Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ DDC: DigiDestined of Cyberspace ❯ And So It Begins... ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

DDC: DigiDestined of Cyberspace!

By VictoriAf

Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon… Guess what's on my Christmas list? I don't own the DDC idea either. That's sort of all of ours. Actually I probably have less of a claim on it than the others do… But going on!

Note from the Author: This is mostly from my point of view but occasionally it might be from somebody else's view or nobody's view at all!

Additional Note from the Author: I will be called either Af or Victoria but it's still me. I just sort of thought I should point that out.

Yet Another Note From the Author: *Sigh* this isn't a true story. (I wish it were! That would be isaku!) Pity. I WANT TO BE A DIGIDESTINED! SOB!


Chapter 1: And So It Begins...Because I Couldn't Think Of A Better Name For The Title of This Chapter OK?


It started an ordinary day. I went through school. I talked to my buddies. I had lunch. It was your normal school day. I guess it was a normal day for the others too. I wouldn't know. I don't live near any of the others. The others are these 3 other people I met on the Internet. You see, we all like Digimon and we're the best of friends considering we had never actually met each other. But we should get back to the story. The day started getting strange at home when I went upstairs and found the computer turned on. It was hardly ever turned on when I got home. I took my backpack off and put it on the chair and I went to my room and put my shoes away. Now the story gets really interesting. I walked back to the computer and discovered it was glowing more brightly then usual. And it was glowing a dark red. I felt a strange woozy feeling and looked down. I saw I was floating. You know, floating. My feet were off the ground and everything. Then my feet started to disintegrate. Well not really disintegrate, but they broke down into little squares and started to go into the computer. Not as fun as it sounds. I felt like I would scream. In fact, I'm surprised I didn't! I watched as the little squares went into the computer, wide-eyed. Then I blacked out.


I woke up and lay there remembering. I looked at my feet to make sure they were still there and not scattered squares. I saw a fuzzy outline of black shoes. Then I realized I wasn't wearing my glasses. I felt around for them until I found them. I put them on my face and my feet cleared into a solid picture. That was better. Without my glasses I couldn't see anything over 2 feet away. Then suspicion rose in my mind. When I was home I wasn't wearing shoes and I was wearing jeans and a red T-shirt with some stuff on it. But now I was wearing black sneakers, jeans, and a plain blue T-shirt. I didn't have black sneakers or a plain blue T-shirt.

"Are you ready to get up yet?" I heard a little voice said. I sat up very fast after hearing it, something I regretted because as soon as I sat up my head swam and my vision clouded because of the sudden shift of blood or something like that ((Author's Note: What? Do you thing I'm a medical genius or something?)) . When I finished adjusting I just sat and stared at the little thing in front of me. It was silver with red eyes, a unicorn's horn, a unicorn's tail, golden wing-shaped ornaments over where it's ears would be if it had ears, and a big, innocent smile.

"You, you, you're Mysticalmon! This isn't happening! This can't be happening! It's not possible!" I said after a few seconds silence.

"Yep! That's me! It is happening and therefore can be happening, and anything is possible if you set your mind to it!" Mysticalmon replied.

"I don't believe this," I said, meaning every word of it.

"Believe it." Mysticalmon said matter-of-factly.

"But I made you up. You can't be real," I argued.

"Yeah. You did make me up. Which I'll add I'm very grateful for that. And as you can clearly see I am real. Now stop arguing when you can't win and take this. You'll need it." She said giving me a little packet I hadn't noticed before. I opened the packet and stared at what it contained for almost as long as I had stared at Mysticalmon. But after seeing Mysticalmon nothing could surprise me much.

"My digivice. And my crest and tag!" I said, because that was what was in front of me.

"Actually no. It's your digivice and crest tag, but not your crest." Mysticalmon said.

I moaned. "You mean I have to go through all the trouble of finding my crest? Oy." I said. That wasn't going to be the last time I said oy.

"There's supposed to be 4 of you. Where are the other 3?" Mysticalmon asked like I would know.

"How am I supposed to know? I'm not psychic. I didn't even know there were others." I replied.


"At least I'm not a tiny little ball!" I said in self-defense.

"At least I can defend myself! You humans don't have any natural weapons at all!"

"You want me to show you a human's natural weapons?" I said. I can bite, hit, and kick. Believe me I can be mighty painful when I want to be.

"We shouldn't be fighting. We should be finding the other 3." Mysticalmon said, for once making perfect sense.

"You're right. So let's go find these 3 people." I said. With that we walked off into the surrounding trees. Or at least I walked and Mysticalmon hopped along behind me.


I hadn't really suspected that it would be the AGBAN members. I thought maybe but there were many others I deemed as "more likely". Then I came upon a huge pile of felled trees.

"Now what do we do? It doesn't look like we can go around it." Mysticalmon stated.

"Go around it? Why should we go around it when we can go through it?" I said.

"Go through it? Are you insane?" Mysticalmon exclaimed.

"Yes. I am insane," I stated, "But I know we can go through it. I have experience in these things. There's something like this in my back yard. I can find a path through it. Trust me."

"Ok. But I don't want to go through it!"

"Then I'll carry you in my backpack. Now let's go!" I shouted as Mysticalmon hopped into my backpack.


I was right. It wasn't very hard at all to get through that pile. Mysticalmon complained the whole way through but there wasn't any true trouble. The trouble started at the other side of the pile. Mysticalmon hopped out of my backpack complaining it was far too stuffy and crowded when we heard a mix of a scream and a shout coming from not very far off. I instantly turned and started running off in that direction. Mysticalmon obviously followed me. I ran into a small clearing and saw a girl about my age sitting on the ground staring at a little pinkish-red ball in front of her whimpering like she was about to scream. I had never seen this person before but I realized it was GD.

"GD? Is that you?" I asked in a soft voice because I could tell if I was too loud she would scream and no telling what that would do in Digiworld. She looked up and around obviously surprised someone was calling her by her neopets account name.

"Who's there?" She asked.


"Me who?" she said her eyebrows furrowed.

"Af. That's who." I replied.

"Af? What are you doing here? What am I doing here? Where is here?" She said.

"Calm down GD. I'm here because I am, I'm not sure. You're probably here for the same reason I am and here is Digiworld!" I answered quite truthfully.

"Digiworld. We're in Digiworld!" She said in wonder. "Then that really is Smomon!" The little pink-red ball, which was Smomon, nodded.

"You bet! Here, take this!" He then pushed a small packet identical to the one I received from Mysticalmon at her. GD took it and opened it.

"My digivice!" she exclaimed.

"And your crest tag." I finished. "It doesn't have your crest in it but it is your tag."

"I wonder why it doesn't have my crest?" she said.

"It's probably because we'll need to find it ourselves. I don't have my crest either." I told her.

"What do we do now?" She asked.

"I think we should look for the others." I replied.

"The others?"

"There's supposed to be four of you!" Mysticalmon and Smomon said in unison.

"And judging you're here and I'm here I think it's the AGBAN members. Meaning we have to find Allie and Toni." I finished.

"OK then. Let's find Allie and Toni!" GD said.

"Call me Victoria. We're probably going to be here for a while and we should use each others real names." I said.

"All right. Call me Alisa. I'm sorry if I call you Af for a while it's hard to break old habits." GD said.

"It's ok. I'm definitely going to call you GD a lot, too." I told her. I helped her up.

"Since that's settled let's go!" She said grinning.

"We can't go back the way we came. I don't think Alisa's as good as you are at going through big piles of tree." Mysticalmon said.

"Then there's only one way to go! Forward! Let's find Allie and Toni!!!!!!!!!!!" I replied.


"Sigh. I wish I had a mirror so I knew how I look!" I complained.

"You look fine! In fact, two thumbs up!" Alisa said, holding up both thumbs.

"I don't have thumbs. I don't even have arms! I can't do two feet up. How about one foot up? I think I can do it." Smomon said trying to balance while holding his right foot up. Then he fell over. "I guess I can't manage one foot up." Smomon grinned.

Mysticalmon gave us all a murderous look. "I don't even have feet."


We walked through that forest for who knows how long, I didn't have a watch and neither did Alisa. I had all my senses ready for the slightest clue as to where Allie or Toni might be. However, I didn't see a single snapped twig; hear a crashing sound, or anything! You'd think all was lost. That's what I thought to until we walked into a small clearing. We never thought twice about it because we had been through several before. But 8th graders with dark reddish hair weren't lying in the middle of THOSE clearings. And there was a 8th grader right in the middle of this one. And right by her was a little Digimon that looked like a purple Koromon with funny ears on the top of its head.

"Allie?" I asked.

"Well, I doubt that it's Toni." Alisa answered.

"And if it isn't Toni then it's more than likely Allie!" Mysticalmon shouted.

"Oh shut up, Mysticalmon." I said back.

"Can you two stop arguing for once?" Alisa and Smomon shouted at the exact same time.

"If she would just stop giving me bad criticism!" I defended myself by pointing at Mysticalmon while saying this.

"If she would just stop doing stupid things!" Mysticalmon shot back.

Then there was a moan. Mysticalmon and myself almost immediately stopped arguing.


"So this is Digiworld. These are real digimon that we created in DDC. I'm not dreaming and you guys are Af and GD. Is that what you're saying to me?" Allie asked.

Alisa nodded. "Basically, yeah." I said.

Alli fell back over from sitting Indian style. "I don't believe this!"

"Believe it." Mysticalmon, Smomon, Alisa, Samammamon, KI's digimon, and I all said at the same time.

"Whoa." KI said.


Alisa, Smomon, Mysticalmon, myself, and the new additions to our group, Allie and Samammamon set out to find Toni. (Author's Note: Here's where all action stops and the yellow-orange "to be continued…" comes on screen)


Muahahaha! I'm SO cruel to you people aren't I? We didn't find Toni? Read the next chapter to find out what happens when we find Toni! Or do we find Toni? Who knows? You sure don't! : P Don't ya just love suspense? Hehe! (^).(^)