Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon 02 AV ❯ The Water Demon ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

This first episode came to me in a dream. I swear I'm not lying. right anyway read it tell me if it's good.

01.The Water Demon *REVISED*

The digi destined were on the move walking along the wall in the middle of a desert. "Hey Tai, look over there." TK said pointing toward a opening in the wall that was made of stone.

"Hey I see it, it looks like a hollow maybe." He replied, quite interested he took out the telescope and pier thought it. "Wait I don't think it's a good idea" Agumon spoke up watching Tai. Tai turned away from the telescope.

"Come on how dangerous can a hole in the wall be? I didn't see anything that would consider it a trap" Tai said putting the telescope back into his pocket.

"Well Tai for starters it could collapse on us." Sora warned him, she had strange feeling about it.

"It won't fall, the whole wall look's sturdy….at least from here." He said to the others.

"Tai, usually -.." Izzy was about to say something when Tai cut him off. "Okay, Okay! But seriously lets see if it's a way out of the desert." He replied this time with more serious tone.

Everyone had agreed hesitantly at first but then they agreed to go toward it.

"It could be a mirage. Tai you aren't exactly the best person to get accurate description of it." Matt said. "Show what you know Matt." Tai said.


"So much it being a mirage Matt." Joe told him. "Well you never know. I thought it was pretty good chance it was one." Matt said, laid back. "It's an arch. Through the wall" Tentomon said stating the obvious.

"Yeah…never mind that but there's plants growing on the other side of the wall." Izzy said as he started to stepping thought the arch.

"Hey wait, you don't know that it could be a trap…." Tai stopped as he looked on into the small valley that was surround by mountains it was rugged.

But neither of anyone saw this before not even the digimon. "Wow. Amazing, I haven't seen this place before it must be new." Palmon replied. as she watch. Other were speechless.

"So lets go in there and explore…. It looks inviting." Gomamon said, as he was the only one who noticed the lake.

"Whoa wait there…what are you talking about Gomamon?" Joe asked him, he watched his digimon.

"There's a lake over there." He motioned. Everyone looked over to where he was pointing sure enough there was a lake.

"Oh! It's water!" Mimi exclaimed she, Palmon, and Gomamon all started toward the lake.

"Wait What happen to a GROUP decision!" Tai called to them. "Who care's there's water I think everyone what's water Tai!" Mimi cried.

*KABOOM* then the light sound of electricity ringing thought the air.

"I don't like thunderstorms." TK stated nervously. Kari then looked up to her brother.

"Tai come on, can we find a place to stay." She begged him obviously afraid of the rumbling of the up coming storm.

Soon after Mimi, Palmon and Gomamon came running back to the group. "You were right Tai, group decisions….always good." Mimi replied, she slowly hid behind Joe.

"Well it's getting Darker we should find shelter." Matt said looked up at the sky seeing the storming clouds roaring up above.

*KABOOM!* Now it began to rain, well the kids stood there.

"Think of SOMETHING!" Gatomon cried out. Sora caught some kind of hallow that seemed to be a cave entrance.

"Tai…everyone over there!" Sora pointed toward the cave. She took off into a sprit toward it.

"SORA! Wait up." Biyomon called to her.

"SORA!, WAIT FOR EVERYONE ELSE!" Tai yelled to her. She was way far by now. Then she disappeared into the entrance, everyone saw this from afar and started to run faster.

She stopped upon entering the cave and turned red with embarrassment she didn't realize that someone lived here.

"I'm sorry, me and my friends need some shelter… to stay….at." Sora gasped in surprise. 'a human how on earth did he get here.' Her mind raced.

The boy smiled at her warmly. "who are you?" Biyomon asked shaking Sora out of her thoughts.

"My apology miss. My name is Simon…you must be a Biyomon aren't you?" he asked Sora's digimon she nodded. "How do you know?…" she stopped mid-sentence as Tai and the others finally entered the cave soaking wet.

"Sora you could have at least waited for us…..who are you?" he asked as he noticed Simon standing in front of him. Tai eyed him suspiciously.

"I'm Simon, I am happy that you could stay. I haven't had visitors who are like myself in ages." He replied as he watched the digi-destined, he got them a towel…..

Little whiles later…

"You see long time ago, I was sucked into this Dimension by my computer." He replied, everyone's eye raised skeptically.

"You expect us to believe that." Matt said to him.

"Let him finish Matt." Gabumon replied. Matt hastily backed down. "As I was saying, I was transported here by computer, I never could leave for so long. I had no digimon like yourselves." He replied, he looked away at the fire.

"I was lonely." He replied started to cry, much to there surprise everyone seemed to soften up to him, expect Tai who still was very weary on why and how he gotten here with out having a digivice.

"So that's it you were here for that long?" Gabumon asked him. Simon nodded and smiled then turned to look at Sora. "Sora…that's a nice name. How did you 8 get here?" he asked…she looked at Sora with his brown eyes questionably.

"Well we got sucked through a vortex of some sort. Everyone expect for Kari. We had to go back to earth to find her and then we defeat Myostimon. Then coming back here to defeat the Dark Masters. Have you heard of them?" she asked. Simon nodded.

Tai frowned 'Something's not right I know it isn't.' Tai thought. "Where did you come from what part of our world?." Tai said to him. Simon looked at Tai this time with hard glare, which freaked him out a little but Tai wasn't about to let Simon scare him.

"I came from Tokyo." He replied, the quickly truing to Sora and asked her "Sora, you wouldn't mind if I showed you something." He asked suddenly. Tai nearly stood up in anger but Agumon sensing how upset he was stopped him from doing so.

"Tai it's not the time to yell, he's a friend he wouldn't hurt Sora." He whispered to him. "I don't know….what do you intended to ask me?" Sora asked carefully. Simon just pleaded to her with his eyes.

"Okay." She replied, she had uneasy feelings about it but she went with him. She had agreed to go but part of her was saying no. Biyomon was about to get up but Simon stopped her.

"It's okay I won't hurt her." Simon told Biyomon. Biyomon had a worried look in her eyes, which slowly relax as she saw a reassuring smile from Sora. Tai couldn't stand it and stood up.

"You can't go Sora." He said to her. Sora froze in her spot angry 'he has no right to tell me what too do' she thought, her anger got the better of her she then turned around and looked at him sharply.

"Tai, you don't own me. I can go where I want too you don't make my decisions for me!" she replied harshly at him she and Simon left. Tai frowned and sat down on the log

"Tai, stop flipping out. Sora can take care of herself." Matt replied calmly. Tai looked at him almost with a glare, then turned his glare at the fire. Kari looked at her brother in concern.

"Tai you shouldn't be too protective." She told him. Tai gave he an odd stare and then sighed annoyed. "No I'm not." He said.

Sora and Simon

Simon brought her to a large decorated room. It looked like a dinning room with the large table in the middle of it. She looked along the wall seeing all kinds of delicate carvings and pictures that looked all most like they were telling a story.

"Wow." Sora said amazed at the beauty of the room.

"You like it. I knew you would." He replied watching her, Sora was so entranced by the pictures she wanted to know more

"What is all the writing on the walls?" she asked. Simon smiled watching her expression of happiness "There stories told in pictures. Wonderful aren't they?" he said

"Yeah. But this one what is it?" She asked pointing to one in particular writing with a huge water monster on with a girl tied to a post with light brownish orange hair. It kind of hung on Sora oddly but she was Interested to say the least.

"That's just a prophecy, it's about scarifying a person to a god of the water." He said to her. Watching her delicate, face. In the light glistening from the fire polls in the middle of the room.

"Interesting. But there is something you wanted to ask me?" Sora turned and looked at him now. "Yes, it's not question more like an declaration." He replied gently.

"What kind of declaration?" she asked confused of his intentions now. "Your really pretty girl Sora. Beautiful." He said to her, Sora cheeks turned crimson. "Yeah right…you must of mistaken me for Mimi."

She replied. Lowering his eyes. Simon shrugged. "No, I couldn't mistaken you for Mimi, she's pretty but she not you. Your very different then her." He replied….mythically

"You have special powers with in you." He replied. Sora wasn't sure what to think of this and responded "I'm really flattered, but what did you really want me to come here for just to tell me I'm beautiful? And That I have a 'special' power?" Sora questioned him looking doubtful.

"Yes and No cause there one more thing that I want to say to you but first may I have this dance?" he asked. Sora surprised looked at him. Sora hadn't said anything at all she was so surprised that Simon wanted to dance. Music glided through the air.

"Your serious aren't you?" she questioned, Simon nodded "Okay, I guess on dance wouldn't hurt." She said, Simon gently took her hands into his own and the started to sway to the gently music that glided around them.

Back to the others, everyone was falling asleep it was al most the middle of the night Tai couldn't sleep, he felt angry.

"Who dose this guy think he is?" Tai thought bitterly He put his head in his hands and thought a while. Then Agumon woke up. "Tai? why aren't you sleeping?" he sleepily questioned his friend.

"I can't sleep right now." He replied quietly. "Well you should you know it's not good to not get rest." He told him, Tai wasn't listen 'why is this happing I mean, I didn't think till now that Simon could take her away from him.' He shook his head again.

"Tai….Tai….Tai???" Agumon looked at him, he shrugged 'What ever is bothering him he'll tell me later.' Agumon thought. 'No thing more then a friend…nothing more then a friend…' Tai chanted this out in his mind for what seemed like an hour.

The music had stopped, Sora looked up at Simon, he at her. 'Why am I feeling this way?' Sora thought distraught, he memories went floating back to he best friend.

'Tai…..Taichi….Tai' Sora's mind whispered she shook her head, feeling her heart sink. "Sora? Are you okay?" Simon asked as he watched her concerned "Yeah but I'd like to know more about What you were going to say to me." Sora replied, "What I wanted to ask you was to come with me." He said, Sora looked a little shocked.

"I can't, I'm digi destined I have to help fight the evil that is threatening the dig---." He put a figure to her lips. "Just think about it." He said, Sora nodded.

"Okay but I'm tired I'm going to go back to the others." She replied, Sora headed back to the main room where she found everyone asleep except for Tai. "Tai? You weren't waiting for me to come back were you?" she asked watching him carefully.

Tai turned toward her "I couldn't sleep…." He replied, 'this is my chance.' He thought

"Sora listen I know your mad at me but Simon, is up to something…he can't be trusted." Tai said to her, Sora looked at him wide eyed "You don't trust him cause your jealous of him." She said angry

"No I am not jealous why--." Sora just cut him off. "You didn't notice me for 4 months 4 months Tai! and now your noticing me cause, this guy is trying to incredibly nice to me!" she cried out in anger. Tai looked at her shocked.

"I noticed! But I was watching over Kari she's my sister, Sora. You can't just expect me to talk to you ever single time!" he yelled. This quiet talk now escalated to a verbal fight between the two, amazingly no one woke up.

"I wasn't asking that Tai! just acknowledge me just once every few weeks you have no Idea how left out I felt! Your supposed to be my best friend Tai what happened?!" Sora stood there with he hand on her hips waiting for his stupid reason.

"What about Mimi? You two are friends aren't you?" he asked Sora shook her head. "Yes but she can't take over the roll of my best friend which was still you by the way……Tai just….don't say anything else cause the offer Simon offered me seems a lot better now then it did then." She said calmer in a sad tone.

'An offer?' Tai thought "What offer Sora?" He questioned now he was worried. "His offer was to me to stay here with him." She replied, she watched his expression change to anger again for the second time

"What about us, Sora you can't just leave us!" he shouted, he calmed himself down. "You can't leave were digi-destined Biyomon needs you here and so do I." He replied, Sora looked at him in surprise

"Are you sure, Tai cause sometimes I wonder if you do need me….But never mind it I don't want to here any more of you lame excused." She told him angry. Sora marched down where she came from.

"This works just perfectly." He plotted. Smiled as he traced his hands over the inscription on the wall. The one Sora was so interested in earlier.

"She doesn't know it but she's going to be sacrificed. To the water monster on this picture. To bad she dose have the hair color of the girl in the picture. But if I don't bring her then the beast will be angry, and it will wreck my home." He thought. "Oh well things I'd have to do." He said.

Sora ran all the way down the hall coming up to a single door. She stopped and inspected it carefully before going to open it "STOP!" Simon shouted to her Sora turned around startled.

"Simon, I'm sorry I was just trying to get away from Tai and his dumb excuses." She replied again upset "No, it's okay. Do you want to see what's behind the door?" he asked her. Sora nodded. "Okay."

He opened the door. Letting her go through it. The door lead into a room the seemed to glimmer around them. It had a cylinder elevator shaft. Which was made of glass like material but it was stronger then glass.

The floors were lined with the same glass like material but you couldn't see through it. She went out to edge of the floor at the bottom was a pool of water with a post install into an small Island of sand.

"What's down there?" she asked looking, down the narrow hollow. "I can show you now if you want?" He asked her.

"Yeah I'd like too." Simon and Sora headed to the elevator that would take them down to the ground level. "Ah wait…" he said. He took a flask from his pocket. "Drink some of this." He said handing her the flask. "What is it?" she asked. "Just special water that helps you stay awake." He replied.

"Oh." She took the flask and took a sip from the it. "It tastes funny." She replied, she hand the flask to him but she stumbled a bit doing so. "I feel dizzy." She replied. "shh…it's okay." Simon laid her down on the ground. Sora looked up at him.

"What was in the water!" she asked him. "Nothing my dear don't worry about it." Simon told her. "You…" she passed out. "Now time for Biyomon." He replied.

Next Day……

"Ew…I don't want to eat that." Kari replied she cringed her nose in disgust as she pointed at the green stuff that Simon had severed her. "Kari eat it's good for you." Tai told her then Gatomon retorted back to him

"I'd like to see you try it Tai." She said to him, "And you see you won't cause I'm taking my time." He said. "I will try it." Gatomon finally said she carefully put the green stuff into her mouth and chewed it.

Everyone watched in disgust. "EW!" TK cried out disgusted. "I can gulp it down watch me!" Agumon said then shoving the whole plate down.

Everyone looked visibly ill

"Disgusting you guys are sick!" Mimi cried. "don't look at me I'm not eating it." She replied "Me either something that disgusting isn't worth eating." Tentomon spoke up.

"Come on be nice Simon was cooking it." Izzy replied. "It's okay I understand if you don't like it. Besides your not used to this stuff. I am." He replied to them. Tai looked around didn't see Sora, panicky he got up.

"Is something wrong Tai?" Simon asked him his eyes coldly stared at him, Tai narrowed his eyes at him

"Where's Sora, and Biyomon" He asked him, everyone shocked noticed they were missing also. "Don't jerk around with us where are they!" Matt yelled as angry as Tai was.

"Sora and Biyomon aren't here they left in the middle of the night. She was mad at you Tai. And she told me she never wanted to see either of the group again." Matt looked at Tai. "Is that true man?" he asked

"I'm surprised you didn't wake up with the yelling." He replied looking downward toward the ground. "I'm sure it not his fault." Gabumon spoke up. Tai nodded

"You know I told her things, but she wouldn't leave us like that. Sora wouldn't do that." Tai replied as he shot an glare at Simon. "Tai's right Sora wouldn't do that. And even if Sora mad at you Tai she's wouldn't just leave with out saying something." He replied.

"He's right Tai. I'm not supposed to say this but she cares for you a lot. As a friend of course." Mimi replied said to Tai. "This involves me! Not any of you would know , her feelings." He replied angry at the others now.

Meanwhile. Underground opening the place with the cylinder elevator shaft.

Sora was tied up to the post she was unconscious. Biyomon was to her right attached to the wall with metal restraints. Sora moaned slowly getting up from her lapse of unconsciousness.

"What happened? Everything went black. And now I'm here." She went back through the events of last night then remember what happened.

"He knocked me out he's the one who put me here, Simon." She grew angry. "I'm an idiot for listening to him. I can't believe it I got angry at Tai for no reason…." She replied upset She gasped remembering the story pictures.

"Wait ….I have that same color hair that means --- a water monster.

She gasped the water was starting to rise the she noticed Biyomon. "BIYOMON!" She called to her friend.

"Yeah….Sora what is it?" she said slowly waking up from her sleep.

"HELP! YOU GOT TO DIGIVOLE!" she cried out to her, she began to struggle with the ropes that held her down.

She looked down feeling her ankles in the water.

"BIYOMON QUICK YOU GOT TO DIGIVOLE!" Sora yelled to her friend

"I can't Sora, I didn't eat." Sora gasped feeling the water creep up her legs. She closed her eyes.

"I'm not going to give up. I can't." she thought "TAI!!!!" Sora screamed. Sora then brought her attention to the water, noticing something rising, from it. Panicking she looked over at Biyomon.

"Biyomon, you got to try and digivole! HURRY!" she cried, The monster let out a deafening roar.

The place rumbled. "What was that!" Mimi cried. "There's something going on. I can smell it." Agumon said to them. Tai looked back to Simon angry "Your lying to us! Where is she!" He demanded.

"Okay I confess she not gone but she's going to be breakfast. So your too late to save her." Simon told them. He held up Sora's lucky hat. Everyone gasped horrified.

"Your so dead!" He yelled at Simon. Matt grabbed him and pulled him up by his collar. "Whoa, put me down. Kid" Simon replied angry. "Not until you tell us where she is." Matt said. Simon pointed to the door at the far end. "Over there put your too late." He said.

"Guys you get out of here! Agumon and I are going to save her." Tai replied as he ran toward the door. Matt dropped Simon. as he did this Simon disappeared from there view with Sora's hat.

"Impossible he disappeared…." Izzy said trailing off. "Go guys I'm following Tai. Gabumon come on!" Matt ran down the hall where Tai went thought previously.

"Hold on I can do it! Biyomon digivole to….Birdramon!" She dove down at the monsters head, scratching him. It roaring again he took a step toward Sora only about 25 feet away from her. Sora franticly tried to pull herself free.

"TAI!!!!! WHERE ARE YOU!!!" She screamed. The monster was coming closer to her. Birdramon was trying fend off the monster, but being fire was weak against water it wasn't much help.

The monster finally threw her into the wall causing some of the glass material to crack a bit.

Tai reached the door attempting to get it open, but it won't open up. "Tai let me get it." Agumon told him. Tai stepped back. "pepper breath!" He fired it blasting the door apart.

"Tai wait up I'm coming too." Matt cried running to catch up to him. Tai turned around looking at Matt angry.

"Matt I thought I told you to leave with the others!" He yelled. "That's enough we got to help Sora." The two boys rushed though just in time to hear Sora's screams.

The monster advanced toward Sora terrified for her life started to cry.

"TTTaaaiii!!" She cried literally.

"Agumon Warp digivole!" Tai told him "Right, Agumon warp digivole to…Wargreymon!" he slashed the glass and jump through.

"SOMEONE come on please. TAI!" she called again then she called out again. Then struggled with her bindings.

"Terra force!" The attacked took out the water monster. Causing it to fall back. "We got to get down there!" Tai said.

"I got an Idea, Garurumon can get us down there." Matt told him. Tai looked at him and nodded.

"Gabumon digivole! Now." He said to his digimon

"Right Matt. Gabumon digivole to….Garurumon." Tai and Matt hopped on his back. "SORA WERE COMING!" Tai called to her.

The water was at her waist now. She watched wide eyed as Wargreymon came into view. She smiled, if Wargreymon here's then Tai wouldn't be far. Sora looked up sure enough she saw Tai and Matt with Garurumon coming down. She looked back at the monster Wargreymon was losing badly.

"AHHH!!!" She screamed see splash of water coming down on her. It was powerful that it knocked her out. "SORA!" The two boys both yelled. They hopped off Garurumon.

The two boys swam to her since they couldn't run that well in water waist deep. When they reached her. "Sora." Tai called her. "Tai come on she's knocked out we got to get her and us out of here, Wargreymon can't handle the guy any longer."

He replied. Tai nodded. They worked together and untied the rope that was holding her to the post.

After they had freed her getting onto Garurumon he jumped back up to where they were before. Tai laid her down on the ground.

"Sora?" Matt called her, they watched her to See if she could hear him. "Sora wake up." He said. The two looked down on her she coughed some water up, the boys both looked down concerned to her.

"Tai, Matt……thank god…you guys came." She replied, she sat up. There was a loud crash that made the three looked over to the battle. The water demon had bashed Bridramon into the wall again.

"If that thing keeps that up this whole place is going to collapse. Sooner or later." Matt replied. Sora and Tai both agreed. "Bridramon! You guys have to get out of her hurry and de-digivole" She called to them. Birdramon flew back to them de-digivoling back to Biyomon. "Go Garurumon, I'll finish him off!"

He called to Garurumon, he listened following Birdramon actions. Wargreymon turned back to the monster.

"Terra force." He formed the giant ball of energy getting set to throw it at the water monster.

Tai, Sora, Matt, Biyomon , and Gabumon watched. As the attack collided with the beast. And caused a massive title wave, Agumon came into view running by them.

"Guys run! Title wave!!" he cried The others didn't even bother to ask questions as they ran for there lives toward the door. The loud roar of the water could be heard as they ran up the hallway.

Tai, Sora and Matt and there digimon ran out of the cave, seeing the others .

"GUYS RUN!!" Tai yelled they, everyone confused up did any ways Tai, Sora, Matt and there digimon collapsed on there ground. a loud the roar of water burst out of the cave, then slowly reduced to a down.

After a little break….

"Sora are you okay?" Izzy asked her, she nodded. "Yeah. But I want to apologize to some one." She turned to Tai.

"Tai I'm sorry about that fight. I didn't mean what I said. And about us, we are still friends." She replied she put her hand out to him.

Tai reached out took her hand in his and they shook then dropping there hand to there sides, and starting at each other.

"It's okay, I know it wasn't your fault." He said smiling. The others gave each other knowing looks.

Tai noticed, a little embarrassed he looked away and then to the rest. He patted Agumon on his head.

"Hey guy's we got to move lets hope we don't see that jerk again." He replied. "Right Tai." Agumon spoke up.

"Hey what happened to my hat?" Sora asked them. "Simon took it with him." Joe said to her.

"Oh….well that's okay." Sora said not really caring really cause she had other things on her mind.

The others walked ahead. Sora and Biyomon were left behind to there thoughts, but they still close to the group.

"You know Biyomon, Tai is different……he's changed." She replied. Biyomon turned to look at her.

"What do you mean by that? Has he changed in a bad way? He isn't evil is he?" she asked her Sora laughed and shook her head.

"Don't be silly Biyo he's not evil …He's changed in a good way." She smiled watched him leading the way to there next adventure.

To Be Continued……………


What was Simon really about? And what dose Sora have do to with all of this.

Find out next time on Digimon Digital-Monster