Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon Dark Journey ❯ Chapter 20 Complications ( Chapter 20 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 20 “This just keeps getting more complicated.”
They were all seated against the walls of the tunnels, talking. “So you're Corben Cypher and you're… well… how'd you get here?” asked Takato.
“I'm not really sure… but I'm getting a little sick of everything trying to kill me. Blackryudamon is the only thing keeping me in relatively one piece.”
“Well at least we found you…” said Henry. “Now if only we knew why you are important.
“If I knew that… I'm not sure. Alright, can somebody…” began Corben, but he was interrupted by Tina.
“Start from the beginning?” she smiled.
“YES! Please?”
And so the story thus far was recounted. Some things, like romance, were left out, but for the most part, it was the same story.
“Well that's… damnit. Didn't you already save the world?” Corben asked, looking at the assembled Digidestined.
“Yes, they did. Everyone here has done it at least once. Problem is, like we said… We left the job unfinished. And we need your help to save it completely. Or at least, I'm assuming so, since here you are…”
Corben looked at Blackryudamon. “Well, I'm in. I want to go home… I suspect I'm not going there unless I help you.”
“Please. Help,” asked Blackryudamon.
“Guess that's it then.”
“Great, so we found the source of the signal… what next?” asked Takato. Rika mused next to him.
“Renamon? Any ideas?”
“Not right now, Rika… unless perhaps it is to look for information.”
“Good idea Renamon,” said Tina. “We should, for now, look into finding info on the status of the enemy. We know the locations of Lilithmon's and Barbamon's castles, but not Leviamon's location. And we don't currently know the extent to which the Dark Area has reconnected.”
Quickly it was decided they would head for the nearest section lord for a little spying, to see what they could find. Unfortunately for them, that meant Astamon, a king of the Dark Area they'd never encountered before.
“It's nice to meet you Musouka. What are you doing here though?” asked Kari.
Meanwhile, Lucas was talking with the others about the fact that Musouka's name fit “The Dreamer.” It was going to be a long day.
// I apologize for the incomplete chapter. I'm going to work on it, assuming my testing of the reboot falls through. I am going back to the beginning and reworking the finer details of the story, but leaving the overall points much the same. It's still seasons 1-5, but I'm reducing the number of character I deal with at any one time, etc. just check it out, let me know, and I'll try to get a proper chapter 20 up meantime. This isn't a vote or anything, but whichever story I feel is better, hopefully supported by my meager fanbase, will continue.
////chapter more complete. Still working on the Musouka half, but I have to go back through my story to check things. Meanwhile, let me know what you think of this and the new story as well. Thanks.