Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon E-mail Surveys ❯ ken ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
*.digimon e mail survey chapter 7.*

disclamer: i own digimon !!! bwahahahaha well not realy . . . well no :*( i don't own ken eateher

a/n: hiya everone im doing cody next lol hope you like this one ^-^

subj: survey please fill out and send to other digidestan
to:tkpatomon@aol.com,angelofli ght@aol.com,Ihavetheknowledge@aol.com,goggles12345@aol.com,computermaster23 23@aol.com,soccarchamp@aol.com
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*
name: ken

nick name: . . . ken . . . well rocket

name you hate to be called: kenny ( yolie )

bros or sis: lets leave it at this i had a brother

parents: mom & dad

best friends: em let me see tk, kari,yolei, cody, davis, matt, sora, mimi, Tai, Joe, izzy and a lot of digimon

boyfriend / girl friend: ( thank yolei <3) yolei

hight: 5'5

weight: 130

age: 13

hari: purple

eyes: purple

crest: cindiness



thing to do: ( me 2 yolei) hang out with my friends, fight evil in the digitalworld, go to the digitalworld

book: monkies lol my brother used to read it to me all the time

magazine: does the newspaper count

fav digi moment: ( hey me 2)whean i went back to good lil boy

sadest digi moment: whean worm died b-cause of me but he came back

fav pre school moment: well i went but i realy dont have a fav moment

fav grade school moment: i dont know wat my fav moment

fav Jr. highschool moment:
meatingyolei,kari,tk,davis,cody,and all the others and going to the digital world

fav sport: soccar

number: 1 b-casue im #1 lol

flower: im a guyi dont realy like flowers

movie: scream 1-3 but part 3 was realy realy how do i put this dumb

tv show: who want to be a millinar ( i do i do )

thing i say too much: ( you love me you realy love me)
em im sorry . . . .

food: anthing my mom cook's

thing to do on line: chat, go in to chat with my friends look at web sights check mail send mail

how much mony do you have on you know: ( kari how much do u have ?? u cant have more than me ) i have 25 $ 'n 74 cents ( who has more??)

pets: ( i like monkies we all r monkies did u know that oh and davis is one 2 if you did know) monkies lol
(a/n: srry i could help my self )

pets i have now: i think i have a fish but i do have wormmon

school subject: well u would thibnk i like all subjects but i dont like any to tell the truth but gym is all right

do you belive in . . .

out side live: ya davis and tai are from thear

best friends becoming more: yes

love @ first sight: ( you did so did i) yup yolei

solemates: yes i found mine

angels: yup b-casue tk, patomon, kari, and gotomon are the angels of hope and light

destany: yes

fate: yup

who will reply to this surevy first:'( did i respond first ??) tai

question you want to answer: i dont know

question you want answer: yes y did tai make this ??


he y all how was it?? if it suc please tell me and if u dont like my spelling deal wit it casue my spell cheak does not work on aol and im not going to copy 'n past it on 2 my ms word kk