Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Dawn Of The Digisetined ❯ Complete ( One-Shot )
Author's Notes: Thank you to Magician X for letting me borrow his universe. Also thanks to Ellen Brand for letting me borrow Rodimus Primal. The regular Digimon cast are Saban's (well, Disney's these days). Rabimon, Alan, Velocimon and their evolutions are mine, I forget who owns the Beast Wars gang (Hasbro?), but it ain't me. Any other strange Digimon you don't recognise belong to Magician X, wherewver he may be these days.
This fic was written partly as a protest at Mimi's continued and alarmingly feminist abuse of Tai in Magician X's fics. You'll see what I mean.
And no, I don't apologize for writing myself into this. If some of the gang seem out of character, tough. This was written a few years go now and I was trying my best.
Rated NC-17 for some adult material (particularly the epilogue, despite heavy editing), but that creeps into most fics I write anyway, one way or the other.
Chapter One
"BREAKFAST!" Gennai called from downstairs.
"I hope it's not fish again." Mimi complained as the three Digidestined girls got up.
"No kidding." Sora grumbled. "If I even smell fish again, I will hurl!"
"Not if Joe beats you to it." Kari chuckled. Just then the smell of breakfast wafted into the room.
It was fish. Sora vomited, spilling her guts all over the floor and Mimi just escaped being hit by the wave of chunder.
"Sorry." Sora muttered, once she was finally able to speak.
"We'll tell Gennai you're not feeling too well." Kari said sympathetically.
A little while later, unable to sleep and not in the mood to masturbate, Sora undressed and headed for the shower. She was surprised when she met Joe on the way out.
"Let me guess, you got sick too?" she teased.
"Yeah," Joe agreed, "but at least I wasn't the only one. I think Matt's still throwing up…"
This was not something Sora wanted to hear. She swallowed as her stomach lurched, and for a moment she was afraid she'd be sick again. "Maybe it was something we ate." she joked weakly.
"Food poisoning?" Joe mused. "It's possible. But Gennai's usually so careful."
"Or maybe we really are just sick of fish." Matt joked, emerging from the bathroom, wiping his mouth.
"Are you alright?" Joe asked.
"Yeah, but I think I've thrown up everything I've eaten since I was two."
This was too much for Sora. With a groan, she doubled over and threw up on the floor.
"This is going to be one of those days." Joe grimaced.
"GUY'S, GET DOWN HERE!" Tai yelled suddenly.
Sora and Joe were dressed in record time, and reached the bottom of the stairs almost before Matt did. "What's going on?" Sora asked as the three ran outside.
"Yeah, Tai, what's the problem?" Matt added.
"They are." Tai replied grimly, pointing.
"Those look like Gazimon." Tentomon noted. And it was. A LOT of Gazimon.
"There must be two dozen of those things." Joe cried.
"I count twenty-six." Izzy replied flatly. "And counting."
"We can take them." T.K. said, quite prepared to grab a weapon and join in.
"Very Scrappy-Doo." Tai chuckled.
Just then, things got worse.
"Gazimon, Digivolve to…RABIMON!"
Imagine, if you will, an six foot tall hare with rabies, all claws and fangs, foaming at the mouth. T.K. eyed up the new situation and hid behind Matt.
"How did they manage to Digivolve?" Biyomon asked.
"Who cares?" Palmon countered.
"Gatomon's out." Kari said. "She's got whatever you guy's have."
"What about everyone else?" Matt asked, swallowing bile.
"We're ready, Matt." Gabumon promised.
"All together then!" Tai commanded.
There was a chorus of whistling sounds as the seven Digivices powered up…
"Agumon, Digivolve to…GREYMON!"
"Gabumon, Digivolve to…GARURUMON!"
"Biyomon, Digivolve to…BIRDRAMON!"
"Tentomon, Digivolve to…KABUTERIMON!"
"Palmon, Digivolve to…TOGEMON!"
"Gomamon, Digivolve to…IKKAKUMON!"
"Patamon, Digivolve to…ANGEMON!"
As one, the Champion Digimon charged. Angemon, Birdramon and Kabuterimon took to the sky, using their Air Superiority to keep the battle away from the house. The others took the fight straight to the Rabimon, using their respective attacks and Togemon's fists.
Five minutes later, the battle was going badly. Togemon was in her element, but the others were tiring. Angemon had landed, protecting the wounded Gomamon; the Rabimon had simply been too fast for the slow moving Ikkakumon. Greymon, too, had turned back into Agumon, but the courageous Digimon had stayed in the battle, using his Pepper Breath. Meanwhile, Togemon decided to make use of her advantage…
"Togemon, Digivolve to…METALTOGEMON!"
This was a mistake. Switching to Metal form cost her speed. MetalTogemon screamed as one of the Rabimon slashed her across the back before she even knew it was there, tearing metal and circuitry alike in a shower of sparks. She collapsed unconscious, de-digivolving back to Tanemon. Quick as a flash, Kabuterimon pounced, snatching up his fallen friend and carrying her back to the house.
"This isn't good." Sora noted.
"We need Gatomon!" Tai said.
"She's too sick." Kari replied, shaking her head.
"Marching Fishes!" Gomamon cried, making use of a suspiciously convenient puddle and hitting a Rabimon before it could strike Angemon from behind. It didn't get a second chance.
"Thank you, friend." Angemon said.
"Anytime." Gomamon shrugged.
"Meteor Wing!" Birdramon called, firing at three Rabimon which were making a break for the house. Unfortunately, one slipped through between the blasts of flame.
"Electro Shocker!" Kabuterimon struck it, blasting the Rabimon back into the fight, where it was promptly pounced on by Garurumon. But the Rabimon still had the advantage in numbers.
"Maybe it's time for Lycanthromon." Matt suggested.
"I think it's a little late for that." Joe pointed out.
"Remember what happened to Togemon?" Izzy agreed. "The Rabimon would just strike while they're digivolving."
"Then we're in trouble." T.K. whispered.
In the distance, two figures appeared; one human, one Digimon.
"We're here." the latter said.
"Are you sure?" the former asked.
"Positive." the latter said, her voice suddenly grim. "Look. Those must be the Digidestined."
The former looked. "They're in trouble." he said.
"Yeah. Rabimon." the latter explained. "Digivolved Gazimon, though I'd love to know how…"
"Oh, perfect." the former sighed. "Ok. Alan, Digivolve to…"
The latter stopped him. "You're still too tired from that last fight." she pointed out. "Head for the house."
"What about you?" Alan asked.
"I'm not defenseless." the latter replied. "I have to help." With that, she headed for the fight.
In that case, Alan thought, noticing a group of 'figures' watching the fight, I'm going to do what I always do in this kind of situation.
Chapter Two
"Pyro Thrower!" A jet of flame hit two Rabimon, setting them on fire. The battle stopped dead due to mutual surprise. "Need a hand?" the latter asked, not bothering to introduce herself, directing the question at Garurumon. Though the Team Rocket motto Alan had taught her was tempting, it really needed both of them there.
"Couldn't hurt." the wolf grinned. "Howling Blaster!"
"Velocimon." Tentomon realized out loud. "This lightning fast Rookie Digimon is known for it's fiery attack style. The jury is still out on whether or not Velocimon qualifies as a Dragon. They are powerful enough to take out some Champions, given the right circumstances."
"Anyone flammable." Velocimon explained sheepishly.
"We're running out of Champions!" Gomamon warned.
"Birdramon, cover me!" Agumon called, taking the opportunity to move out of the battle zone and closer to Tai.
"Meteor Wing!"
"Agumon, Warp-Digivolve to…WAR GREYMON!"
"Mind if we join the party?" Transmetal Optimus Primal asked.
"What are you doing here?" Tentomon asked, not ungratefully.
"We bribed the writer." Cheetor explained.
"Optimus Primal, MAXIMISE!"
"Rodimus Primal, MAXIMISE!"
"Rhinox, MAXIMISE!"
"Cheetor, MAXIMISE!"
"Rattrap, MAXIMISE!"
"Dinobot, MAXIMISE!"
"Tigatron, MAXIMISE!"
"Air Razor, MAXIMISE!"
"Depth Charge, MAXIMISE!"
Digital Monster and Maximal Transformer alike attacked with renewed force. For the first time in ten minutes, the battle was actually fair.
"What are you doing here?" Birdramon called down. "You're not from the show!"
"Fanfic!" Rodimus Primal called back.
It was a short fight after that.
Later, after the Rabimon had been defeated and the Maximals had departed, promising to visit more often, the Digidestined reassembled in Gennai's house.
"Tanemon, Digivolve to…PALMON!"
"Oh, my back." Palmon groaned. "What happened?"
"One of the Rabimon got you." Agumon said. "Nice to know you're alright."
"How are you, Palmon?" Mimi asked.
"I'm okay, Mimi. But I wish I hadn't been suckered like that."
"It wasn't your fault, Palmon." Matt said. "We've never fought anything like them."
"And certainly not in that many numbers." Izzy added. "It concerns me that they were able to Digivolve."
"Yes." Gabumon agreed. "I didn't see any sign of Digivices on them during the fight."
"More to the point," Sora put in, "who's the hottie on the sofa?"
"Him?" Kari asked. "I don't see it. Kinda looks like Xander from Buffy The Vampire Slayer."
"I thought I was the one who was tired." Alan offered, bemused at Kari's description and a little embarrassed by Sora's.
"He's my companion." Velocimon explained.
"Another Digidestined?" Joe asked.
Alan snorted. "Hardly. I'm still not sure what a 'Digidestined' is."
"Neither were we." Sora pointed out.
"All I know is," Velocimon continued, "one minute I'm a Sentaimon, the next I'm Digivolved to Rookie status, following him on a journey to find you guys."
"Speaking of which," Alan added, "Who are you guys? Uh, no offence."
"None taken." Matt reassured him.
"I'm Tai." Tai said. "This is Matt, Izzy, Joe, Kari, T.K., Mimi and Sora."
Why was I last? Sora thought, but she kept quiet.
"Alan. A pleasure to meet you all." Alan looked at Sora. "Nice hat!"
Sora realized she was blushing. "Uh, thanks."
"Do you have a Digivice?" Kari asked.
" 'Once again I teeter on the precipice of the generation gap'" Alan quoted, smiling. Kari had the decency to look ashamed.
"One of these." Tai said, holding up his.
"Yeah. Right here." Alan took a small object from his pocket and put it in Izzy's outstretched hand. Izzy didn't even have to look.
"No doubt about it." he said. "One Digivice."
"Welcome to the club." Joe said.
"Thanks." Alan said, not quite managing to stifle a yawn.
"You need to get some sleep, young man." Gennai said. "We'll talk more tomorrow morning."
"There's a spare bed in our room." T.K. offered.
"Sounds great." Alan said, allowing T.K. to lead him upstairs.
"I don't like him." Mimi announced, almost as soon as they were gone.
"Can we trust them?" Joe asked, glaring at Velocimon.
"If I can't, you're barbecue food." Velocimon teased, enjoying the way Joe's face went pale.
"Ignore her. Velocimon have always been good Digimon." Tentomon offered. "Black Gears and Dark Networks aside, of course."
"Give Alan a chance will ya?" Tai said. "Why don't you like him?"
"I just don't." Mimi complained. "He feels wrong. Mostly I don't like the way he was looking at you, Sora. Like you were some sort of sex object."
"Mimi!" Matt snapped. "I'm glad T.K. can't here any of this."
Just upstairs, Alan and T.K. listened in on the conversation with growing amusement.
"Well, we know what level her mind's on." Alan said.
"Yep." T.K grinned. "So, do you like Sora?"
Alan considered this. "Yeah, I guess I do." He paused. "Wait a minute. How do you know about this stuff?"
T.K. chuckled. "When Mom and Dad were giving Mat 'The Talk', I was eavesdropping. There was even a video." T.K.'s face fell. "My parents lied to me. They said the stork delivers babies, but that isn't true."
"It is for Toons." Alan pointed out reasonably. "And he's usually drunk. For humans, no." Alan smiled, remembering. "There was even an episode of Bonkers D. Bobcat in which the title character spent the whole thing asking where human babies come from." Alan looked at his new friend curiously. "T.K.?"
"Do you know what masturbation is?"
"And do you?"
"Uh huh."
"Does Matt know?"
"Are you kidding? It would destroy him. He still thinks of me as the innocent little brother he has to protect."
"You'd better hope he doesn't read this fic, then."
For the second time in two minutes, T.K.'s face fell. "I hadn't thought of that."
"Hey, Sora!" Kari called. "What are you doing out here?"
"Oh, hey Kari. Just thinking I guess."
"You shouldn't let Mimi get to you. I'm sure she's just trying to be annoying."
"It's not that. It's just…"
"Now you've got feelings for this new guy."
"I was getting wet, Kari." Sora admitted, her face red. "I've never had that strong a reaction to a guy before."
Kari shrugged. "Maybe it's just because he's the first new guy we've seen in a while." She stared off into space for a moment. "I like him." she decided. "He grows on you."
"I guess."
"Come to bed, Sora. Things will be clearer in the morning."
Chapter Three
"Good morning, Alan." Gennai said. "Did you sleep well last night?"
"Not really." Alan said, Though having done most of his sleeping the day before. "I spent half the night losing to T.K. at the Pokémon CCG."
"Pokémon?" Gennai said scornfully. "Why not the Digimon one?"
"Mutual agreement: too disturbing."
"Oh. Well, are you hungry?"
"Oh, yes! My nose is pretty lousy, but that smells great!"
"Good." Gennai smiled, then sighed. "The other Digidestined don't seem so enthusiastic. Even the Digimon aren't eating much, except Gomamon."
"Do me a favor? Call them 'the other kids'. The whole 'Digidestined' thing is giving me the creeps."
"Oh, sure. I just wish I knew what was wrong."
"I think I know." Alan said carefully, trying to watch his phrasing. "Gennai, how many times have you fed them fish?"
"Every day since they got here." Gennai said. Then the truth dawned. "Oh my. Do you think I've been feeding it to them too much?"
"I'm afraid so. T.K. and Izzy were fairly vocal about it." Alan grinned. "I think Izzy was shocked by how many dirty words T.K. knew."
"Heard them all from Matt, I expect." Gennai muttered. "I must apologize. It's just that there isn't much else to eat around here. Except a Chickenmon, and I heard that got away."
"Chickenmon?" Alan echoed. "Does everything around here end in 'mon'?"
"Just most of it, mon." Retailmon chuckled, adopting a bad Caribbean accent. "I don't believe we've met."
"Neither do I, but I hear there are a few religious cults that do." Alan joked. Not, he thought, one of my better ones.
"Alan, this is Retailmon, our resident inventor. Retailmon, this is Alan, the newest of the…er, the new kid."
"The 'predestination' bit getting to you?" Retailmon asked sympathetically.
"Yeah." Alan sighed. "But first we need to do something about breakfast. The fish will be great for Velocimon, Gomamon and myself, but we need something for the others." He thought a moment, then glanced at Retailmon. "Any chance of a replicator?"
"Certainly, as soon as you tell me what it is."
"Food synthesiser. What, you guys don't watch Star Trek?"
"Mostly cartoons." Gennai admitted.
"Oh, please don't tell me its fish again!" Sora groaned. At least she didn't feel as sick as yesterday. After Velocimon and Alan's arrival, they'd spent the day on patrol, but with the usual lack of success.
"Is it just me, or did the rest of yesterday just get summed up in one sentence?" Izzy asked.
"About all it was worth." Kari said. With Gatomon still sick, unable to Digivolve, she'd been stuck back at the house caring for her. She hadn't minded, though. "Is it just me, or is this a different writer than usual?"
"That would explain a lot." Sora noted.
"Hmm. Is it just me," Joe ventured, "Or can I smell something other than fish?"
"It's you." Tai said sourly. Then he took another sniff. "No, wait! I do smell something!"
The Digidestined were downstairs at warp velocity. There, they found Velocimon and Gomamon eating.
It was fish.
"Hey, Gomamon." Velocimon was saying, "Are these guys anyone you know?"
"Nah. Gennai knows what kind of fish I make friends with."
"But I swear to you I smelled something else." Agumon protested as the other Digimon came in. "My nose doesn't lie." They just glared.
"You too?" Joe asked, trying to ignore the way Mimi's hands were balling into fists.
"Oh, hi guys." Alan said. "Follow me."
"Was that door there before?" Sora asked, as they followed their new friend.
"Was this room here before?" Mimi added.
"Was the first floor there before?" T.K. put in.
"Ok, you win." Sora grinned.
"I've heard of 'dimensionally transcendental'," Izzy said, last to enter, "but this is…"
He trailed off. They found themselves in a large dining room. The table was laid out with eggs, sausages, bacon, baked beans, hash browns…basically every hot breakfast food Alan, Gennai and Retailmon had been able to think of between them.
"Sometimes all a problem needs is a fresh perspective." Alan said, smiling at their expressions. "My idea, Gennai's room, Retailmon's hardware."
Sora looked at him in awe. "Does anyone else want to marry him?" she muttered.
"Get in line." Tai replied, trying ussuccessfully to pick his jaw up off the floor."
"Definitely a new writer." Kari said. "Way too many Buffy quotes."
They found their places easily enough, thanks to the cards with their names on. "Nice touch." Mimi said appreciatively. They took them, humans on one side, Digimon on the other.
"Uh, it seems we're sitting together." Sora said, blushing.
"Don't look at me." Alan said, having only just noticed this fact himself. "Magic table."
"Commence shoveling!" T.K. cried.
And not even Matt was prepared to argue with that.
The next few minutes were lost to fevered munching. Even Gatomon found her appetite.
Alan found himself glancing at Sora a lot. Most of the Digidestined hadn't bothered getting dressed yet, and Sora's nightie made her breasts very obvious, thin enough to show her nipples. He swallowed and tried to concentrate on his food.
"Is it just me?" Mimi said eventually, "or does Velocimon look a lot like Dinobot?"
"It's you." Alan said, glad of the distraction. "They are both Velociraptors."
"While we're on the subject," Velocimon said dryly, "is it just me, or were you responsible for the Maximals joining in the battle yesterday?"
"Guilty as charged." Alan grinned.
"How'd you convince them?" T.K. asked.
"It's amazing what Optimus Primal will do for a banana." Alan quipped. Then he felt a large hand on his shoulder.
"Really?" Optimus asked.
"Sorry. Monkey joke." Alan said apologetically. "So, you guys eat?"
"Yes!" Cheetor and Dinobot said eagerly. The table quickly adjusted to allow for them.
"It's like Oz." Kari said. "Always just enough room."
"Hey, Alan." Tai asked later. "You got your crest yet?"
"Sure he does." T.K. said. "Around your neck, Alan."
"What, this?" Alan said, fishing it out. "I thought it was just a cool necklace."
"How long have you had it?" Kari asked.
"About a week."
"A week?" Izzy echoed. "How long have you been here?"
"A couple of months, I think. I lost track." Alan held up his crest with a smile. "So this is a crest, then. Explains a lot."
"What do you mean?" Mimi asked.
"I've got one too!" T.K interrupted. "Mine's 'Hope'!"
"We all have." Tai said. "What's yours?"
"Dunno. Izzy?"
Izzy looked. " 'Faith'"
"Cool." Alan said, then grinned. "Ok, own up! Who's 'Trick'?"
That got a laugh from everyone. Then Sora scowled.
"Thanks a bunch. You just made me lose concentration."
"What's up?"
"This riddle Joe gave me." Sora groaned. "It just doesn't make sense."
"You'll never get it." Joe told her.
"Tell me." Alan said. "Maybe I can get it."
Joe cleared his throat, then began to recite:
"One bright morning,
In the middle of the night,
Two dead men got up to fight.
Back to back,
They faced each other,
Drew their swords and shot each other."
"Ah, yes. Diabologic." Alan grinned. "The science of driving people completely nuts."
"So?" Joe prompted. "Explain."
"Easy. 'One bright morning, in the middle of the night': An eclipse. 'Two dead men got up to fight': Zombies, vampires, or something like that. 'Back to back, they faced each other' is classic Western: Walk ten paces, turn, shoot."
"Works so far." Izzy said. "But what about 'Drew their swords and shot each other'?"
"Thundercats." Alan said simply. "There are quite a few swords with built in lasers, but the best known is probably the Sword of Omens."
"Well done." Joe said. "I didn't think anyone would get it."
"Helps if you watch a lot of science fiction. X-files, Buffy, Star Trek, that sort of thing…"
"The writer must love you." Kari said, bemused.
"I'll take that as a compliment. That was one of the easy ones, though. There are others I can't get."
"What happened to the author?" T.K. whispered, referring to their previous host.
"Probably lying unconscious somewhere." Matt whispered back.
"Don't put yourself down, Alan." Tai said. "Mimi wouldn't have got that one in a million years…"
"Oh, really?" Before anyone could re-act, Mimi grabbed Tai by the hair and dragged him away.
"What's going on?" Alan wondered aloud.
"No, wait! Stop!" Tai cried, scared.
They disappeared outside. Then Mimi popped her head round the door. "Don't mind us." she said sweetly, then disappeared again.
"Best not to ask." Sora said. Then she saw the hard look in Alan's eyes.
"I'm asking."
Chapter Four
"No, please! Don't hit me! Not again!" Tai wailed, his head between his arms.
"Beg for mercy and I may forgive you." Mimi said, her tone belying her words.
"Leave him alone."
Mimi turned to see Alan, coldly furious, his eyes glowing with barely suppressed rage. "Not until he treats me like a lady." she replied.
Alan hit her, a left hook that sent her spinning to the ground. "You're no lady. Are you ok, Tai?"
"Yeah. Thanks for the save."
"Poison Ivy!" Palmon grabbed Alan's arm and pulled him around. "What are you doing to Mimi?"
"Yeah, don't you know you're not supposed to hit girls?" Mimi asked, close to tears.
"You lost that privilege when you started going Callisto on Tai!" snapped Alan, who had never agreed with that train of thought in the first place. Mimi was a perfect example of why.
The other Digidestined had followed Palmon outside, fearing a fight, and had heard the exchange.
"Aren't you going to help him?" Tentomon asked.
"He's fine." Velocimon replied, smiling mysteriously.
"And as for you, Palmon." Alan added. "You just bit off more than you can chew!"
It was then that all concerned saw Alan's crest glowing. And then, so was he…
"Holy shit!" Izzy yelped as the truth dawned. "He's digivolving!"
"That's impossible!" Matt said.
"Apparently not." Agumon noted. Meanwhile, Palmon tried to get free, but couldn't.
Then the sky was torn asunder. But instead of the beam of energy common to the Digimon's digivolutions, a bolt of lightning crashed down. Alan was unable to resist posing, adding a jubilant, completely pointless cry of "SHAZAM!" as the lightning struck.
The light grew blinding…
"Alan, Digivolve to…ZYUMON!"
The light turned green, then faded. In its place was the Green Morphin Ranger, still glowing slightly, Dragon Shield shining in the sun.
"Whoa." Tai said. "A Power Ranger."
"Or digital simulation thereof." Izzy reasoned.
"Same difference." Sora pointed out.
Zyumon grabbed Palmon and spun her around his head at twice the speed of sound, complete with an almost constant sonic boom. "Stop!" Palmon pleaded. "I'm going to be siiiick!"
"That's the idea." Zyumon muttered under his breath. Helmet filtering out the sonic boom, he waited until he could hear Palmon's stomach rumbling ominously, then threw her back towards the Digidestined. Palmon hit the ground, rolled to a stop, staggered upright, then proceeded to throw up very noisily. "Now for you." Zyumon said, turning on Mimi.
"Wow." Mimi said, suitably impressed. "Can I do that?"
"Try." Zyumon replied. "Go on, give me the excuse."
Mimi smiled thinly. "I think you're the one who bit off more than he can chew!"
"She's going to fight him?" Gatomon asked, glad to finally have a line of dialogue, but horrified at the obvious answer.
"Have you seen Zyumon before?" Izzy asked.
"No. He's new." Tentomon replied.
But Kari knew. "Whatever we are inside, in our hearts, that's what we'll become when we Digivolve."
"Really?" Tai asked. "Then this ought to be interesting."
"She's powering up!" Gabumon warned.
"Mimi, Digivolve to…SAILORMON!"
"Dragon Blade!"
Sailormon leapt high, dodging a blast of fire from Zyumon's sword. Zyumon himself was quick to follow. He sheathed his sword, and the two began to circle each other.
"I don't remember the Green Ranger having a sword." Joe said.
"Looked kind of like the Dragon Dagger to me." Patamon said.
"Obviously the conversion to Digimon made a few improvements." Izzy said.
"What's wrong with you?" Sora asked, noticing Tai red-faced.
"I don't think she's wearing underwear." Tai replied, flinching away when Sora tried to swat him. She shivered when she saw the haunted look in his eyes and was instantly sorry. Kari giggled, making both of them feel better.
"They're attacking!" Matt shouted. Sailormon and Zyumon launched themselves at each other, twin blurs of fists and feet. However, while Power Rangers are designed and (in most cases) trained for hand-to-hand combat, Sailor Scouts, to be charitable, aren't, relying on long ranged attacks. As a result, Sailormon was getting her arse kicked.
"I've got to help her." Palmon thought aloud, running forward. "I know it's cheating, but I can't let Mimi get hurt!"
As Palmon reached the battle, Sailormon's Digivice began to whistle…
"Palmon, Digivolve to…TOGEMON!"
"Wha?" Zyumon blurted as Togemon's shadow fell on him.
"How about some Needle Spray?" Togemon cried. But the needles just bounced off. Thank God for Power Armor Zyumon thought.
"Pyro Thrower!"
A jet of flame played across Togemon's back. "AAAH! Who dares?" she growled.
"Leave him alone and deal with me." Velocimon declared. She could remember Alan had used almost exactly those words when he'd rescued Sentaimon from some Gazimon and she'd Digivolved for him, because of him.
They'd been firm friends ever since; even lovers, one night when the moon was full and his thin, wiry body had felt especially warm and snuggly. Several times over, she owed him. She wouldn't spoil his fight, but she could at least make it fair.
"Velocimon, Digivolve to…MEGAMON!"
"Is that what I think it is?" Tai asked, amazed.
"Megazord." Kari whispered.
"Thanks, Megamon!" Zyumon called, turning his attention back to Sailormon just in time to dodge a full fledged Nova Blast that Greymon would have been proud of.
Megamon, the Power Ranger's first Megazord given life, attacked hard, battering Togemon with it's fists, sending the giant cactus staggering. But then Togemon got her second wind, flooring Megamon with a single Mega Punch. "I love Pokémon." she drawled.
"Togemon, Digivolve to…METALTOGEMON!"
"Now, I'll show you what we do with unoriginal characters around here…"
Face down on the ground, Megamon looked up at MetalTogemon and blasted her with the Cranium Laser, knocking her on her butt, giving Megamon time for a change of his own.
Digimon. Digital Monsters.
Digimon are the Champions!
The Crest of Faith!
Digimon. Digital Monsters.
Digimon are the Champions!
"Megamon, Digivolve to…"
Digital Monsters. Digimon!
"We thought that would come in useful." Patamon grinned.
"She looks like Starscream." Joe said. "Only a girl."
Hypersonic, to use the nickname Alan and Patamon had given her, transformed to jet fighter mode and launched into the sky.
"I wanna be a Transformer." Gabumon complained for the nth time.
"I wanna be a Digimon!" Rattrap complained. The others exchanged glances and burst out laughing.
Meanwhile, Hypersonic did a 180o in mid air and headed straight for her foe.
"Flying Fist Power Punch!" MetalTogemon cried, her fists launching from her arms. At which point, Hypersonic shot her with the null ray mounted in her nose cone. MetalTogemon screamed, her fists going wild and fading away as she turned back into regular Togemon. And that took some effort.
"Hyperactive SonicVelocimon, De-Digivolve to…MEGAMON!"
The Power Sword fell from the sky. Megamon caught it one-handed, charging the weapon as he fell. As her feet touched the ground, she hit Togemon with a blast of energy. Ever the Pokémon fan, Togemon fainted, surrounded by a yellow glow. When the glow faded, only a Digi-Egg remained.
Meanwhile, the battle between Alan and Mimi's transformed states was nearing its climax. Both knew they only had the energy for one more blast. Both knew they would have to make it count.
"It's over." Sailormon growled.
"I agree." Zyumon replied grimly.
"By the Power of Mars, make me grow!" Sailormon rocketed up until she was the size MetalTogemon had been, towering over the battlefield, nearly giving Tai a heart attack.
Zyumon just sighed, shaking his head sadly. "They never, ever fucking learn." he muttered, too tired to mind his language anymore. "Lion Galactabeast, arise!"
With an answering roar, the massive red cat erupted from the earth, facing the now giant Sailormon. Zyumon leapt up onto it's mane. "Alright, let's go!"
"That's amazing!" Izzy said.
"Not really." Sora shrugged. "What's a Power Ranger without a Zord?"
"Mars Fire Charge!" Sailormon began to glow yellow, orange and red: the colors of flame. And then, she was on fire, getting more and more powerful by the second.
"Fire Power!" The ground around the Lion Galactabeast bust into flames, covering first it, then Zyumon, the energies within them rising to their peak.
"Mars Fire Ignite!" Thrusting her hands forward, Sailormon let fly with a stream of flame. In answer, the Lion opened it's mouth, breathing fire like a dragon. Fire met flame, impacting against each other, each trying to force the other back. The Maximals and the other Digidestined were forced back themselves by the sheer heat.
"This is going to be close!" Tai called.
Then the Fire Ignite ran out. "Oh, fu…" Mimi began. Then the Lion's fire consumed her. Like Togemon before her, Sailormon turned yellow, defeated.
Smiling in triumph, Zyumon jumped down to the ground. "Thank you, my friend." he said. The Lion growled in reply and vanished in a shower of green lights.
"What did he say?" Tai asked.
"You're asking me?" Kari shrugged.
"If I had to guess," Izzy said, "He said 'my pleasure'."
"Easy guess, man." Matt pointed out as they ran to join their new friend.
"Alan, that was great!" T.K. yelled.
"Very impressive." Optimus Primal agreed.
"Thanks T.K.!" Alan laughed, catching T.K. and spinning him around with joy, pulling him into a cuddle. "Thank you, Optimus. Maybe we can coax you into another battle sometime."
"It would be an honor to fight by your side." Dinobot replied.
"Thank you, Dinobot." Alan said, touched. "That means a lot, coming from you." He put T.K. down, looking around. "Anyone seen Velocimon? Hey, Imzadi, where are you?"
Kari and Izzy exchanged shocked looks, recognizing the word.
"Imzadi, huh?" T.K. teased, getting it too.
"Bite your tongue." Alan told him.
"I'm over here." Sentaimon said, looking like a green Zubat. "Guess I used up too much power."
"I'll say." Matt said. "Two Metal forms?"
"One by default." Tai pointed out.
"That's true."
"Not a problem." Alan told Sentaimon. "Some food, a bit of danger and you'll be as good as new."
"Technically, she already is." Izzy said.
"True. She was Sentaimon when I met her."
"I found Mimi." Joe announced. "Or should I say, Little Mimi!" The others turned to see Joe escorting a much smaller Mimi, about eight years old.
"Aww, she's so cute." Rattrap teased. "Bless her."
"It's not fair!" Little Mimi bawled. "It's just not fair!"
"It looks like I knocked her down to her In Training stage." Alan guessed.
"Where'd she get the lolly?" Gabumon demanded. "I want a lolly!"
A pair of screeches drew their attention skywards, to where Rodimus Primal and Birdramon where having a sky race, as fast as their wings could take them.
Air Razor watched this for a moment, then turned to the others. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
"Gabumon, Warp-Digivolve to...METALGARURUMON!"
Tentomon, Digivolve to…KABUTERIMON!"
"Gomamon, Digivolve to…METALGOMAMON!"
"Patamon, Digivolve to…ANGEMON!"
Gatomon, Digivolve to…ANGEWOMON!"
Air Razor, Cheetor and Optimus transformed. Izzy got on Kabuterimon, T.K. took Angemon, Tai on Cheetor, Matt on Metal Garurumon, Matt on MetalGarurumon, Kari on Angewomon and Joe took his place inside MetalGomamon. Birdramon and Rodimus flew down to get riders of their own. Sora and Alan were happy to oblige.
As Rodimus soared into the air, Alan couldn't help grinning. With some truly bizarre new friends, things finally seemed to be going right…
"Hey, Alan!" Sora called. "What are you doing out here?" She'd come around to the back of Gennai's house for privacy, only to find she had company. She felt the cold breeze exciting her nipples, hardening them.
"Couldn't sleep." Alan explained, motioning her to sit beside him. "So I thought I'd come out here, look at the stars. Besides, I'm still buzzing from earlier."
"I hear that." Sora grinned. She hadn't had that much fun in, well, ever. She looked at him. "Alan, can I ask a personal question?"
"Depends on the question." he replied, raising an eyebrow.
"What does 'Imzadi' mean? I heard you say it to Sentaimon earlier."
Alan sighed. He'd been expecting this. "It's a Star Trek word. It has a couple of meanings. The first is 'beloved' and she's certainly that. On a lot of levels, I wouldn't have survived if not for her."
"What's the second?"
Alan looked at her, immediately looking away again when he realized she was wearing that nightie again. Worse, she wasn't wearing anything underneath either, and he caught a glimpse of her pubic hair through the semi-transparent fabric as he turned away. "It means 'first'" he said eventually, blushing.
"First?" Sora asked, confused. "First what?" Then: "oh." Her eyes widened as the expression on his face sank in. "You mean your…"
"Yeah." Alan got up and leaned against the wall, glad that his erection was hidden by his coat.
"I'm sorry." Sora said, resting a hand on his shoulder. "I didn't mean to embarrass you."
"It's okay."
"So what happened?" she asked.
"Not much to tell. We got cold one night, that's all. How about you?"
"Excuse me?"
"Come on. I want parity."
"Biyomon and I are just friends." Sora replied, shocked at the thought.
"That's not what I meant." Alan said reproachfully, chuckling. "Put simply, are you a virgin?"
Sora didn't answer for a moment. "No. I'm not."
"So there is someone special."
"Yes. You wouldn't know him though."
"And the less I know, the better?"
"It's not that. I just haven't told the others yet."
"Your secret's safe." Alan assured her. "Including the part I do know."
They fell silent for a moment.
"It's peaceful out here." Sora said eventually. "This isn't going to turn into a romance fic, is it?" she added, well aware that her cum was running down her legs, just from the thoughts in her head.
"I think we're running out of pages." Alan replied. "Besides, if the writer's who I think it is, it's more likely to be a sex fic."
They looked at each other. "No." they said together, grinning.
"So who do you think it is?"
"Never mind. I'm probably wrong."
Sora decided to let it pass. "You look tired."
Alan yawned in agreement. "Yeah. I'm going to bed. You coming?"
Yes. "No. I'm going to stay out here for a while."
"Ok." Waving, Alan walked around the corner, heading back into the house. Sora held her breath until she was sure he had gone.
"Finally." she muttered.
Unknown to Sora, someone was watching her with great interest. Devimon smiled, appreciating the voyeurism of watching one of the Digidestined get herself off. As Sora attended to herself, Devimon pursed his lips in thought. Things had obviously changed a lot since his defeat by Angemon. Not only did the Digidestined gained two new recruits, not only was Retailmon's hardware taking the Digimon in new and often more powerful directions, but now the kids had stumbled upon the secret of the Digitessen. It was going to require a cunning plan to defeat them.
Ah, but of course he reasoned. Only one plan could even hope to defeat them. Divide and Conquer.
As Sora climaxed, Devimon fell back to think.
To Be Continued?