Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon Adventure: REMIX ❯ Prologue by Taichi ( Prologue )
Digimon Adventure Remix
Prologue to an Adventure
"Funky things were happening on earth while my school took their annual camping field trip. We were supposed to be gone for the whole weekend, but when me and seven other kids got pulled away by a mysterious force, we didn't know quite how to respond. But give me just a minute here to backtrack, and introduce the eight of us.
"The weird things could be anything -- one report even says a summer camp in the USA had their lake turn into Jell-o! But on a bit less of the weird side, it was snowing in the middle of summer, and places that normally were desert were getting flooded, no to mention crazy droughts in normally fertile places. Of course, being kids, we didn't much know or care about that stuff.
"Anyway, my name is Yagami Taichi, but the kids in my class all call me 'Goggles', on account of these goggles I always wear. Then there's Takenouchi Sora, she's a bit of a tomboy, who plays on the same soccer team as me. And whatever anyone says, at this time, I had no interests in her whatsoever. Then we have my best friend in the world, Ishida Yamato, self-proclaimed king of cool -- although sometimes the way he acts frightens me.
"Izumi Koushirou is the school's big computer geek, although there is one girl my sister's age who seems to dig those things too -- but she doesn't matter yet. Koushirou's nickname is 'Paso,' the shortened form of our word for computers. And when he isn't busy with his computers and books, he seems to take a special interest in one girl . . . Tachikawa Mimi, the high-fashion girl. From what she says, her mom doesn't cook much, and this girl is always but always wearing pink! And ever since we'd left on the trip she complained about it.
"As the sempai for our group we have Kido Jou, who is a chronic hypochondriac. I doubt if he even suffers from half the ailments he claims, but he certainly puts on a big show about them! And the youngest in the group were my sister, Hikari, and Yamato's brother, Takeru. Not much else to say . . . wait! All eight of us are Japanese, and live in Odaiba. At some point, our parents moved from Hikari Gaoka, although none of us kids is quite sure why. And now, on to the adventure!"
~ Yagami Taichi
Warning: This story contains, or eventually will, various shades of: Yamaichi, Takari, and Koumi/Mishirou.