Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon 02 AV ❯ 16. Ulitmate Time ( Chapter 16 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Next on Digimon 02 AV:

A dream scares Tai

"Tai.... your...disappearing!" Matt cried

Simon has a new partner

"What ever...could you just accept it we are going to be team...besides I did help you spilt them up remember that? And it worked so could we be...partners." She asked him.

Matt and Catherine still have arguments.

"Digivole Floramon!" Catherine called to her. "I'll show you that I can be a part of the chosen Matt!" she said his name strongly with an angry flare to it.

On an All New Episode of Digimon 02










16. Ultimate Time

Tentomon "Last time we found out about what really happened to Tai, Sora, Agumon and Biyomon...we then were trapped by an digimon which I took care of pretty easily, While the others were close to the third element stone they're digivice told them that two other chosen children were near them...and Matt decided to go look for them instead of the stone because he thought that they could be hurt. Agumon and Biyomon found the group but we were still missing Tai and Sora..."


Neither Tai nor Sora could sleep each was feeling weird they as they both held on to each others hand. "Sora?" he asked. "Yeah." She answered him the sighed. "I thought maybe you were asleep." He told her she only shook her head. "No I can't sleep at all." She whispered.

Tai then took the opportunity to ask her something. "Sora....is it because of the hand thing?" he asked. "Um...no, no." she replied.... "It's just the feeling of how on earth we got here when we were in Simon's little room...he was going to brainwash us..." she replied.


"You don't remember who I am?" the voice asked, Simon and Sharon both looked around in every direction. "Look if you enjoy to play games then stop this isn't. it's not the time to play games!" he called.

The voice disappeared they couldn't heard they couldn't feel the present anymore. Simon huffed and angrily started to walk toward his library, Sharon followed him.

"Simon slow down!" she replied as they entered the library he looked around the shelves...then picked out a book and walked toward a table and sat down, he flipped through the pages looking...for something.

Sharon watched confused. "What are you doing." She asked, he looked up at her then back to the book. "Who ever she is...she returned my slaves back to their original state...that means I have no more Tai and Sora...nor they're digimon." He answered.

"Well we don't need them do we. I mean like I said before if we work together then we could win...easily." she said taking a seat at the table with Simon.

"I need to do research if you going to sit there and watch at least look for a book that would help us in this case all right." He said momentarily tearing his eyes away from the book. "Okay I'll do that then." She got up and went in search of a book.


Next Morning......

The late morning sun shone brightly in the sky as the chosen children walked toward they're path to find Tai and Sora. Matt looked on ward started to get worried. 'What if this was a trap...he could be leading them all into a trap.' He thought nervously he looked ahead of him.

"Ah....I see something." Gatomon replied she started to run forward. "GATOMON wait!" Kari shouted she started to run after her digimon. "Ah....man....Wait up! Kari! Gatomon!" Matt called and began to run after them. Izzy sighed. "We might as well." He replied.

"I just have to fly." Tentomon exclaimed. "Me too." Patamon replied they started to go.

"Oh no....come on I don't want to run!" Mimi whined... "Yeah...why do we have to run!" Catherine replied. "Come on we don't have time to argue...dose it look I want too?" Joe called to the two girls, before him and Gomamon started to run after them.

"It's never enough to just walk." Mimi replied. "Now, now Mimi we should catch up to them...we don't want to get lost." Palmon replied. "Yeah so come on!" Floramon cried and they both started to rush to catch up to the other. "Oh...Wait!" Catherine called.

"Wait Palmon! Floramon!" Mimi shouted.


The sun shone though the breaks in the dome where both Tai and Sora were trapped ...Sora lay on her side facing Tai she was asleep, Tai lay on his back with his arms underneath his head to hold his head up also asleep, he looked like he was having a dream.

"Agumon! Your back!" Tai cried he ran toward his digimon. "Tai! Guess what I found everyone else!" he replied as the two hugged...Tai pulled away an turned to look for Sora. "Sora?" he called. "Tai there's no one here with you." His digimon replied...standing Tai looked around confused. "But she was here.... with me." He trailed off.

"TAI!" he turned and saw his sister running toward him.... the rest of the chosen right behind her. Tai knelt down Kari gave him a huge hug. "Tai.... are you okay?" Matt came up from behind Kari. Tai looked at him uncertainly "I don't..." he gasped looking down at the symbol on the back of his hand it glowed. "Some things wrong." He replied staring at it.

"Izzy what's happening!" Tai asked him. Everyone's digivice started to go off. "Tai....your......disappearing!" Matt cried Tai looked down at his feet. "NOO!!HELP ME!" he looked at everyone...

"HELP!" Tai sat up right he looked around his surroundings beads of sweat formed on his forehead he wipe away the sweat and found that Sora was there with him he looked at his feet, he was still in one piece. "It was just a dream...." he whispered.

"Tai?" Sora questioned she woke after she heard him scream. "Sora.... your up...I hope I didn't wake you up" He said softly Sora shook her head she pushed her self up to a sitting position. "There something wrong.....I can sense it." She replied looked at him seriously.

Tai looked at her shocked "Sense what?" he asked carefully, "Tai...your dream....I know what it was about....it's a going to happened." She replied Tai's eyes widened. "But.... how.... did you..." he stuttered looked at her.

"I don't know." She then glanced down at the symbol on the back of her hand...as Tai did also. "I have a feeling that what was happening to you in that dream is what will happened to me....I don't know what it is." She replied.

Tai looked at her concerned. "Dose it have to do with Simon?" he asked her she shook her head. "I don't know Tai..." she told him.

Seconds later....The was blast of blue energy then the dome above them incinerated... Tai, Sora both looked shocked the brightness of the sun blinded them both temporarily. Then they both were over come with hugs from they're digimon.

"Sora!" Biyomon cried hugging her. "Tai!" Agumon hugged him. "Tai your back!" Kari replied she jumped into his arms. "Yeah...I am..." he replied he stopped on moment then looked to Sora then back to Kari. "Back?" he asked.

"Yeah....you guys went a little wacko on us for a few months there." Matt replied he looked both of them. "Of course....so he did do it Tai...he did brainwash us...I remember..." she said. "Oh gosh how horrible!" Mimi cried. As she came up to Sora. "But the good thing is that your okay." She said smiling down at her then lending Sora a hand.

Sora was silently she looked at Tai she was worried of his dream.... she knew something was about to happen, Tai saw the worry of what his dream was doing to her 'I can't let her disappear.....or me...I know what she told me but...it can't stand back and do nothing....it was like the time I...' he was shook out of his thoughts by Agumon. "Tai you weren't listening!"

"Okay I am now what is it?" he asked. "Is there something wrong? You seem lost." He asked. The other looked at him as did the digimon. "We have to talk about something...important." Tai said.

Matt watched him concerned he hasn't seemed more serious since they defeated...Myositmon. "About what?" he asked. "Just come." Tai replied he started to walk forward a bit and stopped. "Tai we have other things to worry about. Simon after destiny stones....they are the stones that control the powers of the digital world....he's trying to control the whole of the digital world we have to get the stones." Izzy told him, then opened his out in front of him he started at Tai.

"Stones?" Sora questioned as she the other joined the circle. "The stones are the powers of the digital world they if they get into the wrong hands then the digi-world will be at a loss and cause a serious miss balance." Gabumon said to her.

"The stones....." Biyomon whispered as if she remembered something. "What is it?" Sora questioned. "I remember learning about them....we can't let them be taken." She replied. "Well we have one stone...so far we are looking for the second when we discovered you guys here." Joe replied.

"Okay well lets go get it then." Tai replied standing up. "No..." Mimi whined. "Fine you can both stay." Matt answered a little annoyed. "That's a good Idea...I'm certainly not going to cooperated with him!" Catherine replied mentioning to Matt. "That's good! Stay." He answered angry at her, the two were once again in an angry stand down.

The other's sweat dropped. "Um....do they always do that?" Sora questioned. "Um...yeah...a lot since you both left." Gatomon said.

"Come on...we have to get the stone...remember?" Joe asked everyone.

"Yeah...so lets go and find it." Tai replied to them. "Yeah...it's this way." Izzy pointed back though the path they had come running up earlier.


'It sort of feels that were back but why is it that I feel strange....' Patamon questioned. They walked through the maze of trees all the chosen walked in two straight lines Izzy and Matt Gabumon and Tentomon next Sora and Tai with Biyomon and Agumon to there side, TK and Kari with Patamon and Gatomon, Mimi and Catherine with Floramon and Palmon then Joe followed them up with Gomamon they had to make sure that no one got left behind

As they walked the fog had gotten thicker and it grew hard from them to see off into the distance. "This is crazy." Matt replied. "No kidding...." Tentomon trailed off.


Simon paced his thrown room.... 'Not only did my plan fail...I just go more problems...on my head to deal with.' He thought he looked at the door Sharon was there still dressed in the clad black out fit. "Your presence is bothering me." He told her the turned the other direction his back facing her. "Really.... I thought we opt in to be partners last night." She answered him.

"Not under agreeing circumstances." He replied then taking a pause looking at her. "What do you want any ways...you never answered my question from last night." He eyed her suspiciously. "Well....I originally was going to take you over but....two is better then one isn't?" she asked

"Take me over? Yeah...like you could." He replied. Sharon annoyed a bit "What ever...could you just accept it we are going to be team...besides I did help you spilt them up remember that? And it worked so we be ...partners right?." She asked him.

he looked at the window in his quarters then back to her. "Sure I have a feeling I might need you." He said.

"Really...what is it that your feeling?" she asked.

"There is something bigger... Strong then us.... but I don't know if it digital human or a digimon." He answered he frowned and went to the book that was on the desk.

Sharon watched him go over to the book she groaned inwardly. "A books going to help you?" she asked him. "Yeah...it could.... just take away the one person that could destroy us." He answered.

"Whoa so...you are going to take my advise and do away with her?" she asked him eagerly. "Sort of.... the answer will lay in the book." He replied

"What book?" she questioned angry a bit.

"The book of death..." he answered, she smiled finally feeling that something was going to happen that would be productive.


Tai walked he was troubled by what Sora told him this morning her words were still echoing in his mind.

"Tai...your dream....I know what it was about....it's a going to happened."

He closed his eyes shook his head 'No it can't...she can't know about something like that.' He thought he looked over at Sora who was busy having a conversation with Biyomon.

"Okay there it is...the Leaf Stone of destiny." Matt said stopping as he did the so Tai bumped into him. And ended up on his butt. "Man Matt would you move!" he cried he pushed himself up. Sora watched him as he did. "Tai...you didn't watch were you were going." Agumon said to him.

"Why are we standing here les just go and get the stone" Joe said but it all went to waste "Tai you are an moron!" Matt said to him it only got Tai angry he stood up held his fist out at him. "Come on what are you going to do about it?" he questioned him.

Matt got into a fighting stance also. "Stop both of you we don't have time to fight." Sora said firmly they both looked at her then looked at each other eyeing each other angrily. "See that's what I was afraid would happen." Gabumon replied he looked at the tree where the stone was.

"We got a job to do so let get going." Gomamon spoke up.

They walked toward the tree slowly. "Well there isn't any one here so I guess I'll just take it." Tai was about to go up and take it when Sora suddenly tackled him. with in seconds an arrow came flying out of no where hitting the ground were Tai had been standing a few moments ago.

"What do you think your doing!" a digimon appeared from nowhere Tai and Sora both looked up. "Hey!" Agumon came in front of the both of them.

"Izzy who's that?" Matt asked watching the digimon. She looked like angle expect she carried a bow and arrow her wings were a light brown matching her clothing a top made from hide of an animal skin and leather pants.

Digimon Analyzer >


Izzy: That's Arrowmon the guardian of the Leaf stone of destiny. She has one mean attitude. At the Ultimate level you shouldn't under estimate her.

"Just what we need! Another crazy digimon!" Catherine cried. Arrowmon heard that remark. "What was that? How dare you a little girl call me that!" she angered and aimed her bow at her. "Hold on!" Floramon stood in front of Catherine.

"What are you going to stop me?" she asked. "Yeah....I can." Floramon said standing up to her. "Rain of Pollen!" it causes Arrowmon to sneeze.

The digimon stood projecting they're human partners.

"That was pathetic...attack." she responded. "Hey it was the best one I had...just wait till I digivole!" Floramon cried. "Yeah just wait." Catherine cried from behind them. Matt looked at her a little annoyed. "What's your problem? Are you trying to invoke her even more?" he asked. Catherine turned to look at him. "Who told you to interrupt?" she asked.

"For Pete's sake...stop it we have more problem's then both of yours." Izzy replied seriously. "my problem? More like hers." Matt mumbled

"Digivole Floramon!" Catherine called to her. "I'll show you that I can be a part of the chosen. Matt!" she said his name strongly with a angry flare to the end of it.

"Palmon will help too go...dig-" Mimi was about to say but was interrupted by Catherine "No...she can do it by herself." She replied.

"But let us help...that digimon is Ultimate level..." Patamon replied.

"No guys she's right let Floramon try to win this on her own." Sora said she gave Catherine a smile. "Thanks you Sora." She turned to her digimon...grabbing her digivice in her hand.


"Floramon...Digivole to...Kiwimon!"

"Hmm...." Arrowmon laughed to herself. "Wait a sec..... something strange is going on...." Tentomon replied as she hovered next to Izzy.

"Poison Arrow!" Arrowmon shouted an arrow with a green glow emerged she flung it forward at Kiwimon she dodged it easily. It didn't even faze Arrowmon.

"Stupid bird." She smacked Kiwimon and sent her smashing into the ground. "Oh...Kiwimon!" Catherine cried as she watched her trying to get up.

Arrowmon "Aries Kick!" she jumped and doing a twirl jump and kicked Kiwimon down once again. "Oh I can't look!" Mimi cried turning away from the fight.

"Kiwimon! " Catherine was about to run. Joe held her back. "Catherine you can't she could easily hurt you!" he cried.

"Tai....we have to help her....let us digivole." Agumon looked up at him...Tai shook his head. "If Sora said she can do it then she can...I trust her." He said he looked to Sora she smiled...he smiled back at her. "Thanks Tai...and I have a feeling that she can do it...you go to have the faith." Sora responded.

"But she going to get more hurt if we don't do anything but watch." Biyomon complained to her.

They watched the digimon looked on wearily wanting to join the battle but being kept back from attacking by Tai and Sora...the chosen looked on as well wearily...Matt was worried as he watched, TK and Kari both watched scared each hugged they're digimon. Joe was holding Catherine back from going in the dangers path as Izzy watched on as if trying to think of the strategy Sora was thinking about, while Tentomon watched concerned.

"Thunder Arrow!" she shouted, she let it go a bolt of lightly streaked in the shape of an arrow heading toward Kiwimon.

"KIWIMON! NO!!" she cried to the top of her lungs...she watched horrified....

a light shot forth from her crest, and digivice in her hands began to rattle...Catherine shocked look at her digivice... "what's happening?" she questioned. "Prodigious.... Kiwimon is.... digivoling..." Izzy answered shocked...he turned to look at Sora...she had a smile on her face as if she knew this would happen.

"Kiwimon digivole too.............Venusmon!"

Digimon Analyzer ************

Tentomon: Venusmon the Ultimate form of Kiwimon.... she has an amazing attack called the Venus trap...watch out or else you'll be surely digested..


Venusmon half fairy and half human form stood hovering with her wings beating fast...she had long vine severing for her hair, yellow petal like clothing, and a green leaves for her top...

Catherine gasped.... "Oh my gosh....." she whispered looking at her digimon... 'You used to be Kiwimon.... you look so different." She said in shock.

"I'm still me Catherine...but let me take care of her." Venusmon flew toward her Arrowmon. "Come on honey let see what you got?!" Venusmon chanted to her.

"Poison Arrow!" Arrowmon let an arrow go it flew toward Venusmon she simply flew out of the way...Venusmon did a disappearing act and whet behind Arrowmon... "Take this! Petal Storm!" she cried out Arrowmon was showered with dozens of tiny petals that were sharp and they cut her pretty badly, she fell to the ground hard.

Arrowmon slowly pushed herself up. "You haven't won yet." She answered. "Oh yeah...Venus Trap!" she cried as she said this...a energy of green shot from the fairy's hand transforming into one big chomping plant and engulfed Arrowmon...she cried out. "NOO.... YOU WON'T SAVE THE DIGITAL WORLD I WILL BE AVENGED BY MY MASTER!" she shouted before her data was erased.

"Oh wow I feel so woozy now...." Venusmon replied she started to fly downward but de digivoled to her in-training form. Bloommon...Catherine ran and caught her. "Bloommon your okay thank goodness." She replied. "I just want.... a nap." Bloommon said before falling asleep.

"Got it!" Gatomon replied she held the box in her paws...giving the box to Kari. "Tai look what Gatomon got!" Kari went up to him. Handling him the box...he looked at.

"So what we are collecting is in this box? How small is it exactly?" Tai asked. "Open it up." Matt replied, Tai opened the box it revealed a green stone with what looked like stars shining inside of it...it was green leaf colored.

"Something that small is supposed to be power full?" Tai asked he gave the box to Sora...she looked at the stone. "It's beautiful." She replied...closing the box she looked at everyone "So who holds on to these?" she asked. "Joe is." Gomamon replied. "Here Joe." Sora handed him the box. "That make two minuses the one that you four took. So bad guys one, us two." He replied.

"Yeah.... were sorry about that." Tai replied looking down to the ground. "It's not your fault..." Izzy replied. "I know but still I feel bad." He said. "Yeah...we worked with Simon.... that was horrible..." Sora replied.

"Yeah...well let's not think about it now...we should be looking for the next stone which is the Sand Stone. Sora, Tai...I know you won't want to go back there but we have to...Datamon's pyramid." Izzy replied.

"That's fine with me It's not going to bother me." Sora replied. "Right...I could take care of him now.... but I whished I could have done something better the last time." Biyomon said. "No...It's fine with me too." Tai said suddenly said.

The others looked at each other uncertainly. "It's fine." Tai said again noticing their quite reaction. "We are fine...right Biyomon? Agumon?" Sora questioned there digimon...they both smiled. "Yup!" To Be Continued........