Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Digimon: Fusion ❯ Prologue 6: ...Even On A Different World ( Chapter 6 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Well, last time I checked TOEI still owns Digimon... But come on, release some infor on Digimon World 4 already!

Alan, Reilmon, Chris and Thiemon are characters made by me. Michael and Nagmon are property of Michael. Kina Yamakai and Katzemon are property of Kae-chan. Gentatsu and Arumon are from Cristian, and that's pretty much all for the ownership thingy...

One thing before we start, this story I call Digimon: Fusion is basically my attempt at making a "5th season", hopefully one will come out though, but anyway, hope you'll like this.

Digimon: Fusion - Prologue 6 - ...Even on a Different World.

(This chapter is the sixth and final of a 6 chapter prologue, after this chapter, the actual story will begin...)

It was a calm afternoon, the sky clear and the sun shining down on the people. Cars ran in streets as usual in rush hour, and people minded their own business. It was the 27th of August of 2009. Now a couple of hours later, in a dim lit area, between 4 buildings, with 5 exits leading to alleys, 3 boys and 2 girls stepped in.

On the southwest, a boy of about 15 years, 1.78 meters tall, wearing grayish jeans, a completely black shirt, with a small flame on the bottom running along, blue-gray sneakers, a necklace with the yinyang symbol attached to it. A wind current blew his hair sideways, reaching up to the mouth, straight down in blonde, the last inch in black, his gray eyes flashed with the light...

To his right, was a girl of about 14 years old, about 1.73 meters tall. Wearing a white shirt, with a black vest over it, a pair of black jeans, and a gray half skirt (The front exposed, the back covered) with red colored sneakers. A small yellow colored bracelet clinked in her right hand, her hair swayed sideways too, being blonde, it was tied to the back, with two stripes as par se running down on the sides. Her yellow eyes burned like a cat's eye...

On the east, and right of Chris was another girl, this one of 13 ages, around 1.63 meters long. She was wearing a dark green t-shirt, over it, a dark red vest, with blue jeans, at the bottom a line of white flames running, she put on her black shoes and left her red finger-less gloves on. Her hair was short and blonde, in a spiky style. Her deep emerald eyes blinked...

On the north of the clearing and in front of Alan and Chris was a boy, 16 years old and 1.75 meters tall, and currently wearing a green shirt, the front had no design on it whatsoever, the back was covered by a long trenchcoat, and a pair of jeans, with brownish looking sneakers. His brown hair swayed, reaching his mouth. His brown eyes stared sideways...

And lastly, in the west, and in front of Kina and left of Michael entered another boy, this time also 16 years old, 1.86 meters long. And wearing a pair of black jeans, with a brown belt, with two maple-colored pockets on the sides, a black shirt, with 3 laces on the neck, all making a X, above all, a brownish cape. A pair of long boots, reaching slightly up the ankle, but disappearing inside the jeans, on his neck a necklace rests with an egipician bettle stone, supposedly housing the soul of the wearer, on it's sides are 5 new-looking chinese coins and on the other 5 worn out looking chinese coins too, signifying the past and future, his allies in combat and his hopes. His silvery hair, reaching his back also swayed, his blue eyes shone with the light...

They all looked at each other for a while, exchanging various glances, Gentatsu being the first one to take a step forward, followed by Alan, Michael, Chris and lastly Kina.

"What is this place, and how come we entered at the same time?" he asked.

"I'm wondering the same thing..." added Alan.

"Well, more importantly, why did you all reached this place?" questioned Kina.

"I believe I saw a fox-looking shadow..."

"I chased a pretty weird looking cat here, but it vanished somewhere..."

"I heard a flapping like noise, as if something was flying down here, bested by my own curiosity I came..."

"I was just taking my usual 'shortcut' and heard some footsteps, and decided to track them down..." the four looked at Kina, since she had started this.

"Some guy knocked me and my basketball bounced over, I heard footsteps behind me and dashed, leaving my ball there..."

At this last answer they all fell in silence... And after an awkward moment they all presented themselves, they kept talking for a moment, as if being there was a common thing, a white light shot from the floor between the five and went upwards, filling the place with a bright light, they all covered their eyes to shield themselves and when the light went down the opened their eyes. In front of each of them was floating a strange device, it looked like a small walkie-talkie you could say, a small LCD screen on the middle, a tringle like arrow on the right of the screen, and looking in the same direction, the same for the other 3 directions, the screen being in the middle, on the back was a small hole, as if for plugging in something... Each device sported a different design in color.

Alan's was seemingly gray, with flame patterns running along.

Chris' was a black color, with white lines on it as if making a figure.

Michael's was sky blue, green streaks running along.

Kina's was yellow looking, with black colored lightning strokes running through it.

And Gentatsu's was black with a white cross on the front, in a X way.

They all took a step, looked at each other, nodded and they all reached for them at the same time. When they all grabbed their own, the white pillar appeared again, this time not as blinding as before, but shiny nonetheless, they all absent-mindedly pointed their device at the pillar and dematerialized into thin air, leaving no trace whatsoever, save for a basketball which no one knew was from Kina... The light disappeared, and the strange spot returned to normal.............

I finished the bloody prologue! Yay for me... Ahem... Anyway, I was thinking of introducing the Digimons here but I thought this chapter would have been as short as the olders, so I decided to save it for the first actual chapter...

Oh yeah, you guessed it, here we go! Alan, Reilmon, Chris and Thiemon are characters made by me. Michael and Nagmon are property of Michael. Kina Yamakai and Katzemon are property of Kae-chan. Gentatsu and Arumon are from Cristian, so nothing fancy with them, eh?

A line of review would be good by the way ^^;;;

Signed as usual,
Alan "Gray Fox" Quirino - grayfox_2510@hotmail.com
Until next time!
Chapter 1: Meeting Our Digital Partners!