Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Connections Revealed ❯ Catalyst Reborn part 2 ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon or any of its characters.



""= normal talk

`'= thoughts

~~= telepathy and Tamer/digimon talk after bio-merging

Sandiramon hissed in annoyance as he carried his prisoner. Glancing backwards Sandiramon saw the outline of a figure following him. In the distance the figure could just be made out to be female. `Blasted woman doesn't she ever give up?' Sandiramon thought to himself. If this kept up he would have to stop and fight. Increasing his speed, Sandiramon failed to notice that his captive was starting to wake up.

Takato groggily opened his eyes. They widened as Takato realized that he was dangling from a spear. `Oh not again.' He thought. How many more times was he going to get kidnapped? Well enough as enough, it was time for this prisoner to escape.

"Rock Breaker!"

Sandiramon's eyes widened in surprise as Takato's hands morphed into claws covered in flames. The attack shattered Sandiramon's spear causing Takato to drop to the ground. Takato quickly rolled away as soon as his feet hit the ground.

"Ok let's see how you handle this. Pryo Sphere!" Takato said forming a fireball between his hands.

The fireball hit Sandiramon's tail leaving it slightly singed. Sandiramon hissed in anger. How dare this half breed strike a deva such as himself. It was time that the hybrid learned his place. Takato's eyes widened as he watched Sandiramon come barreling straight at him. `Oh uh. This isn't what I planned.'

Sakuyamon frowned, where had that boyfriend grabbing snake gone to? She couldn't believe that Sandiramon had managed to get so far ahead of her in such a short amount of time.

Inside a sphere of data within Sakuyamon Rika frowned.

~Any ideas Renamon?~ Rika asked.

~No. The digital world is too vast for us to continue our search on our own.~ Renamon's voice replied.

Rika sighed. She knew that her friend was right but she didn't have to like it. About to turn around Rika gasped as she felt a powerful energy nearby.

~What was that?~ she asked.

~It felt like a digimon digivolving, only weirder. Hmm. It sounds like a fight is going on. Rika do you think it could be…~

~Takato! Let's go.~

Without further hesitation Sakuyamon flew off to investigate.

Speaking of which, let's return to our favorite goggle head…

Sandiramon frowned in frustration. The hybrid had so far proven more than difficult to recapture.

"Blasted half breed stay still." Sandiramon hissed.

Takato shook his head. "And let you capture me again? Forget it. Pryo Sphere!"

Unlike the previous time Takato aimed his attack at the ground in front of Sandiramon. The sudden explosion of dirt blinded Sandiramon long enough for Takato to take advantage with his own tail.

Sakuyamon watched the little skirmish go on for a minute amused. She couldn't help but notice how cute Takato looked with a tail in his human form. Shaking her head, Sakuyamon decided that it was time she stepped in on this battle. After all she still had to pay Sandiramon for kidnapping Takato in the first place.

"Spirit Strike!"

The three fox spirit like attack soared down on Sandiramon. The snake deva could only stare in horror as he was deleted. Takato looked confused for a minute as he tried to figure out what had just happened.

"What no thank you?" Sakuyamon asked.

Takato looked at her confused for moment before he realized something.

"Rika? That is you isn't it?" he asked.

Sakuyamon nodded. "Its me all right Takato."

"H…how? I mean you look great, but…" Takato managed before blushing.

Sakuyamon chuckled. "I forgot I hadn't told you about Renamon and I finally being able to go mega."

Takato blinked. "What do you mean you and Renamon?"

Sakuyamon glowed for a minute before splitting back into Rika and Renamon. Takato just stared amazed at what he had just seen. A human and digimon had merged together to form a powerful digimon and were still able to become their separate selves. Was this what he and Guilmon might have been able to do had Devimon not tried to take over his body months earlier?

Rika smiled to herself at Takato's shocked expression. It was nice to know that she could surprise the goggle head once in awhile.

"Its called bio-merging Takato. I think that only those with d-arcs are actually able to do it. Renamon and I were the first to reach mega this way. As far as I know Henry hasn't gotten there yet." Said Rika.

Takato nodded absently. "Rika, do you think that if Guilmon was still around that we might have been able to bio-merge as well?"

"Without a doubt, Takato. But don't go all depressed on me. Even though pineapple head isn't here you and he still managed to go your mega form." Rika said sensing Takato was starting to get depressed.

"Thanks Rika. I guess we should try to get back to the others now, huh?" smiled Takato.

"The question is how. I mean we don't know where any of the digi ports are. And I don't think we can go back the way we came either." Said Rika.

The Real World…

Tai frowned as he and the others listened as Kazu and Kenta finished their tale. The older digidestined couldn't help but groan at finding out that Takato had gotten kidnapped once again. It seemed that Takato was making a habit of getting caught by the enemy.

"So Rika went after them?" asked Henry.

"That's what I'm telling you guys. I bet you anything that Rika has already rescued Takato and they're now on their way back." Said Kazu.

"I'd still feel better if we were goin' after them." Grumbled Impmon.

"I wouldn't worry too much about them Impmon. From what I've seen Takato and Rika can handle themselves pretty well." Matt said.

Impmon snorted. "Then you haven't known goggle head long enough. Look what's happened to him since we got here. I won't feel better until there aren't anymore devas around to try to take Takato to their sovereign."

Henry could silently agree with what Impmon had said. Of course even if they were able to settle every thing with the devas and Daemon there was still the matter of somehow getting back to their home in the Southern Quadrant. Henry really wished that his father or Yamaki could get a message to him.

"Tai is there any chance that Gennai or Azulongmon might be able to help Takato and Rika get back to the real world?" asked Kari.

"I hope so Kari, I really hope so. After all we don't even know which area of the digital world they wound up in." Tai answered.

The Digital World…

Takato, Rika, and Renamon had been walking for some time when a huge shadow descended on them. Takato looked up to see Azulongmon looming over them. The goggled headed hybrid couldn't help but stare at the Eastern Quadrant's guardian. Rika looked over at Takato and just sighed. She had forgotten that before the Devimon incident Takato had been a die hard digimon fan.

"Greetings children. I did not expect to see you back in the digital world so soon." Azulongmon said.

"I didn't have much choice in the matter." Takato muttered.

Azulongmon chuckled. "Ah yes, the devas. I am afraid they are very loyal to your Quadrant's guardian. However they will not disturb you while you are in my presence."

"That's nice to know. I don't suppose that you could get us back to the real world, huh?" asked Rika.

"Unfortunately I am afraid I can not. But your friend can." Said Azulongmon.

Takato blinked. Was Azulongmon talking about him? Sure he could several things because of what he was, but even he couldn't create gates between the worlds.

"Uh, excuse me Azulongmon you don't mean me do you?" asked Takato.

"Indeed I am young Takato. Your absorption of Calumon's data has meant that the catalyst powers are now within you. As such, you will find that you will be capable of many things now." Azulongmon said.

Takato looked down shamefully. "I didn't even mean for it to happen, it just did."

"And I am most thankful that it did. For had you not downloaded Calumon's data, then the power of the catalyst would have been lost forever." Azulongmon said.

"Just what is so special about the catalyst?" asked Rika.

"The catalyst is able to cause any digimon to digivolve. No matter what the conditions that digimon might be in. This is why the devas have been after you." Answered Azulongmon.

"If this is true then how come I haven't felt this power inside me?" questioned Takato.

Before Azulongmon could answer Takato's d-arc began glowing brightly. Taking it of his belt Takato looked down at it confused. Ever since his transformation into a human digimon hybrid Takato had never really used it much. A sad smile formed on Takato's face as he looked at his d-arc. The device was one of the few connections he had left to his former partner.

Rika could not decide what to say to cheer Takato up. She was about to say something when Chatsuramon landed in front of them.

"Treasure Mallet!"

The attack sent Renamon sprawling backwards. Rika rushed her partner's side. Looking over her shoulder Rika saw that Takato was simply glaring at Chatsuramon. `What are you doing Takato?' Rika thought.

"Chatsuramon what do you think you are doing?" demanded Azulongmon.

"Stay out of this Azulongmon. I will fulfill my duty to my sovereign." Said Chatsuramon.

Takato gripped his d-arc as he glared at Chatsuramon. HE was sick and tired of the devas coming and hurting his friends. The devas were after the catalyst, but they were unaware that Takato was now in possession of that power. A power that Takato had no idea how to use.

~I can help you.~

Takato blinked. He could have sworn that he had just heard a voice. Then he noticed something else. He was moving while everyone else was standing still. What was going on?

~I can help you Takato Matsuki.~

"Who are you?" asked Takato.

~I am what is left of the digimon known to you as Calumon.~

"Calumon? How can you help me?"

The voice was silent for a moment before answering.

~I can show you how to use the catalyst power that is within you. To do so you must digivolve to a new form.~

Takato frowned. "What do you mean a new form? I thought I could have only one form."

~Your new form will look very similar to your old one. The only difference is that in this new form you shall be able to use the catalyst's power.~

"What do I need to do?" Takato asked.

~Simply say catalyst evolution. Your d-arc will know what to do. After that you shall have to find your own answers.~

The voice faded away leaving Takato wondering he had actually heard it at all. Suddenly Takato watched every thing around him begin to move once again.

"Human I want the catalyst. If you value your companions' lives you will come with me back to the Southern Quadrant." Said Chatsuramon.

"Chatsuramon I will not remain still while you threaten my friends. If you want the catalyst so badly then you got it. Catalyst evolution!" Takato said.

A sphere of data appeared on Takato's hand. Taking his d-arc Takato scanned the data with it.

Catalyst Evolution…

Takato glowed as he transformed in to his mega form of Gallantmon. He then glowed even brighter as second transformation began to take place. Gallantmon's armor shifted as it became more streamline. The white color of Gallantmon's armor changed to silver. His lance became slightly larger as it shifted it's position from his hand to his forearm. Gallantmon's cape split in half and form two large angel wings that had a red hue.

Rika couldn't help but gasp at Gallantmon's new form. Even Renamon agreed with her tamer's reaction. Gallantmon had been impressive before, but now. Now he was simply amazing.

Chatsuramon was unimpressed with Gallantmon's change. Arrogantly he attacked with his Treasure Mallet only to be surprised when Gallantmon merely dodged it. Gallantmon's lance swung down until it was pointing over his fist. He pointed it at Chatsuramon. The lance split open to reveal a hidden canon.

"You've threaten your last human and digimon Chatsuramon. Lightning Blaster!" Gallantmon said.

Chatsuramon's eyes widened as a massive blast of energy left the lance directly for him. The blast completely consumed the deva not even leaving a lingering trace of his data.

Rika blinked she had never dreamt that Takato could have that kind of power. It looked as though he could take on Daemon by himself. Gallantmon raised his lance which was once again closed and slashed at the air.

"Dimensional Door!" The slashed widened into a door.

"What is that?" asked Renamon.

"A doorway between worlds it seems." Azulongmon said.

Gallantmon nodded. "Step through and you shall find yourself back in the real world."

Rika grinned. "Well what are we waiting for then?"

"Nothing at all. Ladies first." Answered Gallantmon.

Rika and Renamon nodded. Caustiously they walked up to the doorway. Taking a deep breath Rika stepped through. She was followed by Renamon and lastly Gallantmon. Azulongmon watched them leave, a sense of impending fate flowed through him. He had just witnessed some thing that no other quadrant guardian had before witnessed. The rebirth of the catalyst of evolution. `Good luck children, I have a feeling that you shall need for your future battles.'

To Be Continued…

Howling Wolf: Hah! And there you have it folks a new form of Gallantmon created just for this fic. Anyway this will be my last up date for quite sometime. Due to my other my other projects it will be at least a month before the next chapter is up. If any of you are interested in seeing what my new Gallantmon looks like, I hope to have an image of it posted on MediaMiner.org.

Anyway join us next time for the final confrontation with the devas. And Henry finds a new connection to home as his little sister Suzie joins him in the Eastern Quadrant.