Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon 02 AV ❯ 15. A Revelation ( Chapter 15 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Next on Digimon 02 AV:

Things go wrong for Simon

"Let us out you can't hold us here forever!" Sora cried.

Catherine looks steamed at Matt

"Ha.....Interesting.... fights between the chosen children have started." An Garbagemon said.

Tree vines and leaves form a dome over TOP TAI, Sora, Agumon and Biyomon.


all in a new episode of digimon digital monster 02 alternate adventures:





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15. A Revelation

Izzy: " It turned up as a mess after Simon order both Tai and Sora to return back to his castle where he re- brainwashed Tai, and gave both Tai and Sora a new outfit...and as part of a request from Tai...Simon had special food made for Biyomon and Agumon to make them stronger. Which we learned the hard way when, Tai and Sora got the Earth Stone of Destiny from the cave...on orders from Matt we stood and attacked them, which wasn't a good Idea because Wargreymon nearly kill TK and Kari and were still recovering from the shock."


"I'm fine." TK replied as Joe checked him making sure he was okay after both TK and Kari were thrown far.

"I'm making sure TK." Joe replied, he turned to Gomamon and Patamon. "Okay...everything's okay." He replied to the digimon, Patamon sighed. "Thank goodness for that." He replied and went over to TK, Joe had worried expression on his face. "What's wrong Joe?" Gomamon asked. "I don't know...TK is fine psychically but mentally I'm not sure." He replied.

"Oh...well....I'm sure he'll get back to the his cheerful way right?" Gomamon asked. "I guess he could we will just have to wait and see." Joe said he returned over to the group.... Izzy was typing at this computer as usual

Matt spoke up. "I can't believe he didn't agree that Kari was his sister." He replied in shock and rubbed his sore jaw. "Maybe he meant something else." Gabumon reasoned.

"Or maybe he was brainwashed." Izzy replied suddenly all of them startled looked over at him. "What?" Mimi questioned. "How can he be brainwashed and why?" Floramon asked.

"Guys I got the solution all here...if you think about the clues..." he trailed off and pressed another key. "Izzy...what clues?" Matt asked.

"The clues....look at it this ways...the way they have been acting it's not them, it's like someone else gave them those attributes." He replied and typed way again on the computer.

"Attributes?" Catherine questioned. "Yes...there...um...the way they act." He tried to explain. "You mean like how we digimon have our own attributes as Genia said?" Gomamon asked as he came to the campsite. "Yes something like that." He replied.

"What are you guys talking about?" Joe asked. "The traitors." Matt replied. "They are technically not traitors...at least not as themselves they're aren't." Izzy replied then started again.

"The clues... one as following is that Tai said that Kari isn't his sister...that's the biggest one...I think that would give away the fact that they are brainwashed by someone. Second is the fact that Sora was attacking Catherine with out hesitation...I know Sora isn't one to attack like that. -." Gabumon interrupted he remembered what Wargreymon had told him. "Then that explains why Wargreymon didn't remember what happened when Cherrymon convinced Matt to fight Tai....he didn't remember it he simply said that nothing happened and questioned what I was talking about." He said.

"There's more." Palmon replied. "Phoenixmon...was the same she didn't remember being friends....she kept on fighting when I asked her what was wrong she insisted that nothing was wrong."

Silence fell among them all, the crickets were alive with their own music...that was when Joe broke it. "Then if they really don't remember any of the digimon adventures then...that must be why they turned against us, they were brainwashed." He replied.

TK, Kari and they're digimon joined the others by the fire. "What's going on?" Kari asked. " I think we might have solved the reason why Tai, Sora, Biyomon and Agumon turned against us...They were brainwashed..." Izzy said to the four of them..

"Seriously, My bother is brainwashed?" Kari questioned in shock. "Then we all know the answer as to who did this ...because the only person who would be this sick minded is Simon he's the cause for this whole incident." Catherine says determined face on her.

"Right...we just have to figure a way to undo what Simon did." Izzy replied.


Biyomon and Agumon were sleeping on the bed in Sora's room...While Tai and Sora talked. "We got one stone and they got the other." Sora said she looked at the stone, in it's treasure box.

Tai got up paced the room. "But what I don't get is why they said the Kari girl was my sister." He says as he paces the room, Simon came in surprising both of them, Sora shut the box quickly then picked it up, and came toward Tai who was facing Simon. "You've returned and I hope you have what I want." Simon said to them, nodding Sora held out the box.

"Ah good." Simon took the box and opened it. "Marvelous the earth stone....thank you...you both did well." He looked at Sora and kissed her on her cheek, this caused Tai's eye's to widen he looked a little angry but it cooled off as Simon put his hand out to him. "Good Job Tai...I'll be sure to grant you some special benefit." He replied to him, Tai slowly nodded then put his hands into his pockets.

"Right Simon." He replied, Sora watched him carefully trying to see if she could sense something from Tai.

"Well tomorrow is a new day and as all new days start I want you both to go out and find the Leaf stone of destiny." Simon replied to them, they both nodded. "Um, do you think you could have that special food you gave to our digimon in the morning?" Tai asked.

He nodded "I'll have my servants bring it to you with your breakfast in the morning...good night both of you." Simon said he left her room.

Tai turned to her... "Do you like it when he kissed you on your cheek?" he asked straight forward she looked down. "I...don't know." She replied she then broke her glaze at the floor then looked at him.

"Dose it bother you?" she questioned. It caught Tai of guard slightly. "I...no...it doesn't" he replied quickly. "Well then...I guess I do...but I don't know." She questioned herself.

"Oh....then I'll go to my room...goodnight." he said to her, he stood walked to her then kissed her other cheek softly, and quickly walked toward to wake his digimon who was asleep. Sora watched then felt her cheek where he had kissed her.

"Agumon wake up." He called to his digimon. "I'm up." The digimon replied then he hopped off the bed and walked to the door to where his and Tai's room was located.

Tai went to the door and stopped turned to Sora who still look flustered. "Good night." He replied. "Good Night Tai." She replied, they smiled then went to get their rest.



The breeze blew over the camp lightly. Waking up Kari, she saw Matt was on watch...with Gabumon. "Matt?" she questioned. "Huh? Kari?" he asked and turned to see her standing there. "Can I ask you something?" she asked him.

"Okay sure." He replied then she looked at her hands. "You don't really think Tai is a traitor do you?" she questioned him.

He shook his head. "Of course I don't...he's being brainwashed...and we are going to help him get back to the way he was." He said to her, she nodded and smiled "Okay I believe you Matt...thank you." She replied she walked back to were Gatomon was and sat down, Slowly everyone began to wake up.


"Okay right so let's go over the facts that we know." Izzy replied he brought up a window on his laptop. " You wrote it down?" Tentomon asked him. "Never mind that...what going on the straight facts." Matt asked as he had a cold cloth over his jaw from the pervious fight with Tai.

"Right...what we know is the fact Tai didn't remember Kari at all...he said she wasn't his sister, Sora's actions from the fight too...she was going to strike you in the back with a branch Matt if Catherine hadn't gotten into her way." Izzy replied, Matt looked at him in shock. "What? She was...going to do...that?" he questioned him. Then looked to the rest of the chosen children they all nodded slowly.

"But don't take personal Matt she isn't herself and neither is Tai for the matter." Gabumon replied to him, he nodded. "I know." He answered.

"So Let's get back at Simon!" TK exclaimed. "Not So fast TK...It isn't as simple as it seems...first of all we don't know how Simon brainwashed them, second we don't know how he'll react, but we can't go there unprepared with out a plan of action." Izzy replied. "Great.... just great." Joe replied. "No kidding so what now?" Gomamon questioned.

"We start a plan of course." Matt stated matter of factly. "And I have an Idea." Kari said.


Tai, Sora, Agumon rode on Phoenixmon as she soared through the sky; they spotted something on the ground...it looked like digimon a group of them.

"What's going on down there?" Agumon questioned. "I don't know but it doesn't look to nice." Phoenixmon replied. "Fly over it a bit more Phoenixmon." Sora asked her digimon as they made another fly above them once more. "I think they're Woodmon." Agumon said as they flew by another time.

"Well what ever they are doing never mind it...we got to get into the lost forest." Tai replied, Sora nodded. "Right Lets go." Phoenixmon said as she soared through the sky.


The Chosen children were suddenly startled by beeping, "Guys...Tai and Sora are near by." Matt said he looked up in the sky but couldn't see them. "Come on!" he cried he got up and started to run in the direction of where the two red marks on his digivice were heading, Gabumon hurried to catch up with him. "Wait for me Matt!" TK called and started to run as Patamon tried to catch up with him.

"Me too!" Kari cried and she also ran just a little bit behind TK but managed to keep up with Gatomon in tail.

"Kari wait!" she cried after them. Catherine and the rest of them also followed.

Matt ran following the signal all the while watching where he was going making sure he didn't run into a tree or anything then the signal stopped suddenly...it caused Matt to stop he was panting he looked up in the sky. "What the..." he said looking around confused.

"Matt!" Gabumon came running up to him panting. "Don't do that." He said to him. "Sorry...but they're signal is gone it disappeared suddenly." He replied as he himself caught his breath then just a few moments later TK, Patamon, Kari and Gatomon appeared from the brush, Matt stood in an open area in the forest he looked rather confused.

"I don't understand...they were here a minute ago they couldn't have gone that fast." Matt replied in shock, he moved his digivice around trying to get a reading, but got none. Soon the others had caught up, excluding Mimi, Catherine, Palmon and Floramon, and were standing around him trying to rest a bit after the small sprit they had just made through the brush.

"That's odd." Izzy replied, he too looked at his digivice.

Joe did also. "How about I digivole...then I could knocked them down." Gomamon offered. "No...you'll hurt them." Kari replied she looked up in the sky for any signs of her brother.

"Wait! I don't think you both have any Idea of what your doing." Catherine replied as she came up a second later, Mimi right behind her as well as Floramon and Palmon.

"Look frenchie...just because you are new doesn't make you responsible for tell me what is wrong!" Matt shouted to her, she looked at him in shock. "Oh...how.... dare you!" she cried. "Uh oh." Floramon mumbled she sweat dropped, the rest of them did also. Watching this fight unfold.

"Ha.....Interesting.... fights between the chosen children have started." One Garbagemon said, Matt looked away from her startled then saw the digimon. "I'm ready Matt just say when." Gabumon replied.

Another one appeared from behind them. "Surprise...you've been ambushed!" the second Garbagemon replied, three more of them came out of there hiding spots. "Now I know how a mouse feels." Gatomon replied, she looked around at all of the Garbagemon came to the total of six...seven...no...there was ten....out numbering the chosen children by three.


Tai, Sora, Biyomon, and Agumon walked through the foggy forest...it was a bit dark but nothing that bad. "This place has a weird feeling...and not to mention smell." Agumon replied he looked around the place. "No kidding." Biyomon replied as she also looked around the forest.

"Well..." Tai began he looked down at the map. "According to the map we still have far away to go." He replied lifting his head he tried to look past the dense brush. "Well...we shouldn't waste time walking." Sora said to them nodding they continued on ward through the brush.

It wasn't till they reached a dead end when they stopped. "It's a dead end!" Sora cried out. "That's right." Another girls voice replied. "Stay back I'm warning you!" Agumon threatened. "You can't see me. How can you." She replied. "Stop it who are you?" Tai demanded.

Her laugh alarmed the four they stood they're ground looking around cautiously; tree vines wrapped the opening trapping them in the round clearing, that now formed into a dome shaped trap of tree vines and leaves.

"Let us out you can't hold us here forever!" Sora cried. "Oh yes I can." Biyomon and Agumon started to glow then they started to float and they disappeared, Tai and Sora both turned. "Agumon!" "Biyomon!" they both shouted they ran toward they're digimon partners were both Tai and Sora had a look of panic written on there expression. "Is this Simon's Idea!" Tai shouted frightened that they're master would do this to them.

"Hmm...No...But...he'd thank me for it." She replied Vines started to creep over making a second layer to entrap. "NO!" Tai cried. "You won't get away with this!" Sora shouted. "I all ready have...beside no one will ever come here...and I hope you both have a nice.... time...while you both slowly die." She whispered he voice trailed off into the wind.

They both called for help but it was apparent that no one was going to come soon.


"I hate this." Mimi cried she looked around they were surrounded by Garbagemon. Matt looked around they were all surrounded... 'I don't know what to do.' He though worriedly he looked once again around... 'Right stupid me.' He thought. "Tentomon warp digivole!" Izzy called to his digimon. "Izzy no!" Matt cried. "Don't say anything HerculesKabuterimon could easy defeat them." Izzy yelled back.

"Go me and HerculesKabuterimon will distract them while you guys search for the stone of destiny!" he replied. Matt nodded. "Find us in the lost forest okay." He called, Izzy nodded.

"Tentomon." Izzy replied. "Right on it."

"Tentomon! Warp Digivole Too...........Hercules Kabuterimon!"

"GO NOW!" Izzy shouted at them, Matt watched him worried then put on a determined face and the rest of the chosen and they hurried to find the third destiny stone.

"Garbage Chucker!" the Garbagemon started their assault on the giant digimon Izzy watched from a far making sure he was away from the danger of him begin squashed.

"Giga Scissor!" he wipes out two of them, the dissolve to digi-dust. "So do you think you can just push us around big guy?" one of them said...they all gathered in a line. "How about you take one of our mega blasts!" another said to the rest of them. "Yeah come on...Garbage Chunker!" they fired tons of pink guck at HerculesKabuterimon.

"Ah...that it." He warned and got ready to wound up and swung at the digimon with his fist.


"What.... about.... Izzy?" Kari questioned at they kept running. "He'll be fine we have to get the other stone before Simon gets it." Matt told her.


Tai and Sora looked around the confinement...it was dark a little just because the sun had begun to set.

Tai walked up to the walls and tried to tear a hole in the foliage with his bare hands he stopped he was starting to sweat. "If I get something to break this open." He replied smiling when he got a hole big enough for Sora to fit through. "Sora...here." the turned to her she came over...but stopped. "Tai look." She exclaimed pointing at the hole the branches just merged together once again.

"NO!" Tai shouted he then kicked the leaves and branches there was no use. "Where's Simon? Shouldn't he know where here?" she asked.

"I don't know...." Tai replied.


"Ha ha ha!" the woman laughed... "Tyrannomon go!" she shouted.

Simon's Island was taken over by the Tyrannomon, an over all of 30 of them token over and roamed the Island.

It was only matters of time before she gained access into Simon's house.... she looked around and was stopped. "Sharon....my what a surprise." Simon appeared next to her. "You stupid little animal!" she shouted.

"Where's my help?" he asked her. "I killed them." She answered. "My Tyrannomon made a good meal." She answered.

"Shut up Sharon you did not." He angered. "Well you got me I didn't I have no clue where they are..... but if you don't get to them soon you won't have your assistants anymore." She answered. "What do you want?" he asked.

"I want you to give up the destiny stones." She answered he looked at her incredously "You want me to give up the destiny stones?" he questioned then laughed. "In your dreams." He responded disgustedly.

"Yeah...and you know what I can do then.... if you don't I could simply take out your two helpers...any ways why do you need them?" she asked. "I need them..." he answered and turned around.

"It's more like you doing this for your own wants...you want the girl." She replied coyly. "So what is it to you? She cares for the boy...I don't care about her...but I need her.... she has powers." He exclaimed. "And so you have told me...but you haven't done anything about it yet have you." She answered.

"Because...I made an mistake she still love with him.... I should have kept her only." He replied she circled him and shrugged. "But who needs them.... why do you need her...or him or the chosen children with mine and your powers...Sora can't do anything to stop us." She answered.

"No...Sharon.... I resent that you insist that I don't need her...she's powerful I took those powers away...if she's allowed to know about them and use them she could easily destroy us!" he shouted to her.

"I don't see the problem Simon...you have her powers contained don't you?" she questioned he ignored her and walked toward his room she followed. "Simon answers my question! Your afraid of her aren't you?" she asked.

"I am.... she could destroy you and if I gave her the chance she could destroy me.... she doesn't know the extend of her powers." He replied.

"The extent of her powers...Simon tell me what they are!" she cried frustrated. "I don't know exactly what they are but...all I know is that it's powerful just one slight indication of her life from before I brainwashed her can make herself remember who she really was and who she is supposed to be." Simon told her.


Sora and Tai huddled together they didn't have fire...and there was nothing they could use to make fire with it was cold that evening.

Sora took her gloves off she then noticed something on the back of her hand... "What's this?" she questioned Tai looked over to her. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"The symbol on my hand I don't remember getting this." She answered she held it up to Tai he looked at in shock. "I have the same one." He quickly looked at the back of his hand.... "How come you never told me?" she asked. "I don't know...I just didn't think about....but I don't get how or when I got this..." he replied.

As they talked the symbols on both there hand began to glow, they both gasped in shock.


Izzy caught up with the other chosen children they walked toward the stone...it was now dark....but the glow from which the box it came from was strong.

"I can see it." TK replied Matt nodded. "Yeah and now we just got to go toward it." He answered...Gatomon turned suddenly. "Gatomon what is it?" Kari questioned. "I here some one...." she replied she looked around Gabumon sniffed the air see if he could detach anything.

"Hey she is right...I think it's Tai and Sora...but I don't smell Agumon or Biyomon." He told them. "Well we should look for them if it's them...and they are by them sleeves." Catherine commented Floramon nodded agreeing with her partner.

=Beep, beep, beep, beep=

Izzy, Matt both stopped they looked at there digivices... "Two dots about a few miles away from us.... looks like they're not moving." Izzy replied Matt frowned. "Well let's check it out." He replied looking in the direction the two dots that were on the digivice must be.

"It must be them if you guys picked up the digivice signals." Gabumon replied Matt nodded, as did Izzy. "Come on what are we all waiting around for if it's them we should see what's wrong...they could be in trouble you know." Joe replied. "Yeah...but it could be a trap." Palmon replied.

"Well...we are going to have to take that risk." Matt replied he started towards where the signal was coming from.


Tai, Sora both turned away from the brightness then the glow dimmed.... they both slowly regain there eye slightly the sun setting gave off a an orangey light...Tai gasped. "Sora...what are you wearing?" he questioned his eyes widened looking at her in shock.

"Tai?...but I though were in that room....that Simon put us in. What happened?...and what are you talking about?" she asked looking at him concern. "You clothes...they've changed...some how." He replied, Sora looked at her clothing "AH! I look.... like Mimi!" she cried standing up then she pinched herself.

"What are you doing?" he asked. "Pinching myself and hopping this is a bad dream." She replied...she looked away from him then looked around. "Any ways where are we?" she asked she walked around and forgot about the clothing she was wearing.

Tai looked around their surrounds also and he noticed that Agumon wasn't with them. "Agumon and Biyomon aren't here." He replied

"How come I can't remember....a thing how come we can't get out of here...." Sora was interrupted shrill beeping of both her and Tai's digivice.

"If it's beeping that means..." he trailed off "The others are around here" she finished for him looking at each other for a second then both nodded. And started to call for help.

"HELP!" Tai shouted.



"I think that's them.... there back to normal!" Kari replied shocked. "How do you know?" Gatomon asked. "Because I can sense their good auras." She replied Izzy nodded. "Let's get moving then! There no telling what trouble they can be in." he replied, Matt nodded ran toward them more faster with the others on toe.


"So your telling me that Sora's the one that could annihilate either one of us and you're not willing to take her out?" she asked in shock and anger.

He merely looked at her nodding his head in a gravely yes "I can't believe the one person or chosen child that could easy get rid of us is the one that your in love with and aren't willing to kill her! You have to kill her it's the only why! Before she finds out she's the key to destroy you I know she won't hesitant at doing so because you have tried to kill her twice before but each time you failed miserably!" she shouted.

"That's enough Sharon I will decide what to do with her!" he told his fists clenched. "Fine then can I move in?" she asked. "Why?" he asked her "Because we are going to take out the chosen children and rule the digital world aren't we?" she asked.

"Yes...." he replied then narrowed his eyes at her. "But you see when we get the stones...we could be fully assured that she can't hurt us any more."

He told Sharon she rolled her eyes. "But your in love with her aren't you?" she asked. "I don't know...I don't' think it was love...because...I just used her and I'm using her now." He answered.

"Sure." She replied not believing him.

Simon closed his eyes and attempted to contact them, he stumbled back suddenly. "Simon! What's wrong?" she asked as she held him up. "There's a problem...they've been set free....I can't get to them...something interfering." He replied to her weakly, she gasped. "I feel something...something is wrong." She answered him.

"What?..." he stopped trailing off he could sense another magic present...it was black magic though...

"Who's here?" Simon asked he looked around Sharon did also. "Yeah...who is here! Tell us!" she cried.

"Hmmm." The voice echoed as it smugly laughed.


"HELP!" Tai was calling only to stop because his throat was starting to hurt; Sora had stopped because her throat was starting to hurt.

"Tai.... no use." She told him...it was now complete dark they couldn't see each other, he nodded to himself. "Your right...just hope we can make if through the night." He told her she nodded. "Where are you I can't see you." She asked she held her hand in front of her and waved them until they hit his legs. "Tai your standing?" she asked.

"Yeah...here let me sit...be careful" he told her he lowered to the ground and sat down next to her...he could feel her near him. "Are you sitting?" she asked. "Yeah.." he answered.

"Okay." Sora moved herself to the position she was originally beside him they both sat still for a while. "Um...Tai...could I.....hold your hand?...." she felt herself blushing dark red Tai began to blush also even though it was dark and they couldn't see each other. "I mean...not as a couple thing.... so I know you're here with me...is that okay?" she asked carefully.

"Yeah.... sure....I want to be sure your not gone.....or you don't leave." he replied blushing equally as she was. Sora reached her hand trying to find Tai's hand...they both got a hold of each other arm. "That' s my arm Tai." She replied. "And that's mine." he said to her.

They pulled they're hands away for a second. "Um...okay well...I'll put my hand on the ground okay then you feel... for my hand...on the ground" she answered she was blushing so much at the point she felt she was in the hot tropics... 'What's wrong with me?' They both thought simultaneously.

Tai reached over to her hand and they both held on to there each other's hand tightly. "Okay...um...well good night." He replied they both laid down next to each other looking up through the vines and leaves at the stars. "Good night." She answered back.


Around the campfire the others were concerned. "Maybe I should go after them." Matt answered he continued to look at his digivice. "You can't...wait till day." Gabumon told him. "But there out there it's pretty cold tonight." Matt answered back. "You can't because you are on watch." Gabumon replied he pointed to everyone who was sleeping.

He sighed, "Right." He replied as he watched everyone's sleeping forms...then looked to his digivice again...it was flashing indicating that Sora and Tai were close to where they were.

There was a rustling in the bush it caught both him and Gabumon's attention. "Who's there!" Matt called. "It' s okay us." Agumon and Biyomon both appeared. "Guys...where are Tai and Sora?" he asked. "I don't know...when we came too all we remembered was about to be brainwashed by Simon." Biyomon replied.

"Ah so he did brainwash you both!" Gabumon exclaimed, Matt lowered his head feeling guilty at sorts. "Well what happened?" Agumon questioned.

"You guys been under his control...including Tai and Sora...for about two months at least." Gabumon said. "Oh, well...I smelt my way here...you all travel a little to fast." Agumon told them. "Yeah...my wings are exhausted." Biyomon exclaimed.

"I'm kind of tired too..." Agumon said... "Do you mind if we go to sleep?" Biyomon asked. Matt shook his head. "No go a head...me and Gabumon are on watch." He answered.

The two digimon went to sleep next to Kari at the camp fire and both were out of it pretty fast.

Gabumon sensed Matt was feeling bad...he looked at him. "Matt are you okay?" he asked. "I don't know...I feel so bad...I mean...after the first few incidents I was sure that Tai turned Sora, Agumon and Biyomon against us...It shows what kind of friend I'm begin...after all I am supposed to have the crest of friendship...and I promised him I'd be a better friend." He answered.

"Matt...Some times things don't come out as you expect them too...Tai's always going to your friend. Even though you guys fight." Gabumon stopped as Matt looked away.

"No you don't get it Gabumon it's not Tai....Sora." he answered. "What you want to be friend with Sora? You already are aren't you not?" he asked. Matt nodded. "Yes...but I want something more...and I have been wasting my time because Sora and Tai are always together...even when they were brainwashed she stuck up for him...she nearly tried to hit me with the stick...if Catherine hadn't stopped her...." Matt trailed off thinking of the possibilities of what could have happened if Catherine hadn't done what she did.

Gabumon sweat dropped. "I don't understand what you're trying to say Matt." Gabumon asked him. "Never mind it a human problem." He answered.

To Be Continued......