Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Dark Wings, White Wings ❯ United ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon. Only the story is mine.

A/N: I'm very veeeeery sorry for the long delay. I was a bit stuck but thanks to all the reviews, I've finally finished this chapter!! Please read and review! Hope you like it.

Chapter 9: United


Not for the first time, Yamato glanced in the direction of the setting sun. He turned back just in time to see the blade aiming for his stomach and stepped aside nimbly. The clash of metal against metal entered his ears from all around him as his opponent made another attempt. The young man stifled an exasperated sigh before locking the other's blade with his own.

Concentration was key in swordplay. The ability to detect your opponents' moves and the agility to avoid a fatal blow plus the skill from years of practice were all what good swordsman required. And Yamato was an expert. But his lack of concentration was a bad thing. It wasn't his fault, however, that his opponent repeated the exact same moves over and over. By now, he could probably avoid the other's attack with both eyes closed.

These were his father's new warriors-to-be and right now, Yamato was helping in training them. The boy that he was fighting was a few years younger than Takeru and was not the best but Yamato smiled at his enthusiasm and courage. Yes, this one would make a great swordsman if the moves were polished up a little and with a few years of practice he might become as good as Takeru. Takeru. A slight frown touched his handsome face as he glanced away at the sinking sun again.

Yamato was sure something had been bothering his brother that morning, although Takeru said nothing about it. The young prince hadn't shown his face since and even though Yamato had a pretty good idea of where he might be, it didn't stop him from worrying. He should be home by now. . .

The rain had stopped unexpectedly after so many days and everyone was glad to be able to use the courtyard to practice for a change. There was much more space than the crammed little room inside that smelt of sweat. Wider area meant much more possibilities and more one on one combats.

It wasn't Yamato's job to train these young boys but today, he wanted to stretch out his muscles for a bit to keep in shape, just in case the king needed him to help out with the battle. And it was refreshing for a change.

As if on cue, Yamato saw one of his father's messengers heading toward him. It didn't look like good news. The man looked grim and tired and not much older than Yamato himself. The young boy was still swinging his sword tirelessly and did not seem to know about the messenger. Yamato didn't lower his sword.

"Your Highness," The man bowed, straightening, he continued. "His Majesty wishes to see you."

The man waited patiently for a reply as the two blades locked.

"Please tell my father that I will be there as soon as I am done here." Without looking at the man, Yamato replied, pushing against the boy's blade until they broke apart. The swords clanked again.

"I beg your pardon, Your Highness, but His Majesty wishes to see you now. It is something very important."

With a final twist of his wrist, Yamato turned his sword in a way that would disarm the opponent. A final loud clan was heard as the metal hit the ground. The child blinked several times in surprise as he found the blade of a sword at his throat.

The match was over.

Yamato smiled, "You did well." It was all he said.

The boy blushed. He bowed low and thanked his prince. Yamato picked up the fallen sword and handed both weapons to the boy. Then he turned back to the man.

"Please follow me." He turned around and began walking toward the wooden gate, walking away from the sunset.

With one last look at the fading sun, Yamato followed.


The sunlight shone through between gaps of the leaves, casting pools of sunlight on the grass, alternating with the shades. The birds sang. Standing under such a pattern of light and shadow, Takeru blinked. She was there, standing right before him.

Confusion swirled in his mind and words failed him. He wasn't aware of the expression on his face and a mixed emotion of surprise, regret, pain, and gladness made it hard to breath.

"Hikary," he gasped hoarsely.

It was as if a spell had been broken. Hikary stumbled back a step as if afraid, then she turned around fully and fled. She didn't get far however.

"Hikary, wait." With a speed he didn't know he possessed, Takeru was soon behind her, grabbed her wrist and felt it tense under his fingers. "Don't go."

Something in that tone of voice made her stop. Her expression changed and she relaxed a bit, still with her back to him. She hesitated. Time froze around them. She wanted to cry. With the two choices lying before her, she knew this was the only chance she'll ever get.

"Don't go." It was softer this time. His hand slipped down to her hand and finally dropped.

Hikary closed her eyes, knowing well that her next action might lead to her doom. She turned around, risking everything for the boy with the shining eyes and gentle smile that she loved.


The room was dark. No light passed through the closed curtains and the only fire burning in the grate was casting dim shadows around the objects. It didn't provide any warmth.

It was here that the messenger lead Yamato. He knocked three times on the painted wood. There was a slight pause then a deep voice, muffled by the door, answered, "Come in."

Yamato pushed and the door spun slowly open without a sound. He took a step inside and a chill went through his body. The door closed silently behind him. Yamato didn't like the place. The air was thick and heavy. There was tension all around. He had been here only once before and he had been terrified then.

The candles in the room weren't lit. The fire was small and only illuminated a small area around it. With his back to Yamato, standing in front of this fire was the king. He took a few careful steps nearer, the footsteps on the marble echoed slightly.

"What is it, father?" Breaking the silence with his voice, Yamato suddenly felt a bit uncomfortable.

"I need you and Takeru to go to Le'biath. There seems to be some difficulty in the battle there." It was a command. "You leave tonight."

Yamato thought for a moment.

"Father, I haven't seen Takeru since this morning. I don't think he is back yet." He couldn't see the frown that appeared on the king's face.

"Is he on Earth?"

"I do not know."

There was a long pause, a very uncomfortable pause. Then the king turned around, his face shrouded in shadow.

"You will leave tonight. I will send people to search for Takeru. Go get ready."

Yamato didn't dare protest anything.


"Hikary didn't come back last night." Daisuke said worriedly.

"I'll go look for her if she doesn't come back in a few hours." Taichi said as he grabbed his cloak and fastened about his shoulders. "Father is planning to move us to Gladatarius because it's getting too dangerous here."

"Gladatarius huh? Well, before you know it, we'll have to move again." Daisuke sighed dejectedly. "won't this war ever end?"

Taichi shrugged. "We do have an advantage in Le'biath though."

"And losing everywhere else. What's the use even if we do prevent them from taking Le'biath?"

"Daisuke, don't ask negative questions. Look on the bright side."

"There isn't any, Taichi, and you know it. If things don't change, it's only a matter of time before they have their victory feast."

They fell silent as they imagined the fall of their home.

"Let's go look for Hikary. She needs to be back where it's safer." Taichi said.

"I'd say she's much safer on Earth." Daisuke answered.


Takeru awoke with the sound of bird song. He shifted slightly so that he could stretch out a few cramped muscles. A gentle weight on his shoulder reminded him of the events from the previous night. A smile touched his lips. He twisted his head and looked upon the sleeping face of Hikary, leaning on his shoulder. Raising a hand, he brushed a few strands of hair out of her face. Deciding to wait until Hikary woke by herself, Takeru leaned against the trunk of the tree there were in and replayed the events of the day before.

After they realized that they had feelings for each other things got easier. They exchanged stories and laughed and joked like they used to do as if nothing had happened. But they both had a deeper understanding that could not be seen, only felt. The stars were wonderful in the dark sky. They climbed a huge tree and talked until they were too weary to keep their eyes open.

"Takeru," Hikary's sleep muddled voice sounded.

"Good morning." Takeru smiled as Hikary sat up.

She yawned.

"It's a nice day today. Too bad we can't stay here for too long."

"Why?" Hikary ran a hand through her short hair, trying to get out the tangles.

"Because I think we both need to go home. Our families might be worried and we don't want them to find us here together, especially mine."

"Yes, your right." Hikary looked a bit disappointed.

"Come on, I'll take you home."

They left the tree and the lake and walked slowly toward the city.

"When do you think we can see each other again?" Hikary asked.

"Any time you can come, I'm usually here." Takeru smiled.



Something blue caught Takeru's eyes. Walking among the people was the Kaizer with a few of his men. In an instant, the boy realized that they were searching for him. Damn! I had hoped they wouldn't send out a search party this soon. Pulling Hikary quickly into the shadow of a building, he waited until the blue-haired men was far enough.

"What's wrong?" Hikary asked from behind him.

"I think my father sent troops to search for me. I just saw a couple of them over there." Takeru scanned the streets for signs of people he recognized but it seemed that no one saw him.

"We better move faster before he find us." He quickly took Hikary's hand and ran in the opposite direction from where the search party went.

"He who?"

"The Kaizer. You can say that he's not one of my favourite person in the world." Takeru grimaced.

Suddenly his senses told him that something was headed for them. The light flashed on a small something traveling through the air. Using his body as a cover for Hikary, he jumped sideways, knocking the girl from harm's way.

A knife embedded into the sidewalk where he had been standing. Pulling Hikary up quickly, he stood in front of her, looking around. Passers-by stared at them. Takeru ignored them, scowling fiercely.

Two shadows dropped to the ground simultaneously. Takeru tensed and picked up the small knife on the ground, his only weapon. The two figures straightened.

"Taichi! Daisuke!" Hikary exclaimed.

"You know them?" Takeru asked with some surprise.

"Taichi is my brother and Daisuke is my friend."

"That's right." Taichi answered, glaring at Takeru. "I don't know who you are but get away from my sister."

"Brother wait, this is Takeru." Hikary stepped forward.

"Hmm, I see." Taichi said thoughtfully. "Well, in that case. . ." He walked forward.

Takeru got into a fighting position and readied the knife in his hand.

"It's alright, don't worry." Hikary smiled slightly. The words made the young prince relax a little. Taichi stopped a few paces away from the boy and stared into his eyes. Takeru stared back. It looked like he had to get the approval of this Taichi before this relationship could continue. And he was determined to get it.

Taichi's face suddenly broke into a smile. "I must say you made a good choice, Hikary. Although it does make things complicated."

"Huh?" Takeru blinked, not really knowing if this was a compliment.

"Don't worry, we'll help you guys." Taichi winked, smiling slyly.

Then realizing that Hikary must have told her brother about him, Takeru blushed.

"We haven't been properly introduced. Hi, my name is Taichi." He held out a hand.

Takeru took it. "My name is Takeru."

Then Daisuke came forward.

"I'm Daisuke. Take good care of Hikary. If you make her sad, I'll never forgive you."

Takeru shook hands with Daisuke too and blushed again as he realized these two had already assumed they had confessed their feelings.

"Look, we can't stay here too long. My father sent out people to look for me and I just saw them back there." He gestured over his shoulder with his thumb.

"And wait till your father hears our report."

The Kaizer, with his troops of soldier, has arrived.

Instinctively Takeru pushed Hikary behind him as Taichi and Daisuke's hands went to their weapons.

"No, Taichi, Daisuke. We can't win against them like this."

"Then take Hikary and go. We'll keep them from fallowing you, for a while." Taichi yelled.

"But. . ."

"Don't worry, Hikary. We'll follow you soon. You know where to go." Daisuke reassured her.

"Be careful!" Hikary shouted and together with Takeru, they made their escape toward the mirror that lead to Heaven.

"Are your brother and Daisuke good swordsmen? I saw they had swords." Takeru asked.

"Yeah, I think so. I don't know much about swords though." Hikary answered. "Why?"

"Cause the Kaizer's soldiers are very strong." They fell silent.

Before long, they heard footsteps behind them. They turned around and was relieved to see Daisuke and Taichi.

"I think we confused them but the guy with the blue hair is better than I thought. He'll pick up our track again if we don't hurry." Taichi said. Takeru had the impression that he was taking this way too lightly.

They arrived at the mirror with no sign of the Kaizer or his soldiers.

"Won't you come with us, Takeru?" Hikary asked.

"Yeah, now that they saw you with us, they're sure to report it to your father" Taichi agreed. "You're welcome to come, you know."

"Thanks but no." Takeru shook his head.

"Why?" Hikary asked.

"Because I chose this and I won't run away from my own choice again. I've learned that much. Running away won't do any good and besides my home is in Hell. My friends, my father and Yamato, my brother are all there."

Taichi nodded in understanding. "Let's go, Hikary."

Hikary gave Takeru a hug. "Good luck."

He stroked her soft cheeks and replied. "Don't worry we'll get through this. And maybe someday, I'll be able to visit your home."

Hikary nodded.

Footsteps were heard again. This time they were heavy.

"Go!" Takeru pushed them toward the entrance to the mirror. Then he turned around to face the approaching soldiers, taking out the knife again.

With one last look at the boy prince, Hikary, Taichi, and Daisuke walked through the mirror.

A spear struck the wall a moment later, smashing the mirror to tiny pieces.

Takeru stared in horror and in that moment, the Kaizer disarmed him and he found himself held by two soldiers. Wondering if his three friends were alright, he was taken toward their own mirror.

In the shadows, Yolie watched with an evil grin. From her pocket, she took out the white feather and stroked it gently before letting it drop on the ground. Yes, her father was a genius.

***To Be Continued. . .***

Next chapter: A very interesting meeting between Taichi and Yamato and some more secrets revealed. Takeru's in trouble. ^_~