Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon Clone wars ❯ Good-bye Musuko! ( Chapter 20 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
“Come on, and give your best shot!” snapped Davis, “I can't tell you how eagerly I've been looking forward to this!”
Inside Imperialdramon's chest cab, Ken and Koji warned him to not use so much power at once… they didn't want to kill him!
Imperialdramon agreed, and fired his… “POSITRON LASER!!!”
But Davis just put his arm in front of him, and the Laser blast was neutralized before it even touch him.
“Unbelievable!!” cried Imperialdramon. “The Laser didn't even phase him!” added Koji.
Suddenly, the air in the room seemed to become wavy, and as it did, Imperialdramon, as well as Ken and Koji, fell onto the ground.
“Hey…what's happening!” cried Imperialdramon, “Why do we feel so heavy?” cried Ken.
“What's happening to them?” cried Cody from the corner.
“According to their weight counts!” said Izzy they each weigh more than 400 pounds each, and climbing!”
“Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha! …You're on my turf now twits!!” chuckled Davis, “Try all you like, but there's absolutely no way you can defeat me on this Ship!”
“You see… this super gravity device is linked to my powers, right now you fell rather heavy, but what would happen if you didn't weigh anything at all?”
Davis raised his arms and the gravity around the room became zero, which caused Imperialdramon and Koji and Ken to float up to the ceiling.
The only thing the other's didn't understand was… Why were they not affected by the gravity pulses.
Izzy checked their body weights… Normal!
Suddenly, Imperialdramon gasped at something, and the others saw he was looking out window at the Earth!
“It's…it's the Earth!” he cried.
“Say good-bye to it all!” said Davis, “You guys will never see that place again!”
TK stepped in front of the others, “YOU LIE, DAVIS!” he snarled, Davis turned and said… “Do I?”
TK charged forward, but before he got even one foot ahead he bumped into what appeared to be an electrical Barrier.
“Did you forget about me?” called Musuko from in his tower. The shield dropped and TK shook himself awake.
“There's no point in trying to escape!” said Musuko, “Your all inside my invisible electrical shield… try to get out, and you'll be sorry!”
Everyone tried and tried to run through, but the shield just bounced them back like rubber balls.
“Oh No!!” cried Imperialdramon from the ceiling.
“How do like this pleasure cruise so far you guys?” asked Davis, “There's more where that comes from!”
He poised his hands to the floor, and the gravity became heavy again, causing Imperialdramon, Ken and Koji to smack hard onto the floor.
“What are we going to do?” cried Sora, “Only one thing we can do!” said Matt, “We have to bust through this shield!”
“Right!” said Tai holding his rifle like a baseball bat, “You with me Matt?”… Matt nodded, “Batter up!”
Soon all of them were whacking at the shield with all they had, at least they didn't fly back.
“Fools!” said Musuko, “It is no use, you cannot break through my shield!” but they did not stop trying.
“Now it's time for you to grovel at my feet!” snapped Davis, as he clenched his fists.
Imperialdramon felt so heavy, he was beginning to break the floor beneath him.
“Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha!!! You're Finished!”
“No!” cried Ken, “It…will not…end this way!”
“We will… save you…yet!” cried Koji.
“I'll…help…you!” cried Imperialdramon.
Suddenly, all three of them glowed with white light, and very slowly and carefully began to stand up.
“Wha…What's this?” snapped Davis as he and everyone else saw them back to their feet in no time.
“Alright, Imperialdramon!” cheered Tai!.
“How can this be?” cried Davis, “You're… standing up with G-Force and its full power!”
“Davis!” cried Ken. “I'm surprised you don't remember!”
“When you fought along our side, you never gave up, even at times where all hope seemed lost… you kept going!”
“That's right!” said Tai. “We all have seen the great things you've done for us, Davis!”
“You saved not only our lives, but the entire world countless times over!” cried Yolei.
“We realize now that your being this way is our fault, not yours!” said Matt. “You gave it your all, and all we did was tease you!”
“The last thing we probably deserve is your forgiveness!” said Izzy, “But we still consider you a hero to us all!”
Everyone nodded their heads in agreement.
Kari stepped forward, “Davis, I'm really sorry!” she cried. “I should've given you the chance you fought so hard for all those years ago!
“Should've…Would've…Could've!” snapped Davis, “But the fact is… YOU DIDN'T!!!”
“I loved you with all my heart, still do to be exact, and yet you never gave a damn about me!”
Hearing those words, everyone knew there was still hope to help him. Davis never would've admitted he still loved Kari if he was completely insane.
All they needed to do, was find a way to overcome his powers, and then tempt him to came back to Earth.
Davis turned back towards Imperialdramon.
“I may have underestimated you desire to get me to go back, but I assure you, it won't be happening!”
He snapped his fingers, shutting down the G-Force. “You want to defy me… then I hit you with everything I've got!”
“We don't have a choice you guys!” said Imperialdramon. “We'll just have to play with it as it goes.”
Ken and Koji agreed. “Let's do this!”
Davis roared loudly as his thrust his arms forward, blasting a dark wave of energy counting the laser!
The two waves were equally matched, but neither one of them seemed to go towards the attackers.
The others, were still hacking away at the force field, but couldn't bring it down no matter how hard they hit it!
Suddenly, TK had an idea, the tower Musuko was in was the source of the shield.
If they can destroy it, then the shield will drop, but how were they to get through the shield.
“So long, wimps!” said Davis as he used his full power to send the blast towards Imperialdramon.
He was hit, and forced back right into a solid metal wall. “Good shot Daddy!” called Musuko from his bubble-tower.
Davis winked at his son, and then leaped up and hovered over the others at the shield. “Well guys, I'm coming to get you!”
“ARE YOU READY!!!” he snapped while charging up for the blast; everyone braced for impact…
“Huh?!” Davis whipped around just in time to see the laser coming straight for him.
He angrily jumped up and shielded himself with a barrier. “I'LL GET YOU YET!!!” he screamed.
“Keep holding him, Imperialdramon!” cried Ken, “Don't let him loose!” added Koji.
“You Morons!!” screamed Musuko, “My dad will blow you up like a rubber ball!”
“Rubber?” said TK, “That's it!” The grenades were made of rubber, and couldn't get zapped by Musuko's shield.
Everyone turned to see TK pulling the pin out of a grenade he had. “TK WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!” yelled Joe!
“Taking care of business!” answered TK as he pointed towards the tower. “NO… DON'T!” cried Kari.
She ran towards to him al knocked him off his feet, but he already threw the explosive right through the shield to the foot of the tower.
Musuko looked down… “YIPES!!!” he cried, “DADDY HELP ME!!!!”
Davis turned to the tower as the grenade exploded sending more explosions up the tower.
“MUSUKO!!!!” he cried, “BAIL OUT… BAIL OUT!!!”
Everyone gasped in fear as the explosions got closer to the bubble, and Musuko pounding at the controls to eject.
The bubble exploded sending the poor little boy to his fiery death, and the rest of the tower caved in around them.
Davis barrier ceased, and he was hit by the laser.
“YAAAAAAAAARRRRGH…ARGH!!!” He flew backwards and was whammed right into the wall so hard, the entire ship shook up.
The ceilings caved in around them, turning the whole ship into a ruined waste site!
The tubes of water shattered, and the Digimon were set free. “What happened?” asked Agumon.
“The last I remember was we were captured by, Davis and held as hostages!” said Tentomon.
“Look!” said Biyomon. The all ran towards the Digi destined, but neither one of them looked down at their Digimon.
Suddenly… they saw why. “TK… DO YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU HAVE YOU DONE!!!” sobbed Kari.
Davis shot up through a pile of rubble, he was a mess.
His battle helmet was all cracked… his outfit was tearing… his cape was all tattered… he was missing a boot… his gloves had holes in them.....and he was bruised all over the place.
But what he saw nearly caused him to freeze on the spot, and turn his blood even colder.
There, ten feet ahead, Musuko was lying on the floor perfectly still, cover in dust and blood.
Joe was checking Musuko's pulse… but he had nothing. Joe looked up to Davis, and shook his head.
“I'm so sorry, Davis!” he cried. “He's gone!”
Tears of pain welled in Davis eyes. “No… My only son!” he sobbed.
“MUSUKO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”