Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Dear Lonesome ❯ Dear Cowardice ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

~ HI AGAIN!!! ^_^ It's the anoying girl that has nothing better to do with herself. Tania here and ready to resent Daisuke's part on this love story. I hope that you like this one. Follws after Dear Lonesome. AWWW I like this a little better that the other on. Anyway On with the fic. YEE HAW!!! -___-`


April 5,2002

Dear Cowerdice,

Hey it's me again and get writing about one of my problems and I bet

My soccer skills that you could care less. Just like a certain violet-haired

Girl, with lovely brown eyes nobody, I MEAN NOBODY, can't resist.

Her name is Miyako Inoue and I'm Daisuke. I know, I know, I should be

In love with Hikari, but I feel different around Miya-chan. I can't help the

Feeling it's like floating and running when I'm around her and can't keep

It down anymore. I plan on telling her that `I love you Miya-chan and I

Hope you love me as much as I love you`, then she'll say, in a girlish

Voice of corse, ` OHHHH! I love you too Dai-chan and nobody can ever

replace you, but all you know how that scene will be going. 0.o;;; I know Miyako,


Wanted her too. She'll probably say, `Oh please Daisuke get out of my

Face`. (sign) I can always dream can't I. (makes dreamy face) Anyway

I'm no compete for Ken, I mean he may have feelings for her and her for

Him and I want my koi (maybe) and best friend to as happy as possible.

Wow I've must have walked about an hour but that does not matter.

What matters is that I find Miya-chan over there looking like she's working hard.

I love that face she makes when she gets all worked up. The way she sruches her eyebrows

Together. OMG!! I think I found a penny. Find a penny pick it up then all day you'll have good luck: I should give this to her. It may not mean nothing but at least she'll know I thought of her and not Hikari. I walk ove to find her writing in a journal. Hmm… maybe it wouldn't hurt to look over her shoulder. I read what she writes and I `can't belevie what she wrote. It says: You may think that I'm just dumb to into wasting my time into writing to you Lonesome/Dai-chan, but trust me it is worth it and I can't think of anything better to do than to talk about you, to you, back to you or think about you. You see I've got it bad. I mean I'm ugly, wear glasses, and don't know when o shutup when I'm needed to so how can you love the way that I love you so you…

I couldn't hold ANY LONGER!

" I love you too, Miya-chan" I whisper as soflty as I can. I kinda startled her because when I ben down to kiss her she gasped. I thought it was some kinda joke she was playing because I didn't get a response when I put my tounge in her mouth. But, I relaxed afterwards because I felt her kiss back.I droped the penny. I got what I wanted the most.

Two weeks later

Dear Freedom,

I got rid of Cowardice because Miyako got rid her Lonesome. Also she said it was unhealty to bootle up my emotions. She should talk. She and I drop our thing when we kissed. When we broke apart she looked down and pick up Cowardice and read it. I did the same. When we were done we looked into each others eyes for a while then burst out laughing. People that passed by might of thought we were crazy, but I didn't care because I sovled my fears and sorrows . I thank Miya-chan for that. Good-bye Cowardice and hello Freedom.


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