Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon 02 AV ❯ Death Deifying ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Just a word, I like Sora okay so what ever happens in this episode of Digimon 02, Don't flame me cause of it. It's all part of the plot.

05. Death Deifying

In a darken corner of the Sever thunder and lighting rumbled and streaked across the skies for miles. The wind whistled strongly howling as the rain plummeted down hard upon the ground and on the castle, which housed Simon.

"I'll set this just right this time, it will be perfect no miss calculation at all." He replied, walking to his desk that had various items scattered on it, one of those items included Sora's lucky hat from a few months ago.

Cave on the content of Sever…

"This can't be good I mean who picked this place were all going to catch pneumonia and die." Joe said wearily. "Joe, lighten up were not going to catch pneumonia." His digimon reassured him.

"Well, it looks like we can't be going anywhere…so how about we play a game?" Mimi asked cheerfully. "We will Mimi!" TK volunteered both him and Kari and their digimon. "I've got cards I could teach you all to play gold fish." She smiled. "I'll get them " Palmon said. She went into Mimi's purse.

Tai stared out of cave with a worried expression on his face. They still haven't found the crest and he feared that they probably already failed; this storm seemed to complement his feelings as of now. "Tai?" Agumon asked. When he didn't get his friends attention, he shook him a little. "Yeah? What is it Agumon?" he asked.

"Tai I know something bothering you. Tell me and maybe I can make you feel better." Agumon watched him; Tai turned to his digimon and smiled. "Thanks for your concern Agumon, but do you mind if I think on my own for a while." He asked, Agumon nodded. "Okay." He replied to him.

Sora watched them in conversation. *Why is he beating himself up on this it isn't he fault.* She thought, she then looked to Biyomon, who was nodding off … Sora bit her lip. *All of this is my fault. * She thought.

Matt watched Sora from his side of the cave. *What am I thinking… she's a friend and only a friend nothing more. * Matt thought to himself. He began to play the harmonica. Gabumon had fallen asleep at his side.

Later on…

Everyone had fallen asleep, Tai and Agumon were on watch. Agumon was asleep while Tai remained awake.

Sora shivered then waking up she heard the faint crying, she squinted her eyes to see who it was. But all she could see was Tai. Sora gasped. *Oh… Tai…* she thought. She got up making sure she did not disturb anyone and walked toward Tai.

"Tai?" She asked softly as she approached. Tai eyes widened *I can't let her see me like this.* he thought he wiped the tears away and gathered himself enough to make it seem like he wasn't upset. "Sora…what are you doing up?" he asked as he turned to her.

"I couldn't sleep." She replied.


Sora watched him for a while. "Tai, You're a great leader you won't fail." She told him. Tai looked surprised at her. "How did you know?" he questioned. Sora looked at him confused.

"What do you mean?"

"You knew what I was thinking." He watched her carefully, "You aren't reading my mind are you?" he questioned. Sora shook her head. "I can't read minds Tai, I just know that's what you were thinking. Cause I know you."

"Okay so I was thinking what a great failure of a leader I am. 'Look there goes Tai Kamiya the failure!' that's what everyone would say… I couldn't protect my best…friend, from crazy path guy." Sora gasped at his reaction.

"Tai no one will think that! Absolutely no one! It wouldn't be your fault if there's any blame to put it on you'd have to but it on me cause I'm the one that he's after."

"Sora you not understanding…Sora?" he questioned.

Sora had suddenly gone into a trance. Tai tried numerous things to snap her out of the trance but he couldn't then he got really scared

"Agumon wake up!" he shouted as he did he's shout had woken up everyone else.

"What wrong?" Matt asked getting up. Tai shrugged as he desperately tried to wake her from the trance again. "Sora speak to me" Biyomon called her. But Sora still wasn't responding. Izzy approached, Tai and Biyomon who were attempting to get her to snap out off this strange trance.

Tears had formed in her eyes they dripped down her cheeks; Tai was getting more upset by the minute as was Biyomon. "WHY ISN'T ANY ONE DOING ANYTHING! " Tai screamed out loud, there was huge Clasp of lighting and thunder; everyone cringed as they heard the big boom of the storm. But then return back the attention to Sora.

"There something wrong here." Izzy said. "We have to help her." Kari replied at his side. "Yeah I know but the thing is that I have no Idea what happening to her." He replied back.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Sora screamed then she fainted; Tai and Biyomon caught her they laid her down on the ground. Joe approached from behind the two. "Let me check her." He said. Then went down looked in her eyes felt for a pulse. "Everything fine…she's just fainted I think." He replied as he stood up.

"This doesn't make sense, Izzy don't you got some kind of thing that analyzes our digital selves?" Matt asked him. Izzy shook his head no. "I afraid what ever that is that is bothering Sora is more to do with her ability to see the future." He answered.

"Maybe she saw something that was going to happen. Possibility isn't it?" Tentomon asked. "Hmm…maybe." Izzy went back to his computer researching.


Simon snicker. "Worked like a charm, I think the leader would be deeply effected by the sudden loose of the Sora." He thought out loud. "Airmon! I've got a job for you."

"Right sir what is will it be?" he asked.

"Simple, This girl" shows the Airmon a picture of Sora. "Kidnap her and bring her here, that way we can get rid of her and that stupid power of hers…and not too mention cause the breakdown of the Chosen children."

"I'll get on to it as soon as I assemble the troops." Airmon took off. "Okay, when you do catch her bring her to the main floor, where the pit is." He replied. "I'll be waiting."

"Nanimon! Prepare the fire pit now were going to make a sacrifice but this time the sacrifice will actually happen."

"Okay boss!" he shouted as the digimon flew down the steps in a hurry.


When Sora came too, she sat up getting concern glances from everyone. "Sora are you okay? What happened?" Biyomon had asked her.

"I don't know…" she stopped as the whole scene came to her. She looked around at everyone. "I don't know….I thought I did but that wasn't it, I can't remember any thing." She lied to everyone but it was for the best thing they didn't need to know what was going to happen to her, she was scared very scared and she didn't want everyone to worry for her especially Tai. He had to concentrate to begin the leader and leading them to victory over Simon.

"Are you sure? You screamed before you fainted was it about something that was going to happen?" Mimi asked

"No…. nothing is going to happen don't worry about it…. we should get some sleep for tomorrow okay." She replied.

"I understand Sora I'm glad you're okay." TK replied "Yeah me too." Kari spoke up. Sora smiled at the two kids. And walked over near the fire to their sleeping spots, the others followed except Tai how was still on watch with Agumon.


A bright new day….

Most of everyone's thoughts were gone of what went on last night, but the sky was clear and the sun had come out of it's hiding spot and shone brightly in the afternoon sky. They were now taking a 15 min break, to eat and rest before they were off again to search for the crest. Tai stopped eating after hearing something in the air, he looked up found 8 Airmon flying overhead.

"Guys trouble at 2 o'clock!" he shouted. All the digimon quickly digivoled to there ultimate forms and quickly went after the eight Airmon that flew above them.

"Oh no! This is bad really bad." Mimi cried…She and other digidestined all watched their digimon fighting.

Vegimon had sunk up on them while they were busy watching the digimon fighting. "Warp digivo--." Tai slumped to the ground as the others as did at the exactly same time, Matt then Izzy, Joe, Mimi, TK and Kari. The digi-destined were all unconscious except of Sora. "Garudomon!" she cried. Then a RedVegeimon wrapped her in his vines making sure to keep her mouth covered so she couldn't speak.

But Garudomon had already had heard her and came to her rescue, the other digimon turned to her and saw their human partners unconscious except for Sora who was being held by a RedVegeimon. "Let go of her!" Garudomon cried out, ready to attack.

"Don't think about attacking me! If you do she'll get toasted." The RedVegeimon spat out. Garudomon stopped knowing they were right. "I'll save her" WereGarurumon said "Garuru Kick!" he kicked the 8 Vegeimon and then went toward the RedVegimon "Help MASTER! I've got her!" he yelled, at last minute he disappeared WereGarurumon landed on his stomach where he was about to pounce on the digimon. He got up stiffly and all the digimon de-digivole back to their rookie stages.


Sora struggled in the digimon's grasp. "You'll like him." The RedVegeimon said to her. Then brought her to a room that had a huge pit and person stood, with all black clothing on, he was standing back facing them. "Sora…my long time no see." Simon said to her. She mumbles a few things at him. "RedVegeimon let her speak." He told him.

"Now what was that you were saying?"

"What do you want from me I never did anything to you!"

Simon laughed, he walked to his table and pulled a rainbow bracelet from the table that was next to the pit.

"You see this?" he held up the bracelet Sora shook her head. "Yeah what about it?" she asked.

"It's going to be your new fashion accessory…well not really but close to It." he walked to her and bracelet on her right wrist. It shut down on her wrist causing her to scream out.

"Ah!" she cried. "I'm sorry darling I don't mean it to hurt its all part of the act. RedVegeimon shackle her to the wall there, and come to my quarters." He replied and walked out of the room.

He did as he was told Sora didn't even fight him, but she asked questions.

"Why is he doing this to me first it was dreams and now it's this."

"I don't know all I know is that I was hired to do this work for him. It's supposed a big plan but I'm not sure what it's about." He explained as he locked the last shackle around her ankle. He began to leave, when Sora began to tried to move her legs, and arms in attempts of loosing the shackles but it wasn't very much use besides trying to tire herself out.


Tai moaned, as did the rest of the chosen children who had a woken, then they could hear Biyomon sobbing, Tai scanned to for his sister first like he usually did then for Sora…. "Sora?" he called, this caught the attention of the other chosen children. "SORA!" he shouted.

"Tai clam down." Izzy demanded him Tai looked around his sister was fine but Sora wasn't here. "She's not here." Matt replied realizing it now. Tai sat down upset and tired he cried. "I…let her down again…" He muttered his tears streaking down his face.

"We can still track her through her digivice. Lets hope that Simon didn't take it away." Izzy replied. Tai looked up at Izzy, he stopped his crying. "Okay well, what are you waiting for hurry and start searching digiworld for her." He demanded the digi-destined watch in concern.

Izzy began to type at his computer; he smiled as he picked up a signal coming from the far corner of the digiworld. "Yes! It works." He replied he sat up. "Okay so can you tell where she is?" Joe questioned. "Yeah…the north west corner of digiworld." He replied.

The digimon all gasped in horror. "What is it?" Kari asked them. "That's the darkest corner of the digiworld" Tentomon replied. "It's like the hang out of the virus digimon." Biyomon told them as they watched the expression of the kids change to 'This is bad' look.

"We have to go there no questions asked." Tai spoke up. "Hold up Tai we can't just go with out a plan, if that place is full of virus digimon we should take precautions." Matt said to him. Tai looked at Agumon at his feet. "That's the best way to go by Tai."

"Okay Izzy…can you tell us where the castle is? In that territory?" Tai asked him.

"Well from the looks of it…it's barley close to the border maybe a mile away from the border approximately." He answered he furrowed his brow in confusion. "Her position changed." He replied, confused.

"What do you mean Izzy?"

"She was moved." He typed a few more things… "Okay I'll try to zero in on where she is." Then suddenly the dot flickered off the screen and was gone, Izzy gulped. 'What happened?' He thought he typed more and went further into the dark corner he found map of the castle and brought it up on his laptop.

"Izzy is there something wrong?" Tentomon asked. "Yeah there is…. we lost her location. But…I've gotten a map of a castle" He replied.

"WHAT!" he screamed at him. "Tai don't yell." Agumon told him.

"It's gone…I don't know where it is but it was as her digivice turned off like a light." Izzy said to them.

"So dose that mean that we can't find her any more?" Biyomon asked Izzy. "No, not necessarily." He replied. "We still know that she's in the castle, in the darker part of the digiworld. And we got a map of the castle which will be helpful." He finished.

"Yeah so what are we waiting for? Lets go." Matt said getting ready to leave.

"Wait we need a plan remember" Joe looked at them all. "He's right." Gatomon said.

They all nodded. "Okay here's the plan" Tai began they all huddled together.


Simon walked into the castle dungeon. "How is Sora doing?" he questioned her. His cape flowed behind him; Sora struggled with the restraints holding her.

"Let me go!" she yelled at him angry. Simon laughed at her, Sora growled angry. "Shut up!"

"Don't count on your friends coming to the rescue. Cause they won't come." He smirked as he said this.

"Yes they well, they came before and saved me. They can do it again."

"Yeah…. but you see that time was different that fool datamon wasn't smart enough…besides it's a good thing I caught you cause you could have caused so much trouble for my plans."

Sora narrowed her eyes at him angrily. "What are you talking about?" she questioned. "What I'm talking about is your powers." Sora looked at him like he was crazy.

"I don't have powers!" she responded bitterly. "The physic abilities, Sora I'm surprised that you didn't know about them." He walked to the table in front of her; Sora was still confused as to why she had to be the one who was in this situation.

"Tell me something what 'powers' do I have I'm only a kid a normal person who got sucked into this insane world." She replied.

"Who said you were…" he was interrupted by her. "What this bracelet for?" she asked

"It's blocks your powers."

"So then why aren't you letting me go now…I can't use those powers I supposedly have." Sora told him. He laughed again and she got angry with him. "This isn't funny!"

"But it is…I can't let you go, I would be just faulting myself…. it would be fitting if you just suddenly vanished of the face of digiworld and never to be heard from again." Sora swallowed her fear at what she was thinking he was planning to do. Of course she knew she saw a vision of what was to happen but she believed she could coax him enough that it wouldn't happen.

He then carried on "And to see that you do never come back…RedVegeimon come here!" he order the digimon who came in a hurry. "Is it ready yet?" he asked, the digimon nodded. "Yes sir, do you want us to put her on crane?" he asked. "Yes…set everything up right now…" he trailed off looking at Sora, he snapped his fingers and Sora immediately went unconscious.


"Okay there it is!" Izzy called over the hovering of Kabuterimon's Wings. "It's dark." Kari said looking ahead.

"There's the castle." TK pointed out.

"I guess what they say about this place is true." Gatomon replied also a little freaked out about the darkness of this place.

"I can't see any thing at all." Matt yelled. "Me neither…how about we land Izzy." Tai asked him.

"I'm not walking in the dark Tai!" Mimi yelled at him.

"We got to land soon any ways."

"Tai were only a few more minutes a way from the castle we can't afford to lose any more time then we all ready have." Izzy told him harshly.


Sora was hanging by her wrists from a rope that was attached to the ceiling above the pit. She was still out of it thought and her head hung her chin resting on the top of her chest, she slowly came too. She looked down. "ahhhhhhhhhhh!!" she screamed her heart was beating fast, she was scared now. It was happening.

"My Sora dear, is there something wrong?" Simon asked as he approached the pit where she was suspended above. "Let me go…I promise I won't ….do anything to destroy you!" she cried her tears were evident in her eyes.

"I can't do that…how can I trust you?" he asked. "Am I supposed to trust one of the chosen children with the fact they aren't going to destroy me? I don't think so…the only why I can be assured you won't is eliminate you." He replied.

"Tai and the others will come after me!" she cried, Simon narrowed his eyes then he looked at her with a smile. "I'm sorry, but the rainbow bracelet, not only dose it block you powers from surfacing it. It hides your digivice signal…I'm not that stupid Sora." He then went to his side of the room where there was a computer and some paper on a desk.

Sora cried silently to herself. 'This can't be happening so soon.' It's like my prediction last night. She looked down ward, she could see the fiery pit below it was larger there was jagged rocks at the bottom, sharp and pointy ones. Some edges of pit were sticking out. "YOU WON'T GET A WAY WITH THIS!! TAI WILL HUNT YOU DOWN ALL THE THEM WILL!" Sora screamed at him. "I already have." He replied back and continued to type.


Kabuterimon landed at the back of the castle, "We can get in the same way we got into Myotismon's castle." Agumon told his digimon. "Yeah I can haul everyone up." Palmon replied "Poison Ivy" she grabbed onto the top of the castle and pulled her self up.

"I don't need a lift, I got wings." Biyomon replied she flew up followed by Tentomon. "Hey so do I." Patamon said and he flew up with them.


"Okay which way Izzy?" Tai asked they all looked at him. "Well there's a problem, there is three main rooms one in the west wing, another in the Middle and the third the east side of the castle." He replied.

"Um okay we can fix that…Joe, Mimi go to the west Izzy, Kari and me take the middle and Matt and TK take the east." Tai was to about to grab Kari's hand and Matt was about to say something put he stopped himself.

"How are we supposed to find it if we don't know the directions?" Mimi asked. "That's a good question, Izzy will give you the directions dose anyone have any paper?" Tai asked.

"WE GOT NO TIME FOR THAT!" Matt cried out in annoyance. "Then how do you expect us to find that place if Sora's life is on the line? Huh?" Mimi questioned him. "Simple, look. You've got eyes that what there for." He told her back. Mimi raised her eyebrows at him.

"Humph, be that way Matt! I thought you were way better then Tai was but obviously you more of a jerk then he is!" she grabbed on to Joes hand and pulled him toward the west wing of the castle. "Matt why did you do that!" TK asked a little angry. Tai, Izzy and Kari all sighed.

"It's almost an fact that all bad guys are in the middle of the castle that's the way it is." Izzy told him, Tai nodded.

"Mimi! Joe come back were not checking the west room any more!" Tai yelled in there direction. Mimi looked over her shoulder and stopped. "We should go come on Mimi." Palmon said as she began to walk toward the others.

"I'm not going to take that kind of verbal abuse from anyone." Mimi replied angry. "You want an apology fine you've got it. I'm sorry for yelling at you." He told her.

Izzy looked on with concern "HELP!" there was a voice the echoed through the gigantic hallway. Everyone realized who it was. "Hurry we don't have much time!" Matt voiced echoed thought the hall the voice came from they kept on running. Tai ran ahead Matt was in close pursuit of him.


"HELP ME!!!!" she screamed as loud as she could. "No one is going to hear you, so stop it before I'm forced to actually drop you down the pit." Simon told her.

Sora breathed in and out heavy she was angry incredibly angry right now and scared at the same time. "I'm not going to give up so easily." She told him. "That's what you say, Redvegeimon drop her 2 feet." He replied, the digimon made a hand signal. Sora screamed as she felt herself fall down then stopped, 1 foot away from the pit's opening. "Ohhhh…god…." She cried in pain her arms felt like they've had be pulled out of their sockets.


All the digidestined heard her scream and they rushed more. Biyomon had taken the lead, in front of Tai. "Biyomon hurry go!" he screamed to her. She flew faster until she was out of site.


"Simon intruders have been located, 7 kids with 8 digimon." Another RedVegeimon said that had come from the door. "No, that's not possible!" Simon screamed at the digimon.

Sora grinned she immediately. "TAI!!!!!!BIYO!!!!!!!!MATT!!!!!!!" she screamed for them. "Shut up! I hope you realized that you just said your last words…and it was lovely aquatinting with you." Simon said to her, he then motioned the RedVegeimon. "Times up. Cut her loose." He demanded.

Sora turned from happy to terrified, "NO…don't please! BIYOMON Help me!!!" the RedVegeimon paid no attention to her as he took the knife from the table. Sora looked panicked from the knife to the rope still holding her from falling into the pit.


Biyomon moved faster, she reached a double door with in seconds Tai round the corner with Agumon. "The door's closed I can't get in." Biyomon told him. Matt and Gabumon arrived. There is only one way to go through and that's by bashing it down." Tai replied he turned to Matt and Gabumon "Have him digivole to WereGarurumon" he replied, "Why can't I digivole?" Agumon asked "Your to big to fit in here you'll crush us." Tai replied.

"You heard him Gabumon digivole to Were Garurumon."

Gabumon digivole to…Garurumon

Garurumon digivole to…Were Garurumon!


Simon and Sora heard the slashing of claws hitting the woodened door, 'hurry…please hurry.' She took a look at the Red Vegegimon he brought down the knife on the rope and diced through rope.

The door came crashing down. As the rope gave way, dropping her down below. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" she screamed Tai, Matt and Biyomon rushed to the pit. The screamed ended abruptly. "NO! SORA!!!" Tai screamed horrified his voice echoed down the pit; it was dark he couldn't see and sign of her. "SORA!!!" Matt and Biyomon called down there too.

"SORA!!!" Tai called again in anguish he turned to Simon. "You…! Heartless jerk!" he yelled at him. Matt soon stood by Tai's side, he watched Simon with his Icy cold stare. Simon merrily laughed. "Big words for you boy." He replied.

"Funny are we forgetting who's the boy is here." he said back to him in anger. "Nope, but believe me when I tell you this. You chosen children have lost, with out her you are goners." Simon smirked with satisfaction, he snapped his fingers and disappeared.

"You come back Coward!!!" Tai yelled bitterly.

"Maybe you didn't here me clear but you just lost the battle." Simon's voice echoed the room with the evil laughter following.

Tai's resolved dropped he looked to over to Biyomon who was crying. Matt had his hand covering his face he slowly sunk to the ground putting both hands over his face; Gabumon was trying to comfort Biyomon, as was Agumon.

He looked at the pit, it was real everything that happened just now he wasn't able to save her… she called out to him for his help…. But he couldn't help her. "Sora…" he whispered, he slumped down onto the ground his tears forced themselves out and rolling down his cheeks. "NO!" he screamed kicked away some tin that was near his feet and broke down in uncontrollable fits.

Mimi first one to arrive at the room, she saw Tai sitting in the middle of the floor crying his eyes out, Biyomon was too. Then at the far side near a desk she saw Matt also sitting on the floor but she couldn't tell if he was crying or not.

Joe and Izzy came with TK and Kari … the gasped Izzy closed his eyes. 'God no.' he thought.

Mimi hugged Joe she sobbed onto his shoulder. TK and Kari both looked around the room they're brothers were on the ground crying, that gave the two younger kids what had happened was bad. TK grew teary eyed, as did Kari's.

N arrator:

"Is Sora dead? And what will become of the Chosen children…. To Be Continued"

*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*

Next time on Digimon: Digital Monsters…

they lost now but have they given up already…

"We can't do anything anymore." Izzy replied he put his laptop on the ground.

tai and matt circle each other, both staring at each other angrily.

will another Chosen Child be lost?

matt pushes tai into a tree.

"Stop it before you get hurt both of you!" Kari yelled

kari and tk try desperate to get they're brothers to stop.

or has the loss affected them so badly that the chosen will begin to fight each other.