Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Blue High School Love ❯ She Could Kill Me ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Oh wow. I feel so special with all the reviews you've sent in. Thanks you guys. I couldn't ask for more. *sniff* Well really I could but at this point, don't need to. Okay now on with the fiction. Oh! Sorry for taking long to update too.

She Could Kill Me

On my way home after what had happened I was in a moment of depression. I could crumble at the slightest thing. As I walked off the bus I saw Izumi and Craig. They were talking. How I hated him at that moment.

Craig was about a few inches taller than me, with long silk black hair and green eyes. Craig was a nice person, in the public, but he was truly the most sneaking and sexist pig in the class. All us guys in the class know it, but the girls don't. I guess that's why know why Izumi fell for a jerk like him. Maybe he put that "hi, you must be new here. My name is Craig. What is yours? I was hoping we could be good friends." act. He did that thing to EVERY new girl in school to get them on the idea that he was a "nice and sweet gentlemen." Screw that shit. He was an ass kissin' son of a bitch. Never hated the guy. Didn't really talk to him much to dislike him, but from the second Izumi told me he asked her to the dance I began to LOATHE him. I don't think I could emphasize on that fact anymore.

Anyways...They were talking. I could hear them. I stood behind a tree and listened in on the conversation.

"So, I'll pick you up at seven sharp, right?"

"Yes darling at seven. Don't be late."

"Izumi, my candy apple, I've never been late for a in my life."

"Well then you better not be late for this one."

"I'll make sure of it. Now can I get some sugar or not?"

"Only a little bit." Izumi said then leaned in forward for a kiss.

I watched them. How it felt that my heart had crumbled while I watched them. I bit my lip to keep from yelling. I pounded my fist in the tree to keep from running over there and knocking his lights out. I as I watched I all of a sudden became weaker. My body felt frail and light. My head throbbed in pain. Stress landed upon me.

"Mmmm. That was sweet." Craig said licking his lips, like a hungry fox.

"Yeah, but I think that was a little too much. And we really haven't been dating." Izumi said.

"Did it bother you?"

"No not really but...."

"If it did I'm sorry."

"Yeah, it's okay. But not too hard next time, alright?" She said looking at him hard.

" Okay. Call you later."

"Yeah." She said. The two walked in separate directions and I leant against the tree in anger and fear.

In anger that I didn't listen to Takuya and that I just watched my crush enjoy herself with another.

In fear that I just lost my only chance of real love.

What a fool I was. I slowly moved and began to walk home. I dragged my feet and thought deeply. Thought of what a fool I was. No. What a fool I AM. I wanted to die at this moment. I wanted to break into millions of glass pieces. I just wanted to...not experience what I was feeling. This is why I never was into love and romance. Because of the pain it caused if it didn't go the way you wanted. Just like my parents. My father and mother not together anymore. My brother and I separated. This is why love is a waste of time.

When I stepped out the elevator I saw Izumi on the ground in front of her apartment door. I quickly tried to change my expression so she wouldn't notice.

"Izumi? What are you doing out here?"

"Oh, Kouji. I can't find my keys and there's no one home to let me inside."


"Can I stay in with you until my folks come?"

"Sure." I said flatly. I walked to the door and opened it. She walked in behind me.

"Thanks Kouji-sama." She said and smiled. I looked at her. I couldn't break down in front her. It would only make things worse. But I had to talk to her. I needed to say something to her.

She sat down on my bed in my room. I placed my bag on my bed and kicked off my shoes.

"Sorry if the place is a bit messy." I said picking up a sock off the floor.

"That's alright." She said looking around. "I like your room. It's nice."

"Thanks." I said and turned my back to her. I took off the uniform jacket and threw it over the chair by my desk. She just looked at me as I walked across the room. I sat next to her on the bed and looked at the ceiling.

"Izumi, I saw you and Craig in the park."

"Oh." She said. I looked at her. She twirled her fingers in her hair and stared at the floor.

"And it got to me."


"I feel that I should tell you about Craig before the dance. You see Craig isn't all that he appears. He's nice at first but really underneath he's a nasty and selfish guy. It may upset you to learn this but..."

"Craig said you'd say that." She replied.


"I told him that you had asked me to the dance and he said that when I saw you again you'd tell me just that."

I blinked at her baffled. Here she believed this person over me. I could not believe it. "Izumi?"

"And I told him you weren't like that. And he only laughed. He told me that you were not the guy I left you as. He said that you were one of those sleep around guys. I laughed in disbelief and he looked at me seriously. Then I asked about what all the other guys thought about it and he told me that they were all envious of him."

"You don't believe him, do you Izumi?"

"I really don't know. I asked other girls and they said the same thing. Except the part about you sleeping with everyone. Anyways, listen. I just mean that if you're jealous of Craig then just stop because its stupid and dumb. And if you're even more upset at him because I took his offer to the dance and not yours then you truly aren't who I left you as." She said and turned her back to me. "Izumi how can you believe him? He's jerk. If anyone sleeps around in class it's him! You girls are just too blind by his looks and smile to see that! But we guys know. We know how he is, what he does, why he does it. Takuya and I hear him boasting in the locker room how he just got some from some girl he met the other day! He only wants you because he sees you as gorgeous and sweet, just like every other target of his. He really doesn't notice you for your personality and acts like I do. I really care for you while he just wants hard-core sex!" I shouted to her.

Her cheeks flushed in anger.

"Kouji Minimoto how dare you take that tone with me?! And how dare you say such things?! I'm shocked to hear such things from you! I thought you didn't really like Craig but to say such things about him shows that you are as jealous as he says!" He yelled at me.

I looked at her. I just looked at her. Was I jealous of him? No. I couldn't be. I just couldn't. But what if I was? And Izumi was right? No. She's only been around the school for a couple of days. She doesn't know what I know.

"Izumi. It is very hard to see that you believe he over me. After all that, we've gone through. All the dangers all of us faced as a team and pain we went through. Then you leave and don't contact us. Then you come back to us and we're all just goody-goody again. And then some more, this guy who you barely know just makes you forget all of that and you start defending him and what not. I feel greatly hurt that you'd turn away our friendship for that."

"Good evening Kouji." She said and left the room. She slammed the door of the apartment.


I sighed deeply. Was this some act of Betrayal? I really don't know.