Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon Big Brother ❯ epi eight ( Chapter 9 )
~~Last time on Digimon Big Brother: Takato won HOH, Yolei got voted out because of her annoyance, they gained 50% more money, now at $88,600. (Note: OOPS! I put Davis instead of Takato!!) Here's another Big Brother Episode for you.~~
Live, be part of the chain,
the chain we call life.
Don't be afraid..
Live, be part of the chain,
the miracle of life,
Don't be afarid,
Live, be part of the chain,
the chain that can't untie us,
Don't be afraid,
People Left:
Ken, Davis, Kari, Takato, Rika
Month three, day thirty one
(A/N: OOPS! I forgot about Lee's vote. It would have been a 4-0 vote counting takato's as well.)
Takato: Well, so far, so good.
Lee: Yeah, surprized that the tamers are still standing.
Rika: The Musketters forever! (A/N: Don't be so sure about that Rika.)
Ken: This is rough. FIVE months with no contact with the outside world, Cameras Watching our every move, Rationed food and drink, I might die of hunger here!
Davis: So Lonely.
Kari: Ditto.
BB: Go to the Living Room Please.
:Living Room:
BB: The yellow and Pink bedrooms are closed. Therefore, We lift the ration of Food and drink. No food challenge. Just a re-painting of those two bedrooms. Have fun painting.
Kari: This IS fun!
Rika: Your telling me!
Davis: Yeah!!
Ken: I Can't belive im in the pink room.
Takato: Same here. Rules are rules.
Month four, day five, 3PM
BB: Please go to the living Room.
:Living Room:
BB: The reason Lee (Henry) is gone, is that there was a family emergency. He will be gone for the entire show. We will still have the challenge. Rika has to sit out. Since you re-done the Yellow and Pink bedrooms, they will be turned into a Bowling alley, There will be bowling tournament. Kari and Ken will be in the Yellow bedroom, Takato and Davis in the Pink. The shoes and balls are already provided. The alley works like a normal one like in a regular alley. Begin now.
Scores: Ken- 189 Kari- 210
Ken: The best woman won.
Kari: It was a nice game though.
Scores- Takato: 210 Davis: 211
Takato: Good Game Davis. It WAS close.
Davis: Thanks Takato. I Wish you luck tonight.
Takato: What about?
Davis: The evictions.
:Pink: (A/N: Which is now the rainboe room, the yellow is the Digiworld room)
BB: The Finals. Davis Vs. Kari. Begin Bowling.
Davis- 230 Kari- 299
Davis- Looks like I under-estimated the Queen of Light.
Kari- *blush* Davis, you're making me blush. Besides, I don't need help this time around to evict someone.
Kari: Let's see...Lee left, Takato is still here, So is Davis, Rika, and Ken.
(Kari Puts two keys in a red sack, the others in the container and carries it to the living room)
:Living room:
Kari: This is the second to last vote. After this, it will be the final four, at the final four, that will be the last vote. There will be a good pay for the last three in the house. We will begin now. (pulls out a Key) Davis, you are safe.
Davis: Last key. Drum roll please.
(All the houseguess pat the table, making a "drumroll" sound")
Davis: Takato, you are safe.
Kari: ok Ken, You cannot be trusted. You were the digimon emperor/Kaizer. We cannot allow more Evil here. Rika, I nomiated you because I can't stand your attitude. There can be only one queen. Just you wait.
BB: Vote now please in the Red room.
:Red Room:
(Davis enters)
Davis: I vote for Ken.
(Davis exits, Takato enters)
Takato: I vote for Ken.
(Takato leaves, camera pans to the couch area of the living room)
BB: By a vote of 2-0, Ken you have been evicted.
(Ken packs his things and leaves the Big Brother house, and carries his memories with him)
(Ken: I never knew I'll last this long in the Big Brother house. I'll give a shout-out to Yolei, and good luck to the house guests. Peace!)
Author's note: Ok then, Final Four is set for THIS fic. This time there will be three left. The winners amounts are as follows. The winner bags five hundred thousand digi. Second place gets two hundred, fifty thousand digi. Third place takes one hundred, twenty five thousand digi. On the Last episode, I go by votes by reviewing. Stay tuned for the FINAL chapter of Digimon Big Brother.
PS: Countdown 'till I go back to DaiKari: 1 chapter either of Big Brother or My survivor.