Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Born to be alone ❯ Born to be alone ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Born to be alone

Every day

we walk past each other

we see our faces

we talk

but our souls are closed

I'm here

and I want to talk with you

want to tell you my problems

want to tell you stories of my friends

but I can't

And you

on the other side

do you want to listen to me?

Are you interested in my life?

You never say something...

The days pass by

I'm alone


even in your presence

I'm alone

because I can't talk with you

I'm alone

because I can't share my feelings

I'm alone

because I am like you

two morons living at the same place


and unable to tell their feelings

And now I'm sitting here

Thinking about you


why the hell you have to be like that

why I have to be like that

I feel jealousy

Feel alone in the prison of my heart

and I know that you feel the same

because we are alike, you and me

unable to show affection

Every day we used to talk about simple things

Every day we saw each other

every day

but when I try to remember

there's not a single moment

in which one of us said

'I love you'

'I care for you'

'I'm worried about you'

The days pass

time flows

and I begin to believe

that nothing can change our destiny

That we were born to be alone

This poem is about Yamato and the relationship to his father. It was a request.