Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ But do you love me, my sweet Wizardmon? ❯ He said love was a power few could harness ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"But do you love me, my sweet Wizardmon?"

This is a fic about my favourite Digimon. Obviously this is Wizardmon, the greatest and most selfless of all the Mon.

Disclaimer: I don't own Wizardmon, or any other Digimon, for that matter, and if I'm going to be honest with you I'm not making any profit from the making of this fic.

Most noble Dedication:

As promised, this fic was written and intended for a fellow Wizardmon fan that goes by name of Pizazz. So Pizazz, this one's for you.

Chapter one: "He said that love was a magic that few could harness."

Gatomon sat placidly on the riverbank with her best friend Kari. Armadillomon, Cody, Ken and Wormmon also accompanied them. This was what worried her poor little cat brain to pieces. Cody and his Digimon were nice enough, but Ken and Wormmon she wasn't sure about. Sure, they said they were reformed characters; the blasted Digimon Producers and scriptwriters said they were reformed characters; but that didn't stop her from worrying all the same.

Cody sighed deliberately, then examined his new Dragonball z wristwatch.

"Look, Gatomon," he growled, "I appreciate that you and Wizardmon have…a past, but we've been sitting here for the past three hours."

"Yeah." Agreed Armadillomon. "Are you sure that he's coming and you're not just making it up?"

Gatomon glared at him icily, and he curled up slightly before he regained himself.

"Of course I'm sure." She snapped

"How can you tell?" Inquired the curious Ken, always eager to hear of some supernatural premonition ability he was sure existed in the cat world.

Instead of explaining about some mystic power, Gatomon reached into her purple 'Mad misses' handbag and pulled out a thin booklet, which she flourished like a weapon.

"Because it says so in the script!" She replied.

Ken fell over, anime-style. The others all sweatdropped automatically.

* * *

Wizardmon was actually on an island some five miles from those on the bank. He was having trouble with his blasted broomstick again.

Blasted medieval contraption! Broken down on him for the millionth time, and now it wouldn't even go! He'd tried every trick in the 'Pocket book of travelling spells'. He'd tried jump-start spells, bristle-replacing spells, stick-replacing spells, broom-replacing spells, and manual restarting techniques, but to no avail. He'd even tried bashing the broom on the floor, but this had only made it angry, and it had attacked him alongside a passing Yokomon, who he'd accidentally spiked with the bristles. Now a tired, bruised, and very angry Wizardmon had resorted to talking to it. This had not gone too well, because he'd gone from soothing encouragement to full-hearted insults and calling the monstrosity all the names under the sun. Neither had taken him very far, except when he'd called it the son of a dustpan and broom, at which it had driven him a way along the river, and then dropped him in.

"Gods!" He screamed. "I'm going to buy a new broom and demote you to sweeping my floors!" (This will later turn out to be a bad idea.)

Hearing this, the broom sparked into life, and Wizardmon, whooping for joy, leapt onto it and they travelled down to the riverbank, where they looked for Gatomon and her companions.

* * *

"Master?" Said Wormmon uncertainly

"Wassat?" Groaned Ken, waking up reluctantly

"You fell asleep again, master." Said Wormmon as a way of explaining.

"Mph, why didn't you leave me alone. I was having such a nice dream about ruling the world as a great emperor…"

"Hmph!" Cody grunted in warning. The menacing tone that underlayed his grunt threatened Ken a lot easier than it would have if he'd have said anything. Ken shut up quickly.

"Sorry." He mumbled. "I'm still trying to get used to not being a bad guy."

"You're Ok, Ken," Grinned T.K, who'd just joined the group with Pikachu-lookalike Patamon, "The producers were a bit quick in giving you a personality makeover. They didn't even convert Wizardmon and Gatomon that quick!"

"Hmph!" Snapped Cody, indicating that he couldn't care less about what rate of speed Wizardmon and Gatomon changed, it was Ken and Wormmon he was angry about.

"There's no need to be so nasty, Cody." Scolded Armadillomon. "T.K was only making a point, and he didn't want your opinion."

Cody softened a little. "I am aware of that Armadillomon," he growled, "I cannot help the way I react to Ken. I am sorry but I can't help the way I feel about you or Wormmon. I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it, Cody." Smiled Kari. "I'm sure you're angry because of the time we've been waiting here…"

Gatomon swished her tail in fury.

"You can go if you want!" She spat, spinning her head to Kari, who leant back in alarm. "I never asked you to come with me, you chose to! Now you can choose to leave, but I'm staying! I don't fail my friends!"

"You can't still be angry about that time I didn't meet you at the vet's last month!"

"You didn't even turn up for that!"

"You never told me!"

"Yes I did, but you were too busy cooing to Ken on the phone!"

"We weren't cooing, we were talking." Ken piped up. "We were arranging to go to the hairdressers together, I remember your voice in the background as it happens."

"'S more than she can remember!" Muttered Gatomon.

"So," began T.K with the manic air of one who will try anything to change the subject, "Why are we waiting for Wizardmon?"

"Because he wanted to talk to me."

"How exactly did you meet?" Asked Cody, all ears.

"Well, do you know how wizards and witches have creatures called familiars…"

* * *

~ Years before ~

"Wizardmon?" A voice rang up into Wizardmon's bedroom. "Will you come down here for a minute, dear?"

"Coming, Mummy." Wizardmon put the bookmark in his "My first bumper book of spells", and hurried downstairs to greet his mother.

He found her and his father in their dining room; a solitary box with holes in it was on the table. He sat down, ignoring the box. Wizardmon didn't get mail because he was too young, so a parcel-even one with holes in-wasn't for him.

His mother, a tall womon with Wizardmon facial features and skin, smiled at him with her black lipsticked lips. She had very long, curly, blond hair, which flowed beyond her waist, and wore a short-skirted, tight black leather dress with a red silk-lined velvet cape, tied together by a silver brooch. She wore the tall, black, pointy hat that we see frequently with witches. On her shoulder was a grey Burmese cat. This womon answered to the name of Witchmon, and of course Mummy.

"Now, darling," she smiled at her lifemate, a much older Wizardmon, with a full-flowing moustache and beard, and short-cropped hair, so traditional with wizards. He too had a cat on his shoulder, a white angora. He wore a Wizardmon pointy hat, but wore a longer cape and a long blue robe, which was embroidered with real silver runes. He also wore matching pointy shoes. "Shall you tell Wizardmon, or shall I?"

"No, no dearest," he smiled, "you're better at explaining these things."

Witchmon turned to her son.

"Wizardmon, you are growing quickly into a powerful Wizard, just like your Daddy. Now, as you know, all witches and wizards need a familiar. So, your Daddy and I decided to get you one."

"We thought that a cat would be suitable." Cut in the older Wizardmon. "After all, cats are the traditional occult familiar, and you do like cats."

Wizardmon was unable to think of what to say. He wanted to ask them if they'd thought of consulting him first. He wanted to say that he would have preferred a dog like a St. Bernard, or a barn owl, or a raven. He wanted to say all these things, but all he could manage was: "'nk you."

Witchmon indicated the box on the table with a black, leather-clad hand. Wizardmon climbed on the table and opened the box. He looked in surprise at the creature inside. It was a very tiny Gatomon, frightened and confused. A Digimon, just like him and his parents, not an animal.

He looked up at his parents with an expression of rage and disgust that was powerful enough to make them lean back in shock. Any parent would have been shocked if their son had looked at them with his teeth bared as if he wanted to kill them.

"Why, Wizzie!" Gasped his father. "Whatever is it?"

"How could you do this?" He snapped back. "She's a Digimon, just like us. You can't imprison her, you've got no right t-"

Witchmon slapped her son in shock. Gatomon's tiny head popped over the top of the box.

"Mew?" She squeaked timidly. "Where am I?"

Wizardmon regained himself, and cradled her in his arms, which was difficult because he was quite tiny as well.

"You're home." He reassured her. Witchmon patted his hand gently.

"Just get her settled in, Wizzie." She whispered.

Wizardmon nodded, and took her upstairs.

"So how old are you?" Gatomon asked.

"I'm eight digi-years old." Grinned Wizardmon

"I'm only seven."

"There's not that much difference, actually." Wizardmon gave her a curious look. "How come you ended up as my familiar?"

"Is that what I am now?"

"Yes, I think so."

"Your Mummy brought me here. My Mummy and Daddy are dead now."

"How did that happen?" Wizardmon gasped.

"Well, we were going to the shops because Mummy wanted to buy me a dress. She kept wanting me to look pretty."

"Is that why you've got that pink bow on?"

"Yeah, I hate it!" She pawed at it irritably. "Can I take it off?"

"Sure." Wizardmon took off the hated bow with the greatest care. "So, what happened then?"

"Well, we were going to a dress shop, and I was trying to get them to take me to the warrior shop next door, because I want to be a warrior like my Daddy. But as we went to the dress-shop door, this big ugly Digimon got in the way. Daddy said: "Devimon, what do you want this time?" Mummy screamed, and this Devimon guy said: "I want revenge, Tomomon." Daddy said: "You've got no chance, baka, I can beat you easily with one paw." I said: "Go, Daddy, go!" He said: "We'll soon see about that!" Then he punched at Daddy, who blocked him easily. Then Devimon said: "Aha, Tomomon. You may be good at unarmed combat, but you cannot beat the black gear!" Then he brought out this black gear thing and threw it at Daddy. It missed him, but it came back an' hit him in the shoulders. Mummy screamed and Daddy cried out, and then his mouth started bleeding and he fell down. I started crying and so did Mummy. Then Devimon laughed and threw a black gear at Mummy. It hit her tummy and her mouth started bleeding too. She fell over, and Devimon picked me up by my tail and said: "Ah, the daughter of Tomomon! I'm going to enjoy getting rid of you!" Then I heard this noise and Mummy started crying really loud. I looked round and Daddy was gone, and Mummy was crying where he'd been. I started screaming and Devimon started laughing. Then I heard your Daddy's voice saying: "Hey you leave them alone, Devimon!" Devimon dropped me and ran away. Your Daddy chased him and your Mummy said: "Oh god, Gatomon honey what happened?" Mummy couldn't talk properly and she said: "Take care of my baby, Witchie. Tomomon's dead and I'm not far behind him. Goodbye, Gatomon." I said: "Where are you going?" and Mummy said: "To heaven to be with Daddy." Then she kissed me and sort of exploded. Then your Mummy took me home."

Both Gatomon and Wizardmon were crying when she'd finished.

"Oh, Gatomon…" Sobbed Wizardmon. Gatomon flung herself into his arms and sobbed her eyes out.

* * *

When Gatomon had told of how she had met Wizardmon, they had asked how her parents had died. When she'd told them, there was no dry eye amongst them.

Hawkmon, who had joined them with the rest of the Digidestined, including the older ones, wrapped his wings around her.

"Oh, you poor dear." He sniffed. "I never guessed you'd been through so much."

"No wonder you began to work for Myotismon." Said Izzy, trying to ignore a near-hysterical Tentomon on his left and a wailing Biyomon on his right.

"I always thought, well, I assumed that you and Wizardmon had chose to work for him." Agreed Sora.

"Yes, Wizardmon chose to go with me. Myotismon and I were drawn together by the grief Devimon had put us through." Gatomon whispered.

"Grief?" Said Wormmon. "How did Myotismon suffer from Devimon? I never knew they hated each other."

"Well, Myotismon's brother was a warrior like my Daddy. Devimon killed him, but he also killed their parents. He missed Myotismon because his parents hid him in the attic. He told me that he was going to get revenge on Devimon, but I think his grief drove him crazy in the end."

"Why would Devimon want to kill them in the first place?" Asked Davis.

"He wanted revenge."

"But what for?" Persisted Yolei. "He must have had a reason."

"Well, it's difficult to explain, I can't remember all that well. There was, before the reign of Devimon, a valley in the centre of two great mountains. In here there was a city, and any Digimon who lived there ended up with a human body when they grew up. It all was strange, but if a citizen were to leave they would change back to a normal Digi-form. But if a non-citizen were to enter the city, they wouldn't change, and that was how you could tell." She was met with blank expressions. "Anyway, that's immaterial, it's just that Wizardmon and I lived there. At the centre of the city was some great hall that looked all ancient china style. This was called the battledrom. There were only seven warriors and two magical beings. The magical beings were Wizardmon's parents, and the warriors were my Daddy, Myotismon's brother, a Flamedramon, a Shurimon, an Angemon, a Garudemon and a Lilymon. These nine mon and womon were the guardians of the city.

Then came Devimon, and he wanted to enter the battledrom. But no one could enter the battledrom unless they were made into warriors. Daddy, who I think was in charge, made him go on a quest beyond the city to prove his worth. He came back apparently victorious and they accepted him for a while. But about a month later, Master Flamedramon discovered that he'd cheated. After a battle, they threw him out and exiled him from the city, for they were in charge of what went on. Devimon swore for revenge, and when he'd killed all the warriors, he destroyed the city and all those in it. Few escaped, in fact, I only know of myself, Wizardmon and Myotismon."

"Devimon was a monster!" Gasped Tai.

"Well, we knew that anyway." Reasoned Matt.

"Yeah, but he's worse than I thought…"

"So, how did Myotismon get you to do what he asked?" Inquired Mimi.

"Well, he told us that we had lost everyone we loved through Devimon's actions, because Wizardmon's parents died in the destruction of the city. He then told us that if we harnessed the love we felt for our parents, then we could defeat Devimon. Wizardmon always disagreed. He said that love was a magic that few could harness. Myotismon would say that we were those few, because we were the last of the city dwellers, and it was our privilege to know the secrets of the city. Do you remember the crests? Well, the crests were artefacts of the city, and Myotismon had the crest of love. He said that it was the key to the power of love. But a year later, Devimon stole it whilst we were grieving, so he didn't see us. I think that was Myotismon's last hope to rid of Devimon, and when he lost it, something inside just snapped, and he became evil."

"That's a terrible past you've had, Gatomon." Sighed Cody, his voice less gruff that normal. "I wish that city was not destroyed, I'd have loved to see it…"

"They probably wouldn't have let you in. The battledrom court were very particular about that."

Everyone turned round to see who it was that spoke. Gatomon ran to him, and buried herself in his waiting arms.

"Wizardmon! Oh, Wizardmon, I thought you'd forgotten me!"

Wizardmon smiled, leant down and kissed her, despite loud and angry protests from Veemon.

"Forget you? I couldn't." He smiled. "I'll never leave you, I promise."

Well, how was that, Pizazz? I know that it hasn't involved an active Wizzie part up to now, but it will.

Do not flame me about the Gatomon/Wizardmon pairing, it was more than obvious that they're in love! Read and review, please.

See ya soon,
