Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon Big Brother 2 ❯ KABOOM! ( Chapter 5 )
Last time on Digimon big brother 2: Tai was evicted from the house. Cody was the new HOH, Kari won the veto and used it on Herself. What will happen on this week's big brother?
Live, be part of the chain,
The chain we call life
Don't be afraid...
Live, be part of the chain,
The chain that can't untie us
Don't be afraid..
Live, be part of the chain
the miracle of life
Don't be afraid...
Houseguests: Mimi, Kari, TK, Matt, Davis, Yolei, Cody, Rika
Takato- Evicted Day 6
Henry(Lee)- Evicted Day 12
Joe- Expelled Day 15
Sora- Expelled Day 15
Tai- Evicted Day 16
Davis- Bible Kari- Makeup Yolei- Combs Mimi- Hair colouring TK- Sunglasses Matt- Blank paper/pencil Rika- word search Book Cody- Books
(A/n: I'm using the anagrams as mentioned in chapter one. If you forgot, here they are, to remind you! HOH= Head of Household P= Pool/Porch HT= Hot tub BB= Big Brother (or Ken, or myself) RR= Red room (NOT bedroom) RB= Red bedroom BBR= Blue bedroom HOHR= Head of Household room GB= Green bedroom K= Kitchen T= Toilet S= Shower [inside])
Davis: "I fell bad about Tai's eviction. It crushed me hard. What are we going to do without old hayhead?"
(Kari, Davis, Rika)
Kari: "Lets have some blueberry pancakes."
Davis: "Sure."
Rika: "I'll drink to that!"
(A/n: The beer can be drunk at anytime. So, some houseguests will be wasted, or for the simple folks, drunk or hung-over.)
Rika(drunkly): "Heey Davishh...Let'sh go to our room and sleepish."
Davis: "Um....no. I got an alliance with Kari. Better not break it."
BB: "Enough partying. There's a brutal HOH contest coming up. So rest up houseguests."
(Davis, Kari, TK)
Davis: "What do you think the challenge is going to be?"
Kari: "Something brutal, I heard."
TK: "I hope nothing TOO brutal."
(Mimi, Matt)
Matt: "Good night Mimi."
Mimi: "Good night Matt."
(Rika, Yolei)
(They are asleep, lying stiff like boards, but rubbing body parts, resulting in some yuri.)
(Cody is fast sleep in the circular bed, not moving at all.)
DAY 17
(Mimi, Kari, TK, Matt, Davis, Yolei, Cody, Rika)
BB: "I hope you had a big breakfast, and used the restroom because you will be stuck in this steel cage, which is the HOH contest, 'steel cage match'. Cody, as the outgoing HOH, you are not allowed to participate. The rest of the houseguests get in the cage."
(they do so)
BB: "The first part of the cage can hold only two houseguests. The middle also holds two. The part that you are in, can hold four. You cannot fall through, you will be removed from the contest. There will be no eating, sleeping, leaning on other houseguests shoulders, or bending down in the cage. If you want to give up, just walk out
the door or drop to the ground. Good luck."
(Cody locks the door)
(Two in the biggest part of the cage moves to the smallest part, then two from the biggest area walk in the middle portion of the cage.)
(All houseguests talk strategy, but under their breath)
Mimi, speaking to Cody: "let's try to vote off Yolei. She's so weird. She come with her own directions.
Kari, speaking to TK: "let's try to vote off Yolei, I can't stand her glasses!
Matt, speaking to Yolei: "Lets try to vote off Mimi. She's too......picky."
Davis, speaking to Rika: "Let's vote off Mimi. She is getting Picky!"
(2 hours pass, but no one falls through or gives up)
Time: 9:30PM
(2 more hours past by, as Mimi, Matt, and TK fall through.)
BB: "Yolei, Kari, Davis, and Rika are left."
(4 more hours past by as Kari falls through.)
Time: 3:45AM, DAY 18
(Rika and Davis give up after 4 more hours.)
Time: 7:45AM
BB: "Yolei is the NEW HOH. Cody, hand over the key to her."
(The houseguests eat a fast breakfast and goes to the porch.)
(Mimi, Kari, TK, Matt, Davis, Yolei, Cody, Rika)
Yolei: "It is time for the Power of Veto contest. It is called 'spud catch'. You will grab 2 buckets, attach them to any two different body parts and stand underneath the canopy. The Spuds will fall in different directions and are different sizes. The one houseguest with the most potatoes wins the Golden veto. LETS CATCH SOME SPUDS!"
(Bucket Positions)
Mimi- Head and Back
Kari- Arms
TK- Hands
Matt- Knees
Davis- Legs
Yolei- Feet
Cody- Butt
Rika- Chest and Knee
(Big Brother Blows the whistle)
(As the Spuds fall, everyone goes chaotic trying to catch every one that drops from the canopy. Some fall to the floor, and some are caught. It gets pretty violent, then the whistle blows.)
Big Brother: "Stand By as we tally the results."
(The houseguests talk it over)
Big Brother: "the results are as follows:
Mimi- 5 Spuds Kari- 10 Spuds
TK- 2 Spuds Matt- 5 Spuds
Davis- 6 Spuds Yolei- 20 Spuds
Cody- 10 Spuds Rika- 18 Spuds. Yolei wins."
(Cody puts the Veto medallion around her neck.)
Time: 8:20PM (Day 18)
(Tk, Davis, Kari visitor: Rika)
Rika: "How about we vote for Matt Or Mimi to evict?"
Davis: "Sounds good. Good night."
(Yolei puts six keys in the container, and two in the satchel)
DAY 19
Ndogg: "It is day 19 in the Digimon Big Brother house. Yolei (Yolie) is the HOH/Veto holder. She just nominated two of her own for eviction.
(Two question marks appear on the plasma screen in the studio, behind Ndogg)
The question is, which two? We now go to the jury house."
(Jury House)
Takato, Henry(Lee)
Lee: Man, We need some new people here. Its annoying with just the tamers.
(Sora, Joe, and Tai enters the house)
Takato: "Hey Tai!"
Lee: "Greetings Sora and Joe."
Takato: "You bring the tapes?"
Tai: "Yep."
(they watch the tapes of the events of which what happened since Lee's eviction, then they eat dinner.)
Ndogg: "Let's eavesdrop on the houseguests one more time.
(Ndogg appears on the house plasma screen.)
Ndogg: "It is nomination night. Yolei has both HOH and the POV. Good luck."
(He disappears)
(Yolei carries the container with the five keys)
(Mimi, Kari, TK, Matt, Davis, Yolei, Cody, Rika)
Yolei: "It is time for the nomination ceremony. Only 5 of you are safe. Let's begin.
(turns a key) Kari, you are safe."
Kari: (turns a key) "TK, you are safe."
Tk: (turns a key) "Davis, you are safe."
Davis: (turns a key) "Cody, You are safe."
Cody: (Turns a key) "Rika, you are safe."
(Camera pans to the circle table, and zooms in)
Yolei: "I nominated you Mimi and Matt because you are stinking up the house with love. Take it outside!"
Big Brother: "Tomorrow we will have a luxury competition. The day after, eviction day. Rest up."
DAY 20
(Mimi, Matt)
Matt: "I wish you luck Mimi."
Mimi: "Good luck Matt."
(All of a sudden, the washer and dryer explodes)
Matt: "WHOA!"
BB: "QUICK! Head inside!"
(Matt and Mimi rush inside so big brother can do his work)
(Mimi, Kari, TK, Matt, Davis, Cody, Rika)
TK: "the washer and dryer exploded?"
Matt: "Just like that."
(Yolei comes from the Red Room)
Yolei: "It's luxury time!"
(There is a tube and a tarp, it looks like a scene from "cat in the hat")
Yolei: "The clothes you have on will hint us on what our luxury item will be for this week. If your shy, cover will come from the sky. You will have two minutes. Let's get clean!"
(Foam falls the tubing and onto the houseguests when the whistle blows.)
Davis: "I got a Y!"
(Hangs his shorts at the end)
Kari: "I got a D!"
(Hangs her G-string up)
TK: "I got an L!"
(Hands it up at the front)
Mimi- "I got the N!"
(hangs her swimsuit up)
Matt- "I got the r!"
(hangs it with the d and the y)
Cody- "I got the a!"
(hangs it beside the l)
Rika- "I have the u!"
(hangs it beside the a)
Yolei: "what do we have?"
Houseguests: "LAUNDRY!"
(the timer stops with 2 seconds left)
(The houseguests gather their linens and other clothes for the luxury they had won)
Yolei: "You know how it works Matt and Mimi. State your case and I'll decide who to veto."
(Mimi stands up)
Mimi: "I stand freely in your decision on whom to evict. I will not be disappointed if you don't veto either Matt or Me."
(Mimi sits down)
(Matt Stands up)
Matt: "Use the Veto as you see fit, I won't be disappointed in the end result."
(Matt sits down)
Yolei: "I have decided not to use the veto."
(Sets medallion in box)
Yolei: "Meeting adjured."
(Camera shows Ndogg in front of the plasma screen showing Matt and Mimi)
Ndogg: It is Night 20 in the Big Brother house. Mimi and Matt are up for eviction, (picture changes to Yolei) as well as Yolei, the Current HOH. Only Kari, TK, Davis, Cody, and Rika are permitted to vote.
First up to vote: TK, Cody, and Rika."
TK: "In this game, these two have backstabbed me more times than Davis did last season. I vote to evict Mimi."
Cody: "In the game of hatred, no one can be trusted. I vote to evict Mimi."
Rika: "This game is a rollercoaster ride and a half. Feelings are not a factor. I vote to evict Matt."
Ndogg: "2 votes Mimi, 1 vote Matt. 3 to evict. Kari and Davis are the last to vote."
Kari: "I Vote to evict Mimi."
Davis: "I vote to evict Mimi."
Ndogg: "That is 4 for Mimi, and 1 for Matt. Mimi is evicted. Let's break the news."
(Living room, on plasma screen with the houseguests watching)
Ndogg: "The results are in." (opens envelope) "By a vote of 4 to 1, Mimi, you have been evicted from the Digimon Big Brother house. You have two minutes to say goodbye."
(Mimi says farewell to her fellow housemates)
(Mimi Walks to the studio)
Ndogg: "Leave your stuff there Mimi." (she does so) "20 days. You made it halfway."
Mimi: "I blew it on the challenges."
Ndogg: "Let us know. Matt, Cody, Davis, or TK?"
Mimi: *blushes* "Davis."
Ndogg: "We have asked the houseguests to tape a massage just in case you will be sitting here tonight."
Kari: "It's been real sister, too bad it ended to soon."
TK: "It's been a great game. I wish you luck."
Matt: "I'll miss you Meems. I'll keep you in mind."
Davis: "I fell sorry voting you out, but I'll see you on the outside."
Yolei: "I fell sorry not using the veto, it fells empty in here without you."
Cody: "It's been a wild ride, keep it real."
Rika: "Rock on, Meems, Rock on!"
Ndogg: "Well?"
Mimi: "Lovely."
Ndogg: "Soon to come, the skillful HOH challenge, a Gross veto challenge, and someone comes in the house. Enjoy."
Authors note: This is the last chapter I'll post this year. Im taking a break and gathering my ideas. See you in the '04!
-Ndogg and digidudecool