Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon Adventure 02: Amnesia and Hidden Secrets ❯ Past of a Tamer ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Leafmon1995: Hi everyone! I am back with another chapter.

Daisuke: Did you just finish this or something?

Leafmon1995: No, I actually had this done a week and a half ago and end up starting the next chapter when I finished this one.

Takeru: It's true she got a little caught up in this one and didn't feel like stopping when new ideas came to her for the next chapter.

Leafmon1995: Yup! This chapter is on my OC POV. You get to learn more about her since you seen Takeru's and Patamon POV of her. I figured she needs her own POV too. And on a side note I love this chapter and how it came out.

Takeru: *narrowed eyes* You mean the way you surprisingly integrated Tamers in this.

Lwafmon1995: Yup! *punch Takeru shoulder* And don't spoil the story or I will make Ken not remember you at all.

Ken: Hey!

Leafmon1995: Sorry Ken! It's the truth! Love You!

Takeru: It's blackmail and so not fair to Ken-kun!

Daisuke: OH SHUT UP TJ!

Takeru: WHY YOU...

Ken: Please enjoy the chapter and please review, like, fav, and follow. *fighting and yelling in background* Please do before Leafmon1995 decides to do something drastic. Enjoy!


Meya watched as this Daisuke kid typed his message to the blond. He wasn't thrilled that the blond stormed off like that but didn't seem too worried either. He said that the blond was upset or sometime and needed to clear his head. Meya wasn't too sure. Daisuke didn't say but she knew he was holding back. It wasn't because he was lying or hiding something. He seemed to know better than that. In fact he seemed to be holding back out of concern for Ken. She hates to admit it but she admired him for that.

Ken was still weak and recovering from being in the snow for so long. Ken doesn't remember much and she had a feeling that this Chosen was holding back more due to the fact that he doesn't want to overwhelm Ken if he blared everything. That was a wise move. Telling Ken everything and getting him upset was something they did not need. It would be best for Ken to remember naturally. She noticed that Daisuke was probably doing the same thing.

She watched this Chosen as he talked about their digimon. Daisuke seemed very happy to talk about something that brought joy to the both of them. Meya liked this conversation very much. She was getting to learn about the different sides of the Chosen Children and was also getting to know about Ken's adventures. Sure many humans have been pairing up with digimon; however, this was different compared to those of the Chosen. In truth only those that have been called by the Digital World to save it are called Chosen. Humans that are partnered to digimon by other means are called Tamers. These digimon found something they liked about this human or lack within themselves and partnered with the human of their choice. These types of partnerships are not as deep as those who were made for the human, but that doesn't mean they're not as strong.

Meya's partner was an example of this. Her digimon was more or less a broken down machine digimon, that have pulled himself together after being hit by a virus. Meya's digimon could be selfish at times but he was loyal. He loved the fact that she was very knowledgeable about medicine and technology and that her father owns a technology company. Meya couldn't complain that Datamon seemed to be too interested in his work sometimes. She was guilty of doing that herself. However, they made a good team and made it their mission to defend those that they value. Meya admired Datamon's smarts and was thrilled when he helped her make the bots. Though he did tell her she should be careful with them since they were only prototypes.

“Meya-chan, do you have a digimon?” Meya blinked, confused for a moment. How long had she been spaced out?

Meya turned to Ken and felt her heart melt. Ken's eyes, almost the color of sapphire, were staring at her with so much warmth and kindness that it made her want to blush and a wonderful air of innocence that it made her want to giggle. She didn't want to do that, however. She composed herself and smiled warmly at the two boys.

“Yes I do. Though he is not a Chosen digimon like yours and I am not a Chosen like you are.” Ken blinked innocently at her. He was confused by her response but waited patently for her to continue. Daisuke, however, gave her a look that expressed his confusion and impatience with her cryptic response. Meya almost laughed when Daiuske asked her to explain what she meant. He was a very impatient person. “Well, to put it simply my digimon felt that the Digital World was getting boring. He came to earth looking for a partner who was interesting and had a way with technology. He found me at one of my father's technology presentation and asked for my insight on it. He was impressed and before I knew it a digivice appeared in front of us.” Meya took out her digivice, which she referred to as a D-Power, from her pocket to show it to them. Meya's D-Power was white with a green circle boarder that surrounds the screen with a magenta color strap attached to it. Meya was surprise to see Ken's beautiful eyes unfocused a bit before returning to normal. Meya had a funny feeling that Ken's must have seen a D-Power before and must of gotten a flash of a memory or something when he saw hers. Meya decide to keep that information to herself though. Ken looked confused and unsure from the memory he seen. She would of liked to ask him about it if it wasn't for the fact that his friend blurted that she has a digivice too.

Meya rolled her eyes at that. “As you can see, I don't have a D-3 and therefore not a Chosen. I have a D-Power; making me a Tamer.”

“Tamer?” Daisuke still looked confused but it wasn't surprising. Tamers are not known in the Chosen's dimension. Meya and her digimon came from a different dimension all together. In Meya's dimension a man made digimon almost destroyed her world. A close friend of hers was among those Tamers, who were able to Bio-Merge, who fought against it. Meya was evacuating her home with her family and digimon at the time when a Digital Field opened up in front them and sucked them in. When they awoken they were in some kind of Japanese cottage under the water. The owner of the cottage was named Gennai. She was sad when he told them he was unable to send them back to their dimension because of the disturbances of what was happening in her dimension and the lack of balance due to the Destiny Stones being destroyed. However, he did say that he could help create new identities for them, supply them with money and a house, so they can live in the Chosen dimension without any problem.

Meya and her family were sad at first but they made the most of it and ended up liking this dimension than their own. This dimension was a lot nice then their. But what was more shocking then anything was that they were in the dimension of the Digimon TV show. Only it wasn't a TV show, the Chosen Children lives and adventures were real. It was amazing to say the least. She never thought in a million years that she would meet the Chosen Children, much least be in the same universe as them.

Meya remembered when her family first met the Chosen Children of Kindness and Miracle. Her family had actually made a huge technology company in Tamachi and ended up asking the genius of Tamachi to advertise for them. Meya was with her father when the two Chosen Children came. Meya was giddy to meet them and was bursting with joy when her father put her in charge of being their guide while they were there. Meya loved the chance to hang out with two of her favorite Chosen Children but was surprise to hear stories about their lives that wasn't shown in the show. The Chosen of Miracle was quite protective of the Chosen of Kindness. She was surprise when Daisuke didn't want to talk about the other Chosen Children. All she got from them was that they could be mean and hurtful at times, unknowingly. She was sad to hear this and ended up following them at a distance when they went out on group outings. The way they treated the Chosen of Kindness was disturbing. He was always so miserable and sad. It was than when she decided that she would help him, no matter what.

Meya was interrupted from her thoughts when the sound of a group of people stomping and voices arguing came from the hall. Meya watched as Daisuke stiffened and stood up from his seat. Ken blinked at him in confusion and asked what was wrong. Meya had moved her seat next to Daisuke and gently told Ken that some bad people are coming. Ken frowned at them worriedly, unsure of what she meant.

In that moment the blond entered the room, looking worried. “Takeru-kun? What's wrong?” Daisuke asked, seeing the panicked look on Takeru's features.

Takeru walked closer to Daisuke and replied in a rush, “They're coming this way! I tried to stop them but they wouldn't listen to me! God, Davis! How will Ken react to them being here?” Daisuke bristled and narrow his eyes at the mentioned of them. Before Daisuke could ask anything the leader of the older Chosen Children entered the roomed, followed by the others behind him.

Taichi looked guilty and hurt at Daisuke when he bellowed in anger, “What are you all doing here?”

Ken looked at the group in confusion for a moment before he was overwhelmed with so many raw emotions. Ken was feeling hatred, sadness, betrayal, and fear. Ken reacted in a way any confused and fearful person would react. He broke down and sobbed. “Don't hurt me! Go away! Leave me alone!” Daisuke spun around and pulled Ken into a hug. Ken buried his face in Daisuke shirt and continued to sob, even with Daisuke whispering words of comfort into his ear, hoping to calm him down.

At the sound of Ken's screams and crying a doctor and two nurses bursted into the room. The two nurses were young and looked quite pretty. One was a blond with blue and the other was a redhead with brown. Both girls were wearing the signature nursing scrubs. The doctor was an older gentleman. He had blue hair, light skin, and oval shape glasses.

After entering the room and not look pleased about the scene that was happen in front of him. The doctor turned to the two nurses and instructed them to help Mr. Motomiya calm Mr. Ichijouji down.

“Yes, Doctor Kido!”

“Right away, Doctor Kido!”

Doctor Kido turned to face the group of children that were upsetting his patient. “Leave this room and don't return! Mr. Ichijouji is in a fragile state and does not need to be bombarded by all of you. Return to the waiting room or go home, now!”

Meya watched as the Chosen left leaving Daisuke, the blond, herself and the digimon in hospital room. She wasn't sure what was going on but whatever happened among the Chosen the day before was not pretty. Meya leaned back in her chair and listened to the doctor talking to the two Chosen Children in the room. The doctor wanted to know what happen that made Ken freak out like that. The blond and Daisuke weren't sure what happen. All they knew that as soon as the others entered the room Ken flipped. The blond mentioned that Ken must have remembered something that scared him. That was possible but the way he screamed as if they were going to hurt him bothered her. What happened that made him react like that? Could have one or all of the Chosen have done something to hurt Ken to such an extent that he fears them? That was an unpleasant.

At one point in her life she admired the Chosen Children for their bravery and teamwork. However, ever since he made her new life in their dimension she had come to see a side of them that he hated. It's amazing how much the TV screen doesn't show you about a person. She especially hated the way they treated Ken of all people. Ken was far to sweet and innocent to be treated like that, even she can see that. It's a shame that life just seems to hate him.

“Ken-chan?” Meya blinked and mentally hit herself for spacing out for a second time. She sighed and gently held Ken's digimon in her arms. She knew that the in-training digimon want to be with his partner but he would only be in the way. At the moment Doctor Kido and his nurses are trying to sedate Ken, who is struggle futilely get out of their grasp. Meya felt bad for him but there was nothing she could do. Ken was so upset that there is a possibility that he can hurt himself if not put to sleep. Meya didn't like it but maybe sleep would do him some good.

After several minutes of struggling Ken was finally fast asleep. Meya silently placed Minomon on Ken's stomach. She understood why Minomon wanted to be there and not on Ken's pillow like he usually is. He wanted to listen to Ken's heartbeat. Minomon reasoned that the sound of Ken's heart was like a lullaby that helped him sleep at night when he is nervous or scared.

Meya watched the adorable sight as the doctor informed them that the drug would ware off in a few hours. He instructed them to press the red button on Ken's bed if he gets any type of negative reaction again. After all three of them acknowledged that they understood his instructions he left, leaving the three to talk among themselves until Ken regains consciousness.