Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon Adventure: REMIX ❯ The Thorny Evolution ( Chapter 6 )
The Thorny Evolution
(AKA: A Visit to Toy Town)
Mimi here this time. Paso was able to get Tentomon to evolve to save us from Andromon, who was controlled by another Black Gear. Once he was nice again, Andromon led us to the sewers, though he did warn us about the Numemon who lived there: Poisonous, slimy Digimon, who hate the light. Well, so much a walk in the park.
Although I must say, I never expected to meet a secret admirer in the sewers...
"Come on Mimi, I know you can do this," Koushirou said, raising a hand to her. "I'll be here for you."
"I . . . Thank you," she said, smiling. "Thank you for being there."
"Well, we are a team," Taichi said, muttering something about time. "Anyways, we should hurry. We might still be able to get out before the Numemon find us."
"That's right," Sora said, heading off. "And maybe before nightfall too."
"Right," Jou said, glancing around. "Am I the only one who finds this scenario strangely reminiscent of a cartoon? Not to mention slightly disturbing and disgusting."
"Paso, was it really your computer that made Tentomon evolve?" Takeru was looking up at the boy genius, a new respect in his eyes.
"I think so," Koushirou said. "I wonder if we could use it to track Hikari's partner, or well, I just wonder what uses this could have."
"Could you make Patamon evolve too?"
"Well, I could try," Koushirou said. "Let's see." He started tapping on the keyboard, watching the code fill the screen. He just had to recalibrate it to target Takeru's Digivice, right? How difficult could that be, he figured. The code needed to be tested, but should work. He saved the work in his own memory, then watched as his computer flashed off. "Shit! Err, I can't do anything now," he said. "Not unless we can get Charlene working again."
"It just needs a couple solid whacks," Taichi said. "Like I said earlier."
"Let us handle it," Agumon said, looking up at Taichi. They rushed, but as Koushirou pulled his laptop out of the way, they ended up hitting each other.
"Damn! That hurt, Agumon!" Taichi was rubbing the sore spot on his head, and wishing he hadn't tried that.
"Sorry," Agumon said, closing his eyes. "I wasn't trying to hit you."
"You're a madman, Goggles," Koushirou said. "And Charlene is not a toy. If you ever try a stunt like that again, you'll face me personally."
Most of the children were laughing, but Taichi glared at them. "It isn't funny," he shouted, silencing all of them.
And so they continued on in silence, but for Agumon's occasional humming a few bars of music. Nothing really came of that, though, until Sora started whistling one of the hits from America. Yamato sighed as he started singing, hardly the best match for the group, but not too horrible either. Despite the group pushing for him to join in, Taichi flatly refused.
"Come on," Mimi said. "Those Backstreet Boys are the most popular band in America right now! If you can sing as well as them, you'll be a hit with all the girls."
"No way," Taichi said, thinking of a sung response. "First off, I don't want to popular with all the girls. Secondly, my voice sounds like a cat fight."
"I'm sure you can do it," Yamato said, throwing his arm around Taichi's shoulder. "Come on Goggles, sing with me."
"I said no," Taichi said, pushing Yamato aside. "Look, any more and I'll kick your asses."
"No need to get so aggressive," Koushirou said. "We're just trying to relax a bit."
"In case you've forgotten we're underground, and this singing is probably leading millions of poisonous Digimon to this very location," Taichi shouted. "You may all think I'm stupid, and I know that at times I seem that way, but I'm not trying to lead that filthy, slimy, Numemon here to kill us before we even get back out in the open air."
"Then try not shouting," Yamato said, moving close to his friend. "We all want to make it out alive, Goggles, so we'll just have to be quieter."
"Right," Sora agreed, moving onwards. "Let's keep moving." She led the way, the faint artificial light forming a halo around each of the children as they moved on. The Digimon, on the other hand, began glowing in strange colors, but no one really paid it any mind.
"I can smell fresh air," Jou said, barely remembering that they were trying to keep quiet. "Better my allergies than poisoning."
Sora, on the other hand, felt something cold and wet on her shoulder. She had since moved to the back of the group, but her scream stopped everyone in their tracks.
"What's wrong, Sora-sempai," Hikari said, looking up at her.
"I think one of the Numemon just touched me," she said, turning around slowly. Hikari and Mimi turned with her, but there was no one and nothing there. The silence in the group, however, allowed everyone to clearly hear the drip of water on the floor.
Embarrassed, Sora blushed as she turned around. "Or maybe it was just a drop of water."
"Sora, is there something that you're trying to hide," Mimi said, raising one eyebrow. "It's all right, we're all together here. Nothing to be worried about."
"It's just, somehow, this whole thing is making me miss home," she said, looking aside. "Even the chores, like doing the laundry or cleaning my room."
"Well we all miss something," Jou said, looking upwards. "Look at me, you guys are going to think this is crazy, but I miss school."
"And I miss vacations," Mimi said, smiling as she thought of a trip to Hawaii.
"I miss Miko-chan," Hikari said, looking up at Sora. "Our cat."
"I miss my manga," Taichi said, fingering his goggles. "And soccer. Especially a good game followed by a nice relaxing bath."
"I miss being able to access the internet," Koushirou said, sighing. "And looking out at the stars at night."
"I miss my games," Takeru said, blinking. "I was almost getting good enough to beat my big brother at Wave Race."
"Beat me, Takeru! Now there's a good joke," Yamato said, picking up his little brother. They both laughed, until Gabumon spoke up.
"So, you don't miss anything from your world," he asked, looking up at Yamato.
"Actually, I miss Sundays," Yamato said, putting his brother down. "It was a day off from school, and my mother always prepared her best food then."
"She made shabu-shabu," Takeru said, sticking his tongue out.
"Well I like shabu-shabu," Yamato said, glaring down at his brother. "And I miss being able to have it."
"They really are from another world," Agumon said, looking at Piyomon. "I guess it was so hard to believe, but I don't even know half of what they're talking about right now."
"And that is why they are so lonely," Piyomon said, keeping her voice low. "Even though they're all together, they miss their homes and their, families. I think that's the word they used, at least."
Gomamon tilted his head upwards, and sniffed the air. "Uhh, guys," he said, noting a faint stench coming. "Guys, I think we should start running," he said. The first bit of pink slime landed just short of Sora's feet.
"What the hell is that," Mimi screamed.
"Sludge," Palmon said. "It's the Numemon's favorite weapon. Gomamon is right, we have to run."
And so they did, watching out for the exit, and an escape from the Numemon and their sludge. "Uhh, I know this may be a bad question," Taichi said, as they ran. "But what exactly is that sludge?"
"Droppings," Tentomon said, knowingly. "Feces, excrement, poop. I think you get the idea."
"We sure do," Jou said, looking to the right. "Here it is! Everybody out!" He ran, leading everyone through another tunnel, with sunlight at the end.
Mimi and Palmon were the last ones out, with Mimi gasping as she sat down on the grass. "So they throw poop?"
"That's right," Palmon said.
"That's horribly disgusting," Mimi shouted. "Sewer dwellers who throw shit! They're totally hygiene deficient."
"Perhaps so, but for them, it works," Agumon said. "We should keep moving, though. I think I know where we are, and we should be able to reach Toy Town by nightfall, if we hurry."
"Toy Town," Sora said, looking confused. "I don't know."
"Monzaemon will protect us," Piyomon said. "I know it. He's a kind and loving Digimon, who cares for all the abandoned and lost toys here in the Digital World."
"In that case, let's head there," Jou said. "Yamato? Goggles?"
"We're with you, Jou," they both said. They looked at each other, and Taichi brushed his hands on his shorts before jumping back from Yamato. The children headed off, Agumon and Piyomon leading the way.
Crossing a hill, Mimi gasped at the sight ahead of her. "Vending machines! And all of them full of soda!"
"Hey, wait up," Koushirou said, rushing after her. He grabbed her by the arm and she stopped. "This is probably a trick, or a trap. Like the phone booths and the streetcar."
"And even if they are real," Jou said, looking at her. "They aren't plugged in."
"I don't care," Mimi said, shoving Koushirou away. "I need something to drink, and this is the perfect chance. How about you, Palmon?"
"No thanks," Palmon said, shaking her head. "But something really seems wrong about this whole thing."
"Whatever," Mimi said, pressing one of the buttons. "Hey, I want my Coke!" She pounded the front of the machine, and it vanished. "What the hell?"
"Hey sweetie," shouted a Numemon, who had been hiding in the machine. "You're really cute!"
"He's the leader," Palmon said.
"He couldn't lead a pack of slugs," Mimi shouted. "Even with his slime. And not to mention his breath."
"You're going to make him angry," Palmon warned her.
"Let me take you on a date, sweet cheeks," he said, looking warily towards the sky.
"You!?" Mimi kicked at him, but ended up hitting her foot on the back of the machine. "I wouldn't go on a date with a slimy sewer slug like you if my life depended on it!"
"Mimi, he's going to get mad," Palmon said.
"Who gives a damn," Mimi said. "We're safe here in the sunlight!"
"What sunlight," Palmon said, pointing upwards. A wave of clouds was obscuring the sunlight, and Mimi knew she was in trouble as she looked back down.
"Well, we were." She offered it sheepishly, before running back to the group. "Numemon! Everybody, run!"
"How did they get out here," Sora asked, looking around.
"I don't know, and I don't care," Mimi said, taking off at full speed. "Just run like all hell is chasing you!"
"It's not enough," Jou said. "We have to split up. Once we lose them, we'll head towards Toy Town, and meet up there."
"Good idea," Taichi said, picking up Hikari. "Yamato, take Takeru. We can't have them slowing us down right now."
"This really, wasn't that great of an idea," Yamato said, panting as he set Takeru down. "We have to get to Toy Town, but we don't even know where it is anymore."
"I do," Agumon said, falling on the ground. "Just give me a moment to regain my breath."
"All right," Taichi said, sitting down. "At least we lost the Numemon."
"And everyone else too," Yamato said. "Why did you say splitting up was a good idea? What if we're the only safe ones now?"
"I didn't think you cared," Taichi muttered, looking outwards. "Hey, Agumon. Does Monzaemon look sort of like a giant stuffed bear?"
"Those might be the words for it," Agumon said. He turned his head and nodded. "If that giant orange furred Digimon is what you mean, then yes."
"Then let's just ask him for a lift to Toy Town," Taichi said, grinning. "Hey! Hey, you! Giant Teddy-bearmon!"
"It's Monzaemon," Agumon said. "Monzaemon, help us!"
"We're heading for Toy Town," Taichi shouted. "Will you take us?"
Monzaemon turned to them, and looked at them. "Sure, I'll take you home," he said, a smile filling his face. "We'll add you to the community toy chest."
"Agumon, that doesn't sound good," Taichi said, turning to his partner. "Hey, what's happening?"
"What's happening is he's attacking us," Yamato shouted, dodging a giant floating heart.
"Lovely attack," Monzaemon said, his eyes narrowed. "Capture them!"
Takeru and Patamon were engulfed in one heart, while Hikari was held in another. Taichi and Yamato looked to their Digimon for help as they were engulfed, but they couldn't resist it.
"Baby flame," Agumon shouted, rolling away from one of the hearts. The fireball flew towards Monzaemon and connected, but to no effect. "Uh oh. He's a Perfection Digimon." Agumon's eyes went wide as he was engulfed, and he could only watch as Gabumon made his stand.
"Gabumon evolve! Garurumon!" As Garurumon he at least stood some chance, and he jumped through an obstacle field of floating hearts. "Fox fire!"
"Not so fast," Monzaemon said, picking him up. "You're much too big for a toy." He squeezed Garurumon, then threw him back, towards one of the hearts. Except he had reverted to Gabumon, now. "And now you can join the community toy chest. They'll love you children."
"Hey sweetie pie," Numemon shouted, still chasing Mimi. "You make my world seem bright!"
"Mimi, he really seems to like you," Palmon said, panting as they ran. "Maybe it's the hat."
"That's perverted thinking," Mimi said, looking over to her partner. She stopped quickly and hid behind a tree. "Now, protect us!"
"All right," Palmon said, spinning around. She faced the rapidly oncoming Numemon and prepared to attack. "Poison Iv . . . huh?"
"That was great, Palmon," Mimi said, watching the Numemon retreat. "You didn't even need to attack!"
"But, Mimi, I didn't do anything," Palmon said, looking confused. "They just ran away. I don't think they even saw me."
"All the better," Mimi said, gasping as the ground shook. "That doesn't sound good."
"Look," Palmon said, turning around and looking upwards. "Monzaemon is here!"
"That's a good thing, right?" Mimi looked up and sighed. "He's so cute and cuddly! Just like a giant teddy bear!"
"And he's nonviolent too," Palmon said. "Maybe he can give us a lift. Hey, Monzaemon! Over here! We need a ride to Toy Town!"
"More toys to take back," Monzaemon said, looking at them. "And such a pleasure to find them lost out here. I really should save them before a rainstorm comes."
"This isn't like him at all," Palmon said, frowning. "Mimi, I think we should run. Remember those black gears in Meramon and Andromon?"
"The ones that made them act all weird, right?"
"Precisely," Palmon said, nodding. "I'm worried that he might be affected by one too."
"That's not a good thing," Mimi said, looking down at Palmon. "Palmon, can you do anything?"
"I already suggested running," she said. Mimi nodded, and followed Palmon's lead.
"Don't you want to visit Toy Town?" Monzaemon was on them like flies on horses, or like Numemon on Mimi as the case was soon to be.
"Over here, cutie," Numemon shouted, motioning them over. "Come on, we'll save you!"
"No way," Mimi shouted, wishing she could spit at them. Of course they'd probably consider that a compliment, she decided, as Palmon pulled her into a ditch with the Numemon.
"We need to think about who our friends are, Mimi," Palmon said, holding her down. "And if they'll protect us, all the better."
"But they stink," Mimi complained to Palmon, holding her nose. She couldn't remember ever being in a more humiliating position in her entire life.
"Quiet," Palmon said, trying to hear Monzaemon's movements. When she was sure they were safe, she let Mimi up, and looked around.
"That was horrible," Mimi said, brushing slime off of her dress. "Look what they did to my dress!"
"Hey, now that I saved your life, how about a kiss?" Mimi turned to the sound of Numemon's voice and scowled. She was absolutely repulsed by him, and still he tried to get her. Well, she had to give him credit for persistence.
"No way," she said, heading off. "Come on, Palmon. Let's head to Toy Town!"
Palmon shrugged, but followed her partner for a while, before taking the lead.
Toy Town was very spacious, given over to a large field that seemed like a strange cross between a chess board and a soccer field. There were houses there, scattered around the edges, and even a few 'streets' to one side of it. It seemed to Mimi that several toys were out, almost like patrol guards, and handling themselves quite well.
"This is it," Palmon said, sighing. "This is Toy Town."
"Wow, it's so quaint and homey," Mimi said, looking around. A buzzing came from the shoulder strap of her purse, and she looked at her Digivice. "Say, what does that light mean?"
"I don't know," Palmon said. "Say, does anything seem weird?"
"Well, other than those guard toys, I don't think anyone is here," Mimi said, kicking the ground.
"I knew it," Palmon said. "Something is not right here."
As she spoke, Takeru and Hikari ran by, chased by a porcelain doll. "This is a lot of fun," Hikari said, laughing as she ran.
"So much fun, I can't imagine anything funner," Takeru said, laughing with her. They soon turned a corner, and went out of sight.
"All right, that was weird," Mimi said, staring after them. "Even for those two."
It was not to be the last weird thing, for as they neared a group of buildings, Taichi ran past, chasing a toy helicopter.
"This is really fun," he shouted, leaping to try and catch the helicopter. He failed to catch it, but took it all in stride as he rolled back to his feet and continued the chase. "So much fun. I'm having a lot of fun right now!"
"Goggles?" Mimi looked at him in shock, just turning to see Jou and Koushirou, wearing JDF costumes, shouting out orders to a group of tanks. On the other side, Yamato and Sora were controlling what seemed to be Godzilla and Rodan, in a mock fight. They were obviously the tanks targets. Turning back, she hoped to find Taichi again.
She barely saw him head around a building. "That doesn't look like a lot of fun," she muttered. She headed into the group of buildings, hoping that nothing really bad was happening. The street was paved, in a way, with old broken toy pieces, and as she glanced in one of the windows, she saw one of the boxes, a rather large one at that, shaking around.
She went to the door, and finding it unlocked, went in. "Hello? Is anybody here?"
"Hey, Goggles, can you hear us?"
"Yamato? Help us out," Gabumon's voice broke out over Agumon's.
"Agumon? Gabumon? Are all of you in there?" Palmon's question was desperate, trying to find an answer.
"Yes, and it's very cramped," Gabumon said, his voice soft.
"What happened," Mimi asked, concern in her voice.
"We were running from the Numemon," Agumon said, explaining the situation carefully. "When Monzaemon showed up. The Numemon got scared off, if there were still any around. But worse, when we asked him for help, he attacked us."
"That's right," Piyomon said, sighing. "It was sort of like this."
"I think we made a clean escape," Koushirou said, glaning around. "The Numemon are nowhere to be seen."
"Well, technically, they were after Mimi," Sora said, stopping to catch her breath. "But now we need to find a way to Toy Town, and we don't have any help."
"Except for Monzaemon," Gomamon said, pointing in the distance. A mass of brown fur and white could be seen, and Jou sighed. "Finally, a friendly Digimon besides you guys. Hey, hey Monzaemon! Help us out! Hey, wait, I'm allergic to bears."
"Please, Jou, set aside your hypochondria for one moment," Koushirou said, pulling out his computer. Though the light indicated full battery power, his computer refused to start up. "If he can help us get to Toy Town, then we'll be safe for a while, and we can plan our strike against whatever is keeping us here. Once that's finished, I think we can go home."
"Look, my allergies are ot a piece of imagination," Jou said, glaring at Koushirou as he put the computer back. "And if I were a less responsible person, I have no doubt I'd kick your ass for even implicating it. but I'm the leader, and I say we have Monzaemon help us get to Toy Town!"
"But, Jou, that's exactly what I was," Koushirou started.
"Guys," Sora said, watching Monzaemon look over them.
"I don't care, I'm the leader, and I've made my choice," Jou said, raising his hand in the air. "And you can come with us, or go on your own. Got it, Paso?"
"Guys, I think we really have trouble here," Sora said, as Monzaemon's voice rumbled.
"What pleasant looking toys," he said, his voice clear. "I can't believe you were abandoned. How would you like to join me in Toy Town?"
"And this is trouble how," Jou said, smiling at Sora. "Monzaemon, we wish to visit Toy Town and spend a night. We were called here on a dangerous quest, and need a safe shelter."
"Only one night," Monzaemon questioned, looking at Jou. "Why not a whole week! Lovely Attack, all of them!"
Sora was more than ready with an 'I told you so', but never got the chance to deliver it before being engulfed in the floating heart. Jou and Koushirou were close behind, with Gomamon not even putting up much fight.
"Magical fire," Piyomon shouted, releasing what looked like a more powerful version of the attack. But it was useless, as three more hearts converged that she couldn't block, and was engulfed.
Tentomon managed to fly circles around the hearts, and got up to Monzaemon. "Why are you acting like this, Monzaemon?"
"Lovely attack, Tentomon," Monzaemon growled, flicking the small insect Digimon into a fresh field of hearts. "You'll all have lots of fun in Toy Town. I promise."
"I think he might have one of those Black Gears," Piyomon said, sounding very depressed.
"Well then we'll just have to get you all out of there to fight him," Mimi said, smiling.
"No," Agumon said. "Only Monzaemon can unlock the chest, and it's lined in here with a very durable metal. Free him to free us."
"But that means fighting, and I can't fight," Mimi said.
"And I don't want to fight," Palmon said.
"You don't have a choice," Gabumon said. "You are the only ones who can save us this time. But I feel we are getting nearer to the source of the evil. Perhaps Monzaemon will be able to help us, if we help him."
"By which you don't mean we as a team, do you," Mimi asked, very nervous about the whole thing. "You mean we as in Palmon and me."
"Exactly," Gabumon said. "You don't need to hurt him. Only get rid of the Black Gear."
"But that could be hard if we don't hurt him," Palmon said. "Besides which, it doesn't sound like any of you even stood a chance."
"That is because he is a Perfection level," Gabumon said. "But we also didn't know about the black gear. Go on, Palmon. This is your time to save the day. Be the hero."
Mimi and Palmon left with mixed emotions, and very orried about what would happen if they had to fight Monzaemon. "All right," Mimi said, trying to sort the situation out. "Monzaemon is a giant stuffed bear monster, and he fights by sending out floating hearts. And he's more powerful than anyone we've seen, except maybe Andromon."
"That's about right," Palmon said, sighing. "Mimi, I hate to say it, but we."
"Don't tell me we don't have a chance," Mimi snapped. "We have to help my friends. And even if Monzaemon does get hurt, he'll recover, right?"
"Well, we Digimon do heal quickly," Palmon said. "And if we get rid of the Black Gear, I'm sure we can explain the whole thing to him. He's normally a very peaceful Digimon. And his hearts are supposed to give a good feeling, not attack."
"Well then, we just have to find Monzaemon, and figure out how to get rid of the Black Gear," Mimi said. "And how hard can it be to find a 20 meter tall stuffed bear?"
"That depends on whether you mean me or not," Monzaemon rumbled, smiling at them. "Welcome to Toy Town! Would you like to play with your new friends?"
"No way, you giant teddy bear," Mimi shouted. "We just want you to make our old friends like normal again. And if you don't, we'll, uh." She looked to Palmon and lowered her voice. "What will we do again?"
"We'll make you turn them back," Palmon shouted, narrowing her eyes.
"Try these," Monzaemon said, reaching down with a handful of balloons. "Everybody loves the balloons."
"I don't want a balloon," Mimi shouted, glaring up at him. "All I want is for you to fix whatever the hell you did to my friends!"
"Not good," Palmon said, gasping. She ran, and Mimi followed. Monzaemon delayed only to let go of the balloons before he too joined the chase.
"And not funny," Mimi said, fear in her voice. "I'm being chased by a giant stuffed bear!"
"Over here, honey," Numemon shouted, throwing a piece of sludge at Monzaemon. "We'll save you!"
"Wow," Palmon said. "Even after the way that you treated him, he still wants to help."
"Well, what can I say," Mimi said, smiling. "When you'v got it, you've got it."
"Now who's got perverse thinking," Palmon said, grinning. "Mimi, I have to help them. They may be Adult Digimon, but they're very low on the power scale."
"I understand," Mimi said.
Palmon jumped into the fray, and as Monzaemon tossed several of the Numemon away, she launched her attack. "Poison ivy!" He slapped the vines away, but was clearly distressed by the attack.
"Party time," Numemon shouted, leading an orchestrated sludge throwing contest. All of the Numemon joined in, and Monzaemon wrinkled his nose.
"I can't, my attack isn't enough," Palmon said, looking at Mimi. "Mimi, now would be a good time for some help."
"Pesky slime," Monzaemon said, kicking not only a large portion of the sludge around his legs away, but several of the Numemon.
"Numemon," Mimi said, watching several of them disappear before her eyes. "They saved me! Even though I treated them like slime, they still helped me when I needed it." A moment of hesistation threw her off, but she knew what had to be done. "Palmon, I don't care what it takes, Monzaemon has to be stopped!"
"Then let's go to the next level," Palmon said, feeling a surge of power. It felt like the first time she had evolved, from Tanemon into Palmon. "Palmon evolve!" She went from a small weedlike flower, into a giant cactus like monster, with a tuft of brown hair on her head. Red boxing gloves covered her hands, and she glared needles at Monzaemon, almost literally. "Togemon! So, care to dance with me, Monzaemon?"
"Too big," Monzaemon said, reaching for her. "I'll have to make you smaller for this." He pulled back in pain as his hand began to close on her, and he looked at her.
"My needles are defensive too," Togemon growled. She swung a hard punch, and knocked Monzaemon over, then got pulled into a grappling match. He was still taller than her, but she was fighting with the fireceness and dedication of someone determined to win. Finally managing to get out of it, she pulled back for an attack. "Here's a lesson in manners," she said. "Prickly bang-bang!" Hundreds of needles flew from her body, driving themselves into Monzaemon, and forcing out the Black Gear.
"I knew he had a Black Gear," Mimi said, smiling up at Togemon. "Great work, partner!"
"Ouch," Monzaemon said, shaking himself. The needles fell out, and faded away almost as soon as they hit the ground. "What happened? Why were we fighting?"
"You," Togemon began, but then stopped. She reverted, shedding her extra energy and power as she returned to Palmon's form. "You had a Black Gear, Monzaemon."
Well, Monzaemon was pretty quick to free both the other children and the Digimon, and looked over the group. "You seem a bit unbalanced," he said, picking up Hikari. "The smallest. You were chosen for a special purpose, little one. You may not find it very soon, but," he choked on the words, and sighed. "Your partner was lost on the main continent, the world outside of File Island. You'll find her, but not until File island is freed of the evil here."
"Thank you," Hikari said, smiling up at Monzaemon. "But I think we're the reason that you went mean earlier."
"She's right," Taichi said, looking at the ground. "I'm really taking this whole thing with the Black Gears personally. They always seem to cause a lot of trouble, and always for us, before they're gone."
"Well, I can't be sure," Monzaemon said. "But I know that you eight are Chosen. Look, I can't help you out, except by saying to head towards Mugen Mountain. And there's only one way to express my gratitude for this. I want to show you all what a real Lovely attack feels like."
"It won't hurt?" Mimi looked at Palmon, who shook her head.
"Lovely attack!" The hearts flew out, and engulfed both children and Digimon. Mimi was suddenly overcome with an intense feeling, almost euphoric. She just wanted to laugh, and so, apparently, did everyone else. They laughed, and smiled.
"Hey, sweetheart," Numemon called out, watching them. "How about a kiss for your hero?"
"In your dreams," Mimi said, smiling as she said it.
"Ah, she'll come around," Numemon said, sighing. "And she's so perky."
In the end, Monzaemon wasn't such a mean guy after all, and Togemon was really impressive. She showed that good looks can still pack a punch, too. But what will we find as we head for Mugen Mountain? I hope it's not more nasty monsters like the Numemon, even if they are all nice, really. And we got a safe night in, too. Well, I guess there will be more about Mugen Mountain in the next episode of Digimon Adventure: Remix.
Mimi walks up to the camera and winks, holding up her forefinger. "And now, a little something extra," she says, licking her finger. In katakana, she quickly writes the word "omake" on the screen.
Drew Carey smiled as the camera panned to him, then zoomed in. "Welcome back to Whose Line is it Anyway," he said, picking up a notecard. "The show where the skits are made up and the points don't matter, like bug spray in the Amazon."
V-mon and Terriemon are standing in the center of the stage, with Kenmon and Gomamon off to either side. "For the first game in part three of our Whose Line special, we'll be starting with Questionable Impressions, a variant on our classic 'Questions Only' game. The rules are simple enough, these guys can only speak in questions. But there's a twist, and that is that they have to do a new impression each time they come on. No using someone else's impressions either."
"And no impersonating each other?" V-mon looked hopefully at Drew, but was greeted with a head shake.
"Sorry, but the four of you, and I myself, are still fair game for impressions," Drew said. "When I ring the buzzer, begin. By the way, the scene will be, you are in a secret base which is about to explode." He pressed the buzzer, and watched the scene unfold.
"Have j00 seen d4 b33r?" V-mon mimed looking through cupboards, as if he were desperately seeking beer.
"Would this root beer count?" Terriermon held up one hand as if it had a can of root beer. He did a remarkably good Schwarznegger impression too.
"Aren't you the zombie queen?"
"Why do you ask?"
"Why are you avoiding the topic?"
"Haven't you heard?"
"About Ken and Goma?"
Watching, Kenmon and Gomamon made stricken looks, and momentarily mimed gagging.
"No," Terriermon heard the buzzer, and left, replaced by Gomamon.
"Will the physical therapy help him?" Gomamon's voice remained impassive, and he looked over towrads the audience.
"Are you the l33t one?"
"Didn't I ask first?"
"Why, so you did," V-mon said, walking off. Kenmon approached, and looked him over.
"Do I look like a doctor to you?" Kenmon mimed putting on a pair of goggles, and spoke with a slight accent.
"Didn't you hear about the bomb?"
"Don't you know that I am the bomb?" He raised one hand in a victory pose, and grinned.
"What about the one in the basement?"
"Bomb in the basement?"
"Did they say we have five minutes, or ten?"
"Have you seen Kari?"
"I, no," Gomamon said, looking slightly disgusted at Kenmon's choice of impression.
Terriermon returned, and mimed pulling out a card. "Does this look helpful to you?"
"But isn't that a credit card?"
"Shouldn't we be running?" He mimed ulling a pair of goggles over his eyes, and then ran towards the audience.
"Would you believe that I'm invincible?"
"What kind of idiot do I look like?"
"Could it be, another Tai-clone?"
"Oh, so you're gonna play that way, huh?"
"Do you think I should?"
"I. . . can't think of a way to respond," Terriermon said, leaving as Drew hit the buzzer. V-mon joined in for the final round, and mimed being hit by a rock.
"Was that from the explosion?"
"Does it look like I know?"
"Am I an engineer?"
"Am I smart?"
"Probably," V-mon admitted, as Kenmon did a victory dance while Drew finished the game. "Damn, you're really good at this, Kenmon. Where did you get so good?"
"Watching the show," Kenmon replied. "It's amazing how much help it can be."
"All right, a thousand points to Kenmon for making me think he was really Davis," Drew said. "And another thousand to V-mon for making me picture Kenmon and Gomamon together." Pulling out a sheet of paper, he looked around, and smiled. "All right, the next game is for all four of you, and it's called World's Worst. The point of this game is to come up with the world's worst things to say in a given situation, which I will be changing as I feel appropriate." He reached into a box, and the four contestants got up and stood in a line. "We'll be starting with 'in a retirement home'."
Terriermon stepped up and looked upwards. "Hey, do you see that light?"
As Terriermon stepped back, Kenmon went up. "Since we're friends, can I make love to your young and nubile wife once you die?"
V-mon was next, sighing. "I'm just bald, not senile!"
Terriermon follwed suit. "I'm only V-mon's brother, not a senior citizen!"
Kenmon groaned, and stepped up again. "Now, you said I got how much of your money when you die?"
"Next, personal ad," Drew said.
"Hello, I'm a balding dragon with one horn," Gomamon said.
"Single Mammal Digi looking for submissive humans," Kenmon said.
"Who needs hands? My tongue is a thousand time better!" Gomamon smiled as he stepped back.
"Petite female Digi looking for Evil King reincarnations," V-mon said.
"Cat and pot-roast seeking non-dragon third," Terriermon said.
"I need to get some," V-mon said
"Book titles," Drew said.
"How to repair Primary Village, by Ken Ichijouji," Kenmon said.
"How to Stop Information Pollution," Terriermon said.
"Devas are our Friends," Gomamon said.
"Japan is not a Parallel Dimension, by Drew Carey," V-mon said.
"When do they stop getting a guy for those mistakes," Drew said, holding down the buzzer. "We'll be back in Episode 6 of Digimon Side Trek 01, for the conclusion to our four part Whose Line Omake Special. The winner will be announced there, and will get to watch the losers participate in a game with me."
"I'd better be the winner," Gomamon said.
Author's Note: Part 2 of the Whose Line Omake Special is in Episode 3 of Digimon Side Trek 01. Drew made a bad joke in which he confused Japan and the Digital World, which is why V-mon got him about it in World's Worst. What will the conclusion be? An Alternate Universe Hoedown!
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Next week on Digimon Adventure: Side Trek. While the fearless twosome treks through a mysterious forest, they get separated. In the ancient hedge maze, what kind of danger will Ben and Kanemon face? When Ben is attacked, Kanemon must fight back, but even his evolved strength may not be able to stop this enemy.
Then, on Digimon Adventure: Remix, the children find a field of tundra, with a hotspring and eggs in the center. As night falls, Jou takes the greatest risk to keep his friends from danger, as he attempts to climb Mugen Mountain on his own. Gomamon will have to help this time, when an old friend goes crazy. Only on Fanfiction.net.
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