Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ DIGIMON: COSMIC FORCE ❯ Neptumon’s Mystical force! Kouichi’s Fearful Destiny! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: - Me no own digimon… me no own the lyrics to Digimon Movie 6 ending song "Yuuhi no Yakusoku" in this story…me don't own much…

A/N: - Hey this fic is going good… chapter two done and chapter 3 is written out on paper *lol* Hehehehe! Poor Kouichi, he's hearing voices… O_o;;

By Togepi

It's hard to ignore those voices in your head as they scream, scream at you, making you thinks things you shouldn't, do things you wouldn't…
…in the end they're in control.

Chapter Two: ~Neptumon's Mystical force! Kouichi's Fearful Destiny!

"What was that?"

Mum was scared…

"I swear I just heard something outside… hummm must of just been the wind…"

She tried to hide it…

"Scratching. I hear scratching now…"

It was trying to get in.

"It's getting louder…"

Trying to get to us.

"ARGH! What is that thing?"

It did get to us… but it wanted me…

"Kimura Kouichi, I have my orders to destroy you!"

Mum couldn't understand why it wanted to destroy me…her little boy… so she did what any parent would do… she faced it to protect me…

"I don't know what you are but your not going to destroy my son, I won't let you!"

The cat-like creature grabbed her by the throat and picked her up, she was helpless…


I screamed and screamed. I tried to attack it, with anything I could find…but nothing seemed to work… his grip tightened and I began to cry in between fits of anger…It hadn't finished with her yet…after sweeping me aside dazing me be began toying with her, hurting her… the blood…it was everywhere, all I could see was red, RED! Everywhere!
Then she fell to the ground, not moving…

I ran over to her but she was gone. I placed my head on her and sobbed, the creature was laughing, laughing at my pain, I wanted to kill it! DESTROY IT! I picked up the nearest object I could find a large piece of sharp wood from the table the creature had destroyed while toying with my mother… after a long struggle I was consumed by hate, by revenge so with a scream I plunged the wood into the creatures skull… cursing it exploded into tiny bits of data which floated around the room…which seemed to sparkle in my tear filled eyes…
…then it came towards me… all this data…of this evil creature entered my body and I couldn't stop it. I felt an overwhelming power, then they started, the voices, all around me, they wouldn't leave me alone, JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!


Kouji…you came after that… you came to help… my brother… my twin…

…please… help me…


"Kouichi… can you hear me…?"

Kouichi's dark blue eyes opened and he groaned as the bright light entered his eyes. After blinking a few times and image began coming through, a familiar image…

Kouichi's eyes moved around as he took in his surroundings. He was in a bright white place, with other people, in beds like him. Some of them were ill, some were dying, Kouichi could hear their desperate pleas to live, but no one else around him could. Eventually he tried ignoring them as a man in a long white coat came up from behind Kouji.

"Why isn't he talking to me?" kouji asked as the man looked at Kouichi's chart.

"He's had a big shock…" the man replied not even attempting to make eye contact with Kouji as he noted down a few things. "…it may take him a while to adjust to things"

Kouji remained silent as he ran his fingers through his brother's shortish navy blue hair to let him know he was there. Kouichi found this comforting as the voices and desperate secret pleas began to fade away from his mind as he once again delved back into the darkness of sleep.


"We'll be together forever, forever, Because we promised that setting sun
In lonely times, we can look at that lengthening orange
That setting sun will whisper, "It will be okay"

Kouichi awoke to the beautiful voice of a girl singing beside him, but he didn't recognize her voice. He moved his head so he could see her. Her hair was chestnut brown, her eyes as green as emeralds which sparkled in the florescent light of the room. Once she noticed Kouichi was awake she gave him a small warm smile as she held his hand.

"You'll be okay…"

Even though Kouichi didn't know this girl she seemed strangely calming, peaceful. She then stood up and spoke again, but this time her lips didn't move.

"I know the pain you're going through…" she said. "…and I'm here to help, remember that…this is your destiny…"

With that she walked off as kouji walked up to the bed Kouichi was in with their father and stepmother behind him. He looked confused at the girl as she passed getting a strange look from his father.

"Know her or something?" He asked his son.

"Not really…" Kouji replied before sitting down at kouichi's bedside, but as he did Kouichi heard Kouji's true thoughts on the girl.

"What was she doing here? Does what happened to Kouichi have something to do with those "Planets" she mentioned to us…?

"Planets?" Kouichi thought to himself then he remembered something about the creature that attacked him, it had a strange symbol on it… the symbol for a planet…

"Nep…tune…" Kouichi mumbled getting Kouji's rather puzzled attention, before once again blacking out to the world around him.


"So I guess we'll have to take him in then…"

"Of course we do… he's your son…"

Kouichi was awake but he kept his eyes closed this time, he didn't want his father and stepmother know he was listening to them.

"He stopped being my son the day SHE took him away…"

"How could you say something like that? Kouichi's your son, he's no different from Kouji"

"Kouichi reminds me of HER, of those awful times with her, I thought both were out of my life for good…"

Kouichi then heard a comment from his father no one heard but him.

"I resent the day Kouji and Kouichi met each other… it would have been easier if they'd never met…"

Kouichi, shocked by his father's thoughts of him, tried hard to fight back tears until both had left his bedside before letting his feelings flood out silently.

"Kouichi, what's wrong?"

Kouichi opened his eyes to see a blurred image beside him, which was Kouji with a look of concern on his face. Kouichi couldn't bare him to see him like this so turned on his side so that Kouji couldn't see his face. Kouji realized Kouichi would rather be left alone so he just sat quietly in the chair beside the bed and began reading a magazine he had brought with him, only occasionally looking up at kouichi to check on him.

Kouichi could still hear his father's thoughts, he tried to block them out but he couldn't.

"I'll never except him as my son, never…"