Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digi-Trigger ❯ ROCKOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Yukon VO: Dino went and got himself arrested by the royal guards, so it was left up to me to
break him out of jail. Luckily, I arrived just in time to save him from the guillotine!

Dino VO: Funny, I don't remember it happening that way.

Yukon VO: Shut up. Anyway, the Chancellor tried to stop us with his Dramon Tank, but we
managed to get away, along with Susan, who joined us. But at the last minute, the fourth wall
broke apart and in order to save ourselves, we jumped into a Time Gate that randomly appeared!
I wonder what's going to happen to us?

Digi Trigger Episode 4: ROCKOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

[The entire scene opens up in a small, dark room, where a portal opens up and dumps Dino,
Yukon, and Susan onto the floor.]

Dino: Ow! I think I hit my head.

Yukon: It's a good thing you didn't hurt anything important.

Dino: [sulking] Why are you being so mean to me all of a sudden?

Yukon: Cause you broke the fourth wall!

Susan: Actually Yukon, I think you did that.

Yukon: No I didn't!

Susan: Yes you did. I specifically remembering you. . .

I don't mean to be intrusive here, but, could we please do without making fourth wall
breaking lines and comments this episode? I mean, the thing suffered some pretty hard damage
from last episode.

Susan: What, you mean Jan hasn't finished fixing it yet?

[Jan peeks out from behind a more shabby looking section of the fourth wall, duct-tape held in
one hand, and super glue in the other.]

Jan: Does it LOOK like I finished fixing it!? You better not even THINK of even SCRATCHING
the fourth wall this time around!

There, see? No fourth wall breaking this time, got that?

Dino: But it's so difficult coming up with humor that DOESN'T have to do with breaking the
fourth wall.

Don't worry. I'm sure something will come around later that'll give new material to the
humor content.

Yukon: Well, if you say so . . .

[The scene continues as if the previous exchange never happened.]

Susan: Ungh. . . where are we?

Yukon: A better question would be; WHEN are we?

Dino: An even better question would be where the hell is the door? It's crowded in here!

[Various noises begin to emit from the darkness, due to the trio moving around in such a
cramped space.]

Dino: Yukon, get your finger out of my nose!

Yukon: Only if you get your fist out of my gut!

[More moving.]

Susan: Yukon! That'd better not be your hand on my butt!

Yukon: I'm over here!

Susan: Dino! [Punches at where she thinks Dino is.]

Dino: OW! Sorry!

Yukon: Dino, how could you! You're only supposed to touch MY butt! [Punches at where she
thinks Dino is, but ends up hitting Susan instead.]

Susan: Ow! Why you. . .!

[They all begin to fight and move around a lot faster and make a whole lot of noise. All they are
successful in doing is getting themselves tangled up in each others limbs, however.]

Yukon: Oh, this is a fine predicament.

Dino: [whispering] Shhhh! I hear something. [They all listen quietly.]

Yukon: Something's headed this way!

Susan: Quick, let's get out of here!

[They all begin moving around even more furiously and frantically, getting even more tangled up
in each other.]

Dino: Whoever's foot this is in my ear, may I kindly ask you to PLEASE remove it before I am
forced to KILL YOU!?

[Suddenly, there is a loud noise from just outside the room. There's a bright splash of light, and
all three of them end up spilling out and sprawling across the floor at the feet of a sickly old

Sickly Old Man: Agh! Closet monsters! [Takes cane and begins whacking Dino over the head
with it.]

Dino: Ow! Ow! Stop that! I'm not a closet monster!

Sickly Old Man: Eh? You aren't? [Looks at Dino's bruised body.] You sure look like one to me.

Susan: Well he's not, so stop hurting our friend.

[The sickly old man stops, and then looks at Yukon and Susan. A contemplative look crosses his
face, as if he's just realized how odd it is to have three people who he's never seen before
suddenly materialize inside a closet.]

Sickly Old Man: Say, what are you three doing in my closet, anyway?

Yukon: Well, it's a long story, but you see sir. . .

[An hour later.]

Yukon: . . . and that's how we ended up inside your closet.

Sickly Old Man: . . . I see. . .

Susan: Yukon, do you really think the whole part about the evolution of mankind and how we
were conceived were really necessary, not to mention relevant, to the explanation?

Yukon: . . . Are you questioning my intelligence?

Sickly Old Man: So what you mean to tell me is, you come from some other time period,

Dino: Yeah, that's pretty much it.

Sickly Old Man: Oh, well then you must be the dumbest group of time travelers I've ever met!

Dino: What?

Sickly Old Man: [Ignoring Dino.] I mean, honestly, of all the time travelers I've met, you three
are the stupidest I've ever seen! I mean, when everyone else gets stuck here, they at least have a
time machine of sorts that they can jump back into and zoom the hell away from this time
period, but noooo. . . you three wound up here and have no way of getting back!

Yukon: Wait, you mean there are others here?

Sickly Old Man: Of course. Somehow, it seems like this place is a crossroads for time travelers.
Come, follow me.

[The Sickly Old Man leads the trio down a corridor, rambling on and on about pointless stuff.
Finally, the reach a large room, filled with a large number of sickly people, much like the Sickly
Old Man, but none quite as old.]

Dino: Whoah, who are these people?

Sickly Old Man: These are the survivors. They are the ones who wound up here with no way of
getting back to their normal time period and actually lived. By the way, I'm their leader, Dim.

Yukon: Wait a second, Dim, how did these people lose their way of getting back home?

Dim: Because the monsters and robots destroyed their time machines.

Susan: So then why do they look so sick and junk?

Dim: Why? WHY!? Foolish little girl, have you taken a look outside!? [He opens a window and
the group sees that the land outside is desolate with no traces of life, and the skies are filled with

Susan: Yep, that'd do it.

[Dino, in the mean time, is walking among the survivors. He walks up to one who's huddled in
the corner, seemingly talking to himself.]

Survivor of Time Travel: Hello? Al? Al, where are you? Come on Al, I need to know what Ziggy
says I'm here to do. Al?

[Scared out of his whits, Dino runs back to the others.]

Yukon: [To Dim.] No, I won't let you touch my-

Dino: Let's get out of here before the scary people get us! [Grabs Susan and Yukon and runs off
with them.]

Dim: [Enraged.] Damn whippersnapper! Just when I was getting ready to make my move too!

[One of the time travel Survivors walks up to Dim.]

Time Lady: Hey, didn't they just run down the corridor where the crazy computer is?

Dim: Eh? What crazy computer?

Time Lady: You know, the one that likes to kill people for fun?

Dim: Oh, that crazy computer! What about it?

Time Lady: Nothing.

Scared senseless by the strange people they just met, Dino, Yukon, and Susan rushed
down a corridor that they hoped would lead them away from the Time Travel Survivors. Where
didn't matter, just as long as it was away from them. Especially that creepy Dim person. But as
luck would have it, they ended up just rushing into more danger.

Central Weaver: Crush! Kill! Destroy!

Dino: Holy crud! It's a crazy guardian computer, bent on destroying us!

Central Weaver: Prepare-to-be-obliterated,-carbon-based-life-forms!

Susan: You'll have to kill us first, you giant mass of. . . whatever the heck you are!

Yukon: Um, isn't that kind of the point?

Central Weaver: Yes. Now-prepare-to-die. Connection-Terminator! [Fires a blast of electricity

Dino: [Jumps to the side, barely avoiding being hit.] Yipes! Hey, watch where you're shooting!

Central Weaver: Connection-Terminator! [Fires again, this time hitting Yukon in the stomach.]

Yukon: Owchies!

Central Weaver: And-now-for-you-to-die-and-burn-in-the-eternal-pit-of-

Wait a second, hold it! Stop the episode! This isn't in the script. Tech, what are you

Tech W.: Um, Timestones. . .

What the. . .? Tech? What are you doing here out of costume and in your underpants!?
You're supposed to be out there!

Tech W.: That's just it. Someone trapped me in my locker and stole my costume.

But if you're here, then who. . . ?

Chris McFeely: Wait a second. . . I know that voice from somewhere. [Walks up to the Central
Weaver and opens up the top.] AH-HAH!

. . .Charlene!?

[Sure enough, Izzy's pineapple laptop is resting comfortably inside the cockpit of the Central

Charlene: Uh-oh.

Chris: There you are, I've been looking all over for you! [Yanks Charlene out of the cockpit,
folds her up, and tucks her under his arm.] Do you know what kind of hell Izzy's been giving
me? He's a total mess!

Charlene: That-isn't-my-fault- [They quickly become out of earshot.]

Tech: Can I have my role back now?


Tech: Aw.

*sigh* Let's just skip to the part where Dino and co. make the big discovery about

Yukon: Hah! There we go! [Turns to Yukon and Dino.] This computer readout shows that the
conditions to form another Time Gate can be found at the coordinates of 22, 644. Just due east
from here!

Dino: Hey guys, I don't know about you, but do you get the feeling that we're missing

Susan: What do you mean?

Dino: I mean, we were just about to fight the Central Weaver, and all of a sudden, we're here.

Yukon: Don't be silly Dino. If something like that happened, don't you think the rest of us would
have noticed?

Dino: Yeah, I guess you're right.

As the computer begins to print out the information Yukon needs to find the time gate,
Susan notices a specific button that just seems to catch her eye for some reason.

Susan: Oooh! Flashy light! [Pushes the button.]

Suddenly, the entire screen froze, and the main CPU began to buzz and create a large
assortment of noises that indicated that it was loading. And in case nobody could gather that tiny
tidbit of information from the noises, the words "now loading" appeared at the bottom of the
giant monitor. Next, the screen lit up with the letters and number "PS9".

Dino: Boy, you'd think that after all these years, Sony would have created a processor that would
move faster than a snail's pace.

Susan: Shush, I think it's about to show us something.

How correct Susan was, for at that moment, the damn thing finally finished loading. The
result, however, was something that none of the heros could anticipate. They were witnessed to a
movie of sorts, a documented recording of an event that happened in the year 1999. The reel was
titles; "The Day of Lavosmon". [trippy echoing effect]

This was followed by the most horrific scene any one of them could ever imagine. From
out of the ground burst a giant monster of sorts, who repeatedly bombarded the entire planet
with energy blasts from its back until the entire planet was reduced to a complete wasteland,
barely capable of sustaining life. At that point, the movie ended, not because it was over, but
because the program committed an "illegal operation" and the entire computer shut down as a
result. Dino, Susan, and Yukon all just blinked dumbly for a few seconds.

Make that a few minutes.

Dino: What the hell was _that_?

Yukon: It was the most horrible thing I'd ever seen.

Dino: Susan, just what website did you go to anyway?

Yukon: It wasn't a website Dino, it was actually copied into this computer's mainframe. And
from the looks of it, this was a historical document of what happened 501 years ago.

Susan: That means, 999 years from the time we came from, the entire world will all but be
destroyed. . .

Dino: Oh, well, that's the way things go! [Turns around to leave.] Who's hungry?

Susan: Dino! How could you be so heartless?! We just learned that 999 years from now, uh, I
mean, 501 years ago- no wait- augh!

Yukon: What she's trying to say is that we just learned that our world will be ravaged by some
monster and all you can think about is eating!?

Dino: Aw c'mon, you don't _really_ think this will happen, do you?

Yukon: Have you looked outside?

Dino: . . . hm. . . good point. But I mean, it isn't like it really matters. We're going to be dead by
that time anyway!

Susan: But what about all those pore people who won't be dead when that happens? Oh!
Thinking about it just makes my over-active-sympathy gland throb! [Bursts into tears.]

Yukon: Hey, stop that! You're getting my clothes all wet!

Dino: [Thinking.] Oh crap. Now I went and made Susan cry. . . again. Shoot, I'd better fix this
somehow. I got it! [Aloud.] Well then, seeing as how you two seem to be so shocked by this,
there's only one thing left to do.

Susan: [Sniffles.] What's that?

Dino: We'll just go back in time and stop this from ever happening! [Yukon and Susan are silent
for a few seconds, then jump to their feet, screaming.]

Susan and Yukon: ARE YOU CRAZY?! Don't you realize that thing could kill us all easily? Do
you have some sort of death wish or something!? What makes you think we have a chance of
blah-blah-blah-blah. . .!?

Dino: [Thinking] Doh! Stupid, stupid, stupid. . .!

Yukon: . . . Besides, that took place over a thousand years ago based on what this computer tells
us! How the heck are we supposed to go back in time and stop it!?

do you THINK we're going to go back in time and stop it!?

Susan: Dino, that thing is huge! If it could desolate an entire planet with one shot, what do you
think it'd do to us? There's no way I'm going to fight that thing!

Dino: Come on, YOU were the one crying about how sorry you felt for the world just a few
minutes ago.

Susan: THAT was my overactive-sympathy-gland. There's no way I'm going to go and get
myself killed for some future that I'm not even going to live to see anyway.

Dino: Aw, you big babies. Come on, it'll be fun! We'll become heros and the world will forever
know us as the people who saved the world from some big. . . turtle type thing. . .

Yukon: Heros, huh? Hm. . . [Yukon begins to fantasize about what would happen if she became
a world wide hero. She sees herself standing in a parade in her honor, and later in a huge
mansion surrounded by many well tone man-servant, with lots of money and expensive items all
around her.] You know, that isn't such a bad idea at all!

Dino: There, see?

Yukon: Come on, let's go find that time gate and get home so we can figure out how to beat this
Lavosmon thing!

Susan: [sighs] I try and tell them that it's suicide, but do they listen? NOOO! [Follows Yukon
and Dino outside of the room, where they re-appear in the room with all the lost time travelers.
Dim greets them.]

Dim: Ah! So you came back, did you? Did you realize that your hopelessly lost now?

Yukon: Nope! In fact, we found our way back home!

Dim: Eh? You did? Hm. . . well that IS unprecedented. Yes, it is.

Yukon: But, in order to get there, we need to trek halfway across the barren wasteland.

Dim: . . .So?

Yukon: We were wondering if you'd like to help us.

Dim: Oh. . . nope.

Yukon: Aw come on! We just blew up that Central Weaver thingy for you! You should at least
help us for helping you.

Dim: Eh? What? Who are you?

Susan: What the. . . don't you remember who we are?

Dim: Never seen you before in my life.

Time Lady: Dim can be a bit senile at times, see.

Dim: What was I doing here?

Dino: You were going to help us get across the barren wasteland so we could go home.

Dim: Eh? I was? Hm . . . well, okay. Here, [hands Dino a set of keys] use these to operate the
speeder bike so you can get to where you need to go.

Dino: OoooooOOOOoooooh! [Grabs the keys like a little child getting a new toy to play with.]
Thanks! Come on, let's go!

As Dino, Susan, and Yukon left to get the speeder bike, Dim and Time Lady stared after
them for no good reason at all.

Dim: Hm, they be strange children indeed.

Suddenly, Time Lady froze stiff, an expression on her face as if she just heard the sound
of nails scratching against a chalkboard.

Time Lady: You- said- the- "I" word! [Grabs a huge mallet out of nowhere.] DIIIIIIEEEEE!

Meanwhile, across the barren wasteland, a group of motorcycle styled robots go zooming
about. Ahead of them, a larger version of themselves suddenly screeches to a halt and transforms
into an upright robot rolling around on a solitary wheel.

Thrust: Alright cycle drones, listen up! It's our job to make sure those fleshy organics don't go
messing around. So if you find one of them, kill them on- [Thrust is suddenly run over by a
speeding motorcycle, with Dino at the controls. When the dust clears, we see him steamrollered

Cycle Drone 1: Uh, boss? You okay?

Cycle Drone 2: He's dead Jim. Kick him if you want.

Jim (aka Cycle Drone 1): Oh, that's too bad.

[There's an odd moment of silence.]

Cycle Drone 3: So uh, what do we do now?

Cycle Drone 4: Wanna go make fun of the Dinozaurs again?

Cycle Drone 2: Eh, why not?

All the cycle drones then transformed back to their vehicle modes and tore down the
barren wasteland. In the meantime, Dino and co. made their way across the wasteland to the
other abandoned laboratory, where hopefully, they'd be able to find a gate to home.
The lab was dark and spooky, with lots of monsters that the group killed instantly. They
waded through the mess of wires and old machine parts, until they came to a dead end. It was
there that Yukon's little doohicky device thingy started going haywire, just like at the beginning
of episode 3. Except it wasn't quite as loud as that time.

Yukon: Well, we found the time gate, there's just one problem. . .

Dino: What's that?

Yukon: It's on the other side of this door, and the door is stuck.

Susan: Darn. Now what do we do?

Yukon: Well, why don't we just sit here until we think of something?

And so they did- for an hour.

Dino: Thought of anything yet?

Yukon: Nope.

Susan: I WOULD think of something, if Dino would get his hand off of my leg!

Dino: Susan, I'm sitting halfway across the room from you. How could I POSSIBLY have my
hand on your leg?

Susan: Huh? Then who's hand is on my head? [Susan reaches up to pull the hand on her head
into view. Suddenly, Susan discovers that the hand isn't attached to anything.] EEEEEEE! [She
jumps up and runs behind Dino and Yukon.] W-w-w-w-what is that thing?

In order to get a better look at what they were up against, Yukon took a flashlight out of
her tool belt and shone it on the spot where Susan was sitting. The beam of light lit up the area
to reveal that the dismembered hand was actually part of a large heap of scrap and metal Susan
sat on. Upon closer inspection, Yukon made a startling discovery:

Yukon: It's a robot!

Yes, indeed it was a robot. A badly damaged, rusty, very very old robot, but a robot
nonetheless. An idea came to Yukon, which she in turn related to her companions. Using her
tools and anything else she could find, Yukon decided she was going to restore the robot.
Hopefully she'd be able to get it working again, and they'd have their own mechanical slave that
would open the door for them. Dino and Susan weren't too keen on the idea of reactivating the
robot, but the idea of having their own slave to do their bidding appealed to them. So rather than
listening to their better judgement, they decided to let Yukon go ahead and rebuild the robot for
their own uses and pleasures.
Yukon got to work on rebuilding the robot immediately, ensuring Susan and Dino that
there was no chance of the robot attacking them, as Yukon would be able to reprogram it to
serve them. She explained how robots lacked free will and the ability to make their own choices,
and how once she was done, the robot would do their bidding almost willingly. She rambled on
an on about this, until she noticed that both Dino and Susan had dozed off after tiring of her
rambling. At that point, Yukon decided to shut up and get to work. Fortunately, the robot wasn't
in as bad shape as she'd thought, so she was able to repair it with relative ease. Finally, she

Yukon: There, it's done!

Susan: [Yawns.] Finally.

Dino: [Looking the still frame of the robot up and down.] You know, this thing is kinda big. Are
you sure it won't hurt us?

Yukon: Of course not! I took every precaution necessary to ensure that it would be our mindless
servant no matter what! Don't you trust my work?

Susan & Dino: No.

Yukon: [Pouts.] Oh, I'll show you! [Presses a button on the robot.] Activate.

Upon pushing the button, electricity began to flow throughout the robot's systems,
causing oil to pump through its pipes and gears to turn and compute programs to function and
whatnot. With all motor systems functioning properly, the robot began to move! First it only
twitched its pinky, but then it moved all of the fingers on one hand, and then all the fingers on
the other! Finally, the robot slowly, but surly, stood up on its tow feet. It thrust its hands into the
air, and emit loud, piercing yell.

robot relaxes.] Oh yeah, that felt good!

worked! It really, really worked! That's two successes for Yukon! I'm on a roll! [Begins doing a
funky victory dance, much like those done by football players who just scored a touchdown.]

Robot: [Stretches for a bit.] Man, nothing like a nice long nap to make you feel all relaxed!
[Notices Yukon, Dino, and Susan.] Well, well, good morning! Who are you?

Dino: Uh, I'm Dino.

Susan: My name is Susan.

Robot: I see. Good morning Susan and Dino. [Looks at Yukon.] And, who might be the weird
little girl over there prancing around like a hyperactive kindergartner high on caffeine be?

Yukon: Hi! My name is Yukon! [Vigorously shaking the robot's hand.]
youallonherlonesomewithoutanyhelp fromanyonebackgoodasnewsoyoucouldhelpusandbemyetern
al slavefortherestofourlivesoruntilItireofyouandthrowyouinagarbagedumpsomewher ewhichever

Robot: . . . [Turns to Susan and Dino.] Was that English?

Yukon: Oh, I mean, *ahem* Hi, I'm Yukon, I rebuilt you!

Robot: You did?

Yukon: Yep.

Robot: [Glomps Yukon violently.] Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthank
youthankyouthanky outhankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyout
han kyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyo uthank
youthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou-THANK YOU! [Drops Yukon.] You can't
believe how grateful I am for this! You have saved my life, I am forever in your debt, I'll do
ANYTHING to repay you! Just name it, and it's yours!

Yukon: Be my slave.

Robot: [Burst out laughing.] Hah hah, that's a good one! [Pats Yukon on the head, which sends
her crashing to the floor.] I didn't realize that any genius types could have such a great sense of
humor! Any idiot knows that they can't make slaves out of reploids.

Yukon: Out of what?

Robot: You know, reploids! Robots capable of human emotions and with the ability to make our
own decisions without anyone telling us what to do!

Yukon: [Disenchanted, as her entire dream of having her own personal robotic slave has been
shattered. (Boy this is a long description).] Oh.

Robot: But don't worry, I'll help you guys out in any other way I can! Just name it, and I'll do it.

Susan: Well, we are in need of some help with this door here.

Robot: Really? Let me see. [Looks at the door for a while, kicking it and inspecting it here and
there.] Hmm. . . yup, I'm certain. . . yes, I think. . .

Dino & Susan: Yeah? Yeah!? YEAH?

Robot: [Finally, he turns from the door back to Dino, Susan, and Yukon.] Yessiree-bob. I'm now
positive that I've discovered that the problem with this door: it's stuck! [Dino and Susan fall
over anime style.]

Dino: We could have told you that!

Susan: Now how about telling us how to open the door!?

Robot: Oh, well, um. . .

Dino: You _do_ know how to open the door, do you?

Robot: Of course I do! I just, forgot.

Susan: Oy vey. . .

Yukon: You guys might as well forget about it. If I couldn't figure out how to open the door,
then there can't be any possible way to open it!

Robot: Wait a second, that's it! Now I remember!

Susan: [Hopefully.] Really?

Dino: Alright! How do you open it?

Robot: You don't. [Everyone falls over anime style, again.] It's really quite simple, really. This
is an automatic door. Sensors around the door pick up your mass as you draw near and
automatically open the door to let you in.

This news hit the three time travelers much like a steel girder in the face. As one would
expect, the hopes of all three were shattered like glass. The fact that they wouldn't be able to
open the door meant that they would never be able to reach the time gate on the other side,
which meant that they would never be able to get home, which meant that they wouldn't be able
to figure out how to defeat Lavosmon, which would mean they'd never be able to save the
future, which meant. . . well, you get the idea.

Dino: [Sobbing.] I wanna go home, I want my mommy.

Susan: This is so depressing, even my overactive-sympathy-gland is depressed.

Yukon: [Wailing.] But I don't wanna be stuck in the future! I want to go to the past, with all my
family and friends, and with my nonexistent dog and baby brother, and with all the stupid little
animals that get on my nerves, and-

Robot: Hello? Guys? Yoo-hoo! Earth to the crybabies! I think you're all overreacting here.

Yukon: [Still crying rivers.] What do you mean we're all overreacting? We're never going to be
able to go home, you giant tin plated dolt! You said it yourself, we can't open that door!

Robot: No, I said that we _don't_ open the door. That door is 100% capable of being opened.

Dino: [Sniffles.] Really?

Robot: Of course. All you have to do is resupply power to this building, and when someone
walks up to the door, it'll open.

Yukon: [Slaps herself in the forehead.] Of course! How could I be so stupid! All we have to do is
give the door the energy we need to open! It's so obvious!

Susan: Yeah, but how exactly _do_ we resupply the power to the door?

Robot: That's easy. I know of an emergency-backup generator somewhere in this building. All
we have to do is find it and turn it on.

Dino: Alright! Let's go and find this generator so we can go home!

Robot: Wait! Now that I think about it, this generator is rather small. Plus, its probably rather old
and rusted by now. It may only work for a short amount of time.

Yukon: I see, so one of us has to stay here and open the door in case the generator gives out by
the time we return.

Robot: Right. I'd do it myself, but I have to show you people where the generator is.

Yukon: And being the most intelligent person here, I'll have to go in order to work the generator.
That leaves Dino and Susan.

Susan: Alright, so me and Dino will stay here, while the two of you go and find the generator.

Robot: Actually, we might need a third person to guard us from any monsters while we work on
the generator. So one of you will have to stay here alone.

Susan: Wait a minute, you mean to tell me there are monsters here!?

Yukon: Well, since Dino's the best fighter, we'll bring him.

Susan: No way! I'm NOT staying here all by myself when there are monsters about! Since
Dino's the best fighter, HE should be the one to stay and I'LL go with you two!

Dino: What? No way! What makes YOU think that I am going to stay here with monsters
running around!?

Robot: Hm, we'll have to find some way to settle this.

Dino: Wait, I know how! [Points to the ceiling.] Look, Susan, gullible is on the ceiling!

Susan had already looked up when Dino yelled out "look" and pointed upward, so she
wasn't able to guard against the boy's trick.

Dino: Scram! [Grabs Yukon and the robot and runs off.]

Susan: Hey! Dino, that's a cheap trick! [Clenches fists and turns bright red with fury.] Grr. . . I'll
get him for that!

In the meantime, the robot, Yukon, and Dino, had all gotten far enough away from Susan
that they could walk leisurely.

Dino: Say, you know, we all told your our names, but you never told us yours.

Yukon: Hey, you're right! Just what is your name, anyway? Or do we just call you 'the robot' for
ever and ever?

Robot: Oh, right! My name's Rocko.

Yukon: Rocko the robot?

Rocko: No, just Rocko. R-o-c-k-

Dino: We know how it's spelled.

Rocko: Oh, alright then. Turn here, the emergency-backup generator's room should be at the end
of this hall.

Sure enough, it was. (What, were you expecting more than that? Get real.)

Yukon: Ooh! [Sits down at controls.] This thing is pretty advanced, but I think I can handle it.
[Taps at the buttons.] There, all we have to do now is connect the main power cable it should

Rocko: Allow me. [Plugs in the generator to an outlet on the wall. Suddenly, the entire building
jumps to life.]

Dino: Alright, it worked! Although I do feel kind of like it was wasteful for me to come here.
There weren't any monsters or enemies to fight.

Mysterious voice: We can fix that.

At that moment, six robots, shaped exactly like Rocko (except all colored bluish-grey)
dropped from the ceiling right in front of our heros. They were TW-99, TW-97, TW-33, TW-16,
TW-28, and TW-1.

TW-99: We are the TW series of robots, and we're going to hurt you, and. . . stuff.

Dino: [Un-sheaths sword.] Me and my big mouth.

Yukon: Why do you want to hurt us, anyway? What did we ever do to you?

TW-99: It's nothing personal, but it is our job to punish you for breaking the rules.

Dino: Rules, what rules?

TW-1: Can't you read signs? [Points to a sign on a wall.] This is a no pants zone!

Dino: What the he-? [Two of the TW units grab Dino abruptly and remove his pants, somehow
getting them past his boots with no trouble.]

Yukon: Wow Dino, I didn't know you wore colored briefs.

TW-1: It's also a no skirt zone! [The same two TW units grab Yukon and strip her of her skirt
and toolbelt.]

Dino: Yeah, well I didn't know you wore silk panties with big red hearts on both ends. [Yukon
desperately tries to cover herself up with her shirt.]

TW-99: And now that we have righted your wrongs, it is time for retribution!

Rocko: Wait!

TW-99: Wait? What do you mean wait?

Rocko: I mean wait as in don't hurt them. They're my friends!

TW-97: And why should we listen to you?

Rocko: Because I'm _your_ friend too! Don't you recognize me? It's your old buddy, Rocko!

TW-99: Of course I recognize you, Rocko, old buddy! I'd remember your face anywhere!
[Punches Rocko in the head.] And I also remember you owe me fifty bucks!

TW-1: Hey yeah, come to think of it, he owes me money too!

TW-33: Me too!

TW-16: Now that you've brought that up, I think he owes us all money!

Rocko: [Thinking] Oh crap, I was hoping they forgot.

TW-97: Dog pile! [They all pile on top of Rocko, crushing him flat.]

Rocko: Owch.

Dino: Hey, you can't do that, he's our friend!

TW-99: A word of advice kids, never lend this guy money. Wait a second, why am I discussing
tips on being friends with this guy with the two of you? Kill them! [All the TWs rush at Dino and

Dino: Oh crud.

Yukon: You think you can just come up here, ruin all my hard work, take our pants/skirt, and kill
us with no reason? I don't THINK so! [Whips out her Wonder Shot and blows up the nearest
TW, which would be TW-1]

TW-1: Damn.

Yukon: I spent a damn lot of time repairing him, and you just went ahead and destroyed him!
Because of you, he's dead!

Rocko: [On the floor.] I'm not dead. . .

Yukon: Well, they damaged you almost beyond repair!

Rocko: Actually, I think I'm getting better . . .

Yukon: Oh, would you shut up and let me blow them to pieces already!?

Rocko: Sorry.

Yukon: S'alright. Now where was I?

TW-16: You were about to blow us all to smithereens?

Yukon: Oh yeah, thanks! Ragh! [Begins shooting like a maniac. TW-97 is the next to go.]

TW-97: Hey, just what are smithereens anywAAAAAAAAAY-!

[Then comes TW-33. . .]

TW-33: How should I knOOOOOOOOW-!

Yukon: And this is for stealing Dino's pants!

[. . .followed by 28. . .]

TW-28: Oh SH-!

Yukon: And this-

[. . .and finally, TW-99.]

Yukon: -is for exposing me in my lucky-underwear!

TW-99: WAIT! This was too brief a came-


TW-99's head: [Which happens to be laying on the ground.] -o. . . [Head rolls away.]

Yukon: [Putting away her Wonder Shot and running to Rocko's side.] Don't worry Rocko, I'll
save you!

Rocko: Memory banks. . . fuzzy. . . losing. . . optic sensors. . . can't see. . .

Yukon: [Sadly] Oh no, we lost him.

Rocko: Hah-hah! Just kidding! But I do hurt like HELL!

Yukon: Don't worry, we'll get you back to the room I found you, and fix you right up! Come on
Dino, help me carry him!

Dino: Me? Why me?

Yukkon: Do you see anyone else here to help?

Dino: Yes, my invisible friend Todd. [Wraps his arm around the air.]

Yukon: [She smashes a hammer on Dino's head.] Stop goofing off and help me carry him!

Dino: OW! [Rubs head in pain.] Okay, okay.

They both managed to drag Rocko back to the room where they found him. They also
returned to see it piled high with robot carcasses, with Susan sitting high atop the pile, crossbow
in one hand, and Takeru's 02 hat in the other.

Susan: There you are! I ought to kill you all for leaving me be- [pauses abruptly] why aren't you
two wearing pants?

Dino: [looks down] You know, I was wondering why it was so cold.

So they went back to get their pants (and skirt), and returned. Susan beat the hell out of
Dino. Meanwhile, Yukon was hard at work repairing Rocko, utilizing anything she could find,
seeing as how she had to replace just about every part of his body. Luckily, there wasn't a
shortage of parts, as Susan's massacre left plenty of replacement parts. Finally, the task was
done, and Rocko was good as new, sort of.


Susan: We've gone through all of that already, we don't need to do it again.

Rocko: Oh, right. Thanks. [Moves around a bit.] Hey, why do I feel so funny? I feel so. . . heavy,
and off balance. . .

Dino: Well, there's actually a reason for that.

Rocko: What do you mean? [Catches a glimpse of his reflection in a piece of metal.]
AAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUGH! [Grabs Yukon and shakes her violently.] What
have you done to me!?

Yukon: Uh well, you see, you were damaged so badly that I kinda had to rebuild your body from
scratch, see?

Rocko: But did you have to make me look like a big, fat, hulking pile of scrap? Look at me! I
think one arm is actually bigger than the other! And what the hell is with this giant thing on my
back!? How am I supposed to keep my balance with something that huge!?

Susan: Well, look at this way; now you can go around telling people "I am the robot of the
incredibly heavy backpack,"!

Rocko: Shut-up, you aren't helping. [begins yelling at Yukon again] What ELSE did you do to
RUIN me, you second rate mechanic!? What else did you remove, or add, or deform beyond
recognition and use? Huh? TELL ME!

Yukon: I guess this is a bad time to tell you about that program I removed, then?

Rocko: What? What program!?

Yukon: Well, you see, there was this huge program that was taking up large amounts of space on
your hard-drive, and it wouldn't let me use any other program to access your hard-drive except
itself. Not only that, but whenever I tried to use it, it would crash or say I performed an "illegal
operation" and junk like that. So I deleted it and removed the microchip associated with it.
[Cringes in fear.] PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!

Rocko: Wait a second; did this chip have the picture of a window on it?

Yukon: Y-yeah, why?

Rocko: . . . . . . . . . . .I'M FREEEEEEEEEEEE! [Glomps Yukon.] You wonderful person! You
genius! You goddess of all things technological and robotic! Because of you, I'm freed of that
awful OS for good! THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU! [Begins doing back-flips and
cartwheels and all sorts of strange acts of gymnastics.] Woo-hoo! Woo-hoo! Woo-hoo! Woo-
hoo! Woo-hoo! Woo-hoo! Now I really am forever in you debt! You have made it so that I can
walk without worrying about shutting down completely due to that horrible program! How can I
ever thank you? I'll do anything, ANYTHING you want! Just name it, and it's yours!

Yukon: Be my slave?

Rocko: Hah! Again with the humor! Of course you know I can't do that. I'm my own individual,
only I may tell myself what to do!

Yukon: Rats.

Rocko: Oh yeah, and sorry about all that name calling and junk.

Yukon: It's okay, I'm just glad I didn't totally mess up.

Dino: Yeah, like usual. [Yukon beats him on the head.] OW!

Rocko: Well, I have to admit, this body you built me is different than my old one, but I think I'll
get used to it.

Susan: Well I'm glad Rocko's okay and all, but what about the door? How are we going to get
home, when it's still closed?

Dino: Susan, you mean to tell me you didn't open it before the generator broke down?

Susan: Well I would have, but I was to busy fighting robots and monsters and junk to get
anywhere near the door!

Dino: Well, looks like we'll have to activate the generator again is all.

Yukon: Um, actually, I kind of destroyed it with my Wonder Shot when I killed the TWs.

Dino: You mean to tell me, we're stuck here?

Susan: I. . . I guess so. . .

Rocko: Not to worry people, leave it to me! [Walks up to the door.] Hi-yah! [Punches the door,
knocking it down.] Tah-dah!

Dino: Wait a second, you mean to tell me you could have just knocked down that door the entire

Rocko: Oh yeah, sure. I just didn't feel like it until now. [In anime like style, the enraged faces
of Dino, Yukon, and Susan all take up the entire screen in front of Rocko, who appears to be
very small in their wake.] B-b-b-but let's not dwell on that! Let's just focus of what's important,
that the door is open and we can finally go back to the past!

Dino: Well yeah, I guess you're right about th- wait a second, what do you mean by _we_?

Rocko: Hey, I'm in your debt, remember? You guys helped me out twice now, so I decided that
I'd join you three on whatever quest you are on until I repay the favor. From now on, just think
of me as your-

Yukon: Slave?

Rocko: [not missing a beat] companion.

Yukon: Well, it was worth a shot.

Susan: Well, I guess we could always use another companion for help.

Dino: You got a point there. Alright then Rocko, welcome to the group!

Yukon: And with that settled, it's time to go home! Time-gate, OPEN!

With those words, Yukon held out her T-3 and a large, blue portal opened up in front of
them. The four heros, Dino, Susan, Yukon, and now Rocko, all entered in as it closed, ready for
any adventures that may await them. Well, almost any adventures. Most of them. A few. . . well
okay. They weren't really ready for anything, but it seemed like a good way to end this episode,
don't you agree?

Devimon VO: Where will this Time-Gate lead Dino and his friends, and what sort of adventures
wait for them there? You'll have to read next episode of Digi Trigger: "Odaiba or Bust!" to find
out. So read it, or else I'll break your legs!