Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ College Reunion, or Correcting a Past Mistake ❯ Part 4 - The Long Road to Make Amends ( Chapter 4 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
College Reunion, or Correcting a Past Mistake
Part 4 - The Long Road to Make Amends
By Robster80 (R80)
Co-Written by TheUNB
WARNING: This story is for 18 or older readers! There's foul language, and sexual content. The latter won't be in every chapter, but there will be in a few of them. If you are under 18, PLEASE stop reading right now and turn back!
You have been warned.
DISCALIMER: I do NOT, repeat, do NOT own any of the characters in this story! This is FANFICTION, so this is written for fun, not profit! I don't even own the songs or the matching lyrics to said songs used as chapter breaks
Previously - After over 5 years of separation after a bitter break-up, TK and Kari met once more. Kari broke down and apologized to TK on hands and knees, and he showed he was willing to at least start over with her as friends. However, their reunion caused some confusion with Robin Nico (Kari's boss and TK's longtime family friend), TK's bandmates/roommates Shuichi and Fumikage, Kari's friends/coworkers Mina and Camie, and Kari's unintended suitor Neito Monoma. Most received explanations, though TK knows that eventually he'd have to inform his mother about Kari being in his life again; and Kari understands that she will have to earn back the trust she had lost, not only to TK but to others as well…
“After all that we've been through, I will make it up to you, I promise to…” Lyrics from “Hard To Say I'm Sorry” by Chicago
It was unusual for there to be someone knocking on the front door on a Sunday morning. Still, Shuichi was already awake and in a shirt and pants, working on the coffee maker when he heard the knocks. He moved for the door with a small yawning of the word “Coming.” He opened the door and was surprised to see Natusko Takaishi standing in front of him. “Ms. Takaishi?”
“Sorry to show up unannounced, Shuichi, but where's my son?”
“Uh, in his room, likely still asleep.” Stepping aside as Natsuko walked past him, Shuichi watched her move. ~I think someone mentioned to her about last night with Kari.~ “Will you require some privacy-?”
“Yes, thank you, that would be wonderful,” Natsuko replied without looking back as she went right for TK's bedroom door and opened it without knocking and then shut the door after she entered the room.
“...Better warn Fumikage, and grab my earbuds.”
TK merely opened an eye and saw his mother enter his room before closing the door behind her. ~Robin,~ he thought as she slowly moved to sit up in bed. Thankfully he was in his sleep shirt and the covers were up to his waist to hide his boxers. “Morning, mom.”
“Morning. So… Robin told me something very interesting last night when I called her about your article's progress.” She moved calmly over to TK's desk and took the desk chair to sit on, facing her son. “You met Kari again.”
“It was a complete shock for me to see Kari there, you know.”
“Yes, I know. What also surprised me is that she's working for Robin as a bartender and not a-. Well, anyway… what happened?”
“...She fell on her hands and knees and apologized for everything, profusely. But not before Robin left us alone so we had privacy first. We… we talked… all she asked was if we could start over, as friends.”
~Okay, so she made a wise move, I'll give her that.~ “Was she sincere about her apologies, and her request?”
“Yes, I believe she was, mom.”
“...How do you feel now, after all this time?”
“...For the first time since I broke up with her… I felt… I feel… ….like a few missing pieces I lost since then have come back. Time hasn't fully healed me, we both know it. But mom… ...part of me couldn't let go of her. Is that wrong?”
“Honey, I can't tell you that, as much as I wish I could; because you're on the verge of real adulthood and you have to make such decisions on your own. All I know is that you and Kari are not like other young people, not since that one summer with the Digimon. When you told me how… close you really were before you ended it with her, I was disappointed in both of you for almost following the same path your father and I took. And I thank the gods you didn't get her pregnant, or at least-.”
“You really think Mr. and Mrs. Yagami wouldn't have contacted us if Kari had my baby, mom? They'd have at least hit us up for half the cost of an abortion.”
“...Touche. Well, I'm still on the fence about you and her being together again in any way or form… but given she wants to start fresh and as friends, I'm not as disappointed in her as I was. Plus Robin told me Kari's been a model employee at her club, and that her bouncer Kou Uramecha swears to vouch that Kari really wants to make up for the past.” Natsuko then leaned forward to put her hand on TK's shoulder. “Just… don't let yourself get hurt again like that. And if you can finally move on… I would like a grandchild sometime in the far future.”
“Let's not even go there.”
“Oh come on, you know I want one or two grandbabies to love and spoil before I die.” Mother and son laughed at her comment for a while before Natsuko then said, “But know this - if she hurts you again, even in the slightest, she will answer to me this time; no talking me out of it.”
“Mom, Matt was sore as hell, and as much as she hurt me, I didn't want to start a family feud-.”
“Okay, okay… but this is her last chance as far as I'm concerned. And I'll tell her myself, that's a promise.”
A knock on the door and hearing it open caught their attention as Shuichi stuck his head in with an apologetic look on his face. “Very sorry, ma'am, but… you both got a visitor.” He opened the door fully and, to TK and Natsuko's surprise, there was Kou.
“Robin-san told me about last night's phone call, and she warned me you'd be over this morning.” Kou stepped into the room. “I'm Kou Uramecha, I work for Robin-san at the White Cat. And my cousin, Kari's one roommate, and I are friends of Kari's.”
“Uh, how did you know-?”
Kou coughed once. “Cherise, my cousin told me… she said Kari told her that your son lived just three apartments down from where they live on this floor.”
“We only found out while we were walking home last night,” TK added, trying to get his mother to understand the very odd coincidences laid out before her.
“...The Gods must be loving this whole mess,” was all Natsuko could say before she got up to shake hands with Kou; Shuichi closed the door again so the trio had privacy.
“I only came here to tell you the truth as I see it, because I've known and talked to Kari for well over a year… she never once stopped regretting what she did to your son, ma'am; in fact recently she'd have dreams brought on by her regrets and it brought all the pain she felt back to the forefront. And need I remind you that she herself had confessed to your son her trysts willingly; he hadn't learned them from anyone else. That should tell you how sorry she is, and was, for it all.
“Furthermore, since you and your son moved away and out of her life, Kari made a vow like your son to never date, fall in love, or sleep with anyone else ever again; she said it was her own punishment for losing the best friend she ever had. She swore that she wanted to find TK and beg his forgiveness for her hurting him like she did, and to beg for them to start over as friends - if TK agreed, as he did, then she could truly make up for her mistakes; if not, she at least hoped to finally find closure and make every effort to move on with her life.
“Last night Kari had no idea TK was at the White Cat; hell, I didn't know until I was called back for him to interview me for his freelance assignment. When he introduced himself to me, and the shock wore off, I went and grabbed Kari and brought her to him, so she could get her closure one way or another. I waited outside the office to see what would happen, and when nobody came out of the door upset or such…” Kou looked at TK. “I silently said every thank you to the higher powers that somehow you and her were willing to try again.”
“You really do care about her, don't you?” TK then asked. “Were you-?”
Kou shook his head. “I'm her friend - that's it.”
“For just a friend you are coming on strong, batting for her side as it were.” Spoke up Natsuko with a neutral but curious tone.
�The purple eyed man merely gave a low chuckle. “Kari does mean a lot to me, but it's not romantic. Besides becoming good friends she's helped me deal with my own demons in ways nobody else could.� Like her, I've had a shitty past, nothing like Kari's but it was bad - real bad in it's own way. So I sympathize with her, but I never went further than being her friend. She's family to me, a sister I sometimes don't feel I'm worthy of having.” He then shrugged nonchalantly. “Besides, even if I wanted to be more than a friend, she was adamant not to date anyone, and I respect her too much to push her to compromise her vows. If I may be so bold, she was waiting for the chance you'd come back into her life, slim as it was.” Kou smiled at TK. “You must be some guy to her.”
“Good grief, put me on the damn spot,” TK said while rubbing the back of his head, blushing.
“Just telling it like it is.”
“Well you are one helluva guy, my bias aside.” Mused Natsuko, as she rubbed her son's shoulder while smiling proudly at him.
“Well, I said what I wanted, so I'll be going. Oh, and Ms. Takaishi? Please don't go over to Kari's when you're done here - on top of working her part-time bartender job until 1am and then crying again last night that she got her friend back, she's likely exhausted.” After a beat he added. “I probably have overstepped my bounds coming here to talk to you both like this- but I wanted to help clear the air with some of this. I admit being her friend my bias is probably strong but… well take it from someone who's got plenty of his own mistakes to make up for… forgiveness can undo shackles holding you down you never realized were there.”
Despite still having reservations, Natsuko nonetheless felt a sense of, not ease but respect for the young man's purpose and seeming genuine earnest to help mend things between her son and Kari. Whether it was bullshit or this Kou Uramecha was a rare if rough gem of a friend, she did feel some tension leave her over the situation- for now. “Very well, I have some errands to run here in town before I head back to Shinjuku. But I will not be leaving until I've spoken to her in person.”
“Fair enough.” And with that Kou left the room
“Well then… since I'm here, how about I make you and your roommates breakfast?”
“Uh, check with Shuichi about what we have - he did the shopping yesterday, but we usually just eat cereal for breakfast, or Pop Tarts if we're in a hurry.”
“It seems believing is worth the wait, so hold me and tell me it's not too late.” Lyrics from “Miss You Like Crazy” by Natalie Cole
Kari woke up and looked at her clock, which read 9:23am. She felt tired and yet…
A knock on her door was followed by the door opening and there was Cherise with a tray in her one hand, a plate loaded with breakfast foods on it: eggs, toast, bacon, and orange wedges. “Thought you'd like breakfast in bed this morning after last night.”
Sitting up as Cherise brought her the tray, Kari said with a smirk, “You and your cousin spoil me.”
“We just treat our close friends like royalty and family is all. Speaking of Kou he… uh, he warned me that TK's mother was in the area. She had already stopped by-.”
“Let me guess - Robin-san talked to her.”
“Ms. Takaishi called her last night, yes, mainly to talk about her son's article about the White Cat.”
“And from there, Robin told her about last night. Well…” Kari took a bite of her breakfast before speaking again. “I'd have to face her sooner or later. Kou mention anything else?”
“Yes, he's already talked to Ms. Takaishi-.”
“Oh good grief-.”
“JUST to point out you've been totally sincere about what you did and how you want to make up for it and get your best friend back. Plus he mentioned to me that Robin also put in a good word for you as an employee.”
Swallowing her food, Kari sighed softly. “I love that man as a brother, but I still wish he'd dial back his protector complex.”
“Welcome to my word…” Mused Cherise with a roll of her eyes. “That said, I can understand him sticking his nose in things, we both… just want things to work out for you.”
“Welcome to my word…” Mused Cherise with a roll of her eyes. “That said, I can understand him sticking his nose in things, we both… just want things to work out for you.”
Smiling, Kari took another bite of her food, swallowing and then asking. “Does Ayaka know?”
“I do.” Akaya was now in the doorway. “Found out this morning when Kou stopped by. So, your old friend forgave you?”
“I wouldn't say he fully forgives me, but at least we're starting over as friends.”
“Is he seeing anybody?”
“No, he's been single ever since he and I parted ways years ago. I told him I was, too; although before he walked me home, TK inadvertently found out about Monoma and vice-versa.”
Both Cherise and Ayaka rolled their eyes and said “Him, again,” before Ayaka added “Well maybe now Monoma will leave you alone?” ~Not likely…~
“I doubt it - if Monoma is like Daisuke was, or worse, he'll see TK as competition.”
“Why not just flat-out tell Monoma you're not interested-?”
“I've/she's tried!” Kari and Cherise both snapped.
“Okay, sorry! Sheesh… So, is your friend TK… rich?”
“Ha! Yeah, right. The only thing new about him is he's in a band called the Nostalgia Brothers-.”
“NO KIDDING?!” Cherise cried aloud. “Damn it, if only I'd have known sooner, my Kazuma's friends with those guys. What does TK play?”
“Piano and/or keyboard. He said he took lessons mainly as therapy while he and his mother lived in Northwestern America.”
“Hmmm, a piano player, a Chosen child, a writer, a basketball player-.”
“Uh, I don't know if he still plays basketball anymore, Ayaka.”
“I'm just saying… maybe he isn't single?”
“He wouldn't lie to me-.”
“Why not? You lied to him-.”
“He wouldn't lie to me-.”
“Why not? You lied to him-.”
“Hold it, hold it!” Cherise then stated loudly. She moved between Ayaka and Kari, but focused on the former. “There's no need to rile anybody up with speculations. Let's leave Kari alone to have her breakfast. Kari, we'll be out here if you need us.” And Cherise ushered herself and Ayaka out of the room and closed the door behind her. She then (gently) pushed Ayaka out into the main apartment before speaking. “What the fuck is wrong with you?!”
“I'm just being realistic-.”
“Kari's beaten herself up about cheating on TK all this time, she wants to make it right to him. Don't add to her fears-.”
Ayaka crossed her arms, standing firm. “I'm trying to save her from getting similar treatment of what she did to this guy. Surely he'd like to have some kind of revenge on her-.”
“First of all, he doesn't sound that low and petty; second, if he wanted revenge as you put it, he'd have done so by moving on with his life and got himself a girlfriend or at least just moved on; and third, my cousin strongly believes TK is genuinely willing to give Kari one more try because he still holds some sort of candle for Kari. And Kou's gut-hunches rarely, and I mean rarely have been wrong.”
“Well if you'll forgive me, I won't risk Kari's well-being on a gut feeling, even if it's from your cousin,” She stated with a pointed look. “Kou can be wrong, his inhuman intuition aside. For all we know, TK could be playing a patient and cunning game with Kari to get back at her.”
While Ayaka was reaching into slight conspiracy territory, Cherise had to admit to a degree, she wasn't wrong that totally believing TK may not be entirely as wholesome now as they thought. However she still felt strongly about this and thus formulated a plan. “...Then there's only one way for me to be sure he isn't.”
“What's that?”
“First, I'm going to get dressed.” And Cherise went for her room - she had still been wearing a robe with her sleep shirt and panties underneath when she had made and delivered Kari breakfast. ~I'd like to meet this TK for myself.~ Then, as she was in the middle of changing her clothes, she spied her cell phone. ~...Kazuma!~ Grabbing her phone she saw she hadn't turned it off the night before and (seeing she still had enough power left) speed-dialed her boyfriend and put the phone on speaker before setting it down to resume changing. After three rings, she heard someone pick up and groggily, grumpily say “`Ello?”
“Morning, Kazu-kuuuuun!”
“You're so lucky you're beautiful, Cherise, otherwise I'd threaten to hurt you for waking me up this early on a Sunday, your cousin be damned.”
“I've got good reason to call you, loverboy, and not so you can listen to me while I get naked and then get dressed.”
“Okay, now I'm a little more awake.”
“Good boy. Now… tell me everything you know about one Takeru `TK' Takaishi of the Nostalgia Brothers.”
“Just tell me everything, Kazuma, it's for a friend.”
“If it's to set her up on a date, then you might as well forget it - TK's contently single; I've hung with him and the band numerous times and he's not interested in any of the girls he's met.”
“He's not… batting for the other team is he?” She heard a hard laugh from her phone.
“TK, yaoi… good one, Cherise. No, he's straight. He just doesn't seem to be on the lookout for a girlfriend. I never asked about it and he's never said anything.”
“How does he treat his female fans?”
“Very nicely - while some girls have tried getting dates out of him he politely turns them down and says he has schoolwork or work, or he's meeting with his mother. And he's never lost his temper when some of the girls tried to be a bit aggressive.”
“So he's never strung along any girls or used them to get what he wants?”
“Never, though honestly I'm not exactly tight with him. But I have been around him enough to get the impression he's a real, genuine nice guy. So why are you asking about him?”
“He's… ...he and my roommate Kari used to be close.”
“...How close?”
“It's not something I can explain everything over the phone. All I can say is... they had a rift, haven't seen each other in a few years until last night, and now they're trying to get back at least their friendship. Our other roomie, Ayaka, thinks TK's not being honest, though.”
“You know I don't get along with Ayaka much, Cherise; but to be blunt, I think she's bullshitting.”
“So TK wouldn't do what Ayaka claims?”
“Not even on a bad day.”
Cherise finished putting on her shirt, smiling. “Kazuma, I love you.”
“Love you too, Cherise. Anything else you need?”
“No, I'm good. Thanks, lover.”
“Okay, what are you planning?”
“Simple - I'm going to go meet TK myself. He lives only three doors down from my apartment.”
“N-no, wait! How about I come down and introduce you?”
“Why, Kazuma… are you afraid I'll dump you for another guy?”
“Worse - I warned them about you. Better I be there just in case.”
“...Sometimes you're no fun.”
“I just know you too well, Cherise. Why else do I want to marry you when you graduate from college?”
At this, Cherise smiled warmly. “Okay, you charmer - I'll wait. See you real soon.” and she ended the call. ~In the meantime…~ She left her room and went back to Kari's, entering without knocking. She saw Kari had finished eating and was getting up from the bed. Closing the door behind her, Cherise said, “Look, don't take what Ayaka said-.”
“But she does have a point.”
“Cherise… if TK is going to get even with me, he's got every right. But I trust him more than I trust myself. Whatever happens, happens… For now, though, I'll just hold on to the hope that we can get back everything we both lost from my mistakes.”
“And I'll be right there with you, so will Kou. And Kazuma, too. Speaking of my guy, he's going to introduce me to TK today, I already called him. Care to join us?”
“Appreciate it, but… I'd be better off getting dressed and see if I can track down Natsuko-san. The sooner I meet her and get it over with, the better. And I have to let Tai and my parents know, too.”
“Er, refresh my memory… how much do they know-?”
“Dad doesn't know that I'm not a virgin, or he at least doesn't want to think about it. Far as I know he only thinks I was seeing other guys behind TK's back; Mom… after TK broke up with me, I told her everything-, well… almost everything.”
~Yeah like you'd admit to her about the two times you slept with your older brother,~ Cherise thought, not wanting to voice that out loud. ~Definitely not something you'd tell your mother.~
“Surprisingly, she was very understanding. It helped I told her I was done being sexually active and that Miyako and I decided to just remain friends. Yet she still got me to get an implant before I started college.”
“I don't blame her - better safe than sorry, I say.”
“Trust me even if I never planned to get intimate again, given what else can happen to us gals…. Better safe than sorry indeed.”
As Kari shuddered, Cherise had to shudder herself. She fought back the-VERY well, repressed memories of her time as her bastard Father's `toy'. Oh yes, if there was one, ONE thing she was grateful for that bastard for, was his foresight to get her on birth control.
As for Kari, her mind drifted to one night when Mina, Camie and she left work together they were accosted by thugs who were very intent on as they said themselves `raping the ever loving shit out of them'. Luckily for all three Kou had left work shortly after them, intent to escort them home. Well, the thugs ended up bloody smears, and while Kou was bloodied himself his foes needed stretchers to get out of that alley. When said thugs tried to claim Kou attacked them without reason, the police brought up that the thugs were wanted in previous rapings and that put their attempt to shift the attention to Kou down the drain. Despite the timely rescue before the thugs had a chance to nearly tear their clothes off, the encounter made Kari realize even if she wasn't dating, staying on birth control might be for the best incase… well, any eventuality.
Sometimes there was just truly sick people in the world; not every man was a Takeru Takaishi or a Kou Uramecha.
Forcing the dark thoughts from her head, Cherise smacked her cheeks, a gesture Kari mirrored. “Okay, brain back from the dark side.”
“Likewise, anyway we both better get going huh?”
“Me, especially. Kazuma's coming to get me.”
“Do you really need him to introduce you-?”
“No but he insisted since he `warned' them about me, and hey, I wanna meet TK myself.”
“Like you don't have an ulterior motive-.”
Making a `tut-tut' gesture, Cherise waggled her eyebrows slyly. “Well you can be assured I'm not going to make moves on him, I have my own beau for that.”
“That doesn't concern me so much as other reasons,” Kari then sighed. “Yet, I know trying to stop you is pointless.”
“Glad we're on the same pa-EOUWWW!” She yelped as Kari casually reached up and gave her a quick nipple-twerk. “Hey those are sensitive!” Proclaimed Cherise with annoyance and slight pain in her voice as she backed away and quickly `covered her girls' with her arms.
“Glad we're on the same pa-EOUWWW!” She yelped as Kari casually reached up and gave her a quick nipple-twerk. “Hey those are sensitive!” Proclaimed Cherise with annoyance and slight pain in her voice as she backed away and quickly `covered her girls' with her arms.
Smiling wickedly, Kari let out a satisfied chuckle. “Just reminding you I know where you live, and I can pay you back if you push your luck in trying to help me. I do appreciate it, but you and Kou don't need to protect me all the time.”
“Fine, fine, fine but watch your own nips now sister I got a free boobie grab card now!”
“Whatever.” Kari mused, letting it drop, seeing as she knew Cherise wouldn't abuse their little `tit for tat' game whenever the other pushed their luck. “Just so long as it's not in front of somebody, I thought Kou was gonna nosebleed for once.”
“Whatever.” Kari mused, letting it drop, seeing as she knew Cherise wouldn't abuse their little `tit for tat' game whenever the other pushed their luck. “Just so long as it's not in front of somebody, I thought Kou was gonna nosebleed for once.”
With a finger on each cheek, Cherise piled on her best `I'm innocent and not guilty' expression. “Not like I expected him to walk into the place while I was innocently giving you a boobie grab.”
“Maybe so, but that time you pulled up my shirt to do the grab!”
“Not my fault you were braless, and he should'a knocked instead of using the key we made him.” Left unsaid was it was Cherise who gave him said key but that wasn't here nor there at least in her mind.
“I was HOME and wanting to free the girls after a long day, especially since they started to gain some girth again and that bra was too tight! I didn't expect my roomie to pull up my shirt and do a Tina-san, only for her cousin to walk in on that!” Argued Kari, red-faced now as she began to recall that memory vividly. While of all men to walk into that was somebody she trusted not to get sleazy ideas; it was still embarrassing!
“Not my fault you were braless, and he should'a knocked instead of using the key we made him.” Left unsaid was it was Cherise who gave him said key but that wasn't here nor there at least in her mind.
“I was HOME and wanting to free the girls after a long day, especially since they started to gain some girth again and that bra was too tight! I didn't expect my roomie to pull up my shirt and do a Tina-san, only for her cousin to walk in on that!” Argued Kari, red-faced now as she began to recall that memory vividly. While of all men to walk into that was somebody she trusted not to get sleazy ideas; it was still embarrassing!
After a moment of staring at one another, they both broke out into senseless giggling, and gave the other a sisterly hug. “Oh God listen to us…”
“What're roomies for eh?”
“Obviously to heckle and jeckle one another, as well as family.” Added Kari with a warm smile. “Now, seriously - out! I wanna change without your roaming eyes and you don't wanna make Kazuma wait too long.”
“I know tonight she comes, she's taking a swipe at fun…” Lyrics from “Tonight She Comes” by The Cars
“Better get dressed, guys,” Fumikage said firmly as he exited his room while carrying his phone in hand, “got a text from Kazuma - his girlfriend wants an introduction to us. Well, technically you two.”
“Wait, they're coming over now?”
“His girlfriend's impatient - she was going to come over herself but Kazuma talked her into letting him introduce her.”
TK shrugged. “Guess he wasn't kidding about everything he mentioned to us about her.” He got up from the couch, making for his room. “C'mon, Shuichi, let's get presentable.”
“Soon as I finish with the dishes.”
Inside his room, TK turned on his cell phone while changing into normal clothes. When he finished, he heard his text alert go off and he checked it. ~From Kari…~
Cherise is coming to meet you - she's having her boyfriend introduce you and your roommates to her.
~Ahhhhh, so Kari's one roommate is Kazuma's girl.~ He quickly texted her back: “How much trouble am I in?”
Hard to say - Cherise is the more accepting of my two roomies. But…
“But what?”
She's a tease.
“Now I know why Kazuma never introduced her to us yet.”
Oh, and FYI - I'll be coming over with her, too. Just for a bit.
~Good to know she's got my back… ...Damn I missed having her covering my back. Not that Shuichi and the guys haven't done so over the last year plus, but…~ Heading back into the main apartment, TK said, “Head's up, guys - Kazuma's gal happens to be one of Kari's roommates.”
“That's… a bit spooky.”
“Indeed. What are the odds, I wonder?”
TK gave a simple shrug. “I guess maybe the higher powers were really toying with Kari and me. Either that or somebody up there was having a run of bad rolls of the dice.”
“I doubt the Gods play with dice, TK…”
“Well they don't play Yu-Gi-Oh.”
“Oh brother,” Shuichi and Fumikage muttered, rolling their eyes.
“Hey, I told you guys before, you can't expect all my jokes to be good.”
“Sometimes Luffy tells better jokes.”
A knock on the door halted the conversation, and all three turned to the door with Shuichi moving to grasp the handle. “We ready?”
“Never stopped us before.”
Nodding, Shuichi turned the handle and opened the door. “Hey, Kazuma.”
“Morning, Shuichi. Everybody here?”
“The Three Stooges, all present and accounted for.”
“Always knew you were Curly, or Shemp.”
“Well Fumikage's more the Moe type, and TK's definitely the middle man so he's Larry.”
Cherise then popped into view from behind Kazuma. “I'd say this one's a Shemp more than a Curly. Then again, I'm not into the Stooges myself.”
Shucihi's eyes widened. “He-llo, you must be the infamous Cherise.” He then looked at Kazuma. “No wonder you've been keeping us from meeting her - she's a looker.”
Cherise wagged her eyebrows. “And oh so much more-. Ah!” Cherise turned after she felt a slight tap on the back of her head.
“Easy, before Kazuma decides to take you back to our place and tie you up,” Kari laughed. “Morning, Shuichi. Cherise and I are roommates.”
“This would explain-.” Fumikage muttered quietly to TK, who nodded while Shuichi allowed the others to enter the apartment. “Thought so.”
“I finally get to meet some of you guys,” Cherise said with a smile, looking first at Fumikage. “Kazuma here was afraid I might dump him for one of you.”
“Then you'd've been for a rude awakening - we don't steal our friends' girls.”
“Nah - I'm kidding. Besides, my cousin would clobber me if I cheat, period.”
“And Kou would do it, too,” Kari added.
“Kou-?! Kou Uramecha is your cousin?” Fumikage looked at Kazuma. “You're a brave man, Kazuma.”
“Hey, Kou and I get along great. Plus I follow the rules he gave me, which includes I can't marry Cherise (or, more importantly, sleep with her and get her pregnant) until she finishes college.”
“Which includes Cherise having to abstain for the duration.”
“DON'T help me, Kari!” Cherise then finally turned her attention to TK. “So you're TK…” She walked around him slowly, eyeing him up and down, before she looked at Kari and, with a saucy grin, gave a thumb's up sign. “How long have you known Kari again?”
“DON'T help me, Kari!” Cherise then finally turned her attention to TK. “So you're TK…” She walked around him slowly, eyeing him up and down, before she looked at Kari and, with a saucy grin, gave a thumb's up sign. “How long have you known Kari again?”
“Since we both were 8.”
“Bet you had a lot of angry stares for a few years whenever you two were together.”
“Only from one guy.” TK shot a look at Kari. “Right?”
“Well, Daisuke was the most vocal. There… might have been several more… three from way out of town.”
“Oh right, those three brothers from China. You, uh, hear from them at all anymore?”
“Noooooo - they never even got my email address. Though THAT reminds me… when was the last time you heard from Catherine in France?”
“Not since before we started dating.”
Shuichi looked at Fumikage and Kazuma. “I'm getting the feeling these two get around faster than we do.”
“Our past is, well... complicated.”
“Involves Digimon, right?” Kazuma asked, surprising Kari and TK especially. “What? I've seen the news, plus I caught that one fight that was inside the internet with that Infermon or Diablomon or whatever its name was.”
“And TK told us about his adventures,” Fumikage said while Shuichi nodded in agreement.
“Kari told Kou and me, too.”
“And the girl and the three boys we mentioned had their own Digimon, too. So do Kari's brother and mine.”
“And speaking of families, TK-?” Kari was stopped when TK twitched before he took out his cell phone to see a text message. “Your mom-?”
“Yes, she says… ...she says she ran into your mom, Kari, here in town.”
~Hooo boy.~ “...Tell her she and my mom should stay where they're at, and have my mom text me their location. I'm going to go meet them.”
“Want me to tag-?”
“No, Cherise - this is something I need to do alone. If you gentlemen and lady will excuse me…”
“No, Cherise - this is something I need to do alone. If you gentlemen and lady will excuse me…”
“Kari, wait,” TK then said, “before you go… if you're not busy today, how about we grab some lunch when you get back? My treat.”
“We'll see how it goes after I see our moms.”
“Enough's enough - I've suffered and I've seen the light.” Lyrics from “Angel” by Aerosmith
It didn't take Kari long to reach the cafe where her mom and Ms. Takaishi were waiting, and she found them soon as she walked right in. The cafe itself was bustling with people on break from work or just having an outing with friends/family; it reminded Kari of The Three Broomsticks from the Harry Potter series, and she hoped that the noise would make it MUCH harder for any eavesdropping on the conversation she was about to have with the two mothers. Taking a deep breath, she approached the booth the two ladies were at.
“Hello, dear,” Mrs. Yagami said with a smile and she scooted further into the booth for Kari to join her.
“Hi, mom. ...Hello, Ms. Takaishi.”
“Hello, Kari,” Natsuko said politely, a small smile on her lips.
“We ran into each other shortly after I got off the train,” explained Mrs. Yagami, “it was a complete surprise. She told me TK's attending the same college as you are.”
“Yes, TK and I JUST ran into each other last night, at the club.”
“So I heard. ...How did everything go?”
“We agreed to start over as friends, but not until after I apologized to him for… everything.”
“I still can't believe you two were at the same school all this time and never saw each other until last night.”
“Not to mention we're in the same apartment complex off campus.”
Mrs. Yagami's eyes widened in surprise. “Seriously?!”
“You should have seen me last night when TK and his roommates walked me home after work. I swear somebody upstairs on high either was making a bad joke or really fumbled their game.”
“Or maybe just ensuring enough time was needed before you and TK met again,” Natsuko commented.
“Probably… ...Are you against-?”
“Kari, even if I was, my son… he's old enough to make his own decisions, for better or for worse. It helps you've been sincere thus far, plus your friend Kou vouching for you…” Natsuko then slightly narrowed her eyes. “However, my trust is something you'll have a good deal earning back.”
“And TK's.”
“And TK's.”
“Yes, his too. ...He loved you once, told me so himself. Maybe he still does, but as you said you have to earn his trust back.”
“I will. And I will wait. Even if it takes forever.”
“Natsuko, my daughter truly regrets everything she did… but remember that not all of it was her fault. After all, Sora was the one who tricked Kari into those two times with her brother.” Mrs. Yagami glanced to see Kari look at her in shock. “I'm your mother, and I knew you were still hiding something from me, so I spoke with your brother and Sora about it. I was the one who suggested they take a step back and cool their emotions for a while. Well, more like I forced them instead of suggested. Anyway, you were already kicking yourself over your own heartbreak and guilt, you didn't need me coming down on you about that.”
“...Just out of curiosity… Kari never got-?”
“I'd be dead and buried if I had been, ma'am.”
“Exactly. And aside from their hiding how deep their relationship was back then, I've always liked your son, Natsuko; not only is he more mature than young men his age, he's polite and level-headed. The fact he's willing to give Kari another chance even as friends makes me like him even more.”
This made Kari smile.
“However…” Mrs. Yagami looked at Kari somewhat hard. “I'm not asking you, Kari, I'm telling you - don't make anymore mistakes with him. Because if you do, I won't be as understanding again. And if I have to, I'll pull you out of this college and put you somewhere else.”
“H-hai. I understand.”
“Well, now that we've gotten all that out of the way…” Natsuko leaned in after the waitress served the three their waters (the two women had ordered one for Kari before she had arrived). “Kari, tell me… a bartender?”
“Well I really didn't want to be a showgirl as I wanted to leave my wild days dead and buried. And waitressing wasn't touch-free, either.”
“She still gets tips, though.”
“Mainly because I have a small following of customers who like how I mix their drinks. And it is fun in its own way, especially when I deal with wiseguys who try to stiff me on the tabs. The only downside is some boys from the college know I work there and they like to hassle me while I'm working. Though they mainly come to watch the dancers. Now, let me ask you… TK and piano lessons?”
Natsuko averted her gaze. “Well, it was mainly for his video games. He… almost threw a controller at the TV. Luckily I was in the room and grabbed his wrist.”
“He must be really good if he's in a band.”
“Even without the band, he plays wonderfully. For a talent show, he did `Linus & Lucy' solo - to near perfection.”
“Sometime I'll need to catch one of his band's shows.”
“Want something else besides the water, ladies?” The waitress then asked after returning.
“A white chocolate latte, please.”
“French vanilla iced coffee. Kari, would you like anything?”
“No, thanks, mom. TK offered to buy me lunch after this.” Kari then checked the time. “And I'd better get back so we can decide where we want to go or if we're ordering in. Plus I want to be sure my roommate Cherise hasn't embarrassed TK with her inquiries.”
“Offer to split the bill regardless.”
“Way ahead of you. Bye, mom. Bye, Takaishi-san.”
“You're dodging the mood, and I'm playing it safe. Look what we're not doing, oh boy what a waste.” Lyrics from “You Go First” by Jessica Andrews
“Are you sure it's alright for your girl and TK to be alone in his room?” Fumikage asked.
Kazuma nodded. “I trust Cherise. And I trust TK more.”
“How so?”
“He's told me with confidence he doesn't steal other guys' girlfriends.” When Fumikage and Shuichi looked at him, Kazuma turned his head to one side. “Seriously, he told me so.” ~And more, but it's not something you guys need to know.~
Inside his room, TK tugged his shirt collar as Cherise went and sat on the edge of his bed. “So… what do you-?”
“Tell me straight up, TK - are you still mad at Kari for what happened?”
“What-?! No, no, I got over my anger a good while ago.”
“So no planning to get even with her?”
“You mean get revenge? Sorry, but you must have me confused with some other person altogether. The worst I did and ever will do to Kari was break-up with her and asked her for my apartment's key back; that's it. That and move away for years. Other than that, I don't want or need to sink so low for any kind of payback.”
“...Okay, good.”
“Sorry about that. Just… well, I know the full story, and frankly you would have a right to get revenge on Kari… that would still make you a scumbag if you did, though. But I'm very relieved that you aren't that kind of guy.”
“You thought I was, though-.”
“Mostly my and Kari's other roommate Ayaka; she voiced her concerns and that kinda made me doubt a bit. That's really why I wanted to meet you and talk to you.” Cherise then stood up. “Forgive me if I sound biased but Kari's a good friend, and she absolutely wants to make amends with you; she hasn't stopped regretting what she did ever since you broke up with her. ...And I'm sure you yourself have some regrets over what happened.” She held up a hand when TK tried to speak. “I did say some, didn't I? Anyway, you two found each other and are starting fresh; frankly that alone makes me happy for Kari.”
“...Why do you care about her so much?” TK then asked.
“Because I have my own shitty past, though compared to Kari's, hers wasn't as dark. ...Ever read Doctor Sleep by Stephen King?”
“I have, yes.”
“If you recall the character Snakebite Andi, I have just a little in common with her. And no it's not a damn rattlesnake tattoo or the notion to lure men to the movies, cut them up and rob `em blind.”
It quickly clicked in TK's mind. “Your own father-?”
“Raped me when I was old enough, yes. More than that, he used drugs and `conditioning' to make me his personal toy. If my cousin Kou hadn't found out and did something about the fucktard, I wouldn't be here today. And Kazuma knows about all this, too - he's the only boyfriend I've had that I felt comfortable enough to tell about my past, and I don't regret telling him.”
~Yes, Kazuma's a very understanding guy…~ “Just answer me one more question, Cherise. Are you and Kari…?”
Cherise gave a smirk. “Hoping for one more girl-boy-girl action, are we?”
“No - that one time was it and I stand by it.”
“Good. And no - I can be a flirt and a tease, but bisexual I am not. And Kari gave that all up for good long ago.”
“Hey, don't be. That chapter in yours and Kari's lives is closed for good; now it's an all new chapter for the two of you. Now, I think I may have caused Kazuma to worry about us being alone in here for too long, so let's get back out there.”
“Oh I doubt he's worried.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Mainly because he and I have been around each other for him to know I don't steal other guy's girlfriends. Also… ...he's the only person outside my core group whom I told about my past.”
“Wait, you told him?!”
“Yes, though I left out one important detail, which was Kari's name. Of course I think now he knows Kari's the one.”
“And what?”
“And how did Kazuma feel about your ex after you told him of the break-up?”
“Hey, he's not my older brother or my keeper. Besides, the one thing we both know and like about Kazuma is he's not one to judge.”
TK then felt his phone vibrate and he brought it out of his pocket. “Kari's on her way back; looks like it went well for her concerning my mom.”
Relieved at this news, Cherise smiled. “How's your mom taking all this?”
“Like any other mom, she worries. But since I'm almost a true adult, she's letting me make my own decisions. ...And mistakes, if any.”
“Well, how do we learn if we don't make mistakes? Anyway, let's go. I'm going to ask Kazuma if I can go to his place and see Kanami-chan.”
“Friends will be friends, when you're in need of love they give you care and attention.” Lyrics from “Friends Will Be Friends” by Queen
It was after midnight, and everyone was fast asleep in the apartment… except Kari. She was on a small adrenaline high.
TK was back in her life. She had one more chance to make up with him. And there was no way she'd lose that chance, not ever. Even if they had to start from the beginning, as friends.
~The fact TK actually gave me one last chance… he had every right not to, but he did… and he stayed single… again, he's in the right to be… ...Damn it, Kari, stop thinking about it - you've got a morning class, and you've got to get some sleep! You got into bed…~ Rolling over she spied her clock, which read 12:02am. “...About thirty-two minutes…” she grumbled. “Swell.”
So, what to do to get to sleep? Warm milk? No, that NEVER worked. Count sheep? Last time Kari tried that, it took a count of 999, and that took a good hour or so to get to that point. Sleeping with her arm under her pillow to decrease blood flow? That hurt her arms. Soft music, or a boring movie? No, that would wake up Cherise and/or Ayaka… and while Cherise would understand, Ayaka would not.
That left only one more option, one she hadn't done in years… ...jilling off. Sure, she had a healthy sex life once TK and her got serious… ...and when she and Miyako also got serious… but then there were nights she had the itch so bad she couldn't help but go with self-gratification (which annoyed Tai on occasion since they had to share a bedroom until Tai got into college). Then… there were those nights after TK moved away Kari pined for him bad enough… those nights lasted for several months before Kari somehow found the strength to stop.
Tonight, though, while she didn't have the itch, it was worth trying so she could get some sleep. At least it was a warm night, so she wouldn't have to worry about catching a cold. ~Just have to keep quiet so I don't wake anyone up…~ Quietly pushing down the sheets, Kari next pushed up her nightshirt to past her abdomen, and then moved a hand down to the crotch of her panties. Closing her eyes, she began to use a finger to rub her slit through the fabric.
~Just… think back… back to those times… the times you and Takeru…~
At least now, Kari understood, she had a clearer picture of what TK looked like today. Granted she didn't see him without clothes, but she could tell… his frame had improved or stayed the same as it had, only bigger.
She imagined his hands on her, gentle… loving… they were holding her close to him, his lips on hers… and soon their tongues intertwining… How she had missed him...
Lips closed as she started to moan, Kari now used two fingers to touch herself, feeling her folds beginning to moist. Finally she moved her hand into her panties, touching her shaved pussy (she liked it bare as there was no itchiness). Rubbing her pussylips revealed she was wet, and getting wetter. Her other hand moved under her shirt and cupped one of her breasts.
~The last time we… made love… he held me from behind… played with my breast like this… and he… with his other hand… pleased me like this… in front of a mirror…~
Kari bit her lower lip to keep from moaning out loud as she slipped two fingers into her slick heat, pumping them in and out of her slowly. Her thumb rubbed at her hardened nipple, occasionally pressing it as she tried to fully remember the last time she and TK had been intimate. TK teased her in front of a mirror so she could see herself getting hot and bothered. He made her cum only with his fingers, but it felt so good because it was him. And then…
~Then… to give him equal pleasure… I turned him to the side and got on my knees before him… and took him into my mouth to watch his reflection…~
Her hand pushed up the shirt fully, exposing her cleavage to the night air before she then used both hands to push down her panties until they were loosely around her ankles. Kari resumed her masturbating, fingering her pussy once more while she started to pinch her nipple.
~Oh god, that was so good… I can almost taste him now, feeling his member moving in and out my mouth… I took my time, drew it out as long as I could before he couldn't hold it anymore… and before I swallowed the last of it, I let him go and looked up at him, mouth open a little so he could see my tongue swirling the remnants before I downed it…~
The memory fueled her lust as she fingered herself faster and deeper. They had drunk some water before moving to the bed, with TK sitting upright and Kari mounting him, arms around each other in a passionate and loving embrace as she took him inside her wanton pussy. They kissed hard once more before their bodies began to move…
~I could never forget that feeling… never, EVER forget it… Takeru filling me… making us one… So much better than my fingers… than anyone's fingers… than any toy… or…~ Kari shook her head - she wouldn't think about those times, not now; she brought TK back to the forefront of her mind's eye… not for the first time...
Kari never told anyone, but when she seduced Tai, and then did that threesome with Tai and Sora, Kari had to pretend it was TK she was doing it with; it was the only way to cope with the reality of the fact she was committing incest. And she had lied - it hadn't been fun, not at all. She only wanted to assure Tai she had been okay with it, but the truth was she felt disgusted - her curiosity with Iori aside, TK was the only guy she wanted to be “physical” with. That was the main reason she pushed Sora to NEVER make her do anything like that again, period.
~I bet he's bigger…~ “Mmmmph!” ~H-his size is… b-bigger… bet he'd make my pussy so full… even… even touch my w-womb…~ Feeling her teeth were going to dig into her lip, Kari rolled over and, soon as her face hit her pillow, she bit into it hard. Her knees went under her to prop her lower end up as her hands never stopped their respective tasks of playing with her one breast and pumping her womanhood. Feminine juices leaked out of her, down her fingers and palm and wrist.
~Takeru… yes… oh god, yes! Give it to me! I've been naughty! So naughty! Pound me! Pound me till I'm sore! Punish me for being unfaithful! Remind me I'm yours! Only yours! I want you… I want you so bad! Only you! ONLY YOU!~
Finally, biting hard enough she might have ripped into the pillow, Kari gave a tiny cry of orgasmic bliss, her inner folds pulsating and squeezing her deeply buried fingers as she came and came hard. Riding out her sexual high, Kari mentally screamed out ~TAKERU, I LOVE YOU!~ before she finally collapsed onto one side. The room was now quiet save for her panting. She felt hot, and sticky from both her orgasm and a little sweat, but at the same time she felt good…
And tired.
~D-damn… first self-gratification in a long time and I'm exhausted… but that was what I wanted, though…~ Kari felt her eyelids begin to grow heavy, and knew she had achieved what she wanted. Pulling up her panties and pushing her nightshirt back down, she curled up under the covers and was soon fast asleep.
Neither Cherise or Ayaka were the wiser...
“Now baby, you're my obsession, my addiction, my drug… So let the candle grow into a great fire of love, oh yeah…” Lyrics from “Will You Be There (In the Morning)?” by Heart
To Be Continued...
Author's Notes:
Hello, everyone.
I forgot to mention something in the last chapter… years back TheUNB and I did a prototype of a fanfic similar to this one, only much shorter and not as dramatic. In that prototype were a few differences:
-Kari and TK never dated but they did kiss once, and both ended up chickening out on pursuing a relationship so they could remain friends but they ended up drifting apart.
-By the time Kari was in her 2nd year of college, she was sharing an apartment with one girl and they were lovers, but she still regrets what happened between her and TK.
-Kari and TK re-met during a class they ended up taking together and rekindled their friendship. After a few days, they furthered and cemented their relationship.
Some of you might be asking “Hold on, how come, if TK and Kari are at the same college, they didn't run into each other before the events of this story?” Well, college can be a big place, bigger than high school. Plus, these two weren't really on the lookout for each other, so it wasn't hard for them to not notice one another in all that time.
On a minor note, the last scene with Kari jilling off was a late add-on from the original draft. Sometime after I believed I was finished with this chapter, I went back and thought “why not?” and wrote it out. Was it too much? I'll let you decide.
Thank you for reading this tale. Please read and review (and be kind in said reviews, even if you didn't like it). Part 5 will come soon.
Ja ne! -Robster80 (R80)