Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Chocolate ❯ Ken: For He So Loved the World ( Chapter 8 )
Chapter 8 - Ken: For He So Loved the World
'Its amazing how life works,' I think as I sit in my bedroom at the base. Daisuke left the Digital World. He seems to be more than willing to give up the "Real World" as fast as possible. He asked me if Jun could live her. I told him: "Sure. And we can start a human villiage here. I'll get rid of my base, we can build some traditional Japanese houses with paper walls. Three houses in all. One for me and him, another for Jun, and a third for Mimi and Miyako for vacationing and visiting."
He seemed more than happy with that. So here I sit in my bedroom looking at maps of the Digital World and deciding where to build that is convienant not only for us, but also doesn't disturb local 'mons. Wormmon looks on with me. Suddenly he jumps onto the map and points to a spot near Primary Villiage.
"What about here," the green Digimon asks with a happy voice.
"Lets ask Dai-chan when he gets back," I reply with a smile.
Primary Villiage... My mind gets lost in thoughts. I've never been to Primary Villiage. I've never had to. Maybe I should ask Dai or Wormmon. Jun wouldn't know obviously.
I bet its going to be a lot of fun showing Jun-chan around the Digital World and introducing her. I wonder if she'll be in line to become a DigiDestined. They, whomever they are, say that once one is exposed to the Digital World or Digimon and possess the right qualities to be a Destined, they get their own Digimon partner. Probably not though, it seems like all the positions are filled.
An alarm sounds throuhgout my base notifying me that three humans are closing in on the base. If its three then there is no way its Daisuke and Jun. I hop off the bed, Wormmon jumps on my shoulder, and I rush to the control room as fast as I can. Thats obviously pretty fast, since they do call me "The Rocket."
I find out exactly who, even though I already knew, was heading towards my base. Hida, Takaishi, and Yagami are walking at a fast pace. I set a course for my base to fly and stay by pressing a few buttons. With Wormmon still on my shoulder, I run out of the room, down a ramp, and jump outside of the moving hunk of Digimetal. Then I run forward to meet up with the three other DigiDestined. The see me coming and stop to make their partners Digivolve.
"Whoa, whoa," I said with a nervous chuckle, "No need for that. I mean, I have no intentions of fighting you. And no intentions of Wormmon here fighting and risk getting even slightly hurt."
"Yeah, right," shouted Takeru, "Where's Motomiya? He's not answering any of our messages. You've probably got him locked up in your base and brainwashed, don't you?"
"Brainwashed? I remember someone asking me that in kindergarten too. Thats amusing. Anyone want to come back to my soon to be non-existant base for a cup of tea? You can see for yourselves that Dai isn't there and that I'm almost all packed up because I'm leaving that floating hell," I pushed the words out while overly aware that the trio's Digimon had just surrounded me.
I glanced nervously at Angemon, Angewomon, and Digmon. They all stared at me with unblinking eyes, as though they were waiting for me to make Wormmon fight them all. I wasn't stupid! I know it was a losing battle. The three humans knew I was afraid and they smirked. They thought they were actually going to win this battle? Ken Ichijouji is NOT a loser. I turned my head back to the kids with new found confidence. Hikari raises an eyebrow in question as her smile fades and mine grows exceptionally large.
"You wouldn't really attack an unarmed person would you?"
"You're not unarmed," Takeru snaps.
I laugh. "You mean Wormmon? Ha! He couldn't hurt even the tiniest Fliemon!"
"That was a bad pun, Ken-chan," Wormmon says.
My small, green Digimon crawls down the front of my shirt tickling me. I giggle as he crawls over hide's face. I'm wearing my Hideto Matsumoto T-shirt with pink letting that says around the oval picture of him, "You forgot to say goodbye." Wormmon then creeps down my black silk pants and onto the ground. He went at the three humans.
He spoke in a voice that was the loudest I ever heard him go, "Leave Ken alone! He isn't bothering anyone any more. Let him be happy, he finally is happy again. I won't let you three miserable people take it away from him!"
I sat down on the ground and folded my legs into a pretzle. Then I chuckled at my Digimon and mumbled a thanks to him. I wondered how long it would take the other three children present to get bored, give up, and leave. I was happy, I could sit there and day dream all day. I wonder if by watching me they will see that I have truly changed. Of course I regret the somewhat terrible things that I did. But I only was "evil" towards those who tryed to get me to go back to the Human World. Heh, I'm not even calling it the Real World anymore.
Wormmon crawls back to me and sits in my lap. I playfully tap his forehead and smile down at him. At least this little Digimon gets it all. Those stupid people standing fifteen feet away from me can't comprehend love, I suppose. They just don't understand that love changes people and makes them do the craziest things. But I can wait for them to realize it. I have eternity.
So sorry for not actually working on this. To tell the truth, I completely forgot about any of my fics that don't appear on my website: nEW aGE fUNK. Also, I still plan to write "White Chocolate" but probably not until this is finished.