Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon Big Brother 2 ❯ 5th eviction ( Chapter 6 )
Last time on Digimon big brother 2: Mimi was evicted from the house. Cody was the new HOH, Kari won the veto and used it on Herself. What will happen on this week's big brother?
Live, be part of the chain,
The chain we call life
Don't be afraid...
Live, be part of the chain,
The chain that can't untie us
Don't be afraid..
Live, be part of the chain
the miracle of life
Don't be afraid...
Houseguests: Kari, TK, Matt, Davis, Yolei, Cody, Rika
Evicted/Expelled: Takato- Evicted Day 6 Henry(Lee)- Evicted Day 12 Joe- Expelled Day 15 Sora- Expelled Day 15 Tai- Evicted Day 16 Mimi- Say 20
Items: Davis- Bible Kari- Makeup Yolei- Combs Mimi- TK- Sunglasses Matt- Blank paper/pencil Rika- word search Book Cody- Books
:Red Room: (Davis)
Davis: "I fell bad about Mimi's eviction. It crushed me hard. What are we going to do without the old strawerry blonde?"
:Kitchen: (Kari, Davis, Rika)
Kari: "Lets have some blueberry muffins."
Davis: "Sure."
Rika: "I'll drink to that!"
(A/n: The beer can be drunk at anytime. So, some houseguests will be wasted, or for the simple folks, drunk or hung-over.)
kari(drunkly): "Heey Davishh...Let'sh go to my room and sleepish."
Davis: "Sure."
BB: "Enough partying. There's a brutal HOH contest coming up. So rest up houseguests."
:Blue Bedroom: (Davis, Kari, TK)
Davis: "What do you think the challenge is going to be?"
Kari: "Something brutal, I heard."
TK: "I hope nothing TOO brutal."
:Green Bedroom: (Matt)
Matt: (to self) "Good night sweet prince."
:Red Bedroom: (Rika)
:HOHR: (Yolei)
(Yolei is fast sleep in the circular bed, brushing her purple hair.)
DAY 21
:Porch: ( Kari, TK, Matt, Davis, Cody, Rika)
BB: "The game is called laser step. In front of you is your own pictures. There is only one solution. Step on each picture on who you think won HOH that week. If you cross a laser, a 10 second penality will be enforced. Yolei will sit out. Fastest time wins."
(Fast foward to times)
Kari: 1:40 (2 lasers broken)
TK: 2: 40 (6 lasers broken)
Matt: 1:00 (no lasers broken)
Davis :50 (1 laser broken)
Cody: 5:00 (took too long)
Rika: 1:12 (no lasers broken)
BB: "Davis wins HOH!"
Night 21
(HOH room)
:Davis, Kari:
Davis: "You want to?"
Kari: "Sure."
(they fall asleep)
Day 22
Houseguests: Kari, TK, Matt, Davis, Cody, Rika, Yolei
(Living room)
Davis: "Reward challenge!"
Davis: (reading) "Here, we have the current residents of the house, but they are out of order, put them in order, BY AGE, Youngest to oldest, fastest time wins Subway."
(Solution: Cody, Rika, Yolei, Kari, Davis, TK, Matt.)
Cody: 6:45 (4 correct)
Rika: 4:43 (all correct)
Yolei: 5:00 (4 correct)
Kari: 3:00 (all correct)
Davis 4:01 (all correct)
TK: 6:00 (1 correct)
Matt: 6:00 (all correct)
Davis: "with a time of 3 minutes even, Kari wins the subway for a week!"
Night 22
(Davis and Kari are kissing in the hot tub)
Davis: "we better stop this or they will know what is up."
Kari: "Gotcha."
Day 23
Ndogg: "It is veto challenge day. Anyone of our six reminaining houseguests can win the Power of veto. Let's get to it."
(Kari, TK, Matt, Davis, Yolei, Cody, Rika)
Ndogg: "here, you will put the order the houseguest got the veto. No time penalties will be enforced. The first one to get the three right will win."
(Solution: Davis, Kari, Yolei)
Kari: :10 (all right)
TK: 1:00 (all right)
Matt: :50 (2 right)
Davis: :40 (all right)
Yolei: 1:00 (1 right)
Cody: 1:00 (all right)
Rika: :45 (all right)
Davis: "Kari wins the Veto. Veto night is tommorrow night.:
Night 23
:HOH room:
(Sticks 4 keys in the nomination box, 2 in the sachel)
:Living Room:
( Kari, TK, Matt, Davis, Cody, Rika,Yolei)
Davis: "You know the drill."
Kari: Safe
TK: Safe
Davis: Safe
Cody: Safe
Davis: "Matt and Yolei, I nominated you because you screw up the game too much. Have a nice life!"
Day 24
Ndogg: "It is time for Kari to decide to use the veto on Matt or Yolei."
(Living room)
(To make this quick, the nomations stay the same)
Ndogg: "we vote NOW. Davis, Matt, and Yolei cannot vote. 2 votes to evict good luck."
Kari: Matt
Cody: Yolei
Rika: Yolei
(living room)
Ndogg: "The results are in. Yolei, you have been evicted."
(No interview due to time constraints)
Authors note: Please tell me what challenges you want to see the digidestined do! It can be gross, I dont care. Help me out.