Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Desire ❯ Episode 12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Episode 12 - Knockin' On Heaven's Door(Part One)
`Broken glass is everywhere...why? Oh right, I guess I'm dead, I could see the pole coming straight at me, there was nothing I could do. Wait, I remember now, Daisuke did something.'
Takeru swam in the darkness of his memories searching for what had happened. He couldn't remember, he knew something happened right before he blacked out but he couldn't figure it out and now he was hearing voices. He couldn't make out what they were saying, he wanted them to just shut up and leave him alone, and he wanted to figure out what happened. Then, as if he had swum into a wall... it hit him…
`I remember it all now,' he watched his own memories play out in front of him, the chase, the SUV hitting them, everything, he watched it all from the beginning. `I don't know how he did it, but…somehow Daisuke reversed the situation, he sacrificed himself for me. For a few moments I was watching the opposite direction, not even comprehending, yet, that's he'd switched tables. Once I finally turnedthe glass was already shattering…I shut my eyes to shield them from the projectiles, but before I completely blocked them I momentarily saw something terrible, I think that's why it was so difficult to remember what happened, because I didn't wantmyself to remember. As the car made contact with the curb the front tire collapsed underneath it, which thankfully,I think slowed it somewhat, but the car kept going and made contact with the tall metal pole. That's when I saw what horrified me, I felt my rib breaking from the force of the car colliding with the pole, gravity pushing me to keep going, my seatbelt keeping hold, but I ignored it all. What I did do though, was watch as Daisuke's unconscious body flew out and landed in the grass, I didn't even think that these fucking things made that much of a difference. My last thought was... why didn't I try to grab him?'
Outside of TK'sMind…
His ex-wife sat beside his bed crying, not tears for him though. She knew he'd be alright; he suffered only a minor blow to the head and a broken rib. Daisuke on the other hand, slid by only by the skin of his teeth, that's if he made it through the night. Daisuke had a broken nose, dislocated jaw, dislocated shoulder, six broken ribs and got a severe blow to the head. The doctors didn't expect him to survive the trauma that the blow may have caused to his brain. They said if the blow didn't do anything to damage his brain they'd know in a couple of days, but until then there was only waiting. Meanwhile, Ken was down the hall, making a speedy recovery.
“IF YOU DON'T LET ME GO SEE MY FUCKING FRIENDS I SWEAR TO GOD BITCH, I AM GOING TO FUCKING HURT YOU, NURSE OR NOT!!” He was defiantly feeling better, but no one would tell him anything about Daisuke, so he had a right to have the worried feeling in the pit of his stomach. All of Ken, Tk, and Daisuke's family and friends were there. Yet there was no happiness that came from the reunion, just worry and misery, they all wanted to know if Daisuke was okay. Nobody had even seen him, the ATD kept a strict policy on who entered him room, which was the doctor and only the doctor, no one else not even nurses unless it was a pure emergency.
Michael was with Daisuke's family, he actually looked in the same condition of Daisuke's father. Horribly worried but unable to show it too much, while Amy tried her best to stay strong, she was with Daisuke's friends, Michael took her off the security detail when she looked in on him and broke-down crying...
Inside the mind of a certain Brown/Burgundy haired man…
`I guess this is what you call hell, I'm sitting here watching my memories and I guess the future or something, at first I didn't realize what was going on, but I'm assuming I'm dead because all I've felt since I gained consciousness is pain, not physical, emotional. I've been watching the memories of the time I spent with my friends in the Digital World... and somehow I'm watching my friend's lives go by, there's nothing but sadness, all caused by me, they're all in pain and it's my fault. I wanted to come back and see them, now Ken's probably dead and Tk too, Kari's distraught from losing Tk, their daughter too, Matt, Yolie, oh my god, what have I done? I…I caused all this pain? Just by coming back? This hell is nothing compared to what I deserve, the pain I've caused them all, I should be given much worse then this. Why did I ever come back.'
A Month Later…
`I guess maybe I should call somebody, this is weird, I have no sense of direction, no feeling in my body whatsoever, I can breathe and blink, and that's it. I can't even speck to call someone if I wanted to. Fuck this is goddamn aggravating! I don't know where the fuck I am, what the fuck has happened, I DON'T EVEN KNOW IF I HAVE A FUCKING HARD-ON OR NOT?! Finally after ten minutes of screaming to myself in my mind I realized it. In all my anger I had managed to ball up my fist! YES! Now if I just think I can move the rest. I still can't remember why I'm here though...'
An hour later…
`Well, I've managed to move my head up to look outside and my hand underneath my pillow, to find what my head landed on when it fell back. Good old Michael, my guess is they're out torturing those responsible, Heh. I pushed the item underneath me quickly as the door opened. The doctor, he took a moment to notice I was awake.'
“Well, well, good to see you're finally up my friend, can you move or speak?” `He asked me, I managed nothing more then a slight shake of the head.'
“Hmm, well that's fine. One moment.” `I couldn't see exactly what he was doing, I heard a click and he was back into view.'
“You know it was difficult for that terrorist to find a doctor that needed money, or anything for that matter and I'm afraid I needed quite a lot. I'm glad you're up, I was afraid I was going to have to kill you while you were unconscious and that wouldn't have been any fun.” The doctor had an evil look on his face. “You look surprisingly calm for a man about to die.” `I suppose it was because for a moment I wanted to, I don't understand why though.' He pulls out a silenced pistol and aims at the man, “Any last words.” He chuckled.
Daisuke, pulled the object from underneath him silently, the doctor stared at him for a few moment, dumbfounded, as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing, then he almost busted out laughing. “Goddamn you are one stupid son of a bitch; you don't bring a knife to a gunfight.” He cocked the pistol and fired. Daisuke pushed a little button on the knife at the same time, the blade shot out from the handle and struck the doctor right in the eye. Daisuke's voice finally came back to him…
“fuCKINGHELL!” His voice quickly grew, the bullet just barely missed his heart and lungs; I just harmlessly passed through his shoulder.
“YOU COCKSUCKING SON OF A BITCH, I HOPE THAT HURT!! HAHAHA!” Finally the ATD members ran in the room, to find a very angry Daisuke and a blood stained doctor. He simply explained what happened and thanked Michael for the present. Then he asked what happened, he couldn't remember anything, the last thing he remembered was pulling up at the party. The team looked at each other; Daisuke grew paler by the second until finally Michael explained everything.
“Have you found her?”
“Yeah, she's holed up somewhere across town, no doubt waiting for someone to confirm your death.” Daisuke nodded.
“I need some time to myself.” They all obliged and left him to his thoughts.
`Ken was hurt, Tk was hurt, by them being hurt Matt, Kari, Tai, Yolie and everyone else was hurt. I guess that's something I should've expected; at least I'll get…'
A few hours later…
“MICHAEL!” He yelled for his friend, after a few moments he popped his head inside, Daisuke motioned for him to come all the way inside.
“What do you need?” Michael asked.
“You know what I'd like to be?” Daisuke asked looking out the window. “I mean if I had my goddamn choice, right now, I'd just be the catcher in the rye and all.”
“What the hell's that supposed to mean?”
“Never mind, look, it took awhile to get my memory back, but when I did I remember something that happened while I was unconscious, I thought I was in hell.”
“I thought that I was in hell, I was sitting down watching my own sad memories and watching the future of all my friends.”
“Well what happened?”
“They were all in pain, all because I wanted to stay here, because I stayed here I caused them so much pain, so much misery. Even if we get Dailia there's still other out there, I've made so many enemies, I can't stay near them…”
“Come on Dai…”
“No, it's the truth……the other thing I noticed was, right now I could knock all I wanted, but heaven wouldn't let me in. I've got to redeem myself… Call my friends for me, tell them I want to talk to them and Michael, get me my guns.”
“What, Daisuke, you're in no shape…”
“Shut up, I have to do this myself……It Ends…Tonight.”
End Episode 12