Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon Big Brother ❯ epi seven ( Chapter 8 )
~~Last time on Digimon Big Brother: Takato won HOH, Joe got voted out because of his allergies/sneezing, they gained 50% more money, now at $44,300. Something unexpected happened. Their lights went out. (Note: OOPS! I forgot their prize. It was large Pizzas. Forgive me for this) Here's another Big Brother Episode for you.~~
Live, be part of the chain,
the chain we call life.
Don't be afraid..
Live, be part of the chain,
the miracle of life,
Don't be afarid,
Live, be part of the chain,
the chain that can't untie us,
Don't be afraid,
People Left:
Ken, Davis, Kari, Yolei, Takato, Rika, Lee
Month three, day thirty
(HOH Room)
Davis: HOH lasts really short, but, its rewarding.
Kari: Yep. You can boot off any annoying person you want.
Davis: That's what I enjoy about being HOH Kari.
Rika (playing pool): (A/N: they won that in a challenge I forgot to put in here) Who do you think should go gogglehead?
Takato: Maybe Yolei. She's too bitchy. (A/N: ooh! profanity!)
Rika: I agree with you gogglehead.
Takato: Wait.. Is that the only time you agree with me or is it the second time?
Rika: Second Takato.
Takato: That's a first.
BB: Go inside please.
(Living Room/Kitchen)
BB: We have checked your food and drink supply. They are low. You will have to ration them until further notice. Now it is time for the grocery competiton. You have forty-four thousand, three hundred dollars. This is the challenge. When you go outside, there will be a basketball goal in the pool. You will be divided into two different teams. The first team to score 21 points will win. Oh, by the way, each basket is one point; from the other end of the pool is two points. Good luck. On the hawkeyes, Yolei, Ken, and Rika. On the dragons, Takato, Kari and Davis. How much money you will risk?
(They huddle)
Yolei: fifty percent.
BB: fifty percent up for this challenge. You got it. You must win by two. Lee will have to sit out.
(they begin to play for two minutes and heres the half time scores: hawkeyes: 10 dragons: 14)
BB: Take a break. only for a minute.
Davis: What a game!
Yolei: Yeah!
BB: Back to the game.
(Results: Hawkeyes: 19 Dragons: 22)
BB: Dragons win. Now you have 88,600. Heres the HOH contest. While we are outside, how about a game of pool? Davis has to sit out. Lets be a pool shark!
(to make this quick, rika wins the HOH contest)
(HOH room)
Rika: Yolei has to go.
Takato: I agree.
(Living room)
Rika: Same old rules.
(Everyone pulls out a key)
Rika: I nomiate you yolei, because you cant take a joke. Ken, I nomiated you because you are gay.
BB: vote now.
(Davis and Kari enter)
Davis: Yolei.
(Living room)
BB: a vote of 2-0, Yolei, you have been evicted.
Yolei: It was fun living with the other DD. I loved it. Oh well, nothing lasts forever. Good luck guys.
Authors note: YAY! BB3 is coming! I'm doing this in honor of the Big Brother 3. Big Brother ROCKS! BTW, i MIGHT change my name back to DaiKari. R&R.