Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Chocolate ❯ Daisuke: Trinity ( Chapter 7 )
Chapter 7 - Daisuke: Trinity
I awake with someone was taking my pants off. I immediatly tense up. Then I hear a chuckle and look up. Its only Jun-chan. I sigh and relax. Wait a minute, how did I get home? She obviously must have sensed my confusion so she pokes my nose and kisses me on the forehead.
"You're little lover boy brought you home. You were fast asleep so we talked a while then he left. I decided to get you ready for bed myself but now that you are up, I guess you can manage it yourself."
|||Takeru noticed the lights only on in Daisuke's room. His family, more like Jun, would probably be in there attending to his wounds if Ken really was here. Hikari stalked quietly behind TK up the steps and to the Motomiya apartment door. She watched as her friend slowly turned the handle to the door and walked in. They both slipped off their shoes and crept quietly down the hall. The light shone out from under the closed door and Hikari and Takeru listened to the voices going on inside. Both were shocked by what they heard. Their thoughts were the same: "Lover Boy?"|||
"So Ken-kun brought me home. Nice of him. What did you guys talk about while I was out cold?"
Jun lowered her head, "Osa-chan..."
"Aw! Jun-chan! I thought we promised each other that we wouldn't let the past haunt us anymore. We all remember exactly how terrible Osamu's death was but we have to move on. I have finally got past it. Ken... he didn't talk about his brother..."
"From what I hear, you barely let him talk at all. Speaking of! I ought to whap you over your head until your dead! You could have died, Dai. I don't know what made you go to the Digital World without V. You're lucky some rogue 'mon didn't attack you."
"Jun, Jun! Calm down. I didn't bring V-mon because I didn't need to. I was in the utmost safest part of the Digital World and Ken was there. He wouldn't let anything of happened. Hey, did you know something about most of the 'mons under his control..." "Yes, Daisuke. You've told me five times now that most of the Digimon who do his bidding don't even HAVE dark rings. That he treats them so nice and that Wormmon get treated like a king all the time. You've told me all about how much he love that little green creature and that the reason he won't let him 'volve or fight is because he doesn't want him hurt."
I blush and lower my voice. Embarassed I say, "Glad to know you listen to me."
I sigh and fall back against my pillow. I have already stripped down to my boxers. I pat the bed and tell Jun to get in with me. She decides to take off just her pants and crawl under the covers with me. She rests her chin on top of my head. I smile and hug her. She, with the exception of Ken, is possibly the only one who truely cares for me.
"You really care for him, don't ya, Dai-chan," she says in her calm voice.
"Yes," I mock sounding surprised, "How couldn't I? It hurts too, you know. Him being the Kaizer. He really does love the Digital World, he truthfully belongs here. Thats why I fight him. The other 'destined just don't understand him at all. They don't know why he does the things that he does. Ken loves all things beautiful and serene. There ain't no pollution in that place. He loves breathing the fresh clean air and swimming in the crystal clear water. I know why he wants to get away from this world and life. I don't know one person who doesn't want to be like Ichijouji Ken, but if they really knew how hard his life is, they would have already jumped from the top of thier school."
"I understand him perfectly. Dai, if I were in his shoes, I'd be doing the exact same thing. He told me that he ran away from home a week back. Did you know that," I nod, "Yeah, well... I have to say that the only thing keeping either of us here still is each other. I wish, that I could live in the Digital World. Me, You, Ken, Osamu... Hell, even Kido Jyou. I remember hanging out with him all the time. By the time we reached Jr. High, we both went our seperate ways. Osamu.. he kept everything together. Maybe I'll call Jyou sometime. I'd love to hang out with him again. You say that he's a Digidestined, too," I nod again, "Heh, seems everyone and their sister is one now. 'Cept me of coarse. I wish I could see that beautiful place you always tell me about."
"I will, when everything settles down a bit. I promise you that, Jun-chan. Who knows maybe we can stay there, we both know that our parents wouldn't even notice it. They'd be happy that they could stop worrying about us and spend more money on their sake."
Jun wraps her arms around me and starts sobbing. I'm too angry to cry, but the moisture builds up in my eyes anyway. Tears of anger. I wish Ken were here. We all could just vent and take comfort in each other. We would rant and rave an none of us would mind. I let my tears fall and pull Jun into my chest. I didn't mean to make her cry. All I did was say the truth.
|||Hikari tugged on Takeru's sleeve. They both knew that they shouldn't have invaded their friends privacy like this. The quietly walked away, out the door, and away from the building. Finding their way back to the bench they were at previously, they sit down. Hikari looks to Takeru.
"Are Daisuke and Ken really in love with each other? Or was Jun-san just saying that to tease Daisuke-kun."
Takeru shrugged. He didn't know. Maybe Jun was just teasing him without know that there was any truth behind the words. No one would actually know until Daisuke or Ken came forward about it. That was highly unlikely because of the current feud between the Kaizer and the Digidestined.
Takeru had a plan. It was brilliant and would work out perfectly. They would all soon find out the truth behind the rendevous occuring between the DigiDestined's supposed leader and their enemy. He began explaining it to Hikari. A small smirk grew on her face.|||
_~~*The Next Day*~~_
I blinked my eyes open at tryed to roll outta bed. Something prevented me from doing so. Arms were wrapped around my waist. The fingers intwined tightly together held sparkling pink nail polish with black skull and cross bones on each one of them. I smiled slightly at those fingers. "Thats my punkish oneechan," I thought. I carefully untangled myself from her to keep her from waking up. I pulled on a pair of shorts and made my way into the kitchen. FOOD!
Just as I opened the fridge the phone rang. I shut the door and walked over to the ringing contraption quickly. I set down the carton or milk and took a deep breath.
"Moshi moshi. Motomiya Daisuke here."
I flinched as a high pitched voice came sceaming through the phone at me, "Motomiya! Where are you?! Its noon. We were supposed to be leaving for the Digital World now. We planned this all out on Friday. Get your lazy ass over here so we can gt going."
I pause, sigh, then agree to be there in 10 minutes. I grab a shirt, my goggles, run fingers through my hair, brush my teeth, grab Chibimon, then write a note to Jun. I slip my shoes on and bolt out the door. That was the last thing I wanted, an angry Miyako disturbing my quiet morning. There goes my good mood for the day. I arrive at the school and everyone looks annoyed at me. I flash my best "innocent" smile and we were on our way. Once we get there, Takeru reminds me of what our objective is. I promise myself that I will not let emotions get in the way of leading the team. I have four people depending on me.
I groan as Iori, Miyako, and Hikari walk off in the opposite direction, leaving me alone with Takeru. So we're off to find the Kaizer's secret base. I could use my knowlege of Ken to figure it out, but that would almost be betraying him. I just follow Takeru whereever he leads me to. Suddenly, he stops and comes to a clearing. The turns to look at me with a smirk spreading across his face.
I froze in shock as he grabbed my shirt and pushes me back against a tree. V-mon squeaks and jumps up and down while Patamon watches as he knows exactly whats going on. His blue eyes meet my brown ones. His breath is hot and sour against my face. I flinch as he lets out a deep growl.
"This is how its going to work, Motomiya. We know about you and Ken," I stiffened, "So our plans are to lure him here with you as the bait. I swear, out of all of us I really didn't expect YOU to turn on us. You are going to go and sit on that rock and wait for Ichijouji to show up. While I notify the others of our exact location."
"Look Takaishi, I don't know where you get off say that I turned on you. When have I ever failed ot fight Ken. Just because we ARE friends doesn't mean we can't fight for opposing sides."
"Whatever," and with that he threw me back against a convinient little boulder. Everything became dark.
When I come to, I can feel the sun's heat beating down on me. I slowly open my eyes and look around me. I know the others are hiding in the trees somewhere, ready to attack Ken. I sigh. Either choice I am betraying someone. I sit down on the rock and rest my elbows on my knees and my chin on my fists. I sigh again. All I can think about is how pissed Ken is going to be when he finds out what happened. I hope he doesn't hurt anyone.
I turn my head to where four gasps just came from. The other four and their Digimon partners now stand with their backs to me, face to face with Ken. Yes, Ken. Not the Kaizer. He is in light blue jeans and an X Japan t-shirt with the brightest smile across his face. I giggle, maybe I convinced him of his horrible fashion sense. Hikari grips tightly onto Takeru's arm. Ken is the first to speak.
"I see you've been busy little bees with ideas of catching," he leans forward with the three words, "Big. Bad. Kaizer." He throws his head back and laughs with his hands arrogantly placed on his hips. He then calms himself and finishes talking, "As you can see, I AM just a normal teen like all of you. And another, don't try to outsmart a genius. It never works."
I call to him, "How did you know?"
He raises his hand in a slight wave to me then smirks, "Hi.. Mi... Tsu..."
Takeru steps forward, "Come on, lets fight and settle this once and for all."
Ken cocks his head to the side, then looks down and around him, "As you can see Takaishi-kun. I am not in the mood for a battle with any of you," I walk over and he smiles at me, "I am only here to claim what is rightfully mine because he has been poorly treated, " He walks straight at me and takes my mouth with his. I heard a few squeaks and hold his face before breaking the kiss.
I lower my head and blush, "Ke~en. You're still the Kaizer. You can't be doing that. Plus, there are people around," I whine.
"Aw... You're so cute when you blush. And I don't wanna be the Kaizer today..."
"You can't stop being the Kaizer just for a day," Takeru spits at him.
"You," Ken points menacingly at Takeru, "Shut up. I am trying to have a conversation with Dai-chan here.
I spoke up, "He's right though, Ken-chan. You can't just stop for a day then go back. It wouldn't be fair to me.. any of us."
He places his hand under my chin and looks me dead in the eye, "Tell me to stop being the Kaizer and I will. I'd do anything for you. I'd DIE for you, if you wanted me to, my love. But I won't leave here, " He backs up and his face grows angry, "You can't ever make me leave the Digital World. I will not go back that that place with all its filth and hatred. Never, "Black wind swirled around him and his Kaizer gear appeared on him, "I won't go back! I won't!"
I quickly close the gap between us. Then I bury my head under his chin. I can hear his heart beat. Its going so fast I fear that it may pound out of his chest. I hug him closer.
"Calm down, Ken-chan. I'd never ask you to leave here because I know how much you love it. But will you please stop being the Kaizer," I nuzzle him closer, "For me. For all of us."
Another gust of wind and Ken is back to normal. I then hear a small blue digimon scream out the name of his best friend. I glance to my left to see Wormmon slowly crawling towards V-mon. Ken and I both let out a small giggle at the sight. Then Ken lifts his head to look at the other four Digidestined behind me. They all are a boiling pot of emotions. Anger, Happiness, Relief, Disgust, Pain. I turn around to look at them. Ken wraps his arms around me and softly rubs my arms. I'm glad, I need his reassurence.
"So..." I begin, "Um... this is probably kinda wierd for you all."
"Wierd? Wierd?! Being in the Digital World is weird. But our leader having an affair with the Digimon Kaizer? That's just insane, " Iori shouts. I blink a few times before he continues, "I am outta here. Probably won't be back."
Hikari and Takeru both nod and they seem to agree with Iori on all that. Obviously shocked from how loud their little friend could actually be. Miyako hangs around and watches them leave. I give her a questioning look. Then she leans forward.
"They may think its wierd and all. But me? I think its strangely cute. So just so you know, you both have my blessing and I hope you two are happy. Daisuke-kun? Are you coming back to the real world soon?"
I smile brightly, "I may, but only to get a few things. I think I'll be staying here from now on. Feel free to visit us any time you want."
"Thanks," she said while skipping away. "I'll bring my Mimi-hime with me too!" Me and Ken just looked at each other and laughed. This is a beautiful start to a new beginning.
Look for "White Chocolate" out soon. Oh. And this is DEFINATLY not the last chapter folks. I don't plan on ending this until I have at LEAST 20 chapters. Theres gonna be a lot of stuff with Miyako and Mimi in it. There ain't no way I can leave out my favorite shoujo ai couple! *winks* ^^v Thank Hyne I actually have a plot planned! *dissapears in a burst of pink smoke* POOF!