Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon: Fusion ❯ Prologue 4: ...Remains As Ice... ( Chapter 4 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Well, last time I checked TOEI still owns Digimon... But come on, release some infor on Digimon World 4 already!

Alan, Reilmon, Chris and Thiemon are characters made by me. Michael and Nagmon are property of Michael. Kina Yamakai and Katzemon are property of Kae-chan. Gentatsu and Arumon are from Cristian...

One thing before we start, this story I call Digimon: Fusion is basically my attempt at making a "5th season", hopefully one will come out though, but anyway, hope you'll like this.

Digimon: Fusion - Prologue 4 - ...Remains As Ice...

(This chapter is the fourth of a 6 chapter prologue, after the 6th chapter, the actual story will begin...)

It was a calm afternoon, the sky clear and the sun shining down on the people. Cars ran in streets as usual in rush hour, and people minded their own business. It was the 27th of August of 2009. It was a green meadow, somewhat far from the actual city, a young man with straight white silvery hair, down to his shoulders, he currently was wearing a pair of black jeans, with a brown belt, with two maple-colored pockets on the sides, a black shirt, with 3 laces on the neck, all making a X, above all, a brownish cape. A pair of long boots, reaching slightly up the ankle, but disappearing inside the jeans, on his neck a necklace rests with an egipician bettle stone, supposedly housing the soul of the wearer, on it's sides are 5 new-looking chinese coins and on the other 5 worn out looking chinese coins too, signifying the past and future, his allies in combat and his hopes. It is supposed one can not die while wearing this...

A small breeze blew by and his hair swayed, he took the small camera hanging besides his necklace and took a couple of pictures of various things, mainly about nature, having a deep passion for photography he usually spends his free time taking pictures of nature, altough scouting for every rare phenomenon or scope in hopes of getting a bit of fame...

Nothing fancy catching his eye, but good nonetheless he emptied the current roll, which he took out and stashes on the left pocket on the belt, from the right one, he took a fresh one and loaded it.

He looked around, but nothing else was looking good, at least that hadn't snapped a picture at yet... He gazed up at the sky. took a deep breath and looked at his watch. He was a bit hungry already, he searched his jeans' pockets and found some money, he left it there and headed down the path towards the city...

The path was calm, nothing much was there, he looked to his right, and saw a cat... Upon closer inspection he saw it was grey colored, and on it's 4 paws it had a small cross, in a white tone, he quickly grabbed his camera but when he looked at where the cat was, only the ground remained, he frowned and lowered his camera, and continued down the path.

He finally reached the border which separated the forest, he entered a street, being greeted by the rushing cars, he crosses the street and walked down towards one of the closest restaurants to his current position, thinking about what he just saw. Turning a corned a small greyish shadow caugght his attention, which quickly vanished inside a dark alley. With his hope of finding the cat again and this time taking a picture of it he rushed in, disappearing from the main street.

It was a little dark, but he soon grew used to the darkness, and walked down, no sight of the mysterious cat everywhere, he walked down through some stairs and was in front of a tunnel, which he entered, the darkness even bigger, he moved forward, his hand sticking to the wall, and hoping nothing will crawl up it. He reached the exit and was greeted with some light, he kept walking and hear a noise above him, a step or two, then a hastened pace, he looked upwards but managed only to catch a glimpse of a shadow jumping, with no means on getting up there he quickened his path.

Turning a corned a small growl greeted him, a rabid-looking dog was there, black looking, but then again, the darkness was strong there, he carefully picked his camera and readied the flash, and shot at it, which dazzled the dog, he sneaked past it and rushed, hoping the effect would last a little more. Quickened steps behind him told him not, and he rushed. Reaching a dead end he did the only thing he could, step in a box and jump, hoping to grab the ledge, his camera swung to his side and landed on his back, saving itself from the "lethal" blow it would have been to it.

He grabbed the ledge and raised himself upwards, escaping the door, but looking back he didn't saw it was just a wall, and moving forward he fell, landing on a big pile of bags, probably filled with trash. He shook the dust out of his clothes and continued, somewhat regretting his idea into coming here, his hunger raising.

A small light on the corner made him believe he had reached an exit and rushed, only to reach a clearing between various buildings, and from 4 other alleys, 2 boys and 2 girls also stepped out...

Oh well, if it got shorter, I don't care, I've seen worse, but how much can I work in a prologue with only one character on it?

Anyway, you know the drill, Alan, Reilmon, Chris and Thiemon are mine, PERIOD. Michael and Nagmon are property of Michael. Kina and Katzemon are from Kae-chan. And Gentatsu and Arumon are from Cristian.... So nothing fancy with any of those without their permission..

Signed as usual,
Alan "Gray Fox" Quirino - grayfox_2510@hotmail.com
Until next time!
Prologue 5: ...Through Our Decissions...