Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Choices of the night ❯ Protry ( Chapter 7 )
Chapter 7: Protrys
Ore no ten'ru hikari
~[Ore no ten'ru hikari]~
(My angel of Heaven's light)
Sweet as the light fall to Earth, hope gives it's way to more light and hope forever in the mind of the beholder is your chosen path. Choose with the heart for it tells the truth of the heart not other's words, let hope and light forever be as one feeling. Guarding your life in this cold and unforgiving world. -Teacher and Master: Hiroyuki Sakai, character of Star Quest by: Kaiyoro Lin a.k.a. Ginsenshi, me hi ya.
Feel free to use it and reedit it.
Ja mata, Ginsenshi
Koibito no ore no koi
~[Koibito no ore no koi]~
(Sweetheart of my love)
Be always sweet never losing that kindness I love some much,
In your eyes I see in everything you do and care about my sweetness, my love is given to you my sweet one.
Milky Way
~Song by: BoA~
Lyrics to Milky Way
Korean Lyrics
English Translation
Uh dduhn ma eum eu ro juhn hal kka nan nuh ae gae
nuh reul geu ryuh waht dun sul reh lim nan ki da ryut suh
ji na buh rin shi gan hahm kkeh hal soon up suh do
ee jen nuh ae gae jool nae ga ga jin geu soo mah neun nal deel
The passing winds tell me this
Suddenly I felt the seasons getting closer
I want to go again to the time where the world didn't know
My image is shining as I go into the world
Na reul seu chyuh ga neun bah rahm ee nae gae mal hae joo nae
moon deek ga kka wuh jin kyae juhl eul yuh ki bul ruh waht suh
da shi ga go shi puh sae sahng eul moh reu dun shi juhl
ee jen nae gae ro ol sae sahng ae bi chin na ei moh seub
uhn jen ga soh joong hahm ma juh ee uh buh rin cha nan
uh reun ee dwi buh ryut ji
Yeah I need you!
Sometime ago I lost my preciousness
Then I became an adult yeah
Uhn jae na nae kyu tae ee suh jwuh na reul no chi ji mal ah jwuh
kka mahn bahm nae ahn ae pyul chyuh jin sae kyae ro
kku meun bahn jjahk ee go ee suh
uh de rohn ga geu luh kae ruh ga ji
On my milky way
* I need you!
Always be by my side
Don't let go of me
The black night is spread inside of me
My dreams are twinkling
It is flowing along somewhere
On my Milky Way
Na ei jahk eun eul nae mil uh nuh reul boo reul ddae
Uhn jae la do kat eun ja ri ae nun ki da ryut ji nae
Gae sohk sak ee dun nuh mahn ei bi mil ei yahk sohk
Kat eun shi gan sohk ae hahm kkeh ha kil won haet dun guh ya
Ji geum ga mahn hee reul ki ool yuh ki da ryuh waht dun juh
Kat eun nal ei no rae reul
I believe!
When I hold out my small hand and call your name
You always waited at the same place
Your promise of your secret that made me upset
I just wanted to be with you at the same time
* Oo yun hahn sarang eul chaj ahs dun na reul ji ga bo go ee suht ji
Uhn jae na mahn nal soo ee suht dun goht ae suh
Nuh reul ki da ri go ee suh
If you listened carefully
You can listen to the same song
Bok hahn sae sahng sohk ae kat chin che so ee
Da ji ah nah nan doo ryuh wuh suh
Ha ji mahn kyae sohk ga do dwi gaet ji sae ro
Oon na nal ei shi jahk eu ro
I need you!
** I believe!
You watched over me accidentally find my love
Uhn jae na nae kyu tae ee suh jwuh na reul nu chi ji mal ah jwuh
Kka mahn bahm nae ahn ae pyul chyuh jin sae kyae ro
Kku meun bahn jjahk ee go ee suh
I believe!
As I was trapped in the complex world
I couldn't feel your hand, I was afraid
But I could still go on
To the new start, day by day
Uh de rohn ga geu luh kae lo ruh ga ji
On my milky way
At the place where we could always meet
You were waiting there
It is flowing along somewhere
On my Milky Way
~The End~