Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Destined To Be ❯ Part 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Author's Notes: This is the esteemed Fairy Empress speaking telling you about the warnings on my latest story and first Digimon story. This story has to do with the Digi-Destined's kids but has the original Destined (along with Willis, Davis, Yolei, and Cody) in it in the story a lot as well. It will have Takari and Taiora. Along with romances between the other Destined. If you don't like angst, I suggest you not read this cause throughout the entire story it will get pretty complicated and I sincerely hope you enjoy the story. Make sure you read the entire thing before you flame since I have a feeling most of you lovers of Takari (which I am a devoted Takari lover myself) will not like what I put Kari and T.K. though. Well, that's it for my speaking. Enjoy!

Destined To Be
Part 1

Written by: Fairy Empress

The Future (About 2027)

It was the most horrific sound to be heard. A thousand screams of unending pain and torment, echoing throughout the entire city like a banshee wail that seemed never ending. You wanted to put your hands over your ears and run, but where to? Where ever you went the sound was there, to haunt you and drive you crazy that so the only thing on your mind was how to make it go away. Even you taking your own life came into your head in order to receive come peace from the sound.

Six figures in various shades of gray and black ran across the once prided park in all of Tokyo, now gloomy and not a single living thing to be found. They ran until one of the six detached from the group and came up to a tree in the center of the park. All the trees had long ago lost all life in them, now where dark skeletons and where lush grass had been was now hard brown dirt. It was sad to see, but the six hardly remembered when it hadn't been that way. A hand from the figure came up and rested on the tree's trunk, a source of light lit around the figure's hand and then around the tree, where a part of it seemed to disappear and leave an path that led down and the figure went in, followed by the others and the tree covered up into it's old self protecting the figures within.

Going down a flight of stairs in pitch black, one hand on each other's shoulder to keep together and not trip until they descended deep enough to the stairs opened into a huge cavern. With a move of the same figure's hand, the entire area was lit with the torches hanging on the wall seeming to catch fire by themselves. Separating themselves from each other, then spread over the cavern, to the logs that acted as chairs and took off their outer clothing. Jackets were placed aside, near openings to hang.

The seeming leader of the group pulled back the cloak from her face and shook out the hair plastered to her face.

"What now, fearless leader?" came the sarcastic remark of Derek, he glanced at the others who were also looking at the girl.

"We need to figure out how to do this. I can't keep using all my energy, it's really draining and I don't have enough to open the portal anymore. I can barely use it to get the Looking Mirror to work." She announced, not letting Derek's comment get to her.

"None of the rest of us can even tap into ours." Came the responds by the oldest of the group, Jake.

"You are all going to have to work harder, if we don't we can all wait until the end of the world coming sooner than it should." She told them firmly, walking up to her best friend, who held her laptop on her lap typing away.

"What have you got, Bella?"

"The only way to do this is to remove energy from each of us into small amounts and have it transferred into you. Since that's the only way we can help currently." The auburn haired girl answered.

"How are we going to do that? We can't exactly get energy from ourselves." The moody tone of Morgead said, he crossed his arms and leaned against the cave wall, standing away from the group.

"Unfortunately I agree with Morg, it's not like energy is something you can see and give away." Samantha reluctantly replied, sitting on the other side of Bella.

"Exactly, it's not something you can see and because of that I am gonna need you guys and myself to concentrate on releasing it."

"And, Miss Genius, how are we going to do that?" came Derek, standing in front of the two sitting girls and the one standing. Jake stood behind the log that Samantha and Bella were sitting on, watching Bella on the computer.

"Back off, Derek." Came the subtle warning by Morgead, whose eyes flicked with a red gleam.

Derek ignored him and looked at the girls, expecting an answer.

"Here let me make an virtual image of it," Bella said typing faster, her mouth tightening in concentration and finally she smiled, turning her computer to face Derek.

Morg and Jake moved so they could see, Sam turned her body and their leader only watched from her current position.

"This is what needs to happen," Bella explained looking down at the screen and pointing at what the images where doing, "I need all five of us to stand in a circle, like a five point star with Kat in the middle, then we concentrate on removing a small amount of energy from ourselves and making it go into Kat's own energy."

"And after that?" Jake asked, having Samantha grin at him.

"Then a portal should open and we should be able to go back."

"This is all well and good in theory but what makes you think it will work?" Derek snapped.

"Derek, do us all a favor and shut up." Kat stated and moved him out of her way, kneeling down at Bella's computer screen and touched the images that represented them. Then she looked up at Bella.

"Okay, Bella. Let's do it."

The other four nodded, as Derek glared at Kat. They all moved to be in the center of the cave when he saw Morg talk to her, quietly and he flamed.

"Why should we all have to do this, isn't it her fault for all of this anyway?" Derek asked, and got astonished looks from the five of them.

"How do you figure that?" Kat said, wanting to shake Derek for being so selfish.

"Well, isn't it your parents that caused this? If it weren't for them, then none of this would even be like this. We would all have our parents and we wouldn't have to worry about saving the world."

"My parent's fault? If it wasn't for them….." Kat got so frustrated that she closed her mouth almost to the point of wanting to knock him to the ground; instead Morgead stepped out of his position and took Derek by the shirtfront.

"That's my relatives your talking about, so I suggest you back down before we all do something we may or may not regret." With that, Morgead let the shirt out of his fist only to have Derek tackle him to the ground.

"You stick up for her because she's your cousin but I know that even you hate the way we live and have to admit that it is her parents fault, no matter how much you guess illusion yourselves that it isn't." Derek told them as the girls and Jake pulled them apart. Derek whipped his mouth off with his sleeve from the punch that Morg had given him and Morg's eye was already starting to turn a purple shade.

His comments were directed at Kat, who lowered her head but refused to accept that fact. Ever since her dad-died things had gotten bad in Tokyo and around the world, somehow he was connected to it, as was her mom. When he died, she had only been three years old but she had loved him deeply. Her mom was no better since it was told by her uncles that they were in love with each other long before they understood what love was. When he died a part of her seemed to die, the only reason she re-married to one of her best friends was so that she, Kat, would have a semi-normal life. Going to America and being raised mainly there as her mother seemed to be fighting an inner battle that finally got the best of her when Kat was seven. She hadn't known either of her parents well, but she knew they had loved her and each other. Her step-dad was the best and when he had died last year she felt again that all of it was her fault that somehow she had brought about the destruction of the world and the Digi-Destined. As of the year that her mother died, the other adults started to fade away dying one by one and all the time no one knew what was going on. Her own step-dad and her uncles were the last ones to die; with even being around her cousins she couldn't understand why. None of the other five had ever brought up their own dead families and Derek did it out of grief as well as guilt. He wanted to blame someone and she happened to be an easy target. With that, she decided to clean up the mess.

"I am not saying that it was or wasn't anyone's fault, the only thing clear is we have to fix things before they can become this reality." Kat said, getting in her position and Derek getting death glares from Bella and Sam got in his position.

Each child closed their eyes and began to center their focus on the energy transference. Kat breathed in as she forced her energy to circle her, like a protective ring of glowing light and as each child gave a little gasp energy flew from them to the circle of energy and Kat's body jerked. Opening her eyes to pure white, without her pupils she raised her hand and all the energy moved to form a portal. All six kids fell to the ground, one by one shaking off the loss of energy and Derek got over to Kat, shaking her awake.

"Well, we did it."

They all stood and looked. The portal was open, it looked into another world where they stared at the grass, trees full of leaves and color, with kids running around without coughing or falling to the ground from inner body attacks.

"And the plan now?" Derek asked.

"Simple," Kat said, looking from one to the other of the group, "we have to stop my parents from ever falling in love with one another."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The Past, Year 2004

The sound of sneakers landing on the polished gym floor, sounds of the crowd cheering, cheerleaders leading on another cheer to the home team and the group of boys on the court sweating and passing the basketball to hopefully lay up another point. A boy with brown hair tossed the ball to the team's captain, who took it and did a jump shot making the final basket of the game and winning the game for the school.

"Way to go, T.K!!" came his teammates and the golden haired boy glanced at the sidelines to see his brother and friends giving him shouts of congratulations. He felt the encouragement the most from a light brown haired girl who was standing next to a raven haired girl with glasses who was so animated in her movements, that he had to keep from laughing.

He thanked everyone and jogged over to the two girls, the one who made his heart skip a beat and make him content handed him a white towel.

"I think you may have to go take a shower after the game you played. You were great." The girl named Kari Kamiya told him sweetly.

He had to quickly hide his blush as Yolei grinned at the two of them.

"Your brother and Tai were betting on the game and I think Davis is getting talked to by Cody on his lack of attention to the sport." She told them, filling in the blanks why the others weren't coming to his rescue at the moment.

"I guess I'll go shower then, I'll meet you guys outside in five minutes." T.K. Takaishi called as he ran across the gym to the Boys labeled door and went inside.

"Don't you hate that line," Yolei asked Kari, as they walked to Kari's brother Tai and Matt Ishida who were in a headed argument.

"Which one?" Kari said, laughing at her brother and T.K.'s arguing over why T.K. was the best player on the team.

"T.K.'s line of 'Out in Five Minutes', why does it take boys that amount of time to get showered and dressed when it takes me a half an hour to just get my hair done?"

"Not all boys," Kari said as they were now right behind her brother and Matt, "some boys take forever in the bathroom." Kari said the last part a little louder so both the boys could hear it and turn around.

"I do not." Tai Kamiya stated, looking at his sister.

"You take longer in the bathroom then I do, and always to get your hair to look the same as it always does." Kari said the last part with a grin, which Matt winked at her for.

"All that to get your hair to look like it's been in a hurricane." Matt added, Yolei giggled at the familiar 'Gang Up On Tai' talk.

"Better this than to put a continent's worth of gel in my hair." Tai recorded back at Matt.

"I don't put that much gel in my hair." Matt defended.

"And they even talk about hair more than we do," Kari stated as she saw Sora come up and stand quietly behind Tai, "you sure your not girls?"

"Maybe Tai here is but I am defiantly not." Matt told them, seeing Sora out of the corner of his eye.

"I think my girlfriend would have something to say about that," Tai added smugly, "she thinks I am all man."

"She does, when did she say this?" Yolei asked, biting her lip to keep from bursting out laughing at Sora's 'Is That So' Look.

"All the time, she says I am more a man than anyone she knows…"Tai said this only to feel a hand on his shoulder and turn around to see his girlfriend looking at him menacingly.

"I say that, do I?"

"S-Sora, how long have you been there?" Tai said, swallowing hard.

"Since, oh about 'She thinks I am all man'."

"Somebody's in trouble." Matt sang and with the other two girls walked away while Sora yelled at Tai.

The three walked away joking when Davis and Cody met up with them outside, already talking to a showered and dressed in normal clothes T.K. He smiled at the three of them, before looking at his brother.

"Since when do you bet on my games?" T.K. asked, seeing Davis get closer to Kari and she move away slyly.

"Since you win, and you always do it's a way to get money from people who don't realize how good you are." Matt answered, as he saw Sora hanging on Tai's arm walk out the double gym doors towards them.

"So are we going to go celebrate the butt-kicking that T.K. gave that team or what?" Tai asked, getting close enough to hear Matt's comment to T.K.

"Like we did last night for you and Davis?" Sora asked.

"Then again we did beat our rivals over ten points difference, while T.A. here only had a three point difference." Davis told the group smugly.

"You two play soccer and T.K. plays basketball, there is not a lot of comparison to the sports, Davis." Cody told the older boy before one of the others could.

"Still, a sport is a sport. How about we all go grab some pizza?" Davis offered, getting away from the subject.

"Where are Izzy and Joe? I thought the two of them were going to meet us here." Sora wondered her comment directed at a blushing Yolei.

They all walked down the sidewalk to a pizza place a couple of blocks away as the three girls discussed Yolei and Izzy's unidentified relationship.

"So what is it? Three? Four months since you two kissed and you haven't done anything?" Sora wanted to know.

"Just cause you and Tai can't keep your hands off one another doesn't mean I can't control myself." Yolei defended.

"Like you controlled yourself over the Digimon Emperor." Davis added, making Yolei steam.

"I liked him before I knew he was the Emperor, Davis. Besides he is cute and there wasn't a doubt about that."

"I think Ken is cute." Kari offered to help her friend; not noticing the down cast looks it gave two certain boys.

Matt and Tai having noticed the boys turn of moods shook their heads. If one girl in this world had those two wrapped around her finger it was Kari. She knew that at least Davis still had a huge crush on her, but her feelings for what T.K. thought of her had yet to be determined. Tai had noticed she started caring more about what she looked like around him and started wearing a little makeup. Even if she was fifteen he was still careful to keep an eye on his little sister.

Only one of the group noticed that a strange light in the sky appeared and disappeared just as rapidly, but Cody dismissed it as just a part of his imagination.

The brilliant flash of light came from high in the sky and six humans dropped ten feet to the ground with a loud thud. Groaning and moving off the hurtful positions they had landed in, Kat noticed that she had green grass under her feet. A simple smile came over her face as she picked at long strand of it and brought it to her face to feel.

"What are you doing?" Bella asked bewildered at her friend's action.


"Okay, now the girl is 'feeling'. Can we please get this over with?" Derek told them and walked a little distance from them.

"He has to be the most selfish person in the world." Sam announced to the group which all of them agreed on. Jake helped Sam get to her feet as Morg helped Bella and Kat. Kat ran to catch up with Derek, only to have Morg lace his arm around her stomach and pull her back.

"Just hold it, Kat. We don't need for you to wander off, too. Let Derek be for a while. He needs to figure things out for himself."

Kat looked at her cousin and reluctantly nodded, he moved his arm away and Bella kissed his cheek.

"You are so sweet." She stated smiling.

"She's all the family, I've got."

"You have me."

"Thanks, Bel."

Sam lifted an eyebrow at Morg.

"So the boy does have feelings, I was beginning to wander." Sam said out loud, not really speaking to anyone.

"Like you are Miss Emotions, Sam." Morg yelled to her.

"Just keep your place in check, she's my cousin too."

"I don't see her bragging about that fact."

Sam's face turned red before Jake gave Morg a 'Knock It Off' Look and led Sam away to cool off. Kat chuckled at the sound of the old fight that was forever a big deal between Sam and Morg.

"Now it seems this place is making us act like we're ten again, that's the last time I remember fighting with Sam." Morg told Bella.

"Or maybe it's just this place being like it is, like it was when we were little."


Suddenly, the five of them saw Derek head this way, not towards them but through some trees and then stop as if seeing a ghost. They looked at each other before running after him. Kat was the last to get there, the energy ride still affecting her but she stopped, her face turning pale.

Only across the street walking without a care in the world were seven people they would know anywhere. Four boys and three girls, all in street clothes (AN: Think of the second season of Digimon to what they are wearing only they are older, the older kids are not in uniform just regular clothes). What grabbed Kat's attention were the two kids in the middle of the group. The boy had golden blond hair while the girl had light brown hair. They were talking and joking around with another boy with dark brown hair who seemed to be getting a little mad.

"Mom? Dad?" came the words out of Kat's mouth.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Well, that's the end of Part One. Have you figured out whose kid is whose yet? If not you will by the end of Part Two. Tell me what you think at thefairyempress@yahoo.com. Hopefully I will get Part Two out soon.

~Fairy Empress~