Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon 02 AV ❯ The Power Unleashed II ( Chapter 19 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Next On an all-new episode of Digimon Digital Monsters…

"She's a fool for backstabbing me like that…and in the end she got what she deserved." Simon replied.

Sharon's out of the way, what now?

Gennia sends a warning message

"Tai we have to do this! Now." she told him strongly.

"Before, I'm deleted." She whispered.

It's Now or Never On an All New Episode of Digimon 02 AV










19. The Power Unleashed Part II

Joe: "Sharon decided to do get rid of Sora her own way, being feed up with Simon's stupid plans. Catherine tried to get what happened between Sora and Tai the a few nights back but was interrupted by they're digimon. Sharon backstabbed Simon, only that was to be her finally mistake before Sora took her out easily. Well what other surprises will we get the next time, who knows."


Gomamon swam further he stopped seeing the cave. "There it is…piece of cake." He replied and swam toward it.

Once he made to the cave's opening he looked for the chest that Tai told him to look for…then he saw the pedestal but it was empty…they're was nothing.

"That can't be good." Gomamon said to himself, he began to search the cave for it.

Meanwhile above ground…

"What happened?" Mimi asked, Matt appeared in front of her face suddenly she jump. "DON'T DO THAT!" she cried she jumped up looked around then relaxed. "Gezz Matt…you scared me." She replied, and then Catherine got up next.

"About time you two…I think you both set the world record for staying out of it for five minutes." Joe replied, the both glared at him.

"Joe come here!" Tai called Sora was still out of it he had placed her on the ground and was on his knees looking at her worried.

"Izzy you should know what happened?" TK asked him, he only shrugged.

"I'm confused as well. Wait…." Izzy sat down he looked at his laptop.

"There's no time to wait, Izzy!" Tai replied angry at him. Joe came to ward them "Okay Tai can you please move out of the way?" he asked.

Tai moved only slightly, Joe looked for a pulse. "She's okay Tai she just need to rest I take that what ever she back there it took a lot of power from her." He replied simply.

Tai took a breath sighing in relief. 'Thank god.' He thought he took a moment and looked over at the digimon, who were okay after that fight.

"Tai!" Joe called to him. "What?" he turned to the blue haired boy. "Your arm I have to bandage it so you don't get an infection." Joe replied as he pointed at Tai's arm.

Tai just walked over. "Okay, relax" he replied.

"NOT GOOD!" Gomamon shouted to the top of his lungs after surfacing in the ocean.

All the chosen children looked at him as he came up on shore.

"What's not good?" Kari asked carefully, Gatomon watched the seal like digimon walk toward them. "The stone not there it's gone." He replied.


"She's a fool for backstabbing me like that…and in the end she got what she deserved." Simon replied he made it out of the room he had been locked in. "VEGGIMON!" he shouted to the top of his lungs, with in seconds a digimon came scrambling in a hurry.

"Master I'm here what is it that you want!" he cried. "Get me the book and bring it to the top of the castle at once also have and bring me Gennai too." He replied he walked past the digimon, and Veggimon left in a hurry to do what the boss wanted to be done.

"If the chosen children don't listen then it's they're fault." He replied. "I'm sorry Sora." He whispered he walked up the steps. "I cared for you once when you were on my side but I can't let you have destroy me too like you did Sharon, she the one that made you your powers be able to come out." he replied.


"What that's impossible!" Izzy replied he looked at the map on his laptop and gasped. "Guys…it is gone…they're no trace of it." Is eyes widened as he looked at the screen.

"Izzy man what's going on?" Matt questioned concerned. "Someone taking the other stones." He relied.

"How can that be happening? I mean who else knows about them?" Tai questioned he walked over to the group huddled around Izzy's computer screen.

"The possibilities of it being a evil digimon are great." Tentomon replied as he hovered about them. "No kidding…could it be Simon?" Catherine questioned.

"That's the problem it could be anyone." Izzy said he closed the computer. "We got to get moving to file Island." He replied and packed up his computer putting it back into its package.

Sora slowly opened her eyes she turned and saw all the chosen children were packing. "Biyomon." She called he digimon hurried quickly toward her. "Sora you woke up." She smiled and gave her a hug. "Yeah…but I'm feel so weak." She whispered.

"Hold on I'll get Tai." He digimon replied she turned and flew over to Tai and Agumon, and then they came in a hurry to her.

"Sora you're okay…aren't you?" Tai asked he sat next to her. "Can you help me Tai…I can't get up." She replied.


Tai pulled her up; she managed to stand pretty good but was a bit wobbly. As she began to walk and nearly fell Tai caught a hold of her before she did fall. "My god…what's wrong with me Tai…what happened?" she questioned she was upset as he held her up.

"You used some kind of magic…Izzy said it must of drained you of energy." He told her softly she thought back and remember a to a few moments ago. "Right so how long have I've been out for?" she questioned him. "Ten minutes." He answered.

Sora blushed slightly realizing she had Tai in a short off hug, she pulled away from him slightly. "I'm sorry Tai." She apologized. "What for?" he asked confused. "That you have to partially carry me." She answered him, at the relation he blushed as well. "Well I want to help you." He replied.

"You two hurry to Kabuterimon we are going to file Island." Catherine called. "Come on Tai, Sora hurry it up." Agumon replied he went a head then Biyomon followed him in a hurry.

"Leave us by ourselves gezzh." Tai commented, Sora only smiled.


Some place in the digital world….

Monitors of many size and types were set up on a panel, they monitored the Chosen children carefully every thing they did and everything they said were recorded, a Tanemon was sitting on a chair watching the chosen children carefully.

Another Tanemon came into the room. "The Mistress wants an update immediately." It replied. "Okay be there in a moment." The first Tanemon told her.

"Okay I'll process the report, and I'll be there as fast as I can." The small plant digimon replied she scurried away as fast as her little fit could bring her.


In an spacious room the doors opened up to reveal the same digimon that had hurried to give a report to her Mistress. She scurried to the front of the room and stopped to catch a breath before speaking, the digimon looked down at the ground then back up to the mistress.

"Well." The female voice echoed through the room. "Mistress, they are headed to file island…they are going to get the rest of the stones there." The Tanemon said still looking up at her Mistress.

"That won't be a problem." The voice again replied sounding confident.

"And from what I have gotten, Marlomon is taking care of the other stones. She has the Ocean Stone and is going to collect the other three, right as we speak." The Tanemon explained to the mistress.

"Excellent, go back and keep and eye out, her and the chosen children." The voice told her again, the little digimon turned and scurried out of the room back to the control room.


Simon was on top of his castle on his Island, Gennia was contained in a small cage to his left, and he had a small bookstand in front of him, with the spell book on it. It was opened to a page; Simon merely looked down at the page then scanned through the spell for a moment.


He said slowly walked over to Gennia cage, he watched him for second then began.

"Gennia old pal…why is it do you think they haven't come to rescue you yet? No wait don't answer that question, you see I failed big time." He stopped for a moment then looked at hands then looked back up at Gennia.

"You merely miscalculated, Simon. You should have never given Sora those powers and now she could easily destroy you." Gennia replied matter of fact.

"Shut up!"

He shouted angrily at the old man.

"I never gave you the permission to talk much less judge me!" he snarled at him.

"I told you the Love has could easily over come what ever you gave her...you don't listen." Gennia told him. Simon turned his back to Gennia and walked over to the Bookstand he then turned his glaze to Gennia.

"I don't listen to my prisoners."

He walked back to the cage, then pointing his finger accusing at him. "Don't you say a thing any more, I had enough of you if one more word or phrase escapes from your mouth. I'll tape it shut." He threatened.

Gennia nodded, he knew that Simon was up to no good, if only he had warned the Chosen children about him. He failed on his part of trying to keep them safe. But even through this he knew they would out power Simon and defeat him, with what he gave to Sora, she could easy get rid of him with one shot as she did to Sharon.

Simon stood at the bookstand he then breathed in a deep breath then exhaled.

" To Feel, to see, to hear, to breath,

From then to now, to here and to there, your life shall become invisible.

Sora be gone!"

The Clouds began to whirl furiously heading toward file Island, in a hurried rush.

Gennia, with out letting Simon know Gennia was able to send an urgent message to Izzy's computer.


File Island…

The Chosen Children had arrived on file Island; they stretched out after the long flight there.

Izzy's computer made an alarm noise, which made all the Chosen Children freeze in one spot. Izzy got his computer out from the back and opened it out. "Hmm…a message." Izzy replied.

"Well open it up Izzy we don't have all day."

Catherine told him, she tapped her foot on the ground waiting for him to do so which he did.

"It's a warning for Sora."

He replied. They looked at Sora, then back to Izzy.

"Izzy what dose it say?"

Tai asked this time, it sounded more like a demand coming from him then anything else.

"Sora be prepared Simon is about to do something, you have to give your power to someone. The person I suggested is Tai; the power that Simon gave you Sora can be received simply with touch, not just any touch but a kiss. Do it now! Hurry."

Izzy read he looked at Sora, then to Tai.

"You heard him."

Izzy said. Tai and Sora looked at each other.


They both began. Izzy then looked at them with all seriousness.

"If you have to do it Tai you got to."

His digimon told him.

"That's not the point…"

Tai complained he looked and noticed that the others were all waiting for them to do it…if Gennia suggested they do that to give the powers she had to him then he had to do it.

Sora felt weird suddenly she looked to the sky noticing the swirling clouds above her, then to the ground noticed something, she was being deleted, she gasped in shocked then looked at Tai.

"Tai we have to do this! Now."

she told him strongly.

"Before, I'm deleted."

She whispered.

The Chosen Children all looked at her noting she was slowly being deleted. They all gasped.

"Tai do it now!"

Mimi shouted at him. Tai walked to Sora.

"Okay, Okay… I will! Sora I'm sorry about this."

He whispered to her.

"Don't be."

She closed her eyes then, sparks of orange and pink came flying near them.


She whispered, Tai felt so guilty for some reason but never or less, he slowly leaned to her. They're lips touched only slightly as the glow that was surrounding her then surrounded Tai.

They pulled apart her entire body was deleted; Tai still had his eyes closed.


He trailed off, he opened his eyes, she wasn't in front of him any more she was gone he looked franticly around.

"She can't be gone!"

He looked and saw that his digimon comforted a crying Biyomon, most of the Chosen Children where all saddened.

Tai felt like his whole life was ruined all because of Simon…ever since they meet him some few months ago everything went wrong. He wanted to kill him with his bare hands.


Simon's Castle

Simon laughed, it echoed through out the castle.

"I won I got rid of Sora."

He said. He looked at Gennia, and gave him a confusing look.

"Why are you looking at me like?"

He questioned him, Gennia didn't say any.

"Your not important, I'm going to collect what is rightfully mine, the stones that those brats stole from me…they were rightfully mine until they got three of them!"

"They were never yours Simon they belonged to the digital world, and only the digital world."

Gennia told him, Simon glared at the older man then ignoring him he closed the book.

"VEGGIMON! Here now!"

He shouted, with in seconds the digimon came to him.

"Put the book back to the library, and be ready for when I return."

Simon turned to Gennia then walked toward the cage he was being kept in.

"Are you ready to see your Chosen Children? But before we go I'm going to gag you."

He pointed his finger at him and Gennia was gagged he couldn't talk now Simon smiled.

"The end of the Chosen Children has come!"

Simon shouted he then Gennia disappeared into thin air.


File island Beach…

Matt had no choice but to hold Mimi because he didn't know what else to do with her…he patted her back, trying to get her to stop crying. Palmon watched her friend cry on Matt's shoulder.

"Come on Tai, we have to go back and kick Simon right were it hurts!"

TK exclaimed suddenly, he watched as Tai, he looked angry and upset but also calm. Tai turned to the younger boy.

"No…he'll come here…and when he dose he's done for."

Tai replied he paced back and forth thinking of plan.

Simon popped out of nowhere; Gennia who was still in the cage was with him.

"You done enough trouble Simon! I'll get you for what you did to Sora!"

Biyomon shouted angry with him. He only laughed at her.

"I did what I thought was necessary to get rid of her and I did it, I couldn't do it before and I finally go rid of her."

He smiled; the chosen children were glaring at him angry.

"Palmon teach him a lesson!"

Mimi shouted, Palmon was about to obey her but Tai stopped her.

"No…no digimon. This is going to be a fight between him, and me."

The digimon were about to protest then they remember about Sora giving the power to Tai, before she was deleted.

"Give me a break you are nothing! Tai you think your going to beat me bare handed?"

He asked him, Tai walked closer to him.

"Tai be careful!" Kari told him, he put his hand up to them. "It's okay nothing will happen to me. I'll be fine." He told them reassuringly.

"Okay take your best shot boy."

Simon dared him; he formed a fireball in his hand then threw it at Tai, he dodged barely.

"Tai be careful!" Agumon shouted this friend.

Tai concentrated closed his eyes tightly. 'Okay Sora…how did you do this.' He Thought.

Simon watched him…then it hit him.

"No…" he whispered.

"You told him! You told him about the powers being receptive!"

Simon gave of an angry shout.

"Shut up Simon, stop yelling at Gennia."

Simon looked at Tai he was glowing the same color Sora glowed.

"It's a trap." Simon backed up.

"Sonic Flame!" Tai shouted he shot his arm out ward and a Orangey pink light flew from him and hit Simon…he fell back.

"Damn you…Chosen Children!" he managed to get himself of a sitting position.

Tai was about to blast Simon once more.

"Wait! You kill me it won't bring back Sora your just out for revenge Tai." Simon commented he cough a bit.

"Don't listen to him Tai." Matt came over by Tai he walked his friend.

"I know and I wasn't." Tai replied. He stuck his hand out and another beam of energy hit Simon, then he got blast another time again by Tai.

"End it if you want to kill me do it!" Simon shouted at him.

"Fine…. you asked for It." he replied then one last blast of light energy hit him…. and caused Simon to be deleted once and for all.

Tai dropped on to his knees right afterwards.

"TAI!" Kari ran to her brother, Matt already they're watching him concerned.

"Tai are you okay?" Matt asked.

"Yeah…" he whispered, the other walked to him, Gennia came up to Tai.

"Good job Tai." He told him, Tai slowly sat up.

"What do you mean good job! It didn't bring Sora back did it!" he shouted in frustration, tears where welding up in his eyes.

"That's where your wrong…Tai look over they're."

Gennia pointed to the rocks. Tai looked over at the pointy rocks then back to Gennia.

"I don't see anything…what is it?"

He questioned.

"Sora!" Biyomon shouted she was the first one to reach her partner.

"Sora we saw you get deleted what happened?"

TK questioned her he was a bit confused. Sora just looked at the younger boy, she shrugged then looked at every one of the Chosen Children.

"I don't know…."

" I can answer it for you."

Gennia said he looked at Sora then to the other Chosen Children.

"It was Simon spell that made you delete Sora, and when he was deleted every spell he cast came undone."

"Okay makes sense…but what about those Powers that Sora gave Tai?" Matt questioned

Gennia sighed and began…a story.

"Simon had to target one of you Chosen Children and unfortunately he picked Sora, when you first encountered Simon, he cast spell on Sora that gave her powers. Then he attempted to destroy her by feeding her to the Water Demon. And the other incidents too, he then realized that after she freed Matt from the strange trance that was causing him to fight Tai, that the powers were growing by the minute and that's the reason he wanted you gone and done with, in the first place."

Gennia looked at Sora then to the others.

"So he's done with an over…no more Simon?" Tai asked for reassuring propose.

"Yes…for good." Gennia replied. "I should go, Chosen Children, and find the rest of the Stones." He replied before he disappeared.

"Hmm…don't you think we should have told him that. One of the stones was missing?" Gomamon asked.

"Let's not worry about it…I'm sure it was just miss placed." Mimi replied sitting down on the ground.

"Miss placed? Mimi it couldn't be misplaced if it was there then it would be there, unless some other thing saw it and took it." Joe replied.

"Exactly what has happen." Izzy said. "What?" the other questioned.

"Another's stone's location has disappeared off the map…that means there some one or something collecting the rest of them." He replied.

"Great…who can it be if it's defiantly not Simon?" Matt questioned.

"That's the thing we have to figure out…. who's taking them and what do they want with them." Izzy said.

A silence fell over all of them, as they thought of the possible culprit.

To Be Continued…