Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Combination ❯ Seperated ( Chapter 2 )
This is the first 2 seasons of Digimon combined, meaning that since the Digidestined never went through a life-altering experience, I can make them act like normal, horny teenagers! (. Also, they're mostly strangers. Taiora, Yamakari, Mimoe & Daiken.
The last chap was more like a prologue.
Hikari stretched, then looked around her as best she could, because she was chained to a wall. On one side was Koushiro, still unconscious. On the other was an awake Yamato. One look at her & the blonde exhaled. "Thank Kami! Someone to talk to!" Hikari smiled briefly before asking "Who's beside you?" Yamato turned to look then answered "Taichi." Hikari closed her eyes. "How do we wake them up?" Yamato's voice cut into her thoughts. I wish I had my old whistle, Hikari thought before telling Yamato "Brace yourself."
The blonde took her at her word because two seconds later Hikari let loose one of those high-pitched screams that it seems only us women can achieve. There was a collective gasp of people waking up suddenly & Yamato's face spasmed. Various people groaned, there were a few complaints, & Mimi groggily asked "Where's the whistle?" "At home," Hikari replied cheerfully. She could feel Taichi glare even though she couldn't see him behind Yamato & could tell he knew what she meant.
The recovering/ regaining of hearing was cut short when the door to the prison opened. A boy about Hikari's age in some of the weirdest clothes any of the Digidestined had ever seen entered. "I see you're all awake," He said smoothly, "But that shriek would give anyone a jolt. Even I was shocked by it." Sora proved herself either brave or stupid by asking "Who are you, & what do you want?" The boy smirked, making his indigo eyes behind his glasses squint evilly.
"Well, since you're so eager to know, my name The Digital Kaizer. I presume you're the Digidestined that my spies report everyone is talking about." Taichi took up Sora's line of stupidity or bravery: "And if we are?" The Kaizer smirked, but before he could say whatever Daisuke said "Hey, I know you! You're Ichijouji Ken. I've played against you!" The Kaizer gave a slight nod, looking angrily impressed. "Correct, little boy, but never refer to me by that name."
Daisuke started to come up with some kind of retort, when Yamato intervened, saying "You never answered Sora's second question. What do you want?" The Kaizer looked slightly surprised by that one. "What do I want? I want you dead. I can't have heroes showing up from Earth to ruin our plans." Koushiro immediately noticed it "We?" The Kaizer nodded. "My partner Devimon & I. We shall rule the Digiworld with iron fists, & you pesky children will not stop us. Nor your pathetic Digimon."
The blunette snapped his fingers & the ceiling opened. Another Digimon, looking sinister entered the room from the top. "This is my partner Devimon," the Kaizer said with a smirk. A gesture of his wrist & the Digidestined were released. "You have 24 hours to leave. Do it or die." The group was led outside & rejoined with their Digimon. "Jesus, what crawled up his ass?" Taichi muttered. "What's that, Taichi?" Agumon asked. The brunette looked a little embarrassed. "Don't ask."
Miyako, the female Koushiro, intervened & said, "Well, for now we need a place to stay." They all set out. They found nothing & in the morning Jyou, hypochondriac that he was, began complaining of all the diseases they were going to catch from sleeping outside, especially in a strange world were they didn't know what was in the air. Yamato was the one who pointed out while everyone else was egging on Jyou that they only had until night to get out of the Digiworld & they had no clue how to do that. The group immediately set out to find some way home, even though some of them secretly would rather stay & fight.
After a solid five hours of walking, they turned a corner & were greeted with the sight of a huge building. "Biyomon, what is this place?" Sora asked. "Don't know," bird replied. "It couldn't hurt to look," Daisuke pointed out. "We take a vote," Takeru suggested. The group consensus was that they enter. After an entrance hall was a huge dining room, this obvious because there was a table set with mouth-watering dishes. This time there was no group vote, everyone ran for the food except Sora & Jyou who hung back nervously, a little more sensible.
Taichi was the one to notice them, & after swallowing with great difficulty, asked "Why aren't you guys eating?" Sora shook her head. "This is all too convenient. I don't like it." Jyou nodded his agreement. Taichi got up & walked over to them. "Relax. Nothing's happening to anyone. We just lucked out & found an abandoned hotel, that's all." "Why would it be abandoned?" Jyou countered. A flash of uncertainty crossed Taichi's face before he shrugged. "Whatever. Let's just eat." Exchanging glances, Sora & Jyou nevertheless couldn't deny that they were hungry.
The food was finished & left on the table & the Digidestined were soaking in the hot tubs. The guys had been whispering a plan to each other, excluding Iori who was too young to be interested. Finally Taichi set out with a towel around his waist & distracted the girls while Tentomon & Patamon, completely uncertain of why, stole the girl's clothes & towels. (Hehe, horny high school boy pranks!) When the items were gone Taichi returned to his friends & Takeru left to hide the clothes. Five minutes later someone knocked on the door. Yamato answered it, being able to keep the best straight face.
"Our towels & clothes are gone. Do you guys have any spare towels?" Sora asked calmly. Yamato looked over his shoulder, letting out silent laughter while he asked Taichi "Hey, the girls' stuff is missing. Do we have any spare towels?" The brunette checked then answered "One. And Hikari gets it. I'll be damned if my sister runs around a hotel naked." Yamato took the fluffy white towel & handed it to the youngest girl, getting only a brief glimpse of her naked body before she vanished to wrap it around herself. The other three girls forced then the guys to help them look for their clothes.
Mimi & Miyako were shy & attempted to cover their bodies, resulting in only the boys getting better views. Sora, noting her friend's bad luck with this, didn't even bother to try it & merely kept ahead of the boys. A lot of the boys eyed her ass until Taichi gave them all the glare of a thousand deaths. Iori, taking pity on the girls & not seeing the humor, stopped & said "I've got to go to the washroom." Turning, he entered & said with just the right amount of surprise "I've found your clothes, girls."
Mimi & Miyako swooped past him, & Sora walked into the bathroom calmly. The door swung shut & Iori received many furious looks which he shrugged of blissfully, his conscience appeased. The females exited the bathroom & all the Digidestined continued down the hallway, opening doors until they found a bedroom. Various happy reactions were heard as the exhausted group flung themselves. The women looked either annoyed, embarrassed, or impressed as the boys stripped down to their boxers, sans Iori. Sora crawled under the covers before doing the same thing & shoving her clothes to the bottom of the bed, as with many of the guys.
After about 10 minutes of sleeping, the hotel suddenly changed from luxurious to dilapidated. The roof vanished & cold air blew in. The Digidestined woke up shivering from both the cold & fear when they saw Devimon. "You had your chance!" he boomed. "Now die!" The beds floated & shot off in different directions. Devimon's laughter was the last thing those who were not screaming at the top of their lungs like Mimi & Miyako were heard.