Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digi-Trigger ❯ If the Sword Don't Fit, You Must Acquit! ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
We find our three heros, Dino:



SUSAN: [In an overly perky voice.] HIIIIIIIIII!!!!

And Yukon:

Yukon: KONNICHIWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! [All blink and stare at Yukon.] What?

Dino: Where the heck did that come from?

Yukon: Well, I wanted to do something funny, so I was thinking of doing like those people on
the Budwiser commercials. You know, but we don't have the rights to say that, so I decided to
do something similar, except with the Japanese word for hello:
KONNICHIWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! See, it's funny! [Crickets chirp in the background as
Dino, Susan, myself, and the audience just look at Yukon and blink.] Isn't it?

*ahem* Like I was saying, we find our *two* heros and one comically inept little girl. . .

Yukon: [Pouts.] Quiet, you.

. . . searching through the woods of Moose Canyon, attempting to find god knows what in order
to get home.

Dino: So Yukon, just what exactly are we looking for, anyway?

Yukon: [Glancing over the readouts of a small device she's carrying.] A place.

Susan: What kind of place?

Yukon: I'll tell you when we find it. Just stick with me.

As they continued to walk around, deeper and deeper into the foliage, the strange device
Yukon carried emitted several beeps and whistles every few seconds. Finally, it seemed the
machine found something, as it was flashing and beeping madly, almost to the point where it
looked as if it'd explode. At that point, Yukon shut it off.

Yukon: Hah, found it! [Puts away machine and pulls out a small rod with a D-3 attached to the

Dino: Found what?

Yukon: Our ticket home, just watch! [Points rod into the middle of a small clearing.] Time Gate,

A stream of blue electricity shot out from the tip of the rod, focusing on what looked like
a blank spot in the middle of the air. However, the small, bright speck where the energy
collected soon grew into a large, circular, blue colored portal, much like the one Dino and Susan
were sucked into in episode one.

Yukon: [Dances around happily.] WAH-HA-HA-HA! (Hey, I'm getting good at that!) It works!
Chalk up another one for success for Yukon, the genius inventor! Man, I'm on a role today!

Susan: That's great Yukon, but what is it?

Yukon: [Smiles knowingly.] Actually, I think you two should be able to tell me that.

Dino: Well, it kind of looks like the portal that me and Susan got sucked inside of in episode

Yukon: BINGO! See, that portal was a time gate, somehow created by the combined power of
my Telepod machine and Susan's tag and crest. I knew the reaction couldn't just be a fluke,
because I repeated it several times using only the tag ad crest and my Telepod, and each time,
this blue-black portal was formed. After making sure that it was more than just a coincidence, I
sent a little robotic pod into it, and using that, I discovered that the portal opened up over 400
years in the past! What's even more astonishing is that I discovered that the gates depended not
only did the power of my machine and the properties of the tag and crest, but more on the
location the reaction took place in as well! By moving the Telepod around, I discovered that in
some locations, the gate created was weak, or non-existent at all! So, using the technology of my
Telepod as a base, and Susan's tag and crest as an amplifier, I was able to create this! (Holds up
the rod with a D-3 on the end.) I call it: the T-3! (Time Travel and Transverse.) Pretty cool, huh?

Unfortunately for Yukon, Dino and Susan fell asleep during her long and boring

Yukon: Hey, wake up! I just said something important here!

Susan: [Yawns.] Sorry Yukon, its just that these plot moving sequences are just too long and
boring for me.

Yukon: [Sighs.] Yes, I know, but they are soooooo necessary.

Dino: Well, enough about that, let's just get home, I'm starving.

Yukon: Right. All we have to do is jump through the time portal and we're home free!

Susan: Are you sure? How do we know that this gate will take us back to our own time?

Yukon: Because I said so, now get in! [Pushes Susan and Dino into the portal, and jumps in after
them. After which the portal closes up behind them.]

Digi Trigger- Episode 3: If The Sword Don't Fit, You Must Acquit!

If you've just joined us, well then where the hell have you been? You're late, the fic's
already started! Oh, don't give me that same old sob story about how you had to "go to the
bathroom"! Don't you realize that a good bit of plot has just passed you by!? *sigh* Well,
alright, I guess I can't blame you if it really was an emergency. And besides, there's no point in
me retyping everything that's happened since the title stinger, so I guess I'll just summarize the
little bit you guys missed.

Anyway, after jumping through the time gate, Dino, Susan, and Yukon all ended up right
back in Moose Village Square, in the exact same spot they disappeared not too long ago. After
explaining everything that happened to Yukon's dad, they went their separate ways, with Yukon
going home, and Dino escorting Susan (aka Princess Nadia) back to Odaiba Castle. However, upon
arrival, the descendant of that wacky Chancellor showed up and accused Dino of having attempted
to kidnap the princess! Upon command, Dino was arrested, and now awaits his trial and sentence
in the castle courtroom.

Dino: [Thinking] Gosh, I sure hope they get this straitened out soon. This is all some sort of
misunderstanding! Why I would even want to kidnap the princess? I mean, sure, she's really pretty.
And yeah, she's filthy rich and all, but other than that, what would be the point?

Bailiff: All rise for his honor, Judge David.

The judge then walked into the room and sat himself at the place where judges sit.
Afterwards, everyone else sat down.

Judge David: He's guilty, case dismissed!

Dino: Wait, that's it?

Judge David: Yes. Were you expecting more?

Dino: Well, yeah. I mean, aren't you going to ask me any questions or anything?

Judge David: Alright then, what's your name, son?

Dino: Dino.

Judge David: And how are you feeling today, Dino?

Dino: Well, I do have a little crick in my neck, but other than that, I'm peachy keen!

Judge David: Very well. Case dismissed. Guards, take him away to the prison! (The guards walk up
and drag Dino away.)

Dino: This sucks.

Suddenly, a voice shouts out through the murmuring of the crowd.

Random Vender: Hot dogs! Get your hot dogs, right here! Get your red-hot hot dogs!

No, not that voice! Susan's voice!

Susan: Wait! Don't go anywhere! (She runs out into the middle of the court room.) I demand that
you release him at once!

Soldiers: Yes princess. (They let go.)

Chancellor: (Don't as where he came from.) What are you doing? Seize that man!

Soldiers: Yes Chancellor. (They grab Dino.)

Susan: I told you to let him go!

Soldiers: Yes princess. (They let go.)

Chancellor: And I told you to seize him!

Soldiers: Yes Chancellor. (They grab Dino again.)


Susan: Chancellor, what gives you the idea that you can contradict my orders? I am the princess, you

Chancellor: I'm sorry, but our princess' name is Nadia, not Susan, so nyah! (Blows raspberry.)

Nadia: Oh yeah? Well hah! Now I've changed my name back to Nadia, so you have to listen to me!
(Sticks tongue out.)

Chancellor: Damn.

Voice: But, there is one person who can overrule the princess' orders.

Nadia: Really? Who?

Dino: The narrator?

Chancellor: The network censors?

Nadia: Rabid fangirls?

Dino: Evil blue monkeys from the distant planet Noob? (Everyone looks at Dino.) What?

Voice: Okay, so there are several people who can overrule the princess' orders. BUT, there is only
one present here in this room!

Dino: Actually, Susan can be a bit of a rabid fangirl sometimes. (Susan fixes and icy stare on him.)

Voice: Alright, so there are two in this room.

Actually, Susan/Nadia wouldn't really count, since she is the princess, and therefore can't
overrule herself. On the other hand, I happen to be the narrator, and while I personally am not in the
court room, I'm still here.

Voice: . . . Leave me alone.

Nadia: Never mind that, just who the hell do you think you are that can overrule ME!?

Voice: Wh- HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO ME THAT WAY, NADIA!? Don't you know that I am-
(steps out of the shadows) King Odaiba XXXIIII, your FATHER!?

Nadia: Oops. . .

King Odaiba XXXIIII: Now then, let's get this show on the road. Guards, take that man away and
lock him up in the dungeon.

Soldiers: Um, your highness, we're soldiers, not guards.


Guards: No sir! If you say we're guards, then we're guards! (They grab Dino a final time and drag
him off.)

Nadia: No! Dino!

King Odaiba XXXIIII: (Grabs Susan's shoulder.) As for you, we're going to have to have a little talk
about just who makes the rules in this castle.

Nadia: (Sulkily.) Crud.

And so Dino was dragged off to the deepest, darkest cell in the castle dungeon. Of course,
Dino wouldn't be lucky enough to spend the rest of eternity rotting away in that dank place, as he
was to be executed within three days! Needless to say, the guy had a bad case of dem blues.

Dino: (Playing harmonica.) They locked me in a cell- (harmonica) and threw away the key-
(harmonica) and I'm not even lucky enough to just sit here and rot for all of history! (Harmonica)

Guard: That's it! (Opens cell door and gabs harmonica away from Dino.) I'm sick and tired of all
this harmonica blues junk! I won't tolerate it from Matt, and I sure as hell won't tolerate it from you!

Dino: (blinks) Chris? Is that you?

Guard: Er. . . NO!

Dino: It is you!

Guard: Okay, okay, so it's me.

Dino: How did Timestones get you to take part in this, anyway?

Guard: Well, he promised me I'd do a scene with Sora later on. Of course, he never mentioned the
fact that I'd have to play a bazillion bit parts as well! By the way, how is it that YOU, of all people,
got to play the lead role?

Dino: (grins) Are we jealous?

Guard: No, not really, since I get to be with Sora and you don't!

Dino: But I'm not crazy over Sora, I'm crazy over Miyako, and I get to be with her!

Guard: Damn.

Dino: Hey Chris, you think you could get me out of here?

Guard: No.

Dino: (whiney) Why not?

Guard: Because I'm not supposed to, I'm supposed to keep you in here until they come to cut off
your head.

Dino: Oh come on! Please? From one AFDer to another!

Guard: You're not even an AFDer anymore! You left, remember?

Dino: Okay, so from one ex-AFDer to a current AFDer!

Guard: Well, alright. But that's only because I want to move this story along! The sooner we get
through this episode, the sooner we get to my scene with Sora! (Unlocks Dino's shackles and shoes
him out the door.) Now get out of here! Oh, and take this! (Gives Dino his sword.)

Dino: Hey thanks! (Thinks.) Hey, Chris? Where'd you get my sword from?

Guard: Raptor, being an author of various comedy fics myself, I know that this is one of those things
that you just don't ask questions about. Just smile and nod, and be glad with the fact that you're no
longer in prison. Got that?

Dino: (Smiles and nods.)

Guard: Good, now on you go!

Now free from imprisonment, Dino rushed out through the corridors in order to fully escape.
However, things would not be so easy, as the other guards, who weren't Dino's friends, were
running around like chickens with their heads cut off, and saw him on various occasions. And
despite the fact that all these guards did was laze about on their fat asses all day, eat doughnuts, and
get fat, Dino decided it'd be a good idea to kill them anyway and steal all their money, as one is
required to do in an RPG, even though when you think about it, it's really cruel what you're doing
and you turn out acting more evil than the villains, but nevertheless. . .

Dino: Boy, you sure know how to raise a guy's self esteem.

Well, it's true! But don't tell those soccer moms that, or else this issue will explode into
something completely out of control, and we don't want that now, do we?

Dino: No, but-

No buts, my friend. We still have more of the parody to get through! Now where was I. . .
Oh yes! *ahem*

After sneaking his way about the labyrinth that was the royal dungeon for what seemed like
hours, Dino finally came across what he thought to be the exit!

Dino: Alright!

Unfortunately, it was only the door to the bathroom.

Dino: WOO-HOO!

Wait, I said "unfortunately." Why are you going "WOO-HOO!"? This is supposed to be

Dino: That's what you think! I've been crossing my legs since the second half of episode 2!

[He runs into the bathroom and does his, uh, business. A long, satisfied sigh can be heard from
outside. Seconds later, Dino emerges, drying his hands on a paper towel.]

Dino: Ahhh . . . RELIEF!

Um. . . okay. ANYWAY, in reality what Dino discovered was the bathroom, not the exit.
However, this was just as fortunate, as Dino apparently really had to go.

Dino: That's the understatement of the century.

After having relieved himself, Dino continued to prowl about the prison, slaying anyone and
everyone who should get in his way, until he actually *did* find the exit, which was exactly where
the entrance was when he was dragged into jail. Upon emerging, however, he was confronted with
a security officer on duty, who was flipping through a hentai magazine. Both startled by the other's
presence, they looked at each other for a long time. Both were too nervous to even move!

Dino: Um. . . Hello.

Security Guard: Er. . . Hi.

Dino: Um. . .

Security Guard: Say, you wouldn't by any chance the prisoner who escaped and has been running
rampant all over the place, killing people, would you?

Dino: Uh. . . no. Why would you think that?

Security Guard: [Looks at Dino's blood stained clothes and bloody sword.] Oh, no reason.

Dino: I see.

Security Guard: Yeah. . .

Dino: . . .So. . .

Suddenly, the Security Guard became alarmed by the sound of thumping and bumping

Security Guard: I am?

Yes, you are!

Security Guard: But I didn't hear anything.

*sigh* For crying out loud, do I have to do everything around here!? [Thumping and
bumping sounds.]

Security Guard: Oh no! I hear thumping and bumping outside! Maybe I should go and check to see
what it is!

Dino: I'll go and kill it for you!


Dino: Aw, why not?

Because I said so! Now sit here and wait for the security guard to go and check on it. And
before you ask, yes, you DO have to go and check out what the noise was!

Security Guard: Awww. . .

[He leaves to go check on the noise. After a few minutes, there's a long pause, and a pair of blood
curling screams can be heard. The security guard falls down the stairs, unconscious. Suddenly, a
huge shadow appears along the wall, accompanied by heavy, thick breathing, and loud footsteps.]

Dino: [Whimpers.] Oh crud.

The figure crept closer and closer, with its breathing rhythmically synchronized with its
footsteps, slow, heavy, and intimidating. It seemed like hours until the strange beast that scared the
Security Guard silly finally reached the bottom of the stairs, and at that moment, Dino screamed-

Dino: [In a high pitched voice.] AIIIEEEEEEEEEEE!

For what he found was the most hideous, most horrifying creature known to man! It was-
ooops! Heh, sorry everyone! As it turns out, it was just Yukon, who'd been frightened so much by
the Security Guard that her asthma began to act up and she was forced to utilize her inhaler while
she staggered down the stairs!

Yukon: [Gasping for breath.] Very *wheeze* funny.

Dino: Oh, Yukon, it's only you. For a minute I thought you were that "most hideous, most horrifying
creature known to man" the narrator was talking about. By the way, you didn't see what happened
to it, did you?

Yukon: [growls and then grabs Dino's arm] Shut-up and get moving, I'm busting you out of here!

Dino: But I already escaped from prison. See?

Yukon: NO YOU DIDN'T! You didn't step beyond the front door so you haven't escaped yet, and
I'm not about to let all my hard work and sacrifice be in vain, so you're not going out unless I drag
you out there, so get on the floor, grab my hand, and hang on, cause I'm breaking you out no matter
what you or anyone else says!

Dino: But, what about the "most hideous, most horrifying creature known to man" the narrator was
talking about?

Yukon: I SAID COME ON! [grabs Dino's ear and begins to pull him out the door] Idiot. . .

Dino: Ow, ow! That hurts Yukon! Ow, ow, ow, ow, OW!

This continued all the way up the stairs until both of them were out the front door. Yukon
then felt content on having done something worthwhile, and let go.

Yukon: Hmph, like hell I am. [Shakes fist at the sky.] This is the second time when my big part was
stolen away by Dino, dammit! When do *I* get to do something groundbreaking and important to
the plot!?

You're time will come, I assure you.

Yukon: [whines] But I wanna be important now!

Dino: You've always been important to me, Yukon! [Smiles brightly.]

Yukon: [Punches Dino in the nose, the returns to talking to the narrator.] Why is it MY important
plot points are always stolen by someone else? Why can't any of Susan's? Or Dino's? Hor how
about Roc-

SHHHHH!! Quiet! He hasn't even come into the story yet!

Yukon: I'll talk about him if I want to, dammit! And there's not a damn thing you can do abou-
[Yukon suddenly starts speaking in gibberish, and then in animal sounds. Afterwards her face is
twisted and contorted into various shapes. This is all topped off by her turning upside down and
hitting her head against the ground several time, and finally being thrown off the bridge, in which
after a few seconds, she drops from the sky and lands with a thud on top of Dino.]

Chris: What have I told you people about arguing with the narrator? You've seen what happens!

Dino: Chris, what are you doing here?

Chris: Nothing. Now go on with fic already, and pretend I'm not here!

Right. Anyway, Yukon and Dino thought they were home free, now that they were outside
and all. But, all was not what it seemed!

Dino: You know, Yukon, I think we might just be home free now, but for some reason, I don't think
all is as it seems.

Yukon: I'm not ready to go on with this yet! You, Mr. Narrator, still owe me an explanation as to
why only my important plot points are taken by others, while-


Yukon: [meekly] Yes sir.

As I was saying, they thought they were home free, but all was not as it seemed! The
Chancellor, who knew of Dino's escaping, realized that extreme measures would have to be taken
in order to prevent a breakout. So after applying some facial cream to prevent blackheads and
whiteheads and other blemishes, he went to the artillery room and dug out the biggest, badest, most
powerful weapon he could find: THE DRAMON-TANK! ::way cool echo effect::

Yukon: Oh no, Dino! I think I see the biggest, baddest, most powerful weapon the Chancellor could
find, heading out way!

Dino: Yukon, I can read, you know.

Yukon: [Glares at Dino icily.]

Dino: Okay! I'm sorry! [mumbles] sheesh. What, is it that time of month already?


Dino: Eeep!

Chancellor: BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA! Go forth and crush them, my Dramon-Tank!

[Suddenly, Machinedramon bursts through a wall and begins walking towards Dino and Yukon. A
sign is tied around his neck, which says DRAMON-TANK in big, red letters.]

Dramon-Tank: Look, small-easily-crushed-things-to-crush-easily. And-no-War-Greymon-to-stop-me.
Fun! I-will-crush-them-like-easily-crushed-things!

Dino: Eh, I don't think so.

[Dino runs around behind Machinedramon and tugs on a wire, which just happened to be plugged
into an electrical outlet, and connected to Machinedramon's leg.]

Machinedramon: Oh-crud.

Cut off from the source of his power, Machinedramon merely collapsed in a pile of metal
parts, crushing the Chancellor beneath his wight. With the metal behemoth defeated, Dino and
Yukon were able to continue their escape.

Dino: C'mon, let's get out of here.

Yukon: C'ya, sucker! [Sticks tongue out at Machinedramon and Chancellor.]

Chancellor: [Voice only.] Hah, you think this is enough to stop me? Just you wait, I'll lift all this
heavy machinery with my own two hands and destroy both of you! [Shuffling noises can be heard
from Machinedramon's remains.] Just, uh, give me a second to get out. . .

Machinedramon: Why-is-it-that-I-am-always-the-easiest-to-defeat?

Good question, Machinedramon, but since I not only have no idea, but don't care, I will be
moving on with the story.

Machinedramon: Aw. . .

Even though Yukon and Dino managed to get by the prison's defenses, they weren't out of
the woods yet. Because the prison lead directly to the palace, the two youngsters still had more
guards and traps and stuff, and still try and not end up in jail.

Random Guard: STOP! [Chases after Yukon and Dino.] Go to jail!

Another Random Guard: Do not pass Go! Do not collect $100,000!

[Dino and Yukon run past a corridor which leads to a large room. The word "go" is on the floor in
tiles, and as they run by, Dino reaches into a bin filled with money and takes out $100,000.)

Yet Another Random Guard: Hey, weren't you listening!

Dino: Was that the best gag you could come up with for this situation?

NO! Um, well, yes. . .

Yukon: Forget about it, Dino, the episode's almost over, anyway.

Through hallway and corridor, up stairs and down, in rooms and out of rooms, inside and
outside, along the walls and ceiling, over the river and through the woods, to hell and back, along
the strait and narrow path-


Uh, sorry. Anyway, the guards chased the two escapees all over the place and eventually
caught them again right in front of the entrance to the palace, as they were about to make their

Dino: We go through all that pointless jibbering for THIS!?

Chancellor: Now, criminal scum, you will pay for your crimes against the country!

Dino: But I didn't do anything!

Yukon: Hey, how did you get out from underneath Machinedramon, anyway?

Chancellor: . . .Just leave me alone! Anyway, the point is we caught you, and now you're going to
die. So I win, and YOU lose! Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-

Princess Nadia: Hold it right there!

Everyone: [Gasp] It's the princess! [Princess Nadia walks in from out of nowhere.]

Chancellor: Princess, where have you been!?

Princess Nadia: Nowhere, why?

Yukon: Um, could we hurry this up, the author's bag of jokes is obviously beginning to run dry
here. . .

Princess Nadia: Release those two people!

Soldiers: Yes princess! [They release Yukon and Dino.]

Dino & Yukon: Yay, we're free!

King Odaiba: [Also walking in from nowhere.] Seize those fellons! [The soldiers apprehend Yukon
and Dino.]

Dino & Yukon: Awww. . .

Princess Nadia: Father, please, here me out! These two are not enemies to our country! They did not
kidnap me!

King Odaiba: Yes, I know.

Princess Nadia: You do? [Blinks.] Then, why did you have the arrested? I thought. . .

King Odaiba: Saying that this young boy was an enemy of the state was only to cover up my real
reason for arresting him.

Princess Nadia: Yeah? What's that?

Dino: Yeah, what is your real reason for arresting me and wanting me executed?

King Odaiba: It's because you have a crush on my daughter!

Dino: . . .what?

Princess Nadia: Oh no. . .

King Odaiba: Yes, Nadia is my only daughter and with my wife dead, my only kin. Because of that,
I have decided to completely shelter Nadia from all outside life in order to protect her from anything
that would do her harm in a selfish manner to keep control over her! However, she soon became too
wild and disobeyed my orders and snuck away from the castle to the millennial fair! Once there, I
knew she'd eventually make friends with a boy, and swore to myself that this boy would be
immediately beheaded for taking advantage of my daughter. You just happened to be that unlucky


Yukon: King Odaiba, don't you think you're being just a tad bit overprotective here? I mean, if you
love your daughter so much, wouldn't you rather she be happy and have friends as opposed to be
sad and locked up like a prisoner?


Susan: You aren't the supreme ruler of anything, and certainly not me!

King Odaiba: Nadia, how dare you change your name to Susan without my permission! Change it
back now!

Susan: No! You're a rotten poopy head and I'm not living with you anymore! [Somehow manages
to free Dino and Yukon from the soldiers.] Now if you'll excuse us, we're going to have *fun* for
a change!

King Odaiba: No you will not! I have now decided to outlaw all fun in the world, so now you can't
have any fun whatsoever!

Yukon: Wait a sec, you can't do that!

King Odaiba: Yes I can! I am god, my word is law! I even have power over the author here!

At that moment, I realized that this guy's head was getting too big for his own good, so I
decided to intervene and show King Odaiba just who has authority over *who*. At that moment, the
remains of Machinedramon fell from the ceiling and crushed the soldiers, Chancellor, and King

Chancellor: Not again. . .

Machinedramon: Hello-again.

King Odaiba: Hah, you think this is enough to stop me? NOT A CHANCE! Soon, you will see the
true extent of my power! [Shuffling noises come from under Machinedramon.] Just, give me a
second to get free, here.

Yukon: [Whistles.] Wow, the same joke used twice! The author really MUST be running out of
jokes. . .

[With that, the entire earth shakes with an awful rumbling noise. Chunks of black stone begin to rain
on our protagonists, nearly hitting them each time.]

Yukon: What's happening? What'd I do?

Susan: Idiot, now you've done it, you broke the fourth wall!

Dino: All our jabbing away at it has weakened its foundation! If we don't do something soon, it'll
come crashing down and kill us all!

[Suddenly, in a huge plot contrivance, the T-3 in Yukon's tool belt begins to glow brightly. She
takes it out, and it shoots out a beam and opens up another time-gate, much like it did earlier in the

Yukon: Wow, talk about your plot convenience!

Dino: Plot contrivance, Yukon. Didn't you read the directions? [Fourth wall rumbles and shakes
more violently, and larger chunks of stone rain down.]

Susan: Quick, into the time gate!

Yukon: What!? Are you crazy? We have no idea where, not to mention when, it'll lead!

Susan: Whenever it is, it'll be better than being crushed by the fourth wall. [Fourth wall shakes even
more violently, and begins to sway to and fro.]


And as if on cue, the fourth wall DID explode. With no time left to think it over, Dino,
Susan, and Yukon jumped inside the time gate, which closed up just behind them. Just in time to,
because as they disappeared, the remnants of the fourth wall came crashing down, crushing
everything on the scene.

Kink Odaiba: [Shuffling noises can be heard beneath rubble.] Uh, hello? Anybody? We're still stuck
here. . .

Devimon Voice Over: Where will the time-gate take our heros? To salvation, or to their doom?
More importantly, will the next episode actually move the story along, or will it end up just being

Dude, haven't we trashed the fourth wall enough for one episode? Leave it alone, for crying
out loud!

Devimon VO: Will you calm down and not interrupt me!? I'm the ominous voice at the end of the
episode that tries to sound like he's talking about something relevant, but really is just babbling
nonsense out of his cake hole. I'm ALLOWED to speak of this as if it's a work of fiction. It's not
breaking the fourth wall at all!

Oh, yeah. I guess that's right. Heh, sorry!

Devimon VO: Don't mention it. Now, where was I? Oh yeah! Read the next episode of Digi-Trigger
to find out the answers to all these questions!

That's it?

Devimon VO: What do you mean "that's it?" Of course that's it!

You mean, no cheesy threat this time?

Devimon VO: YOU try coming up with a new cheesy threat to use at the end of every episode, then!

Okay, okay, I'm sorry, sheesh! Voice overs . . .

Devimon VO: Authors. . . sheesh . . .