Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digi Protector ❯ Enter Rin Kamishiro! The New DigiDestined! ( Chapter 1 )

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Since there has ever been a Digital World, there has always been a Protector for this world. But when the Original Digi Destined came to this world the chosen Protector died before he/she could fulfill their true destiny. And when the new Digi Destined came, a Protector was chosen.
A young girl sighed, the clocked ticked away as the school days got longer and longer it seemed. The young girl stared out the window, not paying any attention to what the teacher was saying. Just as she was about to fall asleep, a shadow loomed over her. “Rin Kamishiro , Rin. RIN!” She spun around to see the teacher and everybody else staring at her. The teacher gave her a death glare that made her spine tingle with fear. “Please Rin pay more attention in class than rather sleeping in it.” The teacher walked back up to the front of the room. Rin huffed out a breath and then continued staring back out the window, falling into the sleep's trace.
Rin had long raven black hair, it was usually found in 2 pigtails. Her bright blue eyes made her face look even more beautiful than it was before. Rin's clothes made her the most popular girl in school. She always wore a white t-shirt that was covered by a dark red blazer and dark blue capris. Rin also wore dark red fingerless gloves that went to the fore arm and dark red tennis shoes.
As she was leaving the classroom Rin saw one of her classmates, Davis, running after Kari and T.K. two other classmates of hers. They turned into the Computer Room. “Wait up!” Davis called out.
“What are they doing?” Rin asked herself, she peeked into the room. In there she saw an upperclassman, Yolei and an underclassman named Cody. Along with the old computer captain, Izzy who was now in Junior High.
“I have just gotten an email from Tentamon. He says that there is trouble in the Digital World.” Izzy tapped furiously on the keyboard.
“So what is Tentamon? And the Digital World, is that a new online game?” Yolei asked Izzy. Izzy stopped and turned around to Yolei.
Cody cut into the responses. “Yolei you said that you would fix my computer today!” He said, Yolei stared back at him then slapped her forehead.
“That's right! Well I hope that I see you guys later!” Yolei and Cody ran out the door into the eavesdropping Rin who got rammed to the ground making a loud thud noise.
Davis, Kari, T.K. and Izzy poked their head to see the commotion. “Rin! I thought you already left!” Davis responded.
“Well I um… had to clean the room today,” Rin said, she picked herself off the ground , “I was just leaving.”
Izzy stared at her as if he didn't believe her. “Mariah?” He whispered. Rin heard this and stared at Izzy. She knew who he was talking about, her dead sister, Mariah.
“Mariah is that really you I thought you were gone!” Izzy took a step near Rin, she backed away slowly.
“No you have gotten me mistaken with my sister. But you are right she is gone!” Rin yelled, Izzy stopped coming closer to her. Everybody else stared at her. Cody helped Yolei off the ground.
“I'm sorry but I have really got to go!” Rin bowed then did a pivet the other way toward the exit. “RIN!” Davis called out to her, but she didn't want to hear anything that he said after all he is an idiot.
“Well I guess that everything is settled we can get back to our business. Come on you guys we have to go.” Izzy urged, he pulled Kari and T.K. back into the room , Davis reluctantly followed.
Cody and Yolei walked toward the exit of the school, keeping their distance from the computer room and them.
Computer Room:
“Why can't I go to the Digital World?” Davis yelled, Kari looked at him with sympathy.
“The thing is that you don't have a Digi Vice like the rest of us.” Kari pulled out her old one, Izzy and T.K. did the same.
“But I want to go!” Davis urged on, just then 4 bright flashes came out of the screen of the computer that Izzy was using. Each was a color, blue, red, yellow and white. The blue came to Davis as the others went out of the room into the hands of Cody, Yolei and the surprised Rin.
As the white light came into Rin's hand she was on the stairs railing trying to calm her mind. The light unbalanced her and almost made her fall if Yolei and Cody didn't save her from her doom. “What the heck!” Rin stared at her hand as the light changed into a D-3. It was white all around, with a screen in the middle with a black antenna and black grips on the sides.
“Looks like you also got one too.” Yolei lifted up Rin off the railing, then she pulled out the same device only hers was red not white.
“Cody also has one.” Yolei turned her head to Cody, he nodded back in response. He lifted up right hand to show Rin the device in the yellow color instead of red or white like Yolei and Rin had.
“I think that we should show Izzy what we got.” Yolei said, “I could ask what the heck are these things and where did they come from.” Rin and Cody nodded in agreement.
Computer Room:
The 3 walked in to see Izzy holding something to the computer, he saw the 3 come in and hid his hand behind his back. “Izzy do you know what the heck these things are?” Yolei held out her device. Izzy looked perplexed at the sight. “You guys also have one!”
Rin looked confused, what did he mean we have one too. “You mean you know what the heck these things are?” Cody asked, he strode over to the computer where Izzy was. There was a tab opened, it had a picture in the middle showing Davis, T.K., Kari and another boy who was Kari's older brother Tai. “So what the heck is this?” Cody pointed to the picture of Davis.
“Oh that is nothing, I took a picture of Davis for a profile.” Izzy said, he scratched the back of his head. Rin rubbed the bottom of her chin, he was hiding something, she just knew it.
Rin walked over to Izzy and with a swift hand motion she took whatever was behind Izzy's back; it was a Digi Vice but it was the old version. “So you know what is going on don't you?” Rin said. There was anger in her voice. Rin gave a death glare to Izzy. He took a step back away from the angry Rin. Izzy knew that he wasn't able to keep up this dumb act anymore. “Tell me what the heck is going on!” Rin demanded, she pulled back her arm and threw it forward so it almost landed on Izzy's face.
A hand was near Izzy's face that he started to sweat a lot now. “That is a Digi Vice and it seems that it only thing that can open the Digi Portal now!” He spat out. Rin pulled back her arm to her side. “Mariah, you should know about the Digimon. I mean you were part of the team when we went to the Digital World.” Rin looked Izzy, why did he call her Mariah again. And what does he mean that she should know about the Digital World and Digimon.
“I told you that my name is Rin not Mariah! And this is the first time I heard about Digimon okay!” Rin angrily said. Cody got between the two and pushed them apart.
“Now both of you stop it right now!” Cody yelled, Rin looked at the kid between her and Izzy. Why was he sticking in between them?
“I have a question who is Mariah?” Yolei asked, Rina and Izzy turned their heads to Yolei. Rin backed away into a bookcase.
“Mariah was sister, she died 4 years ago from an accident between the monsters that came to our world.” Rin confessed, “She was saving me from a falling piece of metal from a building nearby. She had a weird looking monster with her that with held some of the metal but most of it was on her and me. Mariah called the monster a Digimon but to be more precise she called it Aeriymon. Mariah had her back to the metal and me under her. Aeriymon DigiVolved I think and changed into Sephermon and removed both of us from underneath the metal but it was too late she had already lost too much blood. Mariah was taken to a hospital and died within an hour. And after that I never saw Aeriymon again and that's the last I heard about anything like Digimon until today.”
Cody and Yolei stared at the ground in silence. “So you aren't Mariah after all. I'm really sorry Rin but it was so hard to let Mariah go since I liked her so much and you look like her a lot.” Izzy bowed in front of Rin then gave her a smile. “But she was a good person. You remind me of her a lot. The way you look and the way you do everything.” He said, a tear ran down his cheek. Rin couldn't speak, everything was coming out the way she didn't want o hear it.
A bright light shot out from the computer with the picture of Davis in it. Then after a second, Davis, T.K., Kari and Tai was on the ground on each other. Rin jumped in surprise and hit the bookcase really hard that it crashed some books down onto her. “Ow, that hurt.” She rubbed her head where a large encyclopedia landed. “So where did you guys go to?” Cody asked, he helped Davis off the ground.
Davis hopped off the ground. “We went to the Digital World! It was so cool! There is this Digimon named Veemon who is my partner! You guys should have seen it!” Davis blurted out.
“Yeah that is right! Mariah also was blabbering about something called the Digital World when she came back from camp. That was the first time I saw a Digimon. I couldn't go because I was in America on the day she went to camp. But my flight got canceled because a freak snowstorm blew in suddenly.” Rin remembered, she put the remaining books on her on the ground next to Tai's head.
Tai looked at Rin intently. “So you're Mariah's sister, Rin.” Tai picked himself off the ground, “Mariah kept on talking about you. How much you look like her! I was about to call you Mariah for a second!” Tai laughed a little before Izzy came over and whispered something in his ear. He gasped then whispered something in Izzy's ear. Tai turned back to Rin who was staring at the floor. “I'm really sorry Rin. But you look so much like her.” Tai came over and grabbed Rin's left hand and held it intently. “I'm sorry for your loss Rin. I wish that I could have been with Mariah when the accident happened.” Tai said sorely.
Rin shook her head, “It's not you fault Tai. It's my fault for not being careful when I was a kid. I would have done anything to have Mariah still be alive right now.” A tear ran down her check and onto Tai's hand. He looked at Rin's face; she was smiling but a waterfall of tears were coming down in streams. “I wish I had been more powerful to have helped her.” Rin gave a big smile but the tears seemed to mess it up.
“Well Rin now that you got your feelings out why don't all go home and tomorrow we can all got to the Digital World together.” Izzy said, he broke up the sorrow that was in the air. “It would be a great time to get the excess emotions out of you, Rin.” Izzy also pointed out.
Rin looked at him as of she got back from outer space ,” Yeah sure.” She said in a quiet low voice. Rin turned and walked out the door. Tai looked at her, he felt her pain. he liked Mariah as a friend and he just couldn't forget her ever.
Later that day:
As the sun was setting on the ocean view we find Rin looking at her feet, she still hadn't stopped thinking about what Izzy had said. Could there possibly another person who missed Mariah as much as she did? She asked herself. Rin gripped the D-3 in her hand and ran toward her apartment building which was the one that Yolei, Cody, and T.K. lived at.
As she pressed the elevator button a hand touched her shoulder, Rin spun around to see T.K. and his Digimon Patamon smiling at her. “So you also live here?” he asked, Rin nodded in response. “Yeah I live on the 5 floor, where do you live Rin?” He asked again.
“I live of the 5th floor as well, so you must be the new people that we have been expecting.” Rin remembered, the elevator dinged the signal that it was here. As Rin stepped in so did T.K. and Patamon. “So who's this?” Rin asked, she pointed to Patamon.
“Oh this Is my partner Patamon, like all Dig destined they have partners. I wonder what partner you're going to have.” T.K. asked himself. Patamon shook his head in shame.
“Pleasure to meet you Rin!” Patamon took out it's paw for Rin. First she didn't know what to do but just to shake it. As she shook Patamon's paw an overwhelming feeling of happiness came over her.
“Hello Patamon! It's nice to meet you!” Rin gave a smile at the young creature.
The elevator slowly stopped and let the 3 passengers come off. Rin turned right at the hall and so did T.K.
“Are you the new people who live next to the Kamishiros?” Rin asked, she took a key out of her pocket.
“Yeah, my mom and I are suppose to be coming over for dinner tonight.” T.K. replied. Rin dropped her jaw, T.K. was coming over to eat dinner with her family! And tonight on top of it.
“Well looks like you will just have to come to my place and just stay there since you are coming over tonight to eat with my family!” Rin smiled as she opened the door for T.K.