Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon 02 AV ❯ A Day of Danger ( Chapter 14 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

14. A Day with Danger

"Last time things to the turn for the worst as Matt nearly killed himself for a test to get a stone...that was not the ideal test for me...it only gotten worse when we finally got the stone...That's when we got the shock of our lives...Tai and Sora both turned against us. But because we didn't know that they were turned against us we thought they were traitors as well as there digimon...it was quite a shock, I hope this passes by fast."


Simon threw an object at the wall it shattered into pieces. "Damn it I told him to follow orders!" he cried angrily, he looked at the monitors...watching Tai Sora and the digimon talk. "I hate Tai...but I still need him he the strong chosen child.... how do I get him to listen to me that's the only problem." He questioned to himself he looked at the digivice box, then to the monitor.

He picked up a receiver of some kind and punched in an number. "Tai and Sora and the digimon come back to my head quarters immediately." He said into it then closed the receiver.

He ranked his hands in his hair...he couldn't risk losing all the destiny stones to the chosen children. "It's not good...at all...and if they give the stones to the legendary digimon then I'm history...she'll destroy me." He said in absolute worry.

"I just hope that she doesn't find out about what I'm doing." He said.


"He sounded angry." Sora replied. "That's obvious." Tai said in anger. "I really don't care about him...in fact I don't really care about getting the stones." He said again.

"Tai! You can't mean that he hired us we must deliver the stones to him." She cried. "She's right." Agumon commented. "We must do as he says." Birdramon said.

"Okay fine that will be the last time I will listen to anyone for that matter." Tai said.


Matt chucked rocks into the lake they were sitting by...it was resting period for the group and since the earth stone was a days walk they sat down and rested.

Izzy was doing further research on his computer.

'Maybe it's just my imagine but that happened all too quick...why would Sora and Biyomon, Tai and Agumon turn against us like that...it doesn't make sense.' Matt thought he chucked a second rock in to the water.

"Mind if I join?" Joe questioned. "No." Matt said to him, he absentmindedly threw another rock into the water.

"It doesn't make sense Joe.... I mean.... one minute they leave on a utter most important journey and the next they work for Simon." Matt said in confusion.

"It beats me but you know I think there more then what we are seeing." He said to him. "Your right...and maybe when we confront them again, we'll get answers we need." He said.

*Fades to the camp...where the rest of the chosen children are*

"That was pretty weird seeing Sora like that.... and Tai" Mimi replied she watched the fire. "My brother isn't himself." Kari replied softly to the two other girls. "What do you mean?" Catherine asked. "Neither is Sora...she acted too aggressive." Izzy said as he joined the girls. "Izzy your smart what do you think?" Mimi questioned...all three looked at him.

"I think something is up." He replied. "So you think they aren't Tai and Sora or they are Tai and Sora?" Mimi questioned he frowned. "Huh?" Izzy questioned. "I think she means that Tai and Sora we saw trying to steal the stone were fake...and not the real ones." Tentomon said to him. "Well that's a possibility but then again how are they about to digivole...if they weren't the real Tai and Sora...fake digivices wouldn't have worked." He said.

"Well I don't know I was just suggesting." Mimi cried at him. "Mimi he was just saying that it wouldn't work cause the digivice were fake." Tentomon explained. "Well he should be more sensitive when he says things." She replied crossed her arms.

"Maybe some thing else happened." TK suggested. "Like what?" Izzy asked. "Maybe like a mysterious power is controlling them." Patamon declared from atop of TK's head, Izzy frowned.

"I don't know it's a possibility if Simon is behind the whole thing...then yeah he could be controlling them some how."


Sora and Tai along with they're digimon arrived back to Simon's Island...they got off and started toward the room...but Simon had already come to the front door and stopped them there.

"You both failed." He replied hint of anger not that noticeable. "Okay we failed...it's not the end of the world we were going to find the 2nd destiny stone until you called." Tai said to him.

"Vegimon! Get him and take him to the room!" Simon shouted. "Huh? What are you doing!" Sora cried out suddenly she watched as the vegimon grabbed on to Tai's feet and arms. "Simon what are you doing!" Agumon cried he went was about to use his pepper breath attack the Vegimon but Simon shielded them from getting hit.

"You know better Agumon don't disobey me.... Tai will be fine...he just needs a tune up." He replied the walked after the Vegimon who held Tai and were carrying him to the hypnosis room.

"Sora, Agumon and Biyomon to your room and don't come out until ready." Simon replied.

Sora hid her anger in quietly...but obeyed and went to the room...Biyomon and Agumon followed her.


The room the Vegimon carried Tai into the room and put him on to the table the straps held him down on the table. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" He cried out in anger. "I'm going to fix that attitude problem....unfortunately you didn't' listen like Sora...dose or you digimon you tend to have a mind of your own...when I said to mingle with the chosen children I said mingle...not fight them right off the bat." Simon said in anger he left the chamber with the Vegimon on toe.

The room darkened Tai was in a state of confusion. "What are you doing you idiot!" he cried he struggled. "On the count of three you'll fall asleep." He said. "One, two, three."


The next day the Chosen Children were off to find the cave...all had uncertainties in their minds as they walked.

'There's something wrong here I can feel it but I can't put it together...it doesn't make sense.' Izzy pondered in his mind.

'I know there something up...why else would Sora or Tai for that matter act the way they did?' Joe thought as he started at head.

'Hm....maybe I had a misconception about the two of them...It though they were nice when I meet them...or maybe they really are being controlled and are acting like that because they have too?...oh...this is confusing.' Catherine thought.

'Wow Izzy must be thinking really hard.... about this...perhaps the answers are all with Simon?' Tentomon thought

'Damn him...I know he turned Sora against me and the other he knows that I like her doesn't he...I'm not letting him get another stone.' Matt thought angry.

'Oh boy we got to re-fix things. Maybe rethinking this situation over again, they are all getting the wrong idea...I know Biyomon and Agumon wouldn't do that...to us...they're has to be another explanation." Gabumon thought.

"Okay were almost there just 3 kilometers more then were at the cave...where the earth stone should be." Izzy replied to the crowd.

Mimi and Catherine groaned... the digimon just sweat dropped. "There is no exception there." Gomamon explained. "Gomamon!" Floramon exclaimed. "Hey no one said anything about walking did they?" he questioned.


Sora paced her room.... Agumon and Biyomon watched her. "Where is he.... he said Tai would be okay." She replied. "I'm worried too Sora but I can't do anything either.... stop pacing." Agumon said to her concerned.

"Simon has gone to far.... he...can't take him away from me...he's the only one I know." Sora replied. "Sora.... your to dependant on Tai." Another voice came into the room.

"Simon! What did you do with him!" She cried and ran to him. "Him? You mean Tai?" he asked. "Yeah!" Agumon cried Biyomon and him hopped off the bed they were sitting on both went to Sora's side and watched him.

Simon laughed. "Tai's a fighter...you should know that Sora." He replied. "That's not the point where is he!" she questioned. "He's right outside." He replied. "Tai come in." Simon replied, Tai walked in he was wearing different clothes; his shirt was a light blue and wore baish Kakahi pants. He still has his goggles on of course "Tai...what are you wearing?" Agumon asked.... he looked at his partner's attire. "It's something new Simon suggested I wear." He replied Simon turned to Sora and handed her a bag. "Sora here's yours." he replied, She started at him as she reached into the bag and pulled out what she was supposed to wear.

"It's a dress!" she cried in disgust. "Not exactly it's a sport dress...so it has shorts underneath." Simon replied. It was light blue with a white stripe going around the waist. Sora angrily grabbed the dress and walked to another room to change into it.

"Biyomon Agumon this is for you." Simon handed them a package. "What is it?" Biyomon asked. "Food." He replied. "It's such a lovely present." Biyomon said dryly. "Oh...no it's no ordinary food...it's a special kind...it helps you both become stronger in your Champion, Ultimate...and Mega forms." He said to them.

"But I'm already strong." Agumon said to him. "A but...wouldn't you like the ability to flick the chosen children's digimon like a fly?" Simon questioned...Biyomon and Agumon nodded "That would be much easier wouldn't it." Simon again replied.

The digimon turned to Tai. "Tai...and you don't care much?" Agumon asked him. "Nope actually I'm the one who asked Simon to make this food.... and he did." He replied.

"So you both are getting along then?" Biyomon asked. "Yes.... better then before...he taught me something; I should be great full to him for help us because he'll make us invincible...he going to give us the power and when he dose take over the world we will be with him...at his side." He said.

Sora came out of the bathroom and announced her presence by clearing her throat. "Sora." Simon replied he walked to her she looked a little upset. "You look marvelous...just as I perceived you to look in that out fit." He stopped and looked at her. "What's the matter you look upset." He replied softly.

"I'm not...I'm just.... I don't like this outfit it makes me seem like a.....I don't know the words to describe it." She replied sadly....Tai pushed Simon aside and came to her, "Sora you look great in it...you look good really good..." He replied, she then looked to her digimon. "Biyomon? What do you think...I need a female opinion on this." She replied.

"It's look okay Sora...what's wrong with it?" Biyomon asked her. Sora smiled "Thank you Biyo." She went to her and they hugged. "No problem. Sora." She replied. "So you are both set...Biyomon, Agumon finish the food up and I want you to be at the cave before they do and grab the stones both of them even if it means...fighting them." Simon replied. "Got it." Sora replied then looking at Tai. "We will get both stones back Simon." He said to him. "Good, the faster I get the hands on the stones the faster we can all get to spend a few relaxing days off." He replied.

Simon pulled to digivice from his pocket. "Sora, Tai...hand me your old digivices...these are your new ones." The two took their digivices and put them into there own pockets.

Tai and Sora started to leave...they're digimon in toe. "Hey guys! Wait." Agumon cried. "Yeah you both walk to fast!" Biyomon cried.


Middle of the after noon

As the Chosen Children walked...they didn't know that this next upcoming stone would be more difficult to get...

Kari looked around worried expression on her features...she was only 8 years old but she could sense something was terribly wrong was going to happen...like many times before.

"Kari you look weird are you okay?" Gatomon questioned her. "Um...yeah...it's just my brother...and Sora not to mention, Agumon and Biyomon they not normal...something did it to them." She replied.

"I think I see it guys." Matt said he began to run. "Matt Wait up!" Gabumon shouted, Izzy gasped. 'Oh no it can't be' he thought.

"Tentomon get ready to warp-digivole." Izzy said to him. "Why Izzy?" he asked. "Tai and Sora." TK replied, Kari looked up and sure enough the two had arrived at the cave first way ahead of them.

"Run guys! Hurry before they get the stones!" Matt called back to them. "I can't run!" Mimi and Catherine cried to him. "Just do it! If we are going to get the earth stone we all got to hurry!" he shouted and resumed running with his digimon on toe.

"I can't run!" Gomamon cried. "My legs weren't meant for this!" he replied as he chased after Joe. "Stop complaining Gomamon!" Tentomon said to him. "Easy for you to say! You can fly instead of run." Gomamon shouted back in annoyance.

"Never mind just run." Joe said to both of them. "In my case fly." Tentomon corrected.


Tai, Agumon and Sora hopped off then Birdramon de digivoled to Biyomon. "Well done Biyomon." Sora replied. "And here's the cave all we got to do is get the stone." Tai said.

The four entered the cave slowly the looked around torches were lite...along the walls...as they traveled further Agumon stopped them. "I smell something." He replied, "What is it?" Tai asked. "A digimon." He replied.

They're digivices both went off suddenly. "Hm....they're here Tai." Sora replied he nodded. "Yeah.... let's hurry up." He said they quickly went further. Until they reached an opening and entered a large room.... and a bridge leading to small Island that was surround by hot lava.

"There's the stone." Biyomon replied. They started toward the brigbe but were stopped.

"Where do you think your going!" an giant sized digimon roared as he block there path to the stone. "it's Drimogemon!" Biyomon replied.

"To get the stone get out of the way!" Tai shouted. "No you have to take a test before you get anywhere near the stone." The digimon warned them. "Forget the test we got no time for it!" Sora shouted angry at Drimogemon. "Then you don't get the stone of destiny."

"If it's a fight you want then it's a fight you get." Tai replied.



"Warp digivole to......"



The two-mega digimon soared up to the roof of the cave, while Tai and Sora both took shelter in the hallway and watched.

"Starlight Explosion!" Phoenixmon unleashed a bright light of energy at Drimogemon it hit him casing him to fall backwards into the lava breaking the bridge and all with him. "AAHHH!" he cried then vanished into data.

Tai and Sora came out. "Phoenixmon...we can't get across the bridge fell into the lava." Sora replied. "I'll come and give you both a lift" she told them.

She got flew down the two got on and they flew to the middle podium.... Agumon joined them there. "Okay the stone it right here." Tai said quietly he was about to put his hands on to the small chest when the earth shook under they're feet looking toward the door they saw Matt and his digimon Metal Garurumon. "Not so fast Tai...Sora..." he replied.... soon the rest of the chosen children arrived behind him.

"To late they're nothing your going to do to stop us." Sora replied, she turned to Tai... he picked up the small treasure box and opened it up reliving the stone...the transparent that had an brown color swirling inside it and a gold ring with and inscription around it. "It's amazing." Sora whispered. "Yeah....but now let's admire it after we get rid of them." Tai pointed.

"Tai stop acting like this now!" Kari shouted at him. "I know you wouldn't act like that." She replied, he laughed, as did Sora. "Who are you to tell him how to act?" Sora questioned. "I say I warp digivole. What do you think Tai?" Agumon asked. "I say go ahead." Tai replied

"Agumon...Warp digivole to......Wargreymon!"

"Crimson Flame!"

Phoenixmon attack hit the top of the cave were Matt and the other chosen children were...rocks tumbled down "Palmon!" "Floramon!" Mimi and Catherine cried.

"Palmon....warp digivole to....Rosemon!!"

"Floramon.....digivole to........Kiwimon!"

They jumped out of the way with they're partners quickly as the rocks crashed down into a pile partially blocking the entrance.

Matt, Kari, TK and they digimon were on the left side of the pile Izzy, Joe, Catherine and Mimi were on the other side.

"It's not safe to fight inside here!" Joe said. "Your right Joe." Matt said. "I'll get a this pile of rubble." Metal Garurumon started to clear an hole.

"What are they doing?" Sora asked. "Escaping." Phoenixmon replied. "I think they have the right Idea." Wargreymon said to the three all nodding.

Mean while the Chosen Children all made it out of the cave. "Matt let's go they won I don't want to be here." Catherine begged. "No...we can't go...I'm going to get the stone if it's the last thing I do!" he replied he and Metal Garurumon waited 14 feet away from the cave entrance.

"This is ridiculous how are we supposed to get it! Tai has it incase you've forgot Mr. I left my brain somewhere!" Mimi shouted.

"Yeah Matt come on they won fair and square." TK replied. "I said no." Matt replied. "Matt...think reasonable here we don't know what they are going to do....they maybe our friends but still....they're not themselves!" Joe said to him. "I don't think he's going to move." Gomamon replied.

Phoenixmon and Wargreymon came out of the cave then Sora and Tai. "Tai....it looks like they want to play." Sora replied smiling a bit. "Yeah....it dose....they had to chance to escape but I guess they choose not to huh." Phoenixmon said.

"Yup" Tai replied.

"Shut up Tai hand over the stone!" Matt shouted at him the Chosen Children and 'traitors' were standing 14 feet away from each other.

"Never...if you want it you'll have to fight for it." Wargreymon said standing tall in front of Tai Phoenixmon stood tall in front of Sora.

"If you want it that way then fine." Matt replied. Wargreymon and Metal Garurumon flew up into the sky and began to battle...Wargreymon started while Metal Garurumon tried to reason with him.

"I don't want to fight Wargreymon...this is reminding me of the last time we did this." He told him. "There was no last time!" he replied. "Terra FORCE!" he flung the large fireball at Metal Garurumon but he just dodged it.

"There was don't you remember...Cherrymon made Matt fight against Tai...remember? We are the part of the chosen children Remember??" he questioned. "NO WE WERE NOT PART OF YOUR TEAM EVER AND WE WILL NEVER BE!!! TERRA FORCE!" his attack hit him this time knocking the Mega digimon backwards.

Rosemon flew up beside Metal Garurumon. "Stop Fighting! Wargreymon." She cried. "NEVER!" he replied he "Terra destroyer!" he cried he plowed through the two digimon causing them to corral downward in a spiral.

"ROSEMON!" Mimi cried watching he digimon fall... "METAL GARURUMON! QUICK GAIN CONTROL!" Matt shouted to his digimon who struggle to get out of his spiral decent.

Matt turned to Tai angry look in his eyes. "You Tai have gone to far!" he shouted at him, who smirked at them. "I have? Sora did I?" he asked her she shook her head. "Actually you didn't he doesn't know what he's talking about." She replied coolly.

Matt started forward toward them. "Matt! Stop." Joe cried. "You should be careful and listen to your friends." Sora warned him she looked at Phoenixmon who then stood up blocking Matt's way to them both.

"One step further, and she toasts you." Sora said to him...he stopped froze as he heard her speaking to them to him like that. 'No....Sora...doesn't.... act like that it's not her.' He thought.

"Matt...Considering the great strength they both have we have to back off!" Izzy called to him. "Right and we can't have you get hurt, right!" Joe called to him encouraging to back down. "That's it I can't stand to have us digimon do nothing!" Gomamon replied. "Right I agree with you." Tentomon said.



"Warp digivole to........"

"Marine Angemon!"


Sora and Tai both started to laugh, when Tai moved his hand on Sora's shoulder the rainbow bracelet on his hand caused a the light to reflect off it ....Izzy noticed this.

"If you want to fight then come on!" Marine Angemon shouted he put his fist up. "Fine better said then done." she replied the two took of into the sky. HerculesKabuterimon flowed suit and went up into the sky.

"How come I didn't see this before?" Izzy questioned himself. "See what?" Catherine asked. "Tai has a rainbow bracelet also." He replied. "So?" Mimi questioned. "So.... this is the break through we needed." He replied.

Matt charged at Tai and tackled him to the ground the two started to throw punches. "No leave him alone!" Sora cried. They both rolled and threw punches at each other.... Sora desperately looked for something to help him with, her eyes scanned a tree branch...she ran over and picked it up.

"No! Sora!" Mimi cried...she saw her head toward the direction of where Tai and Matt were fighting with a branch her cry caught the attention of the others who watched. "I can't stop her she a girl one of you girls go. "I will I think I can handle her." Catherine replied. "But you don't fight." Floramon responded. "I know but I'll try to stop her any ways." She replied and gathered her self to confront Sora.

"Starlight explosion!!" he attack hit Marine Angemon and sent him toward the ground...HerculesKabuterimon broke his fall. "Thanks HerculesKabuterimon." Marine Angemon said to him. "No problems I'll try to reason with her."

"Phoenixmon! Stop please...we know your on our side tell us what's wrong!" he asked her. "There is nothing wrong!" she shouted.

Wargreymon flew to her side quickly. "What wrong?" he asked. "Nothing...is...they insist that something's wrong but there isn't anything wrong...make them understand that nothing's wrong." She replied. "That's what those two insisted on me." He replied as he motioned to Rosemon and Metal Garurumon they all flew over.

"Were waiting for an explanation what's gotten into you both?" Rosemon questioned.

"There is no explanation.... Phoenixmon care to show them that we are absolutely okay?" he asked. "Yeah...I'd love too." She replied

"Terra Force!"

"Crimson Flame!"

They're attacked combined and hit Marine Angemon and Metal Garurumon. "That's it...you've made me angry!" Rosemon shouted.

"Thorn Whip!"

Her attack wrapped around Wargreymon and Phoenixmon. "Okay I'll take a shot now." Marine Angemon replied and got ready. "Wait...we can't hurt them." Metal Garurumon.

The two-mega digimon tried to get out of there holdings. "Phoenixmon...use Crimson flame." Wargreymon said to her, she nodded.

"Crimson Flame!"

They escaped...from there holdings...and gotten into a battle position. "If you aren't going to fight then this battle is going to be over right now." Wargreymon told them.

"Not a change.... We have to fight what ever is wrong with them we have no choice but fight them they are under control by a power...of some kind." Marine Angemon said to them.

"Your right." Metal Garurumon "This time we will fight." He replied.

"Ice Wolf Claw!!"

"Thorn whip!"

"Ocean of Love!!"

"Giga Scissor Claw!"

The for attacks combined into one and hit both Phoenixmon and Wargreymon sending them backwards a bit but they stood there ground good.

Catherine stood in front of Sora's way angry Sora took a swipe at her with the branch. "GET OUT OF MY WAY!" Sora shouted at her angry. "No your not going interrupt that fight! You not going to hurt Matt!" Catherine shouted at her.

The chosen children watched them as they argued...Sora then took another swing at Catherine she dodged it again. "Stop it...I know you're a good person Sora so...please." she begged.

"That won't work!" Izzy cried. "I'll get the stick away from her." Gatomon volunteered, she ran toward her and jumped 'Sorry Sora.' She thought as she scratched her arm causing Sora to drop the branch...Catherine dove at the branch and threw it away.

"Damn cat!" Sora shouted she held on to her arm, which was bleeding.

Matt had Tai pined to the ground. "This is for being a traitor!" he punched him hard. "And this is for turning Sora against us too!!" Matt shouted he then made his first with his hand and punched him again as hard as he could...Tai growled.

"Get off!" he shouted and with all his might he kicked Matt off of him and stood up he breathed heavily, blood was all over both of them.

"That's for being a traitor...hm...Yeah.... what ever." Tai replied coldly. "Yeah you heard..." Matt said just as angry as Tai was. "Ha well let's see you try again?" Tai taunted him. "I dare you come and get me." He called.

Matt watched him full of anger... 'That's it!' he thought. "Matt he's trying to get you angry don't listen." Joe told him, but Matt wasn't hearing anyone at the moment except for Tai.

"Terra force!" Wargreymon launched his attack but it missed every digimon... "That was a nice shot but we're here." HerculesKabuterimon said. "Who said I was aiming for you?" he questioned.

TK and Kari were watching the fight... "This is wrong." Kari replied she started to cry... "Why is this happening?" she asked. "I don't know..." TK stopped he looked up and gasped, Kari looked in the direction where TK was looking then gasp.

Matt's attention was caught but the giant fireball that was heading toward his brother and Tai's sister. "TK, KARI!!!" he shouted in horror. "GET OUT OF THE WAY!" Catherine and the others screamed they ran toward them.

Both of them were froze until TK snapped out of it... 'I'm a big boy I can save Kari!' he thought he then grabbed Kari's hand and ran out of the ways a seconds later the terra force collided with the earth sending the two kids flying a bit land a little hard on the ground...it knocked them out.

"TK, KARI!!" Matt shouted he ran to them they were both lying on the ground. "TK...." Matt dropped down beside him. Mimi went to Kari as did the other chosen children gathered closer to them.

The digimon watched in shock...then looked at Wargreymon. "You could have killed them!" Metal Garurumon shouted. Patamon flew up to him "You nearly took their lives!" he cried. "Shut up and hand us the Fire Stone...now." Phoenixmon said.

"Not a Chance!" Matt shouted at them. The digimon de-digivole except for Phoenixmon. "Fine...until next time." Tai replied with Sora's help he got onto Phoenixmon as well as Agumon. "I hope you are happy Tai! Your digimon almost killed your sister!!" Gatomon shouted at them angrily...she then turned to her partner. "Kari?? Are you okay? Speak to me." Gatomon said to her...she moaned and open her eyes. "Gatomon?" she questioned.

"TK...wake up please..." Matt begged him. "I promised mom and dad I'd take care of you.... just wake up." He cried tears falling down his face, TK moaned and looked up at him. "Hi Matt...I took care of Kari...just like Tai would have wanted me to...like a big boy." He replied Matt hugged him.

Phoenixmon flew over them. "By the way Gatomon...I don't have a sister!" he shouted back to them...Izzy's eyes widened in shock as did the others.

"Did he just say what I think he said?" Mimi questioned. "He said it." Palmon replied to her. "Then I have a feeling that what we think is betrayal really isn't betrayal..." Izzy replied.

To Be Continued.....

Next time on Digimon 02 AV....

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"Guys I got a solution....put the clues together." Izzy said to them.

The Chosen Children may have found out who was behind the sudden change in Tai and Sora attitude.

"Rainbow Bracelets, Tai said he didn't have a sister, the instant betrayal... it doesn't add up." Izzy replied.

Simon receives the first stone, the destiny stone of Earth.... and puts it into a lock away where no one knows where it is not even Tai and Sora.

"Nothing is going to stop my strong hold." He said to himself.

"And I will still have the one thing that interests me....and that's Sora." He replied.

Sora, Tai, Agumon and Biyomon search the lost woods for the leaf stone.

"There it is...and no chosen children in sight." Sora replied

she pointed to a tree that had the leaf stone mark on it.

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