Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon 02 AV ❯ 18. The Power Unleashed ( Chapter 18 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Next on Digimon 02 AV:

Sharon isn't waiting for Simon any more

"Sora no…I'll protect you." Tai replied.

But that doesn't mean she won't act out.

"Give her up! Or else I'll just have to use force starting with the two little chosen children." She said to them in anger.





















* 18. The Power Unleashed

Kari: " Last time on digimon, Tai and Sora told each other that they really cared for one another…about time huh, then they were going to kiss only to be interrupted by a voice who turned out to be Simon. He realized that if they did kiss it would mean the end for him and Sharon. After that episode we went to Datamon's pyramid then TK, Mimi, Catherine and our digimon as well as me got separated by Datamon and we were confronted by a mad lizard digimon name Drawelmon…the others confronted Datamon where they easily got the destiny Stone from him and then took off. We were having problems…. until MetalGarurumon came and the saved the day!"


Another digital sunrise began Sora watched on as she patted Biyomon who was sitting next to her asleep. 'Poor thing, tired out from the other day.' She thought.

'I wonder if it is true…' a noise from behind her startled her she turned around only to find Catherine. "Sorry…I didn't mean to sneak up on you." Catherine said.

"It's okay, I was just thinking." Sora replied looking back out at the sunset. "Um could I ask you something?" Catherine questioned her coming around to Sora's left side and sat on the same log. "Okay sure." She answered.

"About a few nights ago…. Tai ran out of here, and you followed him then you were gone for a while until we both found you in between a large gap…what happened before that?" she questioned, Sora blushed then turned around making sure she couldn't see her cheek flush pink.

"Nothing happen with me and Tai that other night…" Sora answered her. "Well…."

"Hey what's going on?" Tai asked he interrupted the two girls who were talking he also noticed that Catherine was giving Sora a hard time about what ever it was they were talking about.

"Oh I was just asking if you and Sora were doing out there alone in the--."

"Why is everyone just standing around?" Agumon questioned interrupting Catherine's talk with the two lovebirds. 'Gosh that Agumon has a lot of nerve to interrupt me when I'm trying to get information.' She thought and watched the digimon talk to them.

Tai and Sora both exchanged glances of relief. "Um nothing actually we should be waking up everyone right now, right Sora?" Tai asked her nodding "Of course Tai…we should find the other stone of destiny." She answered, "Come wake up!" she replied shouting a bit.


Simon's layer….

"There it is…." Simon answered he had stopped at a page in a book then read. "The Ghost's Spell." he took the book with him to the cauldron room where Sharon was practicing some of her own black digital magic.

"I found a solution…before Sora can even thinking about hurting us of finding out about her powers." Simon said he placed the book on the old table that was covered in old scientific equipment.

"Sharon go and get these things then come back as a fast as you can…. I got to cover a few thing with the Chosen Children first." He replied.

Sharon growled bitterly but agreed to do it only because Sora was a threat to her and Simon well being in conquering the digital world.


Back at the Chosen's Camp…

The digimon where still finishing they're share of food as the Chosen were getting ready to leave the small temporary camp.

"Okay according to the map we should start heading toward the ocean to collect the third and last stone from the bottom of the digital ocean." Izzy replied he looked at the computer screen to try to get a reading.

"There's a problem there…who's going to go underwater and get it?" Joe asked exactly, he pushed his glass up with his index finger and stood there waiting for a response from the others.

Gomamon was trying to get all of there attention but no one was paying any attention to him they were all talking among themselves 'Obviously they have no clue.' He thought.

"Well that's something we never considered." Tai replied trying to think of way to get down there.

"HELLO!" he replied shouting almost, it caused Mimi and Catherine to cover they're ears. "Gomamon shut up!" Mimi replied she had an angry look on her face.

"Well if you all would just stop talking and look at me and realize that I can go down there and get that stupid stone." Gomamon replied he walked in front of Tai looking up at the human with the big bushy brown hair, and goggles, which held it up.

"He makes a good point." Joe stated. "A big loud mouth." Mimi whispered under her breath. Gomamon shot her a glare. "I heard that." He said.

"Okay!" Izzy shouted suddenly, then all eyes were on him. "Since Gomamon can swim all the way under water to get he can go…it's a lot more safer for us up here on dry land then it would be for us to be in the water." He replied matter of fact.

Matt frowned slightly he looked at Izzy and the to Gomamon. "Can you do that Gomamon?" he questioned. "Of course piece of cake! Don't think I'd mess it up did you?" he questioned Matt he shook his head then replied. "I just have issues with your behavior."

"Gomamon is capable of doing that task." Biyomon said. "Thank you at least some one of you thinks I'm matter!" he replied then began to walk ahead of all of them.

"Why dose he act like that?" Joe questioned confused. "Because, that's how he is." Catherine said as she passed by the confused Joe, with Floramon tagging behind her.

Soon he was left there thinking then he realized that he had to catch up and fast!


Sharon paced out side the library doors waiting for Simon she was purely impatient and couldn't stand it.

"If Simon keeps up this waiting to get rid of Sora. She would have already know about her powers and she would use them against us." She hissed she paced more time up and down the condors, and then a thought came to her suddenly.

She didn't need Simon's stupid Ghost Spell to make Sora invisible just because he didn't want to hurt the girl.

'Hmm…I'll take care of them myself the easy way.' She thought then took off toward her room together a few necessary items then left in a hurry to call her friends the Tyrannomon.


Sharon reached her room and with the snap of her fingers a book appeared in front of her, she took it from mid air and started to flip through the book until she stopped. "Good this will help." She put it down on her bed then stood up, the book on the pages of the book it had some kind of bazaar writing etched upon it's pages, she then began to read from it.

"To evolve comes strong, and those who evolve will do so no more." She repeated this sentence over, winds picked up around her then a suddenly burst of lighting came fourth through out the digital world.


Everyone ducked suddenly seeing the lighting bolt burst into the sky.

"What was that?" Catherine asked, everyone slowly rose from the ground looking around cautiously as they all got up.

"What do you think this means?" TK asked them. "Well it usually means no good." Patamon replied from on top of TK's hat.

"Well lets not stand around, we do have to find that other stone." Gatomon said they began to walk ahead. "Yeah she's right." Tai replied he looked up in the sky. "Well it's not coming back so lets head out." He started to walk ahead, Sora followed him the others followed suit.

Hours later…

"The oceans near by!" Gomamon ran ahead of the Tai. "Um Wait! Gomamon! You're supposed to wait!" Joe cried, he tried to follow him.

Joe ran ahead of the group trying to catch up with his digimon.

The rest walked another 2 minutes to and found them at the beach, Gomamon was swimming on his back waving at Joe while Joe stood there and watched.

"Gomamon…" Joe whined annoyed at his digimon for taking off like that.

"What? You're still so uptight…you should loosen up." He told him from where he was in the water.

"No I'm up tight because you too off like that what if a digimon came and did something…. bad?" he questioned not knowing how else to explain the importance of sticking together.

"Joe! Don't worry about it were here!" Sora called to him, sighing of relieve, he looked and saw Sora and the other coming toward him then he turned back to Gomamon. "See you were luck this time!" he told him.

"Okay I get it." he replied annoyed.

"Right so can we get to the business of getting that stone and worrying about the other two remains stones?" Gatomon questioned.

"Yeah we will get to that now." Tai replied, he walked to where Joe was standing. "Well Izzy is the stone here?" Tai questioned the young red headed boy. "Yup Tai…it's right below us.

"Okay good. Gomamon get reading and make sure you come back with the box!" Tai told him.

"Right I'll do that and all." He replied and looking at them one last time then dove under the waves, and went deeper.

"Okay now do we just sit here an wait?" Joe asked he sat on the ground. "We should after all, we have to wait." Tentomon pointed out.

A dart flew out of nowhere it was intended for Sora but Biyomon saved her human friend and she got hit with the dart.

"Biyomon!" Sora she pulled the dart from her digimon and watched her. "I'm okay Sora." She replied.

"Biyo that the second time that you saved me like that!" she told her, Tai stood behind Sora and put his hand on her shoulder.

"You digimon won't recover…I almost got you thought." Voice replied they all turned to see who it was.

"Come out and fight who ever you are!" Agumon replied angry.

Sharon came from behind them out of the bushes "You!" Kari exclaimed pointing her finger at the girl standing there. The other all looked at her, the digimon took a protective stance in front of they're friends, Tai did the same for Sora and Biyomon.

"Look What ever you want will give it you!" Tai said to them.

She smirked. "Oh, I don't think you'd like me to take what I want." She said.

"What is it that you want then?" Kari asked.

"Your friends life." She pointed her finger at Tai. "I won't let you!" Kari replied.

Sharon realized that they though that she was talking about Tai. "No not him…. her." she pointed still at Tai; he looked behind him at Sora she looked up at him her eyes were red. "I'll do it, just let them have me." She replied.

"NO Sora you're noting going." Tai said he looked at the Sharon

"If you want Sora you'll have to fight." He replied, Sharon only laughed.

"Agumon." Tai said, he came up then

"Agumon…warp digivole too……………."

Agumon looked at himself, "It didn't work." He replied. "Of course it didn't work do you think I'd just let you have you digimon digivole to they're mega levels?" she asked them.

They all remained quite.

"Super Shocker!"

"Blue Blaster!"

"Pepper Breath!"

She defected the attacks easily away from herself. "From warm to cold to colder make those digimon feel ice cool." She chanted the winds around her became stronger and colder then stopped.

The chosen children all walked around gasped and cried out they're digimon's names in shock; they were frozen in a solid block of ice. All of they're digimon.

"Give her up! Or else I'll just have to use force starting with the two little chosen children." She said to them in anger.

"No! You froze our digimon in blocks of Ice!" Kari cried out at her. Sora stood up. "And we don't have to take it." Sora said she was angry with Sharon for what she did to Biyomon and for freezing her all friends digimon.

"Sora no…I'll protect you." Tai replied.

Sharon grown impatient then "LASER BEAM!" she shouted a laser beam shot forward heading toward Tai he barely got out of the way and was grazed on the arm…he held his left arm.

"Tai…my god." Sora looked at it his cut. "It's noting I can handle." He told her.

"It is something…Tai she hurt you, she hurt our digimon." She stood up angrier was building inside of her then a glow came upon her.

"Sora…" Mimi whispered. "She's glowing…" Catherine watched the other were just watching in total shock.

Sora glowed a light pink color; it slowly was radiating the whole area she was standing.

'No…' Sharon thought horrified she looked the girl.

Sora closed her eyes, something with in her directed her to do this and concentrate on the target in front of her. She felt energy like she had never felt it before, opening her eyes.

"Sonic Flame!" she shouted a pink beam of light shot forward and hit Sharon knocking her back into a tree.

Sharon fell to the ground. "You…. have…. the powers!" before closing her eyes, her body disappeared into digi-particles.

Matt standing behind Mimi and Catherine they were all stunned.

"What just happened?" Mimi questioned. "I don't know…but it was freaky." Catherine answered her, the two girls both fainted, and Matt was lucky standing behind them both and caught them before they hit the ground.

"Joe a little help!" Matt called to the blue haired boy who was still shocked as to what happened. Shaking his head he held Catherine up while Matt held Mimi up.

"Whoa…remarkable…those must be the powers that Simon was taking about." Izzy replied. "I didn't know that I could do that." Sora replied. "Sora that was cool." TK replied.

"I guess…" Sora then felt dizzy and she blacked out…Tai catching her before she fell.

To Be Continued….