Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Buried Alive ❯ Davis ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

And here it is: THE LAST CHAPTER!!! Oh no, it's over*sobs*
Now I don't have something to write anymore....help me guys! Now I have holidays and time and no idea!!!

This time Davis' POV - I had to change it to Kari in the end, I am sorry...
Enjoy this and review!
*bows* Kaeera

Ah, yes, Digimon doesn't belong to me.

Buried Alive


Matt Ishida is playing his harmonica. The things he can't express with words come out with the melody.
The sadness of the loosing the things which he loved the most: his brother.
The chance that they will survive?
A chance 1:1000.
But somehow he can't accept that his brother will be dead. He can't accept that he will never hear TK's voice, see his shining eyes again.
No, he can't.
"I am playing for you, TK", he thinks while looking up to the stars, "And I hope that this melody will reach you, wherever you are. This melody is just a little sign of my love for you. When you are dead, you'll sure listen from heaven. You watch the stars just like I do. I hope you aren't dead, TK, but I have lost my hope. You have been my hope - the child of hope. My pride. My little brother."
Tears are falling down his cheek, but he continues to play, hoping that maybe....maybe it might reach his brother...somehow...



Well, okay...I am awake now.
It's not very comfortable...lying on the floor with a broken leg, broken rips and a big headache. In fact I feel terrible.

But I am alive.

Veemon is so happy...the little guy clings to my arm all the time.
And Kari is there, too, and she seems to be worried about me...if someone worries for you, then that means that he likes you, not?

Why I don't panic?

Well, I have no idea. I am not even frightened.
It's just that - I can't believe that I will die. I never thought of such an end.

Perhaps I am too stupid to recognise the danger. Who knows?
Sometimes being stupid is much better than being intelligent.

Hey, but it nerves me that I won't be able to play on the soccer game next week. It's so important, the final game! I have worked hard for it. And the guys of the team are relying on me...

There is this girl, Cass. I only know her voice - I have never seen her...I don't know if she has brown, blond or blue hair. TK told me that we could be twins in one way.
I don't think so. I had a little fight with her - I complained that I couldn't go to the soccer match, she complained that her saxophone was damaged.
Somehow we began to quarrel - hey, the reason was so stupid - I told her that soccer would be much more important than a stupid saxophone, so she got angry and yelled that saxophones would be the best instruments on earth and I should visit a concert then I would notice that...
How I said, a really stupid reason, and we both knew that. But it made the others laughing, and so we continued. It was a kind of agreement between us.
In the end I got an invitation for Cass' next concert and she promised me to visit our match. I hope they don't play classical music, I have had enough of that in school...

The others are depressed of this situation - understandable, they are here for 9 hours while I was unconscious (or walked down rivers...).
Especially Kari. I am surprised that Yolei stays so cool - well, perhaps a little bit Ken's fault. Ken and Yolei, huh? Not that bad.
They deserve each other, I think.
Maybe more than I deserve Kari - but hey, I like her, and I won't give up!



The work is going on, but the enthusiasm ´has gone.
More and more dead bodies have been found, destroying the last hopes of many families.

"Maybe we should go home", Tai says to Sora. " I mean, it's wet and cold, and Kari is to 99,9% dead..."
"Do you want to go home?", she asks, looking into his tired and worried eyes.
He shakes his head and looks down on his hands.
"No, not really. It was only....I don't know!"
He begins to cry: "I can't stand it any longer! I don't want to see the dead body of my sister! I am frightened of that! But I don't wanna go home, too - maybe I will be there and they call me that they have found my sister - maybe she has survived and I won't be there! I am totally confused!"
Sora puts her arm on his shoulder and whispers: "I wish I could help you, Tai. I wish it with all my might."
Tai closes his eyes and takes a big breath: "That's the very first time in my whole life that I have no idea what to do. There was always a solution - but not now..."



Suddenly I hear a soft melody. I am not good in music, but I think that might belong to a harmonica. But who plays harmonica - here in this cellar?

"Eh, am I mad or what?", Cass says confused, "Am I the only one who hears this sound?"

"No, I can hear it, too", I answer, "but who can that be?"

"THAT'S MATT!", TK's voice sounds excited when he shouts through the darkness.
"Why Matt?", I ask doubtfully.
"Who is Matt?", Cass wants to know.
"It is definitely Matt, I am sure! I recognise the melody!"
"But why can we hear it? Matt isn't here in this cellar!", Cody doesn't want to believe it.
"Hey, guys, please tell me: Who is this Matt?"
"He must be outside", TK yells happily, ignoring Cass's question, "Do you understand what that means??"
"Who is Matt?!", Cass begins to sound annoyed.
"That means that they have carried so much stones away that we can hear them! They will find us soon!!"
"Wow, that's the first really good new I have hear since we have been stuck in here!", Kari says luckily.
The view for an rescue makes us all feeling a lot better, and everyone starts talking and laughing - without Cass.
"WHO IS THIS MATT???? DO YOU LIKE IT TO IGNORE ME OR WHAT?!", she finally yells angrily.
"Oh, I am sorry", TK replies, "Matt is my brother."


I don't see her, but I am sure that she nods with a serious and important look on her face. Her voice just sounds like that - and this imagination makes me laughing.

Ouch, I shouldn't have laughed! It hurts like hell in my chest! I try to breath calm, waiting that the pain will go away. It takes some minutes, but then it's over.
The others didn't notice it, they are too busy in making plans how we can make the helpers outside notice us.
It doesn't harm when I take a short rest, not? I close my eyes.
I feel so tired, and it is cold.
Has it been so cold all the time? I am freezing, and my good mood fades away like snow in the sunlight.

"We should walk around and make noises.", Ken suggestes.

"That's a bad idea - we have no light, and we will hurt us."

"But we must do something!", TK protests.

"No, we must not.", Cass answers calmly, "They will find us, and it makes no sense that we endanger us only that we are freed half an hour earlier. We just stay here and wait, understand?"

I hate waiting - I have no patience. My parents always complain about this, but I don't mind. I wanna live every single minute, and I don't wanna waste time in doing nothing!

The Motomiya-Clan is hot-tempered - you should watch our Family Meetings! We are all shouting, fighting and crying around that the neighbours think there's a war!
When I think of my family I have to smile - I smile while tears are rolling down my cheek.
What are they doing right now? Mom and Dad? Jun?
They are sure worrying about me.
Jun and worrying? I can't get this picture in my head. She is a nerving sister...I always wished that my sister would be like Tai and Matt.
But I am not as nice as Kari and TK, so it is my fault, too, that we are always quarrelling.

I am missing her. Yes, I miss her! This fact surprises me, but I have to confess it...
I never thought that I would miss this idiot of sister.
Maybe it's the same with her right now. Maybe she is there outside and thinking that she never expected to miss her little brother.
Maybe she is crying.
Why do I think about that?
It is totally useless, not?

"This guys could hurry up a little, really, and rescue me!", Cass complains suddenly, "It is nerving me to listen to this silence! Why does nobody of you talk? Are you always as boring as that?"

"Nope! We aren't boring!", I yell unison with Veemon, "I was just thinking."

"Davis, you and thinking? This rock hit you too hard, that's the fact!"

"Hey, a little bit more respect for an injured person, TK", we both laugh, and the pain comes again.

"Well, I think Ken and Yolei are busy with each other, so they don't talk...", Kari giggles.

"What are you talking about???", Yolei screams - I am sure she has become red like a tomato...damn, why is it so dark, I wanna see this! Whether Ken blushes, too?
"Stop it Yolei, you two just make the perfect couple!", Kari points out.
"Don't talk like that, we just...ehm, we aren't...uh....", she coughs.
"Haha, a Yolei who doesn't know what to say, that's really rare!", I yell and try not to laugh.
"Davis, stop that!", she nearly gets hysterical.
Ken stays silent, I think he is pretty amused about her acting.
"What are you talking about? I don't understand that!", Armadillomon asks confused.
Cody explains it to him: "They only make fun of Yolei and Ken because they are a couple!"
"Don't stab me in the back, Cody!", Yolei cries angrily, and the cellar echoes from our laughter.
"Ahh, this are the sounds I like to hear!", Cass sighs happily, which forces us into giggling again.

But the happy mood is interrupted by a strange noise.
"Oh no, please not again!", Kari begs and grabs my arm.
"What again?", I wonder, but no one answers, everybody listens full of fear.

Little stones fall on my head, and the noise gets louder and louder. My head hurts.
I want to get up, but I forgot my stupid leg and fall down again.
"Davis, be careful!", Veemon warns me and helps me to get on my knees,
This pain!
I want to cry, but I can't - it would frighten the others. So I only moan a little. Nobody hears it, because of the noise.

Suddenly, it stops.


Then a strange voice:

"Somebody in there?"

It's the voice of an older man.
But more important, it's a voice which doesn't belong to us.
And that means that someone - has found us!
It means the end of this nightmare!!!

"WE ARE HERE!", Cass yells, and her voice cracks.

"They have found us! They have found us!", Kari shouts for joy, "It's over!"



"We are in the near of the cellar now!", a man shouts and waves his hands.

Matt stops playing harmonica.

Tai is sitting beside him, head in the arms.

"I will miss them like hell!", he says softly. Matt puts his harmonica down and watches the stars. "Me too. TK was the best brother on this planet."

He turns around and notices Jun, who sits a few meters away from them, crying.

"That's the first time I have sympathy for Jun.", Matt closes his eyes, "It seems that she really liked Davis. And she did never show it to him, always treating him. Now she will sure regret that...

He is interrupted by a sudden movement under the helpers. They seem to be very excited and cry around. The friends exchange worried glances.
"We are in the cellar!", the same man as before shouts.

Jun stands up and looks towards the crowd.

And then, the releasing News:

"We have found some kids, and they are alive!"

Matt and Tai jump both up, as well as their families. The run towards the men and women.

A man stops them and says: "Sorry, you have to wait. It's too dangerous there."
"Tell me", Tai shouts breathlessly, "Who are the kids you have found??"

"Right at the moment we are freeing a girl - her name is Kari Kamiya or so!"

"JUCHU!!!", Tai screams and hugs Matt wildly, "They have found her and she is alive! She isn't dead! She lives!!!"



The rescue itself was pretty short. Only 10 minutes, and everybody lied in the arms of his family.
Well, not me, I am lying on a stretcher and a doctor examines me.
I could visit all the happy reunions. No face rested dry, everybody was half crying, half laughing.
This was the first time in my life I saw Matt crying. Matt, the cool guy, the dream man of hundreds of girls, was holding his brother in his arms and crying like a baby.
I was jealous of TK for having such a good relation to his brother.
But then my parents and Jun came - she threw her arms around me as if I would be her lover-boy.
"Davis, you are such an idiot!", she sobbed into my T-shirt, "Do you know how frightened we've been?!"
My mother kneeled down by me and asked: "How do you feel, Davis?"
"I have been better, but I am alive.", I replied, grinning weakly.
"He has a broken leg, two broken rips and a bad head wound", the doctor informed us while he was bandaging my head, "You should be prepared to stay the next few weeks in the hospital, my boy."
"Oh no, I don't wanna!"
"But you have to - and no sports for two months!"
"WHAT???", I yell, which causes a big headache. "You can't do that to me!"
"Oh yes, I can!"

I sigh and scan the area. Well, I should be lucky - I survived this.
The others survived with only a few scratches - isn't that what we call unfair?

But when I think more about it, I like it more this way. Imagine Kari or Ken would have been hurt, that would be much more terrible for me!

Ah, there's Kari, with her Family and Gatomon. She looks around and waves to me.
I wave back, then she runs towards me.

"Davis, how are you feeling?"
"I'm okay."
"Doesn't it hurt??"
"Sure, and I won't be able to play soccer for two months!!"
"Oh", she sits down, "I am sorry for you."
"I was wondering where Cass is. We should thank her, it was mostly thanks to her that we survived this without becoming mad."
"You are right", I nod, "but I can't get up right now, so you have to search for her."
She smiles: "I'll do."


I smile towards Davis and go off, searching our new friend.
Behind me I can see my parents and Tai, who visits Davis. Poor Davis, he is the only one who has been injured pretty bad.
It must be terrible for him being unable to make sports for two months - Well, I will visit him as often as I can, so that it will be easier for him.
I really like this guy. If he only would stop playing around like that...but it has become better the last time.

Some meters away, I see Cass and a tall boy.
When I reach them I notice that she is crying hysterical, clutching the boy tightly.
That must be her boyfriend.
"Cass?", I ask carefully. The boy looks up and smiles a little.
I sit down and touch her shoulder which are shaking of her sobs.
"What's wrong with her?", I want to know.
"It's a little nervous breakdown.", he says calmly, comforting his girlfriend who looks so small in his arm.
Why a nervous breakdown after we have been rescued? I don't understand this.
"Didn't she tell you?"
"Oh, she didn't.", he sighs, "That's typical. Well, she has claustrophobia. And a really bad one. She has been closed into the cupboard of her aunt for a whole night when she was little....Since this day she can't stay in small and dark rooms for a longer time. It must have been horrible for her to be in this cellar - for over nine hours!"

"B-But she has been so cool, she calmed us down when we were panicking....And she made jokes, quarrelled with Davis about the importance of saxophones and soccer...I didn't notice that!"
"Yeah, that's my Cass!", he smiles proudly, " She wanted to protect you, so she did, even when she was more frightened than every single one of you. She has a very strong will, you know. And I think she talked and fought because then she didn't have to think of the fear, the darkness and the cold. And when everybody was safe, she could allow it to herself to have fear."

I watch again this girl - this girl who is only a few years older than me and so much stronger.
She's a hero.
That's the only word which fits.

"I would like to meet her again.", I say, "We have to thank her a lot."

"I am sure that we can arrange that."

"Of course!", Cass looks up into my eyes.
Her face is tearstained and red, but she begins to smile: "Did you forget it? I have an agreement with your friend - he'll visit my concert and I'll visit his match. We can meet there, and you can spend me an ice-cream. Deal?"

I laugh and take her hand: "Deal!"


HAPPY END! Isn't that great! I love Happy Ends, I am totally crazy after them! What do you think about Cass's claustrophobia? I liked this fact - don't ask me why I brought it into this story, I just thought of it and then I had this idea. Sometimes my fingers type things my head hasn't worked out yet - uh, am I writing rubbish?
However, if you liked this story, you can read my other fictions, too: 'Wake up!' and 'Nameless'(hey, I think this is my best fic, you should read it!)
And if you have any ideas or requests and ideas, then mail me, okay? - dragonbeing@hotmail.com
To Princess of Quake:I thought about your request and I think I will try it - in fact, I have already started it, but it's pretty difficult. I try my best and I'll dedicate it to you!

Thanks for reading and (maybe) reviewing

;-) Your Kaeera

PS: Sorry for grammatical errors, but I am not English, I am German, so don't be angry! (how often did I say this???)