets his marching orders!!" Attorneymon goes, "So the cat's out of the bag. Oh well. In a moment, I'll have completed my task and set our destiny into place!!" Keiko goes, "You can't do this, you monster!!" Attorneymon goes, "What are you going to do, sissy slap me to death?" Lily says, "I'm more important than her. You want me, don't you?" Attorneymon goes, "I'm having a good day today." He shoots out a strand of tape at her. Malachimon yells, "Stop it, Attorneymon!!" Attorneymon, "You're in no place to order me!!" Malachimon goes, "You forget the other half of my legacy." She shines radiantly with a golden light, and sends her power to Archangewomon. Power streams from Keiko, Lily, and Hikari as well. Archangewomon shines in place, and speaks in an echoing voice, "The gloves come off."

"Archangewomon Ichiban Shinka to Serafinmon!!"

Daisuke goes, "Ah hell, he did it now." Koushiro goes, "How is it possible? The Golden Digiegg...." Malachimon goes, "Lives in me." The red tape reaches Lily but is ripped to shreds before it touches her. "Why can't I destroy you with my red tape!!" An all to familiar voice goes, "Because she is pure." Attorneymon goes, "Wicked Lilymon, am I glad to see you. Finish them!!" She shoots her cannon, but it is a light of white light, and it breaks the tape. "It's you that must be finished!!" Attorneymon goes blank, his eyes and mouth wide open in disbelief to her defiance. He screams, "What has Evamon done to you!!" Wicked Lilymon goes, "He cleansed my heart, and the Eastern God Qinglongmon helped me find myself!!" Iori goes, "Qinglongmon spoke.... with her?!" Attorneymon shouts, "You will die with the digifools as well then!!" A barrage of missiles soars from his briefcase and hits her. Attorneymon goes, "I knew that fool Evamon would contaminate her pureness to keep me from making more of her... Impossible!!!" She still stands there, unharmed, and now entirely white. Wicked Lilymon goes, "The bell tolls for thee, Attorneymon!!" Then, everything went white.

"Wicked Lilymon Ichiban Shinka to..."

She hovers in mid-air in the dark of night. Suddenly, the first rays of daylight strike her and she rears back with her eyes closed, the blackness and evil cast out of her and vaporizing in a mist. A spiritual mist comes from her and surrounds her as she spins. When her head nears, the sunlight blindingly flashes and in the wake is this human looking woman with a pink tone of skin, green hair, and four green leaf wings. She wears a baggy green kimono with a floral design on it over her figure. Her hair is long, and includes two buns and a loop on the top of her head. Under the sleeves on her arms are the same golden petals white gloves Qinglongmon gave her. A huge white sash and white sandals come to her, the sash wrapping over her waist and part of her hips, the sandals sliding on her feet. Her eyes open, and as they open light shines out, slowly fading to reveal green human eyes. In her hands, she blows little cherry blossoms and seeds all around, then looks straight forward, before a zoom out.


Keiko looks in awe at what Wicked Lilymon had become. "Laomon...." Serafinmon goes, "Ready to surrender?" Attorneymon goes, "Hardly." Daisuke goes, "They'll get him good!!" Tetsuo warns, "I wouldn't rush to conclusions. He didn't seem intimidated by them one bit." Daisuke goes, "What are you saying, Tetsuo, we can still lose?" Tetsuo goes, "Though my hopes lie in our victory, you must remember he's fighting with the power of millions. We don't know how many victims he may of had. If so, not even the mighty Avalonmon could beat this guy." Daisuke goes, "Well, why doesn't he just digivolve and get it over with?" Tetsuo, "He has no power of his own." Serafinmon goes, "I'll start things off!!" She zooms at him. Her sword blades pulsate rapidly.

"Brilliant Jab!!"

She... misses? Attorneymon stands right behind her, unscathed. He leaps into the air and turns.

"Class Action Lawsuit!!"

She also goes airborne and misses out of the attack.


Serafinmon glows in a white sphere, then fires a full salvo, which fly about as the sphere draws more power, then strike her. The resulting blast is like the Magna Explosion. Attorneymon stares it down and then holds it back with his hands. Sakiko goes, "How can he do that?" Bonnie says, "I don't know, but it's burning the hell out of his hands. See the smoke, and now the fire?" Attorneymon holds out the blast, and it finally resolves. Attorneymon blows his blistered hands going, "Damn that burns!!!" He touches down, where Laomon gets his attention. White glimmering starlets come from the grass, the sea, the trees, the animals, the Digidestined and their digimon, the ships, and even the earth itself (Kinda reminds you of the Spirit Bomb, doesn't it?) in a CG sequence. In the sequence, Attorneymon looks at the power mass before Laomon and asks, "What is she doing?" She lifts her hand to shoulder level.

"Gaia Essence!!"

She flicks a finger, and the ball careens straight into Attorneymon, who takes the full grunt of it. He slides along the floor, trying to annul it, but hits rubble and is pinned. After it seers into him for 40 seconds, he pushes up and hurls it into space. His chest is bloody and exposed. Serafinmon lands and goes, "It ends now, Attorneymon." Attorneymon answers her, "You wish."

"Divine Cleansing!!"

Enter another CG sequence where she locks onto him with a targeting crosshair while everything pans around. He dashes at her, and then she gets a lock. He leaps up not far from her. Suddenly, everything slows to bullet time and pans about as Attorneymon weaves and spins to the left, narrowly evading four missiles, rotates face down, handsprings off Serafinmon's right arm, bolts out with arms of red tape, rips her right forearm plate clean off her arm, then sends a third to grab her, the motion so slow now you can see the data transfer running through the tape. Now wearing her forearm plate, Attorneymon finds the trigger, and pulls it. Time returns to normal as he sprays her with her own ammo!! Held in place by the tape, Serafinmon is forced to take the riddling. Dust flies up and feathers float in the wind. As the dust clears, everyone looks in shock as Serafinmon hangs limp in the clutches of the red tape, her armor pounded away and even shattered in places. All over she had cuts and bruises. Many a white feather was stained red, or missing. Attorneymon goes, "Behold, Digidestined. You have lost. Now, it is time to show this base's offensive power." He uses a mini-radio device. "Computer, arm primary weapon and lock on landmass below!!" Over a loudspeaker a voice goes, "Eight minutes to full power." Lewis signals to Jou to arm the bomb. Jou goes, "Okay..." He punches in the codes and gets to setting the timer when Warvamdemon walks in. Warvamdemon, "It's not nice to play with radioactive materials. Someone could get.... HURT!!" Warvamdemon slices Jou's chest open in one slash. Jou goes, "Gomamon, digivolve!!" Gomamon goes, "I can't, Jou. If I do, I'd crush us all, not to mention blow you up, blow the others up, and then be an easy target for Warvamdemon because I'll be crushed in this small room." Jou goes, "Well then, I guess there's no need for both of us to get hurt, or all of us. Go, Gomamon, I'll hold him off." Gomamon, "But Jou...." Jou, "Go, Gomamon!!" Gomamon runs out.

On top of the tower, Attorneymon sits there, holding Serafinmon in his arms over his head like a trophy. He throws her up, snags her with red tape, and then swings her around cudgeling her into debris. Finally, the tape snaps and she just lies there. Moments later though, she miraculously staggers up. She moves at him and swings her half-broken sword blade at him, but then he hammer punches the top of her skull, knees her in the jaw, roundhouses her, then drop kicks her into rubble, where she reverts to Yukimibotamon. He starts to gloat when he starts panicking. "Why is everything warping and changing colors?" Yukimibotamon struggles out, "Isn't it trippy?" Taichi goes, "We better get out of here while he's confused and messed up. Laomon goes, "I'll keep him busy!!" Everyone flees from the tower and heads for the ship. Attorneymon goes, "What did I extract from Serafinmon? It's wreaking havoc on my senses!!" Laomon looks at him strangely. Attorneymon goes, "I'll destroy all three of you!!" He fires out a band of red tape at Laomon. She leaps up, and starts running down the tape. "Stop it!!! Call off the purple monkeys that wash dishes and look at me!!" He violently shakes the tape, and then Laomon attacks.

"Peace Lily Daggers!!"

She leaps off the tape, throws 7 white lily petals, and they pin Attorneymon to some debris. He stands up, unaware of the lily petals rammed into various parts of him. He screams, "No, not the Megami!! DIE, MEGAMI, DIE!!" He charges up and releases an unprecedented level of energy at Laomon. She is barely able to block it as he continues to attack her.

On the catwalks, everyone sees the cataclysmic ship battle in progress. A radio transmission comes in to Lance. "This is Chris. Mach Alpha coming in to pick up the Queen." Lance goes, "We're on Catwalk 9." Chris radios back, "Location acknowledged. ETA one minute." While there, Malachimon falls to her knees. Hikari goes, "Are you hurt?" Malachimon goes, "It's not that. It's all that I've done. All this happened because I trusted him too much. This war, my attacks on you, the death of Lily's mother, is all on my hands because I trusted him too well. You could never forgive me for any of this." She draws her sword and hands it to Lily. "You, most of all, would have reason to loathe me. My trust has cost you the most. Finish me now." Hikari gasps at Malachimon's words. Lily holds the sword, but then turns her head. "It's not your fault. Attorneymon knew of your innocent demeanor, and exploited it. He made that mind control that cost me a mother. He cost Ramon his soul, and his life, when he gave him that amulet, exploiting his love for Arukenimon just to gain another loyal servant. He was the one who made Wicked Lilymon who she was, all because he exploited them. You can't blame yourself for being yourself. It's the nature of living beings. You can't forsake your personality, your life, because you didn't know what he was doing. You have to learn, and move on." The Mach Alpha closes, but suddenly is shot from behind. Crewmen leap from escape hatches on parachutes, and pods eject with officers and higher ranking enlisted men. The ship then turns away and starts heading for the primary weapon. Safiirumon goes, "An abandoned ship doesn't turn unless one of its engines are destroyed. Someone's piloting that ship!!" Lance tinkers with his earpiece, and finally gets radio feed from the ship. Lance, "To whomever is piloting the Mach Alpha, abandon ship." Over the com wave, Chris' voice goes, "Can't. If that thing fires, millions, no, billions will perish. Losing one is better than losing many. Safiirumon goes, "Chris, you can always use the auto-pilot!!" He answers, "It's fried. Too late." The Mach Alpha rams into the weapon, and blows it to pieces. Safiirumon goes, "He didn't have to go that way, but the lives he saved owe a debt of honor to him." Everyone runs and boards Lewis' ship. Tetsuo goes, "It's a bit crowded in here." Bonnie retorts, "Ya think?!" Gomamon runs aboard. Miyako goes, "Gomamon, where's Jou?" Gomamon pants and goes, "Jou told me to leave, said he'd handle Warvamdemon alone." Miyako goes, "You left him?" Gomamon goes, "He said to. We figured that if I digivolved, I'd crush him, and Warvamdemon would delete me afterwards, so he figured it'd be best if I just got out of there and warned you guys." Lilymon goes, "You did the right thing Gomamon."

In the control room, Warvamdemon was trying to hunt down the hiding Jou, who now also has slashes on his arms and two on his face. Warvamdemon, "I grow tired of this cat and mouse game. Show yourself." He waits for a moment, then...

"Crimson Force!!"

He blows up the console Jou is behind, throwing him into the wall and leaving shrapnel in his back. "Give it up, Digidestined. You are no match for a Giga digimon alone." Jou turns about face and lands five blows, two hit his armor as Warvamdemon blocks, two hit his chestplate, but one strikes his unprotected face. Warvamdemon goes, "I needed that cheek massaged." He snags Jou by his tattered shirt, and throws him into the wall, but near the nuke. He pockets the remote and makes sure the timer is set. He uses his EDI to message the others, "Go guys. I have no chance of making it out. I'm sorry Miyako, but I won't be coming home." Miyako screams, "No, Jou, come back!! We can get you!!" Jou goes, "Warvamdemon will try to destroy me soon. I set the bomb for ten seconds, so get out here." Miyako answers, "Don't do it!!" Jou responds back, "In the end, you know this is right. Iori knows that too. A long time a go, I told him we all have a purpose, a reason for who we are and why things happen like they do. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or one." Miyako cries, "But I need you." Jou goes, "You'll find a way." Just then, he is hit hard, ran through by Warvamdemon's claws, right in the center of his chest, and becomes pinned to the wall. The ship takes off. Warvamdemon goes, "I'll do what no other has done, kill a digidestined!!" Jou hits the button and goes, "It'll be the last thing you do." He drops the remote and it smashes on the floor, sealing their fate. Warvamdemon smirks and chuckles, but then hearing a ticking and beeping sound. "What's that?" He looks over and sees the nuke. Jou laughs and goes, "Told you it'd be the last thing you'd do." Warvamdemon tries to pull himself free, but his claw is stuck in Jou and the wall. Warvamdemon yells, "This can't be happening!!" He looks at it. "I know, I'll destroy it!!" Jou goes, "Too late, the warhead's armed. You attack it, it still goes boom." He yells, "No!! I can't end like this!!" Jou goes, "Give my regards to Oblivimon." It goes off. In slow motion, Warvamdemon's left arm is ripped from its socket, he hits the wall as it vaporizes, his armor melting and evaporating, his flesh seared and ripped off him, muscled tissue being vaporized, he lets out one last scream, drummed out by the blast, as his skeleton catching fire and being vaporized in the explosion, the infinitesimal fragments blown away only to be vaporized a few milliseconds later. As they fly away, Miyako cries as she watches the base crack apart and explodes. As the base cracked apart, Attorneymon goes, "I'm outta here!!" and teleports away. Laomon flies as fast as she can, but is hit and falls downward towards the sea. Taichi looks out the side and goes ominously, "Let's... go home." The digiport opens, and the ship returns to the real world. Minutes later, as debris rained down, Jou's EDI, tag, and crest fell to the ground below, the tag burning and EDI smoldering. The tag hits the ground and shatters, the Crest of Reliability rolling across the grass and is glowing, the EDI landing close to the crest, the screen filled with snow and static, flickering in and out with basic line commands. "Emergency Power Failing......" the computer slowly says as more codes and lines of binary run by the cracked, flickering screen, sparks flying from the marred device. Finally, the screen goes black, shutting down, a white line stretching across the screen, shrinking, then fading away into blackness. It sits there, the wind blows, but then this green digimon comes, childlike, wearing pants, a shirt, and a red vest, walks up, and sees the digivice. He looks at it, and then goes, "Wow.... Treasure!!" He takes them and runs down the hill to a village.

A day later, from behind Lewis' house, the sounds of construction go on. The next day, a big truck hauls something under a sheet, leading a funeral procession. In the same grounds where Holly lies and Sakiko's father is buried, not far from their graves, the object is lowered into place, the sheet removed to reveal a marble statue of Jou Before it a podium sits. People all over gather together. Paparazzi and reporters swarm over the place when Lewis, wearing a black suit and shirt, fires his minigun in the air and yells, "We're trying to have a decent funeral here, so piss off!!" Taichi, Mimi, and Keiko arrive, Taichi also in a suit, and Mimi wearing a black dress, but also in a wheelchair from her fractured femur, and her right arm is in a cast. Keiko is in a black dress as well. Taichi wheels Mimi to the front and he takes a seat beside Keiko. Sora, Koushiro, and Ryo arrive, a strange set of headgear on Sora's head, and a temporary endoskeleton left arm, all of them also in black. The rest arrive, Takeru holding his ribs in pain, Araiya with a broken arm, and most of the digimon in traction, in casts, or in a wheelchair, but Iori seems to be a no show. Zenmon and Sirenamon, the only two digimon over the Champion level, dressed for the occasion. Zenmon sits next to Tetsuo wearing a black kimono and armband, and Sirenamon is in a black dress and wearing a black bonnet. Miyako sits there crying on Hawkmon's shoulder. Armajimon is there, crying madly while holding the infamous fruit. He goes, "I'm going to miss him so much, and he never got to taste this wonderful fruit!!" Sirenamon conks him over the head with the fruit and goes, "Dammit, Armadillmon, a man has died. Lay off with the fruit!! Can we have some sort of order?" Moments later....

Armadillmon, "You're a whore." Sirenamon goes, "No I'm not!!" Armajimon, "Admit it, you're a big fat whore." Sirenamon, "Hell no, I'm not." Armajimon, "Name three people from the Greater Tokyo area you haven't wanted to bang, hell, name one!!" Sirenamon, "Screw you!!" Armajimon, "Blow me!!" Lewis goes, "I swear hearing Jack Lemmon and James Garner say something just like that in My Fellow Americans." Everything skips ahead a bit. Gomamon is up on the podium. He gives the eulogy:

"In all my life, there has been a person I could always call 'Friend,' but now he is gone. He may not of been the boldest, or most couragest, or even have the greatest hand-eye coordination, but he stood up for what he thought. His life was spent undoing travesties and wrongs. I stood by him since he was 12, and watched him grow up, but now, his life has ended, doing what he believed right, his sacrifice saving millions, but his legacy continues in the hearts of us all, but most importantly, his wife Miyako, his brother Shin, his son Toshio, his granddaughter Masato, and myself. So long, Jou."

An empty casket is lowered into the earth, as the song "I Will Love You" by Fisher plays, and Miyako watches, crying. It reaches the bottom, and Miyako falls to her knees and screams out in sadness, then looks up at the gold plated inscription Lewis put on the base, a direct quote of Jou, 'We all have our own destinies.' Added below is words added by Lewis, 'We have our own roads that we travel, but in the end, it's our hearts that are our guide.' From a rooftop across the street, Malachimon looks on at the funeral, crying as the wind blows., her tears swept away in the wind.

"A dark day has arrived for the Digidestined. They lost Jou and Mai, but can they move on? What is Attorneymon's next move? And what of Laomon and Jou's EDI and crest? Where was Iori when they laid Jou to rest? Find out in Bloodline: Chapter 9 - Power Revealed!!"