Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon 02 AV ❯ Nightmare Island I ( Chapter 11 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

11. Nightmare Island Part I

"Hi TK here....I was getting really sea sick just flying over the digi-ocean, it was a good thing Kabuterimon flew faster. We finally met up with my brother after fighting swarms of Flymon, which wasn't that fun. We also had help from Andromon, which was cool. But Simon he's just an evil guy he nearly kill Sora twice…I don't like him…he then asked for Sora and Tai. And of course we didn't tell him he got angry a left. But what matters is that Sora and Tai are okay right."


Tai lay down he was asleep a drop of cold water fell onto his face startling him he woke, and screamed. A hand clamped over his mouth. "Shhh boy. Do you want to alert everyone that you are awake?" the man asked. Tai shook his head the man took his hand away. Tai sat up. "Genia?" he questioned.

"You are correct." Genia walked to the far end of the bars…. Tai was clearly confused. "What are you doing here?" he asked. "And I could ask you the same question." He said back. Tai looked around and got nervous. "Sora…where is she?" he asked…then also notice the digimon where not here with him either. "Agumon, Biyomon! Guys were are you?" he called. "That's enough…. you'll startled the guards."

"Huh? What guards…. this isn't funny Genia I don't even know how I got here and now my friends are missing." Tai said to him with seriousness. "Well when they brought you here you were soaked…but I didn't see any signs of your friends." Genia replied. "Where are we then?" he asked.

"Simon's island." He said. "Simon?" Tai shouted…Tai looked around the place. He was in a jail cell all right. He tried to think back…


"Sora?" Tai asked he it was dark now and they were still in the air. "Uh huh." She replied back. "You don't find this a little be nerve racking don't you?" he asked. "What do you mean?" she asked. "Flying in the dark without lights on." He said. "Sort off." She replied. "If it helps I'm kind of spooked too Tai." Agumon said.

"Well it isn't that dark. The Moon light makes it a little bit better." She said, everyone grew silent until Sora asked something. "Birdramon? How far is it to the Island?" She asked. "Not to far." Another voice answered. "Who's there?!" Agumon asked.

It laughed at them. "Shut up! And show yourself like a mon!" Tai shouted out. There was something flying around them they could hear something but couldn't see anyone. Birdramon felt someone wrap hands around her necks gasped as it start to squeeze and shook her. Mean while that was happening Tai, Sora and Agumon where holding on for there lives. "Agumon hurry wrap digivole!" Tai cried. "No use….he can't with out these now can he?" the guy said to them, he appeared in front of them in the air, showing Tai and Sora their digivices and crests.

"You, you won't get away with this!" Tai shouted at him. Sora gasped she slipped but managed to grab a hold of Birdramon's toe. "Sora! Whoa…" he nearly lost his grip on Birdramon's leg also. "Agumon!" Agumon had fallen off but grabbed on to Tai's ankle. Pulling on Tai's leg. "Sora…if I fall I…whoa…crap um…Sora tell Kari and my parents I love them and I…. whoa…." he tired to get a grip on Birdramon's leg but he couldn't he kept slipping. "Sora…Tai I can't stay up longer." Birdramon replied. They felt her starting to fall.

They both screamed as they fell. Into the water Birdramon had de-digivoled to Biyomon…..then all was black.

End of Flash back

"IT'S HIS FAULT!" Tai yelled. He went to the bars of the cell. "SIMON!" he shouted and started to shake the bars but they didn't move. "IF YOU SO BUT HURT SORA OR OUR DIGIMON I'LL PERSONALLY MAKE IT MY JOB TO BEAT YOU TO A PULP!" he shouted, he yells echoed through the whole yard.

"Tai now is no time for this kind of stuff…. now relax." Genia told him. "How did you get here…. when you sent us that message for Me and Sora to come to an island the retrieve Catherine's crest and medallions." Tai asked he was annoyed obviously.

"I was kidnapped and I never sent you a message about medallions there's no such thing as for Catherine's crest she has it all ready." He replied. Tai gasped in shock.. "You mean…you never did send a message…but that's impossible…it sounded like you the whole time! No one can mimic some one else voice." He replied in total shock and disbelieving.

"I should tell you about Simon…there are humans in the digital world…. like me and Simon…and Sharon." He replied Tai interrupted. "Sharon?" he asked. "She's the Dark Tyrannomon Queen." Genia said. Tai sat down on the bench. He watched as Vegimon went up and down across there cages.

"Oh…" he said. "Well like me Simon and Sharon are both digital human we are made up of data like yourselves…. but you see we can't just simply change Simon to good…or Sharon for that matter…they are evil it's like a virus digimon and a vaccine digimon…there are good ones and bad. Simon is bad he is the virus digimon of the digital humans." He said.

"So…Simon's just plain evil then." Tai said to him. Genia nodded. "And unlike you humans…he can't be changed to your side cause he has the virus…running through him."

"Wait that still doesn't explain how he gets magical powers. I mean I'm here and I don't have any." Tai said to him. "Yes but you see…digital humans have a powers…they're like the witch's in you fair tales. And the reason why we have this magic is because it was part of an extra genetics called an MM."

Tai frowned "A what?" he asked. "MM, it stands for magical magnitude." He said. "Oh…okay so you have MM too then?" he asked. "yes." Tai thought for a moment the looked at him. "Then Sora must have some of it then." Tai said to him.

Genia shook his head. "She had it in her but not any more. Simon some how got rid of that." Genia replied…Tai looked disheartened a bit. "She'll be okay I mean she won't die will she?" he asked. "No…she won't." Genia replied Tai sighed in relief.

"But she is still in danger." He said. "What?" Tai asked. "Simon has seen to it that you are both separated from the rest of the chosen children…for some odd reason he wanted you too." Genia said with a frown.

"What you make it sound like a bad thing." Tai said. "It is something to be concerned about Tai…. Simon has a mind of his own…. you never know what he is thinking." Genia warned.

"Ah…I've see you have met before." Simon replied he walked up to the cage Tai jumped up and tried to get at him. "All right you want your food so here." Simon threw some fruit on the ground. Tai glared at it then back to him. "I won't trust a thing you gave me." He replied. "Oh ouch…." He replied. "Vegimon you 3 come here." Simon demanded. They came over to him. "See this young boy restraint him and follow me." He replied. "Right boss."

The Vegimon took Tai from the small cage and dragged him out hold him with there vines. "Okay now hold still this won't hurt." Simon said he took out a bracelet the same one that Sora had. "No you can't ma…." The Vegimon covered his mouth. The other Vegimon held out Tai's arm of Simon he pull out the bracelet, Tai's eyes widened and he started to struggle. But he wasn't any use Simon put it on the closed the bracelet shut. Tai cried out of pain, he looked angrily at Simon who ignored Tai.

"Take him to the master building." Simon ordered the Vegimon nodded and followed instructions. Tai tried to yell at him but couldn't. "Save it for later." Simon said to him and left. Tai tried to struggle out of the digimon's grasp but it wasn't any use.


"Okay.... since Tai's not here and Sora isn't either we got to pick someone as temporary leader." Izzy said. Matt anger. "Whoa wait they're a second...Sora was second in command? Since when?" he asked annoyed. "I thought I was!" he cried.

Izzy sweat dropped... "Eh.... you didn't hear Tai did you." Izzy asked him. "Obviously not." Matt said angry. "Oh yeah well.... we did so it goes if Tai's not here with us Then Sora takes charge....or if some possible reason that Sora isn't here either, we pick a suitable leader." Joe said to him.

"Unbelievable! I thought he gave me second in command instead he gives it to Sora?" he replied. "Matt this isn't the time to hash this out." Gabumon told him. "How can I not!" he replied angrily

"The important thing is to move on.... so come on. Who's going to be the leader?" Tentomon asked.

"Okay fine.... everyone pick." Matt said still fuming over this new fact that he had learned, he couldn't believe Tai didn't trust him enough to give him the second in command spot.

"Okay let me go first." Catherine spoke up. "Um.... after I got know all of you better I think you should be temporary leader." She said to Matt. "Yeah Matt you can do a good job" TK replied.

He looked at the others. "Are you okay? With it really?" Matt asked. "Yeah." They replied. Matt smiled.

"Okay as first thing as leader....we should go some where." He said. The other watched uncertainly as he was thinking.

"Oh...I smell something good." Gatomon replied. "Oh your right." Gabumon said soon all the digimon could smell that odor.

"What is it?" Kari asked. "Food." The digimon replied. "Oh boy." TK said they were about to run but Matt stopped them. "We should be careful." He replied. "I don't only smell food but Tsunomon as well." Gabumon said to Matt strangely.

"What if it was like one of those villages like last time....you know the Yocomon village and Koromon village." Mimi asked. "It could be." Palmon said.

"Okay well let's go and check it out then." Matt replied.


The Vegimon threw Tai into a room that was nicely furnished and then closing it and locking it as well. Tai ran to the door and started to pound on the door. "LET ME OUT YOU CAN'T DO THIS!!" he shouted angry... "Arggg." He turned away from the door and felt for his digivice but it wasn't there he felt for his crest but it wasn't there either. "No...What the heck......" he looked for the digivice again but couldn't find it. "Damn it. He took them, that means Sora doesn't have her digivice or crest either." He looked around

There were two stained glass windows with bars over the windows. The room was rounded as if it where in a turret. Tai walked over to the bed and sat down on it. Then he noticed a letter that was addressed to him.

Curiosity got over him and he took the letter and opened it.

Tai Kamiya…..

You are only here because you were with Sora at the time, and because of that I can't let you go nor your digimon go your going to be kept prisoner here for a very long time. And not to mention I got plans for you.

And you've already probably notice that your don't have you digivice or crest well…there's a good reason for that…you see I realized that the boy named Izzy had put a walkie-talkie on it…it's a good Idea that he contacted you…I told him that you were fine…of course not in my own voice but as yours.

Don't worry about your digivice It's in safe keeping as well as the crest….your digimon have been put in my slave ring. And Sora……hmmm….but you shouldn't worry about her she's been well taken care off.

As for the rainbow bracelet is dose not have the same capabilities as the one on Sora's wrist…. you'll be very useful in the vengeance against The Chosen Children.

Yours truly Simon….

Tai crumbled the paper up and threw it in the trash. "That jerk! I swear if he hurt Sora or any one else I'll personally see that he'll never see the light of day!" Tai shouted angry.


Simon carefully opened a door. He peeked in and came into the room. "Sora." He called in Tai's voice. Sora slowly sat up she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes…and stared at him in disgust. "Your not Tai!" she shouted.

"Good observation darling." He said. "Don't call me that. I'm not and never will be your darling." She threatened him. "Oh…. the hurtful things you say." Simon said.

Sora didn't say anything but stared at him angry. "Like I told Tai you favorite boy…. your not going any where and don't except a rescue of any kind." He said.

"Where's Biyomon?" she asked. "Oh your digimon…well they're both at work in my slave camp." He said.

"You can't do that! There digimon they have feelings like us….or should I say like me." Sora replied. "It's already done." He told her.

"How can you justify yourself? You're a rude monster. You're my age but you do all these evil things." Sora said. "Ahh…. you see that's where your wrong I am your age but I'm not human." He said. "Good thing to say about yourself." She shot back. "You look human, aren't you a digital human…how different is that from us?" she asked.

"Different in a good way. I won't be as pathetic as Tai or any other of your friends. Boy would I love to stick by and chat with such a lovely girl as you but…I got things to do." He said then walked over to the closet and pulled out a dress, it was red and long. "Put this on." He said. "Why?" Sora asked. "Put it on Sora or something might happen to Tai." He stared at her as he said Tai name with evil etched in his voice, he left her alone in the room.

As he closed the door Sora ran to it. "You can't do this! Some one will find us and help us!" Sora cried out as loud as she could.


"GET WORKING!!" a Redvegimon said with a loud voice. he wiped some digimon at were slowing down.

Then a couple feet away from there Agumon and Biyomon were chained together and pushing an create. "I don't think I can stand this Agumon." She said. "We got to." He said to her. "YOU'RE NOT WORKING HARD ENOUGH!" another Redvegimon said to them, he wiped Biyomon. "OWE!" she cried.

Agumon had gotten angry. "Okay I had enough." He said, he stood up to the digimon. "Get back to work!" he shouted. "No and we are not going to be treated like this. Pepper Breath!" his attack hit the guard in the face. Biyomon stood up next to him. "I agree too." She said. "Spiral twister!" she shouted and it burnt the Redvegimon.

"THAT IT'S! THE HOLE FOR YOU BOTH!" he shouted angry.


"I think it is an Tsunomon village." Gabumon replied he ran ahead of all of them. "Hey Wait Gabumon!" Matt called to him.

Within a short time everyone had stopped as they saw the village. Tsunomon were all over the place.

"Whoa…. there's a lot of them." Matt said. "Of course there is." Gabumon replied. "That's not what I meant and you know that." Matt told him.

"Welcome to our village." One Tsunomon said to them. "Oh thank you." Catherine said politely.

.......minutes later..............

They were all together in a small hut (much like the ones at Koromon village.) in front where TK, Patamon, Kari and Gatomon. Behind them Matt, Gabumon, Catherine and Floramon, to they're right was Joe, Gomamon, Palmon and Mimi and on there left was Izzy and Tentomon and they were surround by a number of Tsunomon.

"Okay as an honored guest's we invite you to drink this." The head Tsunomon replied they carried a tray of cups to them that was filled with a liquid. "What is this?" Tentomon asked. "It's a special drink." One of them replied.

Matt eyed the drink and smelt it, as did the others. "It seems okay." Izzy replied. "You think Izzy." Matt asked. "Yeah...kind of smells like root beer." He replied. "Hey your right." TK replied he was about to take a sip but Matt stopped him. "TK not yet...how can we be sure you Tsunomon didn't do something to these?" he questioned.

"Us why would we do something like that?" they all questioned. "You better not be." Gabumon said.

"We won't trust us." One said. "Hmm." Matt trailed of a bit.

He took a sip as the others but Kari stopped TK, Gatomon and Patamon from drinking it...before they could stop the others they had already drank it.


Tai was trying to look for a way out of the room he was being held captive in, beads of sweat started to form on his face like when he played soccer....but he wasn't doing anything that was too tiring but walking about and looking for an place to get out.

He wiped his forehead. "Man...Why all the sudden I don't feel so hot?" he asked himself....he walked forward and stumbled onto his knees. He sat there for a while resting, he felt as if the whole world was spinning in a circle.

"I can't be sick." Tai replied he pulled himself up, and very cautiously went to the bed and climbed on to it. And lay on his back he closed his eyes.

His head was swimming and he felt dizziness and nauseous... "It's Simon he's doing this...he did it to Sora.... and now me." he replied he gulped and closed his eyes, he remembered what Sora has told him...the bracelet was causing her illness.

Tai lifted his left hand, and tried to see the bracelet but he couldn't his vision was blurred. He let his hand drop on the bed, and closed his eyes.


"Are you there Agumon?" Biyomon questioned him. "Yeah...but I can't see a thing." He replied...something brushed up against him he reach out and touched it. "OH!! who did that!" Biyomon shouted in anger.

"Opps sorry." Agumon cried. "oh...don't touch me again." She replied. "Okay...how about we make a fire or something?" he asked.

"How and with what?" she asked. "With my pepper breath attack of course." He said. "No your going to burn us." She replied. "No it won't..." he replied and got ready to use his attack. "Pepper breathe!!" the flam flew and hit the wall and fizzled out.

"That didn't do anything useful." She said. They sat in silence... "I hope Sora is okay." She replied. "I hope Tai is too." Agumon said.


Sora looked around her imprisonment. 'Simon can't control my ability...to see the future or maybe I don't have it but...I could maybe communicate with and of the other's by telepathy who are outside of this island.' She thought.

She sat down on her bed, she closed her eyes and put her index and middle finger to get on both of her hands and placed them on her temples and attempted to contact Kari. *Kari...* her response back was all-weird.

Her eyes shot opened... and shook her head. "Oh...what happened?" she asked as she rubbed her temples. "It sounded like static." She replied and looked around her room once again... "Tai....I'll try him...." she replied.

She closed her eyes again and prepared herself like she did last time. *Tai...can you hear me?* she asked in her mind, but unlike last time she got a response. *So...ra.....??* his voice sounded weak. *Tai are you okay?* she questioned. *No.* he replied. *Tai...where are you?* she asked to him...when she didn't get a response she started to worry, she snapped out of her trance. "TAI!!" she yelled.


Tai groaned, he lay on the bed motionless, eyes closed.


Simon got up and walked to the screen, one with Sora on it and the other had Tai who was lying on the bed.

"There's no way Tai's going to get in the way or cause trouble. Of what I have planned." Simon replied he watched the monitor, as Tai lay in the bed sick. "Tai you'll be out of the way just in time for my plan for Sora. But of course I still need you." He replied. He thought back to the first time he met Sora.

"I truly meant that she was beautiful...that evening." He thought... "But there was something wrong with the look in her eyes." He replied he thought for a while. "Sir...the alter is ready...." A Vegimon alerted to him.

"Prepare Sora tonight and beset for the celebration tomorrow at dawn." Simon replied. "Right sir!" he replied and left in a hurry.


Everyone laughed as Joe tripped as he was dancing around like a monkey. "Stop hogging the fun!" Matt replied... he stood up and pulled Catherine up with him as well. He stood then for a moment as they all watched.... then he began to laugh his head off. Catherine then joined in to the laughing.

Kari, TK and they're digimon looked on at Matt and Catherine who were making a skeptical of them selves, the all looked around and noticed that the others the other laughing as well as the Tsunomon.

"Something smells fishy here." Gatomon replied. "Yeah tell me about it...everyone acting strange." Patamon replied. "Do you think it was the drink?" TK asked. "I think it was." Kari replied. They turned as Matt tried to get the attention of everyone...he was giggling a bit but stopped enough to say something.

"Okay.....since *laughs* right....were going to do an example of Tai and Sora....Catherine pretend to be Sora." He replied. "Okay...." she giggled. Matt cleared his throat...giggled a bit again and then tried to look serious. "Sora.....you're my love! *Giggles* I'm supposed to be Tai....by the way." He starts to laugh again, but only briefly then gotten serious. "Oh...Sora....I love u!" he cried, everyone started in awe. "Tai...I love you too! Kiss me!" she shouted. And with that's Matt grabbed Catherine and kissed her on her lips. As they pulled away and began to laugh.....

Then everyone else did too, and soon all of them were laughing. "Oh boy." TK replied, Kari just watched in shocked. "Where they supposed to do that?" Patamon asked. "I don't know...Kari what do you think?" Gatomon questioned.

"I don't think so." She replied.

..........Later at Night.............

All the chosen children were out of it as well as the Tsunomon had fallen asleep on the ground. TK, Kari, Gatomon and Patamon where still up, then they laid down on the ground.

"Hey, I think the Tsunomon are behind this." TK whispered. "Yeah....so do I." Kari replied. "It's bad enough that Matt and Catherine Kissed but....Izzy almost tried to break his laptop." She finished, "Yeah but I got in time before he actually did." Gatomon said. "Yeah thank goodness."

Next Day......

TK and Patamon were the first one's to wake up, he then noticed that none of the other here...including there digimon. "Patamon where did they go?" TK asked. "I'll check be right back." He replied and flew out the door.

TK took a moment to wake Kari and Gatomon up.

When Patamon flew out the door the first thing he saw as all the chosen children doing their normal thing and they were fine. "Hey Gabumon!" he cried and flew over to him. "What are you doing?" he asked. "Nothing Matt's thinking about where to go next." He replied. "Oh." 'That's odd it doesn't look like they remember anything about last night.' Patamon thought.

That's when TK and Kari and Gatomon came out of the hut. "Oh Good morning everyone." Gatomon exclaimed. "Morning!" they replied back.

Catherine and Mimi as well as Floramon and Palmon were talking happy about something, which seem to be mostly about make up and fashion.

Joe, Izzy, Tentomon and Gomamon where seating next to Matt who was sitting and thinking. Gabumon watch him.

"How hard can it be to decided which way to go?" Gomamon asked. "It's very hard we can't just go that way or this way there could be trouble." Matt replied 'How the hell did Tai decide where to go?' he questioned but then he answered his own question 'he just went into things before thinking that's why...but I don't want to be as unreasonable person like he is.' He thought.

"Perhaps you should think like this: Since we are the Chosen Children it's only Likely we won't be able to escape the dangers that come with being Chosen Children....so we should just go an which way, cause those dangers will always come looking for us anyway." Izzy replied. "Yeah but...I'm responsible for us! If someone gets hurt then it's my fault."

"Matt...." Gabumon was about to say but stopped after they heard a deafening roar, they all jumped up. Tsunomon were altered too. "Oh my gosh Guys do you here that?" Mimi called to them. "I heard it and is doesn't sound good." Joe replied. "For once Joe I agree with you." Gomamon said.

TK, Kari, Patamon and Gatomon all ran over to where Matt was. "Matt! What is that?" TK asked. "I don't know." He replied. Mimi and Catherine came over to them also with they're digimon following them. "That doesn't sound like a digimon." Palmon replied.

"We will be ready to digivole right guys?" Tentomon said. "Yup" the rest of the digimon agreed.

"Ah...Chosen Children -minus two...Tell me where those other two are or else suffer the destruction against my creation!" he shouted.

"How about you stuff that mouth of yours with sand!" Matt yelled at him. "Touchy are we?" he questioned. "But very well.... I've learned the hard way if you want your work to be down don't ask a digimon to do it. So while you were walking around digital world I whipped up some creations and this beast is the first of them...actually.....um...maybe the second but I'm not entirely sure." He replied.

"You're a big pain!" Gomamon replied to him. "Thank you I take the pleasure of It." he replied.

"Once upon a time there was a beast that Simon had made. And it took upon pleasure as he got riding of the Chosen children and they're digimon." He replied and laughed, disappearing in a cloud of dust.

"Not good, not good, not good!" Joe replied. "Ahhh!! Abandon the village!" Tsunomon ran for it. "Gabumon we got to get out of here before that thing starts to show.... it's self." Matt stopped in mid sentence as the monster showed it's self.

"It's huge!" Catherine cried. Everyone's eyes widened in shock. The monster was about the size of MetalGreymon, he looked like him except he was much slimmer and his on his middle toe he had an elongated claw. Izzy gulped... "That looks like...a rather large dinosaur." He replied. "Not this again..." Mimi replied.

"RRRRROOOOOAAAAARRRR!!" the Monster charged toward them. "EVERYONE RUN!" Matt shouted. "Digimon digivole!"








"Digivole to....."








The digimon stood in front of them of the chosen children getting reading to protect them.

To Be Continued......

Stay tuned next time on an all-new adventure of Digimon: Digital Monsters Alternate Version.

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